By: Harris S.B. No. 235
relating to the composition of a county bail bond board.
       SECTION 1.  Section 1704.053, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 1704.053.  BOARD COMPOSITION.  A board consists of:
             (1)  the sheriff or a designee from the sheriff's office
who must be the sheriff's administrator or a deputy sheriff of the
rank of at least sergeant;
             (2)  a district judge of the county having jurisdiction
over criminal matters and designated by the presiding judge of the
administrative judicial district or a designee of the district
judge who is approved by the presiding judge;
             (3)  the county judge, a member of the commissioners
court designated by the county judge, or a designee approved by the
commissioners court;
             (4)  a judge of a county court or county court at law in
the county having jurisdiction over criminal matters and designated
by the commissioners court or a designee of the judge who is
approved by the commissioners court;
             (5)  the district attorney or an assistant district
attorney designated by the district attorney;
             (6)  a licensed bail bond surety or agent for a
corporate surety in the county elected under Section 1704.0535, or
a bail bond surety or agent for a corporate surety licensed in the
county who is designated by the elected surety or agent;
             (7)  a justice of the peace;
             (8)  the district clerk or the clerk's designee;
             (9)  the county clerk or the clerk's designee, if the
county clerk has responsibility over criminal matters;
             (10)  if appointed by the board, a presiding judge of a
municipal court in the county;
             (11)  if the county's principal municipality designates
a presiding judge in the municipal court system, the presiding
judge or a municipal judge from the system designated by the
presiding judge;
             (12)  the county treasurer or the treasurer's designee
or, if appointed by the commissioners court in a county that does
not have a county treasurer, the person designated by the county
commissioners court to perform the duties of the county treasurer;
             (13)  a criminal defense attorney practicing in the
county and elected by other attorneys whose principal places of
business are located in the county and who are not legally
prohibited from representing criminal defendants or the designee of
the criminal defense attorney.
       SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act regarding the
composition of a county bail bond board do not affect the
entitlement of a member serving on a board immediately before the
effective date of this Act to continue to serve and function as a
member of the board for the remainder of the member's term. Those
changes in law apply only to a member appointed on or after the
effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.