80R756 JTS-D
  By: Nelson S.B. No. 39
relating to a cancer drug donation program.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 431, Health and Safety Code, is amended
by adding Subchapter O to read as follows:
       Sec. 431.451.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
             (1)  "Cancer drug" means a prescription drug used to
                   (A)  cancer or its side effects; or
                   (B)  the side effects of a prescription drug used
to treat cancer or its side effects.
             (2)  "Department" means the Department of State Health
             (3)  "Health care facility" means:
                   (A)  a general or special hospital as defined by
Chapter 241;
                   (B)  an ambulatory surgical center licensed under
Chapter 243;
                   (C)  an institution licensed under Chapter 242;
                   (D)  any other facility, including an outpatient
clinic, that provides diagnosis or treatment services to patients
with cancer.
             (4)  "Participant" means a physician's office,
pharmacy, or health care facility that has elected to participate
in the program and that accepts donated cancer drugs and supplies
under the rules adopted by the department for the program.
             (5)  "Pharmacy" means an entity licensed under Chapter
560, Occupations Code.
             (6)  "Physician's office" means the office of a person
licensed to practice medicine in this state or another state of the
United States.
             (7)  "Practitioner" has the meaning assigned by Section
551.003, Occupations Code.
             (8)  "Prescription drug" has the meaning assigned by
Section 551.003, Occupations Code.
             (9)  "Program" means the cancer drug donation program
created under this subchapter.
             (10)  "Supplies" means any supplies used in the
administration of a cancer drug.
       Sec. 431.452.  DONATION TO PROGRAM.  (a)  A person may donate
a cancer drug or supplies to the program at a physician's office,
pharmacy, or health care facility that elects to participate in the
program and meets criteria established by the department for
       (b)  A person may not donate, through the program, a cancer
drug or supplies for a specific individual.
       (c)  A participant may not resell a cancer drug or supplies
donated to the program.
       Sec. 431.453.  DISTRIBUTION. A cancer drug or supplies
distributed to an eligible individual under the program must:
             (1)  be prescribed by a practitioner for use by an
eligible individual; and
             (2)  be dispensed by a pharmacist.
(a)  Except as provided by this subsection, a cancer drug or
supplies may only be accepted or dispensed under the program if the
drug is in its original, unopened, sealed, and tamper-evident
unit-dose packaging. A cancer drug packaged in single unit doses
may be accepted and dispensed if the outside packaging is opened but
the single-unit-dose packaging is unopened.
       (b)  A cancer drug may not be accepted or dispensed under the
program if the drug:
             (1)  bears an expiration date that is earlier than six
months after the date the drug was donated; or
             (2)  is adulterated or misbranded as determined under
Subsection (c).
       (c)  Before being dispensed to an eligible individual, a
cancer drug or supplies donated under the program must be inspected
by a pharmacist to determine that the drug or supplies are not
adulterated or misbranded.
       (d)  A dispenser of donated products may not submit a claim
or otherwise seek reimbursement from any public or private third
party payer for donated drugs dispensed to an eligible individual
under the program, and a public or private third party payer is not
required to provide reimbursement for donated drugs dispensed to an
individual through the program.
(a)  A participant shall comply with all applicable provisions of
state and federal law relating to the storage, distribution, and
dispensing of donated cancer drugs.
       (b)  A participant may charge a nominal handling fee for
distributing or dispen
sing cancer drugs or supplies under the
(a)  To be eligible to receive cancer drugs or supplies under the
program, an individual must be uninsured or underinsured, as
determined by department rule.
       (b)  An individual who is eligible to receive drugs or
supplies under the medical assistance program under Chapter 32,
Human Resources Code, or under any other prescription drug program
funded wholly or partly by the state is not eligible to receive
cancer drugs or supplies under the program.
       Sec. 431.457.  RULES. The department, on the recommendation
of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, shall adopt rules to carry out
this subchapter. Rules adopted under this section must address:
             (1)  eligibility criteria, including a method to
determine priority of recipients under the program;
             (2)  standards and procedures for participants that
accept, store, distribute, or dispense donated cancer drugs or
             (3)  necessary forms for administration of the program,
including forms for use by persons who donate, accept, distribute,
or dispense cancer drugs or supplies under the program;
             (4)  the maximum handling fee that may be charged by a
participant under Section 431.455(b);
             (5)  categories of cancer drugs and supplies that the
program will accept for dispensing;
             (6)  categories of cancer drugs and supplies that the
program will not accept for dispensing and the reason that such
drugs and supplies will not be accepted; and
             (7)  maintenance and distribution of the participant
registry established under Section 431.458.
       Sec. 431.458.  PARTICIPANT REGISTRY. The department shall
establish and maintain a participant registry for the program. The
department shall make the participant registry available to any
person wishing to donate cancer drugs or supplies to the program.
The participant registry shall:
             (1)  include the participant's name, address, and
telephone number; and
             (2)  identify whether the participant is a physician's
office, a pharmacy, or a health care facility.
       Sec. 431.459.  LIABILITY. (a)  A donor of a cancer drug or
supplies, or a participant in the program who exercises reasonable
care in donating, accepting, distributing, or dispensing cancer
drugs or supplies under the program, is not criminally liable, is
not civilly liable for damages other than economic damages, and is
not subject to professional disciplinary action for bodily injury,
death, or property damage that arises from those activities.
       (b)  A pharmaceutical manufacturer is not liable for
damages, other than economic damages, for bodily injury, death, or
property damage that arise from the transfer of a prescription drug
under this subchapter, including liability for failure to transfer
or communicate product or consumer information regarding the
transferred drug, including the expiration date of the transferred
       SECTION 2.  The Department of State Health Services shall
adopt initial rules for Subchapter O, Chapter 431, Health and
Safety Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 2007.
       SECTION 3.  (a)  Section 431.459, Health and Safety Code, as
added by this Act, applies only to a cause of action that accrues on
or after the effective date of this Act. An action that accrued
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
applicable to the action immediately before the effective date of
this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       (b)  Section 431.459, Health and Safety Code, as added by
this Act, is an exercise of authority under Section 66(c), Article
III, Texas Constitution, and takes effect only if this Act receives
a vote of three-fifths of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 66(e) of that article.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.