By: Nelson, Shapleigh, Uresti S.B. No. 759
relating to certain requirements relating to permanency hearings
and placement review hearings for children under the care of the
Department of Family and Protective Services.
       SECTION 1.  Section 263.302, Family Code, is amended to read
as follows:
       Sec. 263.302.  CHILD'S ATTENDANCE AT HEARING.  The child
shall attend each permanency hearing unless the court specifically
excuses the child's attendance. The court shall consult with the
child in a developmentally appropriate manner regarding the child's
permanency plan, if the child is four years of age or older and if
the court determines it is in the best interest of the child.
Failure by the child to attend a hearing does not affect the
validity of an order rendered at the hearing.
       SECTION 2.  Subsections (d) and (e), Section 263.501, Family
Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (d)  The following are entitled to not less than 10 days'
notice of a placement review hearing and are entitled to present
evidence and be heard at the hearing:
             (1)  the department;
             (2)  the foster parent, preadoptive parent, relative of
the child providing care, or director of the group home or
institution in which the child is residing;
             (3)  each parent of the child;
             (4)  each possessory conservator or guardian of the
             (5)  the child's attorney ad litem and volunteer
advocate, if the appointments were not dismissed in the final
order; and
             (6)  any other person or agency named by the court as
having an interest in the child's welfare.
       (e)  The child shall attend each placement review hearing
unless the court specifically excuses the child's attendance. The
court shall consult with the child in a developmentally appropriate
manner regarding the child's permanency or transition plan, if the
child is four years of age or older. Failure by the child to attend
a hearing does not affect the validity of an order rendered at the
[The court may dispense with the requirement that the child attend a
placement review] hearing.
       SECTION 3.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
a permanency hearing or a placement review hearing conducted under
Chapter 263, Family Code, on or after the effective date of this
Act. A permanency hearing or a placement review hearing conducted
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
effect on the date the hearing was conducted, and the former law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.