By: Janek, Shapleigh S.B. No. 409
relating to restrictions on the interchange of anti-epileptic drugs
and drugs used to treat or prevent seizures.
       SECTION 1.  Section 562.014, Occupations Code, is amended to
read as follows:
DRUGS.  (a)  Except as provided by this section, drug selection as
authorized by this subchapter does not apply to the refill of a
prescription for a narrow therapeutic index drug. The board, in
consultation with the Texas [State Board of] Medical Board
[Examiners], shall by rule establish a list of narrow therapeutic
index drugs to which this subsection applies. A prescription for a
narrow therapeutic index drug may be refilled only by using the same
drug product by the same manufacturer that the pharmacist last
dispensed under the prescription, unless otherwise agreed to by the
prescribing practitioner [physician]. If a pharmacist does not
have the same drug product by the same manufacturer in stock to
refill the prescription, the pharmacist may dispense a drug product
that is generically equivalent if the pharmacist, before dispensing
the generically equivalent drug product, notifies:
             (1)  the patient, at the time the prescription is
dispensed, that a substitution of the prescribed drug product has
been made; and
             (2)  the prescribing practitioner [physician] of the
drug product substitution by telephone, facsimile, or mail, at the
earliest reasonable time, but not later than 72 hours after
dispensing the prescription.
       (b)  The board, in consultation with the Texas Medical Board,
shall include all anti-epileptic drugs, as defined by Section
562.0141(a), in the list of narrow therapeutic index drugs.
       (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this
section applies to the refill of a prescription for a narrow
therapeutic index drug only if the prescribing practitioner
indicates on the prescription or in the directions on the
prescription that the drug is for the treatment of epilepsy or
seizures, as those terms are defined by Section 562.0141(a).
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 562, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Section 562.0141 to read as follows:
PROHIBITED.  (a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Anti-epileptic drug" means:
                   (A)  any drug prescribed for the treatment of
epilepsy; or
                   (B)  a drug used to treat or prevent seizures.
             (2)  "Epilepsy" means a neurological condition
characterized by recurrent seizures.
             (3)  "Seizure" means an acute clinical change secondary
to a brief disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain.
             (4)  "Interchange" means the substitution of one
version of the same anti-epileptic drug, including a generic
version for the prescribed brand, a brand version for the
prescribed generic version, a generic version by one manufacturer
for a generic version by a different manufacturer, a different
formulation of the prescribed anti-epileptic drug or a different
anti-epileptic drug for the anti-epileptic drug originally
       (b)  Notwithstanding Section 562.014, a pharmacist may not
interchange an anti-epileptic drug or formulation of an
anti-epileptic drug, brand or generic, for the treatment of a
patient with seizures or epilepsy without prior notification of and
the signed informed consent of such interchange from the
prescribing physician.
       (c)  To comply with Subsection (b), a pharmacist may document
the notification of a prescribing physician and secure the informed
written consent of such physician by contacting the physician
orally or electronically to secure permission to interchange an
anti-epileptic drug or formulation of an anti-epileptic drug, brand
or generic, and reducing such consent to writing.  If the
prescribing physician does not authorize a substitute, such denial
shall also be documented in the same manner and format.  A copy of
such communication shall be forwarded to the physician and a copy
kept with the records of the pharmacist.  The documented
notification and consent under this subsection shall be considered
as a statement that the prescription is "brand medically necessary" 
and shall be considered part of the prescription, if applicable.
       (d)  A pharmacist may provide an emergency refill of an
anti-epileptic drug under Section 562.054.  Notwithstanding any
other provision of this section, a pharmacist may interchange drug
products in order to provide an emergency refill of an
anti-epileptic drug if the pharmacist is not able to provide the
emergency refill without interchanging drug products.
       (e)  This section applies to a drug provided to a Medicaid
recipient in a state fiscal year only if the Health and Human
Services Commission determines that funding is available to provide
the version of drug required under this section.  The Health and
Human Services Commission shall notify the board of its
determination before September 1 of each year.
       SECTION 3.  Section 562.009, Occupations Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
       (e)  If the prescription is for an "anti-epileptic drug" as
defined by Section 562.0141(a)(1), the pharmacist must comply with
the provisions of Section 562.0141.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.