By: Jackson S.B. No. 929
relating to reimbursement procedures and to the resolution of
certain medical disputes regarding workers' compensation claims.
       SECTION 1.  Subsection (d), Section 408.027, Labor Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (d)  If an insurance carrier contests the compensability of
an injury and the injury is determined not to be compensable, the
carrier may recover the amounts paid for health care services from
the employee's accident or health benefit plan, or any other person
who may be obligated for the cost of health care services. If an
accident or health insurance carrier or other person obligated for
the cost of health care services has paid for health care services
for an employee for an injury for which a workers' compensation
carrier denies compensability, and the injury is later determined
to be compensable, the accident or health insurance carrier or
other person may recover the amounts paid for such services from the
workers' compensation insurance carrier. If an accident or health
insurance carrier or other person obligated for the cost of health
care services has paid for health care services for an employee for
an injury for which a workers' compensation carrier or employer
accepts compensability, the accident or health insurance carrier or
other person may recover reimbursement from the insurance carrier
as described in Sections 409.009 and 409.0091.
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 409, Labor Code, is
amended by adding Section 409.0091 to read as follows:
ENTITIES. (a)  This section applies only to a request for
reimbursement by a health care insurer or authorized representative
of a health care insurer. For purposes of this section, "health
care insurer" refers to an insurance carrier or an authorized
representative of an insurance carrier described by Section
       (b)  Health care paid by a health care insurer is
reimbursable as a medical benefit.  For purposes of this section, "
medical benefit" has the meaning assigned by Section 401.011(31).
       (c)  A request for reimbursement or subclaim of the health
care insurer is subject to the defense that the health care paid for
was not a medical benefit.
       (d)  It is not a defense to a subclaim by a health care
insurer that:
             (1)  the subclaimant has not sought reimbursement from
a health care provider or the subclaimant's insured;
             (2)  neither the subclaimant nor the health care
provider obtained preauthorization under Section 413.014 or rules
adopted under that section;
             (3)  the health care provider did not bill the
insurance carrier, as provided by Section 408.027, by the 95th day
after the date the health care paid for by the subclaimant was
provided; or
             (4)  the health care provider did not comply with this
subtitle or rules adopted under this subtitle.
       (e)  Subject to the time limits in Subsection (k), the health
care insurer shall provide with any reimbursement request the
following information to the insurance carrier:
             (1)  information identifying the workers' compensation
case, including the division case number, patient/claimant name,
patient/claimant social security number, and date of injury; and
             (2)  information describing the health care paid,
including provider name, provider tax identification number, date
of service, place of service, ICD-9 code, CPT code, amount charged
by the provider, and the amount paid by the health care insurer.
       (f)  The insurance carrier shall reduce the amount of the
reimbursable subclaim by any payments the insurance carrier had
previously made to the same health care provider for the provision
of the same health care on the same dates of service. When making
such a reduction in reimbursement to the subclaimant, the insurance
carrier shall provide appropriate documentation of the previous
       (g)  For each medical benefit paid, the insurance carrier
shall pay to the health care insurer the lesser of the amount
payable under the applicable fee guideline on the date of service or
the actual amount paid by the health care insurer. In the absence
of fee guidelines for a specific service paid, the amount paid by
the health care insurer shall be construed as a fair and reasonable
payment under Section 413.011(d). The health care insurer may not
recover interest as a part of the subclaim.
       (h)  Upon receipt of a request for reimbursement under this
section, the insurance carrier shall respond to the request in
writing within 90 days. If the insurance carrier refuses, fails to
pay, or reduces a request for reimbursement under this section, the
health care insurer may file a written claim with the division as a
subclaimant not later than 120 days from the date of receipt of the
carrier's notice of refusal, failure to pay, or reduction in
       (i)  A subclaimant may request dispute resolution to address
the insurance carrier's refusal or denial of reimbursement. The
subclaimant must select one of the following options for dispute
             (1)  the subclaimant may file a dispute in accordance
with Chapter 410; in a dispute under Chapter 410 that arises from a
subclaim under this section or Section 408.027(d), health care
benefits provided by a health care insurer are considered accrued
medical benefits provided to the claimant for purposes of Section
410.168(a)(3) and a hearing officer may award the health care
insurer, as a subclaimant, all or part of the subclaim and may order
the insurance carrier to pay the subclaim as part of a dispute
adjudication process under Chapter 410; or
             (2)  the subclaimant may request dispute resolution
under Section 413.0311; the commissioner and the commissioner of
insurance shall adopt rules to specify the appropriate dispute
resolution process for subclaimant disputes under Section
       (j)  For a reduction in payment, a subclaimant may request
medical dispute resolution to address the reduction in
reimbursement under Chapter 413. The commissioner and the
commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules to specify the
appropriate dispute resolution process for subclaimant disputes
under this subsection.
       (k)  Until December 31, 2008, a health care insurer must file
a request for reimbursement with the insurance carrier not later
than one year from the date that the health care insurer received
information under Section 402.084(c-3). Effective January 1, 2009,
a health care insurer must file a request for reimbursement with the
insurance carrier not later than six months from the date the health
care insurer received information under Section 402.084(c-3).
Effective January 1, 2009, a health care insurer must file a request
for reimbursement for a health care claim not later than the second
anniversary of the date the claim was paid.
       SECTION 3.  Section 413.031, Labor Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (k) and adding Subsections (k-1) and (k-2) to
read as follows:
       (k)  A [Except as provided by Subsection (l), a] party to a
medical dispute, other than a medical dispute regarding spinal
surgery subject to Subsection (l), that remains unresolved after a
review of the medical service under this section is entitled to a
hearing. A hearing under this subsection shall be conducted by the
State Office of Administrative Hearings not later than the 60th day
after the date on which the party notifies the division of the
request for a hearing.  The hearing shall be conducted in the manner
provided for a contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code.
       (k-1)  A party who has exhausted all administrative remedies
under Subsection (k) and who is aggrieved by a final decision of the
State Office of Administrative Hearings may seek judicial review of
the decision. Judicial review under this subsection shall be
conducted in the manner provided for judicial review of a contested
case under Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code.
       (k-2)  The division and the department are not considered to
be parties to the medical dispute for purposes of Subsections (k)
and (k-1) [this subsection.  Judicial review under this subsection
shall be conducted in the manner provided for judicial review of
contested cases under Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code].
       SECTION 4.  Subchapter C, Chapter 413, Labor Code, is
amended by adding Section 413.0311 to read as follows:
applies to subclaimant disputes regarding reimbursements under
Section 409.009 or 409.0091. If an insurance carrier refuses or
denies reimbursement, the subclaimant may request dispute
resolution from an independent review organization. Each
independent review organization performing independent review must
be certified under Chapter 4202, Insurance Code.
       (b)  Upon receipt of a denial or refusal for reimbursement,
the subclaimant has the rights of discovery of an insurance carrier
records or health care provider records that are available to the
parties in a contested case hearing.
       (c)  The subclaimant shall request dispute resolution and
present its written arguments and documentation supporting the
determination that the paid health care services were medical
benefits as defined under Section 401.011(31) to both the
independent review organization and the insurance carrier.
       (d)  The insurance carrier shall make a written response to
the independent review organization, with a copy provided to the
subclaimant within 20 business days.
       (e)  The independent review organization shall review the
facts and the parties' arguments and apply evidence-based medicine
and generally accepted standards of medical care recognized in the
medical community to determine whether the paid health care service
constitutes a medical benefit. The independent review organization
shall notify the parties of its determination within 60 days of
receipt of the initial subclaimant request for dispute resolution.
       (f)  If the independent review organization determines that
a service is a medical benefit, the insurance carrier shall
reimburse the subclaimant in the appropriate amount within 15
business days.
       (g)  The independent review organization review fee shall be
paid by the subclaimant at the time of its request for dispute
resolution. If the subclaimant prevails, in whole or in part in the
dispute, the entire fee shall be reimbursed to the subclaimant by
the insurance carrier together with the required medical benefit
reimbursement under Subsection (f).
       SECTION 5.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
this section, the change in law made by this Act applies to a
workers' compensation medical dispute described by Section
413.031, Labor Code, as amended by this Act:
             (1)  that is pending for a hearing by the division of
workers' compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance on the
effective date of this Act; or
             (2)  that arises on or after the effective date of this
       (b)  A court in which judicial review of a workers'
compensation medical dispute described by Section 413.031, Labor
Code, as amended by this Act, is pending on the effective date of
this Act shall dismiss the case to permit the party bringing the
action to obtain a hearing in the manner described by Subsection
(k), Section 413.031, Labor Code, as amended by this Act. A
dismissal under this subsection is without prejudice to the ability
of the party to bring a new action under Subsection (k-1), Section
413.031, Labor Code, as added by this Act.
       SECTION 6.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
to a subclaim based on a compensable injury occurring on or after
September 1, 2007. A subclaim based on a compensable injury
occurring before that date is governed by the law in effect on the
date the injury occurred, and the former law is continued in effect
for that purpose. Except as otherwise provided by this Act, rules
required to be adopted by the change in law made by this Act shall be
adopted not later than December 31, 2007.
       SECTION 7.  Any forms required under Section 409.0091, Labor
Code, as added by this Act, shall be prescribed by the commissioner
of workers' compensation not later than 60 days after the effective
date of this Act.
       SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.