By: Brimer S.B. No. 189
relating to the amount of sick leave for police officers employed by
certain municipalities.
       SECTION 1.  Subsection (i), Section 143.3015, Local
Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (i)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a) and (h), a municipality
with a population of less than 560,000 that has not recognized an
association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent as provided
by Section 143.304 before September 1, 2005, may adopt rules for
police officers converting vacation and sick leave days to hours
that supersede [supercede] the provisions of Section 142.0013,
Section 143.045, and Section 143.046 provided that:
             (1) [(A)]  A police officer is entitled to earn 120
hours of vacation leave each year with pay, as a minimum, if the
officer has been regularly employed in the department or
departments for at least one year.
             (2) [(B)]  In computing the length of time a police
officer may be absent from work on vacation leave, only those hours
that the person would have been required to work if not on vacation
may be counted as vacation leave.
             (3) [(C)]  A police officer shall be granted the same
number of vacation hours and holiday hours, or hours in lieu of
vacation hours or holiday hours, granted to other municipal
employees who work the same number of hours in a regular work day
and have worked for the municipality for the same number of years.
             (4) [(D)]  A police officer shall be granted sick leave
with pay accumulated at the rate of 10 [4.61] hours for each full
month employed in a calendar year, so as to total 120 hours to the
person's credit each 12 months.
             (5) [(E)]  A police officer who leaves the classified
service for any reason is entitled to receive in a lump-sum payment
the full amount of the person's salary for accumulated sick leave if
the person has accumulated not more than 720 hours of sick leave,
the person's employer may limit payment to the amount that the
person would have received if the person had been allowed to use 720
hours of accumulated sick leave during the last six months of
employment. The lump-sum payment is computed by compensating the
police officer for the accumulated time at the highest permanent
pay classification for which the person was eligible during the
last six months of employment. The police officer is paid for the
same period for which the person had taken the sick leave but does
not include additional holidays and any sick leave or vacation time
that the person might have accrued during the 720 hours.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.