80R1484 ATP-F
  By: Williams S.B. No. 927
relating to certain disaster response procedures for political
       SECTION 1.  Section 418.004, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subdivisions (10) through (14) to read as follows:
             (10)  "Local government entity" means a county,
incorporated city, independent school district, emergency services
district, other special district, joint board, or other entity
defined as a political subdivision under the laws of this state that
maintains the capability to provide mutual aid.
             (11)  "Mutual aid" means a homeland security activity,
as defined by Section 421.001, performed under the system or a
written mutual aid agreement.
             (12)  "Requesting local government entity" means a
local government entity requesting mutual aid assistance under the
             (13)  "Responding local government entity" means a
local government entity providing mutual aid assistance in response
to a request under the system.
             (14)  "System" means the Texas Statewide Mutual Aid
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter E, Chapter 418, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 418.1015 to read as follows:
       Sec. 418.1015.  EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTORS. (a) The
presiding officer of the governing body of an incorporated city or a
county or the chief administrative officer of a joint board is
designated as the emergency management director for the officer's
political subdivision.
       (b)  An emergency management director serves as the
governor's designated agent in the administration and supervision
of duties under this chapter. An emergency management director may
exercise the powers granted to the governor under this chapter on an
appropriate local scale.
       (c)  An emergency management director may designate a person
to serve as emergency management coordinator.  The emergency
management coordinator shall serve as an assistant to the emergency
management director for emergency management purposes.
       SECTION 3.  Section 418.107(c), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (c)  A local government entity [political subdivision or
regional planning commission] may render mutual aid to other local
government entities [political subdivisions or regional planning
commissions] under mutual aid agreements or the system.
       SECTION 4.  The heading to Section 418.109, Government Code,
is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 5.  Section 418.109(d), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (d)  A local government entity or [municipality, county,
emergency services district, fire protection agency, regional
planning commission,] organized volunteer group[, or other
emergency services entity] may provide mutual aid assistance on
request from another local government entity or [municipality,
county, emergency services district, fire protection agency,
regional planning commission,] organized volunteer group[, or
other emergency services entity]. The chief or highest ranking
officer of the entity from which assistance is requested, with the
approval and consent of the presiding officer of the governing body
of that entity, may provide that assistance while acting in
accordance with the policies, ordinances, and procedures
established by the governing body of that entity [and consistent
with any mutual aid plans developed by the emergency management
       SECTION 6.  Section 418.110, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
EMERGENCIES. (a) Representatives of statewide associations of
fire service personnel [The division], in consultation with the
division and the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, may [shall]
develop a statewide mutual aid program for fire emergencies that
provides for a coordinated deployment of response assets and
personnel by the associations' members.
       (b)  A program developed under this section:
             (1)  does not alter the legal obligations of a
political subdivision participating in the system; and
             (2)  must be consistent with the state emergency
management plan.
       SECTION 7.  Chapter 418, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter E-1 to read as follows:
SYSTEM.  (a)  The Texas Statewide Mutual Aid System is established
to provide integrated statewide mutual aid response capability
between local government entities without a written mutual aid
       (b)  A request for mutual aid assistance between local
government entities is considered to be made under the system,
unless the requesting and responding entities are parties to a
written mutual aid agreement in effect when the request is made.
       (c)  This subchapter does not affect a written mutual aid
agreement between local government entities in effect on or before
the effective date of this subchapter or restrict the ability of
local government entities to enter into a written mutual aid
agreement as otherwise authorized by statute after the effective
date of this subchapter. If a request is made between local
government entities that are parties to a written mutual aid
agreement, the terms of that agreement control the rights and
obligations of the parties.
       Sec. 418.112.  ADMINISTRATION BY DIVISION. The division
shall administer the system. In administering the system, the
division shall encourage and assist political subdivisions in
planning and implementing comprehensive all-hazards emergency
management programs, including assisting political subdivisions to
ensure that the local emergency management plan of each subdivision
adequately provides for the rendering and receipt of mutual aid.
       Sec. 418.113.  DISASTER DISTRICTS. (a) This state is
divided into disaster districts to engage in homeland security
preparedness and response activities. The boundaries of the
disaster districts coincide with the boundaries of the geographic
state planning regions determined by the governor.
       (b)  A disaster district committee is established for each
disaster district. Each committee is composed of local
representatives of the state agencies, boards, and commissions and
organized volunteer groups with representation on the emergency
management council.
       (c)  Each disaster district committee shall coordinate with
political subdivisions located in the disaster district to ensure
that state and federal emergency assets are made available as
needed to provide the most efficient and effective response
       (d)  The public safety director of the Department of Public
Safety of the State of Texas shall appoint a commanding officer from
the Texas Highway Patrol to serve as chair of each disaster district
committee. The chair shall:
             (1)  report to the State Director of Homeland Security
on matters relating to disasters and emergencies; and
             (2)  inform the public safety director of the
Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas on all matters as
requested by the director.
       (e)  Representatives of the emergency management council
assigned to each district shall assist the chair of their disaster
district committee and provide guidance, counsel, and
administrative support as required.
       Sec. 418.114.  PROCEDURES FOR MUTUAL AID. (a)  The political
subdivisions in each disaster district may agree on procedures that
specify the manner in which mutual aid will be provided in response
to a request from a political subdivision in the district or another
district or from this state.
       (b)  A copy of the procedures must be provided to the
division and the disaster district committee chair.
ASSISTANCE. (a) A request for mutual aid assistance may be
submitted verbally or in writing. If a request is submitted
verbally, it must be confirmed in writing not later than the 30th
day after the date the request was made.
       (b)  If a request for mutual aid assistance is made to a
department or agency of a political subdivision, the chief or
highest ranking officer of the department or agency, with the
approval and consent of the presiding officer of the governing body
of the political subdivision or that officer's designee, may
provide the requested assistance in accordance with the policies,
ordinances, and procedures established by the governing body of the
political subdivision.
(a) When contacted with a request for mutual aid assistance, a
local government entity shall assess local resources to determine
availability of personnel, equipment, and other assistance to
respond to the request.
       (b)  A responding local government entity shall provide
assistance to the extent personnel, equipment, and resources are
determined to be available. A local government entity is not
required to provide mutual aid assistance unless the entity
determines that the entity has sufficient resources to provide
assistance based on current or anticipated events in its
       Sec. 418.1152.  SUPERVISION AND CONTROL. When providing
mutual aid assistance under the system:
             (1)  the response effort must be organized and function
in accordance with the National Incident Management System
             (2)  the personnel, equipment, and resources of a
responding local government entity are under the operational
control of the requesting local government entity unless otherwise
             (3)  direct supervision and control of personnel,
equipment, and resources and personnel accountability remain the
responsibility of the designated supervisory personnel of the
responding local government entity;
             (4)  unless otherwise agreed in advance, an emergency
medical service organization providing assistance under the system
shall use the medical protocols authorized by the organization's
medical director;
             (5)  the designated supervisory personnel of the
responding local government entity shall:
                   (A)  maintain daily personnel time records,
material records, and a log of equipment hours;
                   (B)  be responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the equipment and other resources furnished by the
responding local government entity; and
                   (C)  report work progress to the requesting local
government entity; and
             (6)  the responding local government entity's personnel
and other resources are subject to recall at any time, subject to
reasonable notice to the requesting local government entity.
       Sec. 418.1153.  DURATION OF AID. The provision of mutual aid
assistance under the system may continue until:
             (1)  the services of the responding local government
entity are no longer required; or
             (2)  the responding local government entity determines
that further assistance should not be provided.
       Sec. 418.116.  RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES. (a) A person
assigned, designated, or ordered to perform duties by the governing
body of the local government entity employing the person in
response to a request under the system is entitled to receive the
same wages, salary, pension, and other compensation and benefits,
including injury or death benefits, disability payments, and
workers' compensation benefits, for the performance of the duties
under the system as though the services were rendered for the entity
employing the person.
       (b)  The local government entity employing the person is
responsible for the payment of wages, salary, pension, and other
compensation and benefits associated with the performance of duties
under the system.
       Sec. 418.117.  LICENSE PORTABILITY. If the assistance of a
person who holds a license, certificate, permit, or other document
evidencing qualification in a professional, mechanical, or other
skill is requested by a local government entity under the system,
the person is considered licensed, certified, permitted, or
otherwise documented in the political subdivision in which the
service is provided as long as the service is required, subject to
any limitations imposed by the chief executive officer or the
governing body of the requesting local government entity.
FEDERAL DISASTER DECLARATION. (a) The division shall administer
all requests for reimbursement for costs associated with providing
mutual aid assistance in response to a request made by the division
for an incident resulting in the issuance of a disaster declaration
by the president of the United States. A request for reimbursement
made to the division must be made in accordance with procedures
developed by the division.
       (b)  The division may directly request the provision of
mutual aid assistance from any local government entity
participating in the system. If the division requests the
provision of assistance, the state shall reimburse the actual costs
of providing assistance, including costs for personnel, operation
and maintenance of equipment, damaged equipment, medical expenses,
food, lodging, and transportation, incurred by the responding local
government entity. The state shall pay reimbursements from
available state money. If the governor finds that the demands
placed on money regularly appropriated to state and local agencies
are unreasonably great for coping with a particular disaster under
Section 418.073, and has made money available from the disaster
contingency fund, the division shall make reimbursement from the
disaster contingency fund to the extent that available state money
is inadequate.
       (c)  If federal money is available to pay costs associated
with the provision of mutual aid assistance in response to a request
made by the division, the division shall make the claim for the
eligible costs of the responding local government entity on the
division's grant application and shall disburse the federal share
of the money to the responding local government entity, with
sufficient state funds to cover the actual costs incurred by the
responding local government entity in providing the assistance.
GOVERNMENT ENTITY. (a) If a local government entity requests
mutual aid assistance from another local government entity under
the system, the requesting local government entity shall reimburse
the actual costs of providing mutual aid assistance to the
requesting local government entity, including costs for personnel,
operation and maintenance of equipment, damaged equipment, medical
expenses, food, lodging, and transportation, incurred by the
responding local government entity in response to a request for
       (b)  The requesting local government entity shall pay the
reimbursement from available funds. If federal money is available
to pay costs associated with the provision of mutual aid
assistance, the requesting local government entity shall make the
claim for the eligible costs of the responding local government
entity on the requesting entity's subgrant application and shall
disburse the federal share of the money to the responding local
government entity, with sufficient state funds to cover the actual
costs of the responding local government entity in providing
       SECTION 8.  Sections 418.004(9) and 418.109(a), (b), and
(c), Government Code, are repealed.
       SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.