80R19469 ABC-F
  By: Jackson S.B. No. 929
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 929:
  By:  Solomons C.S.S.B. No. 929
  relating to workers' compensation subclaims.
         SECTION 1.  Section 408.027(d), Labor Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  If an insurance carrier contests the compensability of
  an injury and the injury is determined not to be compensable, the
  carrier may recover the amounts paid for health care services from
  the employee's accident or health benefit plan, or any other person
  who may be obligated for the cost of the health care services. If an
  accident or health insurance carrier or other person obligated for
  the cost of health care services has paid for health care services
  for an employee for an injury for which a workers' compensation
  insurance carrier denies compensability, and the injury is later
  determined to be compensable, the accident or health insurance
  carrier or other person may recover the amounts paid for such
  services from the workers' compensation insurance carrier. If an
  accident or health insurance carrier or other person obligated for
  the cost of health care services has paid for health care services
  for an employee for an injury for which the workers' compensation
  insurance carrier or the employer has not disputed compensability,
  the accident or health insurance carrier or other person may
  recover reimbursement from the insurance carrier in the manner
  described by Section 409.009 or 409.0091, as applicable.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 409, Labor Code, is
  amended by adding Section 409.0091 to read as follows:
  ENTITIES. (a) In this section, "health care insurer" means an
  insurance carrier and an authorized representative of an insurance
  carrier, as described by Section 402.084(c-1).
         (b)  This section applies only to a request for reimbursement
  by a health care insurer.
         (c)  Health care paid by a health care insurer may be
  reimbursable as a medical benefit.
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), this section does
  not prohibit or limit a substantive defense by a workers'
  compensation insurance carrier that the health care paid for by the
  health care insurer was not a medical benefit or not a correct
  payment. A subclaimant may not be reimbursed for payment for any
  health care that was previously denied by a workers' compensation
  insurance carrier under:
               (1)  a preauthorization review of the specific service
  or medical procedure; or
               (2)  a medical necessity review that determined the
  service was not medically necessary for the treatment of a
  compensable injury.
         (e)  It is not a defense to a subclaim by a health care
  insurer that:
               (1)  the subclaimant has not sought reimbursement from
  a health care provider or the subclaimant's insured;
               (2)  the subclaimant or the health care provider did
  not request preauthorization under Section 413.014 or rules adopted
  under that section; or
               (3)  the health care provider did not bill the workers' 
  compensation insurance carrier, as provided by Section 408.027,
  before the 95th day after the date the health care for which the
  subclaimant paid was provided.
         (f)  Subject to the time limits under Subsection (n), the
  health care insurer shall provide, with any reimbursement request,
  the tax identification number of the health care insurer and the
  following to the workers' compensation insurance carrier, in a form
  prescribed by the division:
               (1)  information identifying the workers' compensation
  case, including:
                     (A)  the division claim number;
                     (B)  the name of the patient or claimant;
                     (C)  the social security number of the patient or
  claimant; and
                     (D)  the date of the injury; and
               (2)  information describing the health care paid by the
  health care insurer, including:
                     (A)  the name of the health care provider;
                     (B)  the tax identification number of the health
  care provider;
                     (C)  the date of service;
                     (D)  the place of service;
                     (E)  the ICD-9 code;
                     (F)  the CPT, HCPCS, NDC, or revenue code;
                     (G)  the amount charged by the health care
  provider; and
                     (H)  the amount paid by the health care insurer.
         (g)  The workers' compensation insurance carrier shall
  reduce the amount of the reimbursable subclaim by any payments the
  workers' compensation insurance carrier previously made to the
  same health care provider for the provision of the same health care
  on the same dates of service. In making such a reduction in
  reimbursement to the subclaimant, the workers' compensation
  insurance carrier shall provide evidence of the previous payments
  made to the provider.
         (h)  For each medical benefit paid, the workers' 
  compensation insurance carrier shall pay to the health care insurer
  the lesser of the amount payable under the applicable fee guideline
  as of the date of service or the actual amount paid by the health
  care insurer. In the absence of a fee guideline for a specific
  service paid, the amount per service paid by the health care insurer
  shall be considered in determining a fair and reasonable payment
  under rules under this subtitle defining fair and reasonable
  medical reimbursement. The health care insurer may not recover
  interest as a part of the subclaim.
         (i)  On receipt of a request for reimbursement under this
  section, the workers' compensation insurance carrier shall respond
  to the request in writing not later than the 90th day after the date
  on which the request is received.  If additional information is
  requested under Subsection (j), the workers' compensation
  insurance carrier shall respond not later than the 120th day unless
  the time is extended under Subsection (j).
         (j)  If the workers' compensation insurance carrier requires
  additional information from the health care insurer, the workers'
  compensation insurance carrier shall send notice to the health care
  insurer requesting the additional information. The health care
  insurer shall provide the requested information not later than the
  30th day after the date the workers' compensation insurance carrier
  requests the information. The workers' compensation insurance
  carrier and the health care insurer may establish additional
  periods for compliance with this subsection by written mutual
         (k)  Unless the parties have agreed to an extension of time
  under Subsection (j), the health care insurer must file a written
  subclaim under this section not later than the 120th day after:
               (1)  the workers' compensation insurance carrier fails
  to respond to a request for reimbursement; or
               (2)  receipt of the workers' compensation insurance
  carrier's notice of denial to pay or reduction in reimbursement.
         (l)  Any dispute that arises from a failure to respond to or a
  reduction or denial of a request for reimbursement of services that
  form the basis of the subclaim must go through the appropriate
  dispute resolution process under this subtitle and division rules.
  The commissioner of insurance and the commissioner of workers'
  compensation shall modify rules under this subtitle as necessary to
  allow the health care insurer access as a subclaimant to the
  appropriate dispute resolution process. Rules adopted or amended
  by the commissioner of insurance and the commissioner of workers'
  compensation must recognize the status of a subclaimant as a party
  to the dispute. Rules modified or adopted under this section should
  ensure that the workers' compensation insurance carrier is not
  penalized, including not being held responsible for costs of
  obtaining the additional information, if the workers' compensation
  insurance carrier denies payment in order to move to dispute
  resolution to obtain additional information to process the request.
         (m)  In a dispute filed under Chapter 410 that arises from a
  subclaim under this section, a hearing officer may issue an order
  regarding compensability or eligibility for benefits and order the
  workers' compensation insurance carrier to reimburse health care
  services paid by the health care insurer as appropriate under this
  subtitle.  Any dispute over the amount of medical benefits owed
  under this section, including medical necessity issues, shall be
  determined by medical dispute resolution under Sections 413.031 and
         (n)  Except as provided by Subsection (s), a health care
  insurer must file a request for reimbursement with the workers'
  compensation insurance carrier not later than six months after the
  date on which the health care insurer received information under
  Section 402.084(c-3) and not later than 18 months after the health
  care insurer paid for the health care service.
         (o)  The commissioner and the commissioner of insurance
  shall amend or adopt rules to specify the process by which an
  employee who has paid for health care services described by Section
  408.027(d) may seek reimbursement.
         (p)  Until September 1, 2011, a workers' compensation
  insurance carrier is exempt from any department and division data
  reporting requirements affected by a lack of information caused by
  reimbursement requests or subclaims under this section. If data
  reporting is required after that date, the requirement is
  prospective only and may not require any data to be reported between
  September 1, 2007, and the date required reporting is reinstated.
  The department and the division may make legislative
  recommendations to the 82nd Legislature for the collection of
  reimbursement request and subclaim data.
         (q)  An action or failure to act by a workers' compensation
  insurance carrier under this section may not serve as the basis for
  an examination or administrative action by the department or the
  division, or for any cause of action by any person, except for
  judicial review under this subtitle.
         (r)  The commissioner of insurance and the commissioner of
  workers' compensation may adopt additional rules to clarify the
  processes required by, fulfill the purpose of, or assist the
  parties in the proper adjudication of subclaims under this section.
         (s)  On or after September 1, 2007, from information provided
  to a health care insurer before January 1, 2007, under Section
  402.084(c-3), the health care insurer may file with the division,
  but not later than March 1, 2008:
               (1)  a subclaim under Subsection (l) if a request for
  reimbursement has been presented and denied by a workers'
  compensation insurance carrier; or
               (2)  a request for reimbursement under Subsection (f)
  if a request for reimbursement has not previously been presented
  and denied by the workers' compensation insurance carrier.
         SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a subclaim based on a compensable injury that occurred on or
  after September 1, 2007, and to reimbursement requests and
  subclaims pursuant to Section 409.0091(s), Labor Code, as added by
  this Act. The changes made by this Act apply only to subclaims
  based on an injury that has not been denied for compensability or
  that has been determined by the division to be compensable.
         SECTION 4.  The commissioner of workers' compensation shall
  prescribe any forms required under Section 409.0091, Labor Code, as
  added by this Act, not later than September 1, 2007.
         SECTION 5.  The commissioner of workers' compensation and
  the commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules as required by this
  Act not later than December 1, 2007.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.