80R500 MSE-D
  By: Patrick, Dan S.B. No. 186
relating to the protection of life, including unborn life, from the
point of fertilization; providing penalties.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 170, Health and Safety Code, is amended
by adding Section 170.003 to read as follows:
       Sec. 170.003.  POLICY; CONTINGENT REPEALER. (a)
Notwithstanding this chapter, Chapter 171 of this code, Chapter 245
of this code, Chapter 33, Family Code, or any other statute
regulating abortion, it is the policy of this state that life,
including unborn life, is protected from the point of
       (b)  In the event that the attorney general of this state
determines that the United States Constitution no longer prohibits
a state from banning abortion and publishes and widely publicizes
that fact as required by Section 50.01, Penal Code:
             (1)  the following laws are repealed on the date
Sections 50.02-50.06, Penal Code, take effect:
                   (A)  Sections 170.001 and 170.002 of this code;
                   (B)  Chapter 171 of this code;
                   (C)  Chapter 245 of this code; and
                   (D)  Chapter 33, Family Code; and
             (2)  Sections 164.052(a)(18) and (19), Occupations
Code, have no effect and may not be enforced.
       SECTION 2.  Articles 4512.1, 4512.2, 4512.3, 4512.4, and
4512.6, Revised Statutes, are transferred to Title 10, Penal Code,
redesignated as Chapter 50, Penal Code, and reenacted and amended
to read as follows:
GENERAL. (a)  Sections 50.02-50.06 take effect only after the
attorney general of this state:
             (1)  determines based on a decision by the United
States Supreme Court or a newly ratified amendment to the federal
constitution that the United States Constitution no longer
prohibits a state from banning abortion that is not procured on
medical advice for the purpose of preventing the death of the
mother; and
             (2)  publishes that determination in the Texas Register
and contemporaneously widely publicizes that determination by a
variety of means, including publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in each county for which there is a newspaper of general
       (b)  The attorney general shall monitor federal legal
developments for purposes of this section and shall act as required
by Subsection (a) not later than the 60th day after the date a
decision described by Subsection (a) becomes final or an amendment
described by Subsection (a) becomes effective.
       (c)  Sections 50.02-50.06 take effect on the 60th day after
the date the attorney general's determination is published in the
Texas Register.
       Sec. 50.02.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "abortion" means
the destruction, or the causation of premature birth for the
purpose of destruction, of [Art. 4512.1.  ABORTION. If any person
shall designedly administer to a pregnant woman or knowingly
procure to be administered with her consent any drug or medicine, or
shall use towards her any violence or means whatever externally or
internally applied, and thereby procure an abortion, he shall be
confined in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than five
years; if it be done without her consent, the punishment shall be
doubled. By "abortion" is meant that] the life of the fetus or
embryo [shall be destroyed] in a [the] woman's womb [or that a
premature birth thereof be caused].
       Sec. 50.03.  ABORTION. (a) A person commits an offense if
the person, with a woman's consent, produces an abortion by:
             (1)  administering to the woman or procuring for
administration to the woman any drug or medicine for the purpose of
producing an abortion;
             (2)  applying any external or internal means to the
woman for the purpose of producing an abortion; or
             (3)  furnishing to another the means to produce an
abortion knowing that the person intends to use those means to
produce an abortion with the woman's consent.
       (b)  A person commits an offense if the person, without a
woman's consent, produces an abortion by:
             (1)  administering to the woman or procuring for
administration to the woman any drug or medicine for the purpose of
producing an abortion;
             (2)  applying any external or internal means to the
woman for the purpose of producing an abortion; or
             (3)  furnishing to another the means to produce an
abortion knowing that the person intends to use those means to
produce an abortion without the woman's consent.
       (c)  An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third
       (d)  An offense under Subsection (b) is a felony of the
second degree.
       [Art. 4512.2.  FURNISHING THE MEANS. Whoever furnishes the
means for procuring an abortion knowing the purpose intended is
guilty as an accomplice.
       [Art. 4512.3.  ATTEMPT AT ABORTION. If the means used shall
fail to produce an abortion, the offender is nevertheless guilty of
an attempt to produce abortion, provided it be shown that such means
were calculated to produce that result, and shall be fined not less
than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars.]
       Sec. 50.04 [Art. 4512.4].  MURDER IN PRODUCING ABORTION.
(a)  A person commits an offense if the person produces or attempts
to produce an abortion that results in [If] the death of the mother
[is occasioned by an abortion so produced or by an attempt to effect
the same it is murder].
       (b)  An offense under this section is a felony of the first
       Sec. 50.05 [Art. 4512.6].  BY MEDICAL ADVICE. It is an
exception to the application of Sections 50.03 and 50.04 that the 
[Nothing in this chapter applies to an] abortion was procured or
attempted on [by] medical advice for the purpose of preventing the
death [saving the life] of the mother.
       Sec. 50.06.  CONFLICTS.  This chapter controls over any
statute or rule in conflict with this chapter.
       SECTION 3.  (a) Sections 50.02-50.06, Penal Code, as added
by this Act, apply only to an offense committed on or after the date
those sections take effect. For purposes of this section, an
offense is committed before the date Sections 50.02-50.06, Penal
Code, take effect if any element of the offense occurs before the
date those sections take effect.
       (b)  An offense committed before the date Sections
50.02-50.06, Penal Code, take effect is covered by the law in effect
when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.