By: Ellis  S.B. No. 799
         (In the Senate - Filed February 21, 2007; March 6, 2007,
  read first time and referred to Committee on Criminal Justice;
  April 16, 2007, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; April 16, 2007,
  sent to printer.)
  relating to the creation of the Texas Eyewitness Identification
  Working Group.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 38, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 38.20 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1.  CREATION. The Texas Eyewitness Identification
  Working Group is created.
         Sec. 2.  COMPOSITION. (a)  The working group is composed of
  three members:
               (1)  the executive director of the Commission on Law
  Enforcement Officer Standards and Education or the director's
  designee, who must be employed by the commission;
               (2)  the executive director of the Bill Blackwood Law
  Enforcement Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State
  University or the director's designee, who must be a faculty member
  at the institute; and
               (3)  the executive director of the Eyewitness
  Identification Research Laboratory of The University of Texas at El
  Paso or the director's designee, who must be a faculty member at the
         (b)  The working group shall elect a presiding officer from
  among its members.
         (c)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  size, composition, or duration of the working group.
  TRAINING MATERIALS. (a)  The working group shall develop, adopt,
  and disseminate to all state and local law enforcement agencies in
  this state model comprehensive policies and procedures and
  associated training materials regarding the administration of
  photograph and live lineup identification procedures.
         (b)  The model policies and procedures must be designed to
  reduce the potential for erroneous identifications and articulate
  best practices to enhance the objectivity and reliability of
  eyewitness identifications. The model policies and procedures must
  be informed by scientific research on eyewitness memory and
               (1)  selecting photograph and live lineup fillers;
               (2)  instructing witnesses before conducting
  photograph and live lineup identification procedures;
               (3)  documenting photograph and live lineup
  identification procedures and witness confidence in
  identifications; and
               (4)  other procedures that will best ensure objective
  assessments of the memory of witnesses and the ability of witnesses
  to identify a perpetrator.
         (c)  The model policies and procedures are advisory only.
         Sec. 4.  ADVISORY PANEL. (a)  The working group shall
  consult with an advisory panel to assist in the development of the
  model policies and procedures and the associated training
  materials. The advisory panel shall provide guidance and
  recommendations to the working group, including feedback on draft
  policies, procedures, and training materials.
         (b)  The advisory panel must include:
               (1)  three police officers with experience in
  conducting eyewitness identification procedures, nominated by any
  member of the working group and selected by majority of the working
               (2)  three sheriff's deputies with experience in
  conducting eyewitness identification procedures, nominated by any
  member of the working group and selected by majority of the working
               (3)  a prosecutor designated by the Texas District and
  County Attorneys Association;
               (4)  an attorney with experience in the practice of
  criminal law designated by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers
               (5)  the president of the Texas Police Chiefs
  Association or the president's designee;
               (6)  the chief counsel of the West Texas Innocence
  Project at the Texas Tech University School of Law or the counsel's
  designee; and
               (7)  the president of the Texas Center for Actual
  Innocence at The University of Texas School of Law or the
  president's designee.
         (c)  For purposes of Subsection (b)(1), the police officers
  must represent departments of different sizes as follows:
               (1)  one representative of a police department of a
  municipality with a population of 500,000 or more;
               (2)  one representative of a police department of a
  municipality with a population of 100,000 or more and less than
  500,000; and
               (3)  one representative of a police department of a
  municipality with a population of less than 100,000.
         (d)  For purposes of Subsection (b)(2), the sheriff's
  deputies must represent departments of different sizes as follows:
               (1)  one representative of a sheriff's department of a
  county with a population of 500,000 or more;
               (2)  one representative of a sheriff's department of a
  county with a population of 100,000 or more and less than 500,000;
               (3)  one representative of a sheriff's department of a
  county with a population of less than 100,000.
         Sec. 5.  CONSTRUCTION OF LAW. This section and the model
  policies and procedures and the training materials developed and
  adopted under this article may not be construed as affecting the
  admissibility of eyewitness identification testimony in the courts
  of this state or be held to constitute a best practice in civil
         Sec. 6.  BIENNIAL REVIEW. The working group shall complete a
  biennial review of the policies, procedures, and training materials
  developed and adopted under this article and shall modify the
  policies, procedures, and materials as necessary.
         SECTION 2.  Not later than July 1, 2008, the Texas Eyewitness
  Identification Working Group shall adopt and distribute to local
  law enforcement agencies in this state the model comprehensive
  policies and procedures and the associated training materials
  required by Article 38.20, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by
  this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
  * * * * *