By: Shapiro, Seliger  S.B. No. 101
         (In the Senate - Filed November 13, 2006; January 29, 2007,
  read first time and referred to Subcommittee on Higher Education;
  April 30, 2007, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute from Committee on Education by the following vote:  
  Yeas 7, Nays 2; April 30, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to limitations on the automatic admission of undergraduate
  students to general academic teaching institutions.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 51.803 and 51.807, Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
  (a)  Subject to Subsection (c), each [Each] general academic
  teaching institution shall admit an applicant for admission to the
  institution as an undergraduate student if the applicant graduated
  with a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's
  high school graduating class in one of the two school years
  preceding the academic year for which the applicant is applying for
  admission and:
               (1)  the applicant graduated from a public or private
  high school in this state accredited by a generally recognized
  accrediting organization or from a high school operated by the
  United States Department of Defense;
               (2)  the applicant completed the curriculum
  requirements established under Section 28.025 for the recommended
  or advanced high school program, or an equivalent curriculum at a
  high school to which that section does not apply; and
               (3)  [.     To qualify for admission under this section,
  an applicant must submit an application before the expiration of
  any application filing deadline established by the institution
  and,] if the applicant graduated from a high school operated by the
  United States Department of Defense, the applicant is [must be] a
  Texas resident under Section 54.052 or is [be] entitled to pay
  tuition fees at the rate provided for Texas residents under Section
  54.058(d) for the term or semester to which admitted.
         (b)  To qualify for admission under this section, an
  applicant must submit an application before the expiration of any
  application filing deadline established by the institution.
         (c)  A general academic teaching institution is not required
  to admit under Subsection (a) more than 60 percent of the
  institution's first-time resident undergraduate students in an
  academic year. If the number of applicants who qualify for
  automatic admission to a general academic teaching institution
  under Subsection (a) exceeds 60 percent of the institution's
  enrollment capacity designated for first-time resident
  undergraduate students, the institution may elect to offer
  admission to those applicants as provided by this subsection and
  not as otherwise required by Subsection (a). If the institution
  elects to offer admission under this subsection, the institution
  shall offer admission to those applicants by percentile rank
  according to class standing based on grade point average, beginning
  with the top percentile rank, until the applicants qualified under
  Subsection (a) have been offered admission in the number estimated
  in good faith by the institution as sufficient to fill 50 percent of
  the institution's enrollment capacity designated for first-time
  resident undergraduate students, except that the institution must
  offer admission to all applicants with the same percentile rank. In
  addition to those admissions, until applicants qualified under
  Subsection (a) have been offered admission in the number estimated
  in good faith by the institution as sufficient to fill 60 percent of
  the designated enrollment capacity described by this subsection,
  the institution shall offer to applicants qualified for automatic
  admission under Subsection (a) admission in the same manner as
  other applicants for admission as first-time undergraduate
  students in accordance with Section 51.805, except that the
  institution may not consider applicants other than those applicants
  qualified under Subsection (a). After the applicants qualified for
  automatic admission under Subsection (a) have been offered
  admission under this subsection in the number estimated in good
  faith as sufficient to fill 60 percent of the designated enrollment
  capacity described by this subsection, the institution shall
  consider any remaining applicants qualified for automatic
  admission under Subsection (a) in the same manner as other
  applicants for admission as first-time undergraduate students in
  accordance with Section 51.805.
         (d)  Each general academic teaching institution that elects
  to offer admission to applicants as permitted by Subsection (c)
               (1)  from money appropriated for the purpose, in the
  amount of $4 million each state fiscal year, award financial
  assistance to resident undergraduate students who enroll at the
               (2)  adopt a written policy to provide for recruiting
  and retention efforts directed at underrepresented groups such as
  racial or ethnic minority groups; and
               (3)  seek from civic and community leaders and
  organizations input regarding the impact of this section on student
  access to and academic success in higher education.
         (e)  Regardless of whether a general academic teaching
  institution elects to offer admission under Subsection (c), if the
  number of applicants who qualify for automatic admission to the
  institution under Subsection (a) exceeds 60 percent of the
  institution's enrollment capacity designated for first-time
  resident undergraduate students, the institution shall provide to
  each school district, for dissemination to high school junior-level
  students and to the parents of those students, notice of which
  percentile ranks of high school senior-level students are
  anticipated by the institution to be automatically offered
  admission under Subsection (c) during the next school year if the
  institution elects to offer admission under that subsection.
         (f)  This subsection applies only to a university system that
  includes more than one general academic teaching institution.
  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), in an academic year in which a
  component general academic teaching institution of the university
  system elects to offer admission to applicants as provided by
  Subsection (c), if an applicant for admission as a first-time
  resident undergraduate student who is qualified for automatic
  admission under Subsection (a) is not admitted to the institution
  under this section because the institution offers admission to
  applicants under Subsection (c) and the applicant is otherwise
  denied admission to the institution, the university system shall:
               (1)  treat the application as an application for
  admission to any of the system's other component general academic
  teaching institutions that for that same academic year do not offer
  admission to applicants as provided by Subsection (c); and
               (2)  offer the applicant admission to each of those
  other component institutions.
         (g)  After admitting an applicant under this section, the
  institution shall review the applicant's record and any other
  factor the institution considers appropriate to determine whether
  the applicant may require additional preparation for college-level
  work or would benefit from inclusion in a retention program. The
  institution may require a student so identified to enroll during
  the summer immediately after the student is admitted under this
  section to participate in appropriate enrichment courses and
  orientation programs. This section does not prohibit a student who
  is not determined to need additional preparation for college-level
  work from enrolling, if the student chooses, during the summer
  immediately after the student is admitted under this section.
         (h)  Subsection (a)(2) does not apply to an applicant who
  graduated from a public high school that does not offer the
  curriculum established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or
  advanced high school program.
         (i)  An applicant who does not satisfy the curriculum
  requirements of Subsection (a)(2) is considered to have satisfied
  those requirements if the high school from which the student
  graduated indicates on the student's transcript that the student
  completed the portion of the curriculum that was available to the
  student but was unable to complete the curriculum solely because
  courses necessary to complete the curriculum were unavailable to
  the student at the appropriate times in the student's high school
  career as a result of course scheduling, lack of enrollment
  capacity, or another cause not within the student's control.
         Sec. 51.807.  RULEMAKING.  (a)  The Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board may adopt rules relating to the operation of
  admissions programs under this subchapter, including rules
  relating to the identification of eligible students [and the
  reporting requirements of Section 51.806].
         (b)  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in
  consultation with the Texas Education Agency by rule shall
  establish standards for determining for purposes of this subchapter
  whether a person completed a high school curriculum that is
  equivalent to the curriculum established under Section 28.025 for
  the recommended or advanced high school program.
         SECTION 2.  Subsection (g), Section 28.025, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (g)  If a student, other than a student permitted to take
  courses under the minimum high school program as provided by
  Subsection (b), is unable to complete the recommended or advanced
  high school program solely because necessary courses were
  unavailable to the student at the appropriate times in the
  student's high school career as a result of course scheduling, lack
  of enrollment capacity, or another cause not within the student's
  control, the school district, [shall indicate that fact] on the
  student's transcript form described by Subsection (e), shall:
               (1)  indicate whether the student completed those
  courses necessary to complete the program that were available to
  the student; and
               (2)  identify those courses necessary to complete the
  program that were unavailable to the student as a result of course
  scheduling, lack of enrollment capacity, or another cause not
  within the student's control.
         SECTION 3.  Section 28.026, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  (a)  The board of trustees of a school district shall require each
  high school in the district to post appropriate signs in each
  counselor's office, in each principal's office, and in each
  administrative building indicating the substance of Section 51.803
  regarding automatic college admission. To assist in the
  dissemination of this information, the school district shall:
               (1)  require that each high school counselor and class
  advisor be provided a detailed explanation of the substance of
  Section 51.803;
               (2)  provide each district student, at the time the
  student first registers for one or more classes required for high
  school graduation, with a written notification of the substance of
  Section 51.803;
               (3)  require that each high school counselor and senior
  class advisor explain to eligible students the substance of Section
  51.803; and
               (4) [(3)]  provide each eligible senior student under
  Section 51.803, at the commencement of a class's senior year, with a
  written notification of the student's eligibility with a detailed
  explanation of the substance of Section 51.803.
         (b)  The commissioner shall adopt forms to use in providing
  notice under Subsections (a)(2) and (4). In providing notice under
  Subsection (a)(2) or (4), a school district shall use the
  appropriate form adopted by the commissioner.
         (c)  The commissioner shall adopt procedures to ensure that,
  as soon as practicable after this subsection becomes law, each
  school district provides written notification of the substance of
  Section 51.803, as amended by the 80th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2007, to each district student who, for the 2007-2008
  school year, registers for the first time for one or more courses
  required for high school graduation.  The commissioner may adopt
  rules under this subsection in the manner provided by law for
  emergency rules.  Each district shall comply with the procedures
  adopted by the commissioner under this subsection.  This subsection
  expires September 1, 2008.
         SECTION 4.  Section 51.4032, Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 694, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  is amended to read as follows:
  EDUCATION. Not later than December 1 [July 31] of each year and in
  the form prescribed by the coordinating board, each general
  academic teaching institution and medical and dental unit as
  defined in Section 61.003 shall provide to the Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board and shall publish on the institution's
  website a report describing the composition of the institution's
  entering class of students. The report must include a demographic
  breakdown of the class, including a breakdown by race, ethnicity,
  [and] economic status, and high school class standing. A report
  submitted by a general academic teaching institution or medical and
  dental unit as defined in Section 61.003 must include separate
  demographic breakdowns of the students admitted under Sections
  51.803, 51.804, and 51.805 and a description of any plans,
  policies, or programs developed or implemented by the institution
  to recruit and retain students from underrepresented groups such as
  racial or ethnic minority groups.
         SECTION 5.  The change in law made by this Act applies
  beginning with admissions to institutions of higher education for
  the 2008-2009 academic year. Admissions to an institution of
  higher education before that academic year are governed by the law
  in effect before the effective date of this Act, and the former law
  is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
  shall adopt rules relating to the admission of students under
  Section 51.803, Education Code, as amended by this Act, as soon as
  practicable after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
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