By: Uresti  S.B. No. 450
         (In the Senate - Filed February 5, 2007; February 21, 2007,
  read first time and referred to Committee on Health and Human
  Services; April 2, 2007, reported adversely, with favorable
  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0;
  April 2, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to enrollment and participation in certain research
  programs of certain children in foster care.
         SECTION 1.  Section 266.001, Family Code, as added by
  Chapter 268, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  is amended by adding Subdivisions (2-a) and (4-a) to read as
               (2-a)  "Drug research program" means any clinical
  trial, clinical investigation, drug study, or active medical or
  clinical research that has been approved by an institutional review
  board in accordance with the standards provided in the Code of
  Federal Regulations, 45 C.F.R. Sections 46.404 through 46.407,
                     (A)  an investigational new drug; or
                     (B)  the efficacy of an approved drug.
               (4-a)  "Investigational new drug" has the meaning
  assigned by 21 C.F.R. Section 312.3(b).
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 266, Family Code, as added
  by Chapter 268, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2005, is amended by adding Section 266.0041 to read as follows:
  RESEARCH PROGRAMS.  (a)   Notwithstanding Section 266.004, a person
  may not authorize the enrollment of a foster child or consent to the
  participation of a foster child in a drug research program without a
  court order as provided by this section.
         (b)  Before issuing an order authorizing the enrollment or
  participation of a foster child in a drug research program, the
  court must:
               (1)  appoint an independent medical advocate;
               (2)  review the report filed by the independent medical
  advocate regarding the advocate's opinion and recommendations
  concerning the foster child's enrollment and participation in the
  drug research program;
               (3)  consider whether the person conducting the drug
  research program:
                     (A)  informed the foster child in a
  developmentally appropriate manner of the expected benefits of the
  drug research program, any potential side effects, and any
  available alternative treatments and received the foster child's
  assent to enroll the child to participate in the drug research
  program as required by the Code of Federal Regulations, 45 C.F.R.
  Section 46.408; or
                     (B)  received informed consent in accordance with
  Subsection (h); and
               (4)  determine whether enrollment and participation in
  the drug research program is in the foster child's best interest.
         (c)  An independent medical advocate appointed under
  Subsection (b) is not a party to the suit but may:
               (1)  conduct an investigation regarding the foster
  child's participation in a drug research program to the extent that
  the advocate considers necessary to determine:
                     (A)  whether the foster child assented to or
  provided informed consent to the child's enrollment and
  participation in the drug research program; and
                     (B)  the best interest of the child for whom the
  advocate is appointed; and
               (2)  obtain and review copies of the foster child's
  relevant medical and psychological records and information
  describing the risks and benefits of the child's enrollment and
  participation in the drug research program.
         (d)  An independent medical advocate shall, within a
  reasonable time after the appointment, interview:
               (1)  the foster child in a developmentally appropriate
  manner, if the child is four years of age or older;
               (2)  the foster child's parent, if the parent is
  entitled to notification under Section 266.005;
               (3)  an advocate appointed by an institutional review
  board in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 45 C.F.R.
  Section 46.409(b), if an advocate has been appointed;
               (4)  the medical team treating the foster child as well
  as the medical team conducting the drug research program; and
               (5)  each individual who has significant knowledge of
  the foster child's medical history and condition, including any
  foster parent of the child.
         (e)  After reviewing the information collected under
  Subsections (c) and (d), the independent medical advocate shall:
               (1)  submit a report to the court presenting the
  advocate's opinion and recommendation regarding whether:
                     (A)  the foster child assented to or provided
  informed consent to the child's enrollment and participation in the
  drug research program; and
                     (B)  the foster child's best interest is served by
  enrollment and participation in the drug research program; and
               (2)  at the request of the court, testify regarding the
  basis for the advocate's opinion and recommendation concerning the
  foster child's enrollment and participation in a drug research
         (f)  The court may appoint any person eligible to serve as
  the foster child's guardian ad litem, as defined by Section
  107.001, as the independent medical advocate, except that a foster
  parent, employee of a substitute care provider or child placing
  agency providing care for the foster child, representative of the
  department, medical professional affiliated with the drug research
  program, independent medical advocate appointed by an
  institutional review board, or any person the court determines has
  a conflict of interest may not serve as the foster child's
  independent medical advocate.
         (g)  A person otherwise authorized to consent to medical care
  for a foster child may petition the court for an order permitting
  the enrollment and participation of a foster child in a drug
  research program under this section.
         (h)  Before a foster child, who is at least 16 years of age
  and has been determined to have the capacity to consent to medical
  care in accordance with Section 266.010, may be enrolled to
  participate in a drug research program, the person conducting the
  drug research program must:
               (1)  inform the foster child in a developmentally
  appropriate manner of the expected benefits of participation in the
  drug research program, any potential side effects, and any
  available alternative treatments; and
               (2)  receive written informed consent to enroll the
  foster child for participation in the drug research program.
         (i)  A court may render an order approving the enrollment or
  participation of a foster child in a drug research program
  involving an investigational new drug before appointing an
  independent medical advocate if:
               (1)  a physician recommends the foster child's
  enrollment or participation in the drug research program to provide
  the foster child with treatment that will prevent the death or
  serious injury of the child; and
               (2)  the court determines that the foster child needs
  the treatment before an independent medical advocate could complete
  an investigation in accordance with this section.
         (j)  As soon as practicable after issuing an order under
  Subsection (i), the court shall appoint an independent medical
  advocate to complete a full investigation of the foster child's
  enrollment and participation in the drug research program in
  accordance with this section.
         (k)  This section does not apply to:
               (1)  a drug research study regarding the efficacy of an
  approved drug that is based only on medical records, claims data, or
  outcome data, including outcome data gathered through interviews
  with a child, caregiver of a child, or a child's treating
               (2)  a retrospective drug research study based only on
  medical records, claims data, or outcome data; or
               (3)  the treatment of a foster child with an
  investigational new drug that does not require the child's
  enrollment or participation in a drug research program.
         (l)  The department shall annually submit to the governor,
  lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and
  the relevant committees in both houses of the legislature, a report
               (1)  the number of foster children who enrolled or
  participated in a drug research program during the previous year;
               (2)  the purpose of each drug research program in which
  a foster child was enrolled or participated; and
               (3)  the number of foster children for whom an order was
  issued under Subsection (i).
         SECTION 3.  Subsection (b), Section 266.005, Family Code, as
  added by Chapter 268, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the department
  shall make reasonable efforts to notify the child's parents within
  24 hours of:
               (1)  a significant medical condition involving a foster
  child; and
               (2)  the enrollment or participation of a foster child
  in a drug research program under Section 266.0041.
         SECTION 4.  The change in law made by this Act by the
  enactment of Section 266.0041, Family Code, applies only to the
  enrollment and participation of a foster child in a drug research
  program on or after the effective date of this Act. A foster child
  enrolled or participating in a drug research program before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect when the
  foster child was enrolled or began participating in the drug
  research program, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
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