By: Shapiro, West S.B. No. 887
relating to the use of certain revenue generated by Texas
Department of Transportation toll projects and to the membership
and functions of metropolitan planning organizations.
       SECTION 1.  Section 228.0055, Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
(a)  Payments, project savings, refinancing dividends, and any
other revenues received by the department under a comprehensive
development agreement shall [may] be used by the department to
finance the construction, maintenance, or operation of [a]
transportation projects [project] or air quality projects
[project] in the region.
       (a-1)  The department shall allocate the distribution of
funds to department districts in the region under Subsection (a)
based on the percentage of toll revenue from users, from each
department district, of the project that is the subject of the
comprehensive development agreement. To assist the department in
determining the allocation, each entity responsible for collecting
tolls for a project shall calculate on an annual basis the
percentage of toll revenue from users of the project from each
department district based on the number of recorded electronic toll
       (b)  The commission may not:
             (1)  revise the formula as provided in the department's
unified transportation program, or its successor document, in a
manner that results in a decrease of a department district's
allocation because of a payment or other revenue received under
Subsection (a); or
             (2)  take any other action that would reduce funding
allocated to a department district because of payments or other
revenue received under a comprehensive development agreement.
       (c)  A metropolitan planning organization may not take any
action that would reduce distribution of funds or other resources
to a department district because of the use of a payment or other
revenue under Subsection (a).
       SECTION 2.  Section 228.006, Transportation Code, is amended
by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
       (b)  The commission may not:
             (1)  revise the formula as provided in the department's
unified transportation program, or its successor document, in a
manner that results in a decrease of a department district's
allocation because of a payment under Subsection (a); or
             (2)  take any other action that would reduce funding
allocated to a department district as a result of surplus revenues
generated from a toll project located within the district.
       (d)  A metropolitan planning organization may not take any
action that would reduce distribution of funds or other resources
to a department district because of the use of a payment or other
revenue under Subsection (a).
       SECTION 3.  Chapter 221, Transportation Code, is amended by
adding Section 221.004 to read as follows:
MEMBERSHIP AND FUNCTIONS.  (a)  The policy board of a metropolitan
planning organization in the state must include:
             (1)  one state senator from a senate district that
includes territory in the metropolitan planning organization
selected by unanimous agreement of all senators representing
districts that include territory in the organization or, in the
absence of unanimous agreement, the senator from the most populous
senate district that includes territory in the organization; and
             (2)  two state representatives from districts that
include territory in the metropolitan planning organization
selected by vote of all state representatives from districts that
include territory in the organization, unless the organization has
a joint powers agreement that provides an alternate means of
designating state representatives.
       (b)  If a metropolitan planning organization is required or
permitted to review bids for a comprehensive development agreement
for a project all or part of which is in the territory of the
metropolitan planning organization, the organization must use the
services of an independent financial advisor to advise the
organization in its review and in any recommendations that the
organization makes.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.