By: Carona S.B. No. 731
relating to the eligibility of an establishment to be included on a
specific information logo sign along a highway.
       SECTION 1.  Subdivisions (2), (9), and (12), Section
391.001, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
             (2)  "Eligible highway" means a highway along which an
information logo sign may be located as determined by the
commission under Section 391.092(d) [that:
                   [(A)  is located outside an urbanized area with a
population of 50,000 or more and qualifies for a maximum speed limit
of 65 miles per hour under 23 U.S.C. Section 154 or, if that law is
repealed, qualified for a maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour
on the day before the effective date of the repeal; or
                   [(B)  is a controlled-access highway located
inside an urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more].
             (9)  "Major shopping area guide sign" means a
rectangular guide sign panel imprinted with the name of a major
shopping area eligible to have its name displayed as determined by
the commission under Section 391.0935[, as it is commonly known to
the public,] and containing directional information to the major
shopping area.
             (12)  "Specific information logo sign" means a
rectangular sign imprinted with the words "GAS," "FOOD," "LODGING,"
[or] "CAMPING," or "24 HOUR Rx," or with a combination of those
words, and the specific brand names of commercial establishments
offering those services.
       SECTION 2.  Section 391.092, Transportation Code, is amended
by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows:
       (d)  The commission shall adopt rules, in accordance with
applicable federal law, regulations, and guidelines, for
determining eligible highways along which specific information
logo signs, major shopping area guide signs, and tourist-oriented
directional signs may be located. If permitted by federal law,
regulations, or guidelines, the commission may establish different
highway eligibility criteria for each type of sign.
       (e)  In this section, "tourist-oriented directional signs" 
has the meaning assigned by Section 391.099.
       SECTION 3.  Subsections (a), (b), (d), and (f), Section
391.0935, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Unless the commission determines there is a conflict
with federal law, the commission shall establish a program that
allows the erection and maintenance of major shopping area guide
signs at appropriate locations along eligible [urban] highways.
       (b)  The commission shall adopt rules regulating the
content, composition, placement, erection, and maintenance of
major shopping area guide signs and supports within eligible
[urban] highway rights-of-way. The commission by rule shall
establish criteria for determining if a geographic area contains a
sufficient concentration of retail establishments to be considered
a major shopping area. A major shopping area is entitled to have
its name displayed on major shopping area guide signs if it meets
the criteria established by the commission and is located not
farther than three miles from an interchange on an eligible [urban]
       (d)  Major shopping area guide signs may be included as part
of exit direction signs, advance guide signs, and supplemental
guide signs and must include guide signs for both directions of
traffic on an eligible [urban] highway.
       (f)  The commission may contract with an individual, firm,
group, or association in this state to erect and maintain major
shopping area guide signs at appropriate locations along an
eligible [urban] highway.
       SECTION 4.  Subdivisions (3) and (8), Section 391.001, and
Subdivision (2), Subsection (a), Section 391.099, Transportation
Code, are repealed.
       SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.