80R6910 MSE-F
  By: Eltife S.B. No. 1124
relating to sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological surveys of
bodies of public water conducted by the Department of State Health
Services and related fish advisories.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter G, Chapter 436, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Sections 436.092 through 436.098 to read
as follows:
       Sec. 436.092.  DUTIES OF DIRECTOR.  Before conducting a
sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological survey of a body of public
water, the director shall:
             (1)  prepare a proposed quality assurance project plan
that complies with Section 436.094 and is designed specifically for
the body of public water subject to the survey;
             (2)  publish notice of the proposed survey at least
once in a newspaper regularly published or circulated in each
county in which the body of public water is located and provide
individual notice as required by Section 436.093; and
             (3)  provide a public review and comment period in
accordance with Section 436.095.
       Sec. 436.093.  NOTICE TO STAKEHOLDERS. (a) The director
shall identify persons with a direct interest in a body of public
water that is the subject of a proposed sanitary, chemical, or
bacteriological survey, including:
             (1)  the executive director of the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality;
             (2)  the executive director of the Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department;
             (3)  a representative of each water district or river
authority with jurisdiction over the body of public water subject
to the proposed survey;
             (4)  a representative of the segment of the Texas Clean
Rivers Program administered by the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality that performs functions in relation to the
body of public water;
             (5)  a representative of each municipality:
                   (A)  any portion of which is located within five
miles of the body of public water;
                   (B)  that maintains municipal facilities on or at
the body of public water; or
                   (C)  for which the body of public water is a source
of drinking water or a discharge point for effluent;
             (6)  a representative of each industrial or commercial
entity that uses the body of public water or is otherwise dependent
on the body of public water in the entity's business; and
             (7)  a representative of any nongovernmental entity,
such as a citizen or public interest group, that has as its primary
purpose the preservation and protection of the body of public
       (b)  Not later than the 60th day before the proposed survey
is scheduled to begin, the director shall mail notice of the
proposed survey to each person listed or identified under
Subsection (a). The notice must state:
             (1)  the reason for the proposed survey;
             (2)  the director's statutory and regulatory authority
to conduct the proposed survey;
             (3)  the name, address, and phone number of a contact
person at the department who is knowledgeable concerning the
proposed survey and responsible for addressing questions from
interested persons and other members of the public;
             (4)  the contaminants to be sampled in the proposed
             (5)  a description of the opportunity for interested
persons and other members of the public to learn more about the
proposed survey; and
             (6)  a description of the review and comment process
for the proposed survey and the proposed quality assurance project
       Sec. 436.094.  QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN. The quality
assurance project plan for a sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological
survey of a body of public water must include:
             (1)  a general description of the survey;
             (2)  a statement of the objective of the survey;
             (3)  a description of the sampling and analytical
methods and quality assurance procedures;
             (4)  a description of the methodology to be employed to
interpret survey data;
             (5)  a description of the roles and responsibilities of
the survey participants;
             (6)  a statement of the schedule for conducting the
survey and obtaining survey results and the information anticipated
to be obtained by the survey; and
             (7)  a map showing proposed sampling locations.
       Sec. 436.095.  REVIEW AND COMMENT PERIOD. (a) The director
shall provide a review and comment period of at least 30 days during
which interested persons and other members of the public may
comment on the proposed sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological
survey of a body of public water and the proposed quality assurance
project plan.
       (b)  Before conducting the proposed sanitary, chemical, or
bacteriological survey, the director must consider each comment
received during the review and comment period and provide a written
response to the comments.
       (c)  The director's response to comments must either accept
or reject each comment and state the reason the comment was
accepted or rejected.
QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN. (a) After the close of the review and
comment period and before a proposed sanitary, chemical, or
bacteriological survey of a body of public water is conducted, the
department shall make available to the public the director's
written response to comments and a final quality assurance project
       (b)  The director shall mail notice of the response to
comments and final quality assurance project plan to each person
listed by or identified under Section 436.093(a) and to each person
who submitted a comment during the review and comment period.
       Sec. 436.097.  NOTICE ON COMPLETION OF SURVEY. (a) On
completion of a sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological survey of a
body of public water, the director shall notify the public of the
survey results and of any declaration of a prohibited area or fish
advisory the director considers necessary based on the survey
       (b)  Notice under this section must be published at least
once in a newspaper regularly published or circulated in each
county in which the body of public water is located. The director
shall mail the notice to each person listed by or identified under
Section 436.093(a) and to each person who submitted a comment
during the review and comment period.
       Sec. 436.098.  FISH ADVISORIES. (a) The executive
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
adopt rules in accordance with this section to establish standards
for the form and content of health advisories concerning
consumption of fish to ensure that the advisories communicate the
appropriate level of risk associated with fish consumption.
       (b)  If survey data obtained from a body of public water
suggest a distinction is appropriate, a fish advisory must
             (1)  risks related to particular fish species;
             (2)  risks related to fish of a particular size; and
             (3)  risks to sensitive or at-risk populations, such as
children or nursing or pregnant women.
       (c)  Rules adopted under this section must address other
areas of potential public concern that may arise from the issuance
of a fish advisory, including swimming, boating, catch-and-release
fishing, and other recreational activities.
       (d)  If a fish advisory is issued, the department shall
provide ongoing assistance to the public and interested persons in
the effective communication of the advisory through preparation of
circulars, maintaining posted signs, and providing a department
contact for questions that arise regarding the advisory.
       (e)  Rules adopted under this section must require that the
department review each fish advisory at least once during each
four-year period. At a minimum, the review must:
             (1)  address the adequacy of the survey on which the
advisory is based considering developments in applicable science or
documented changes in underlying conditions of the body of public
water; and
             (2)  consider credible information provided by
interested persons and other members of the public.
       (f)  The department may accept gifts and grants to fund
surveys related to fish advisories. Rules adopted under this
section must include provisions to ensure that:
             (1)  appropriate information concerning the conduct of
surveys supported by the gifts and grants is available to
interested persons and other members of the public; and
             (2)  the surveys supported by gifts and grants produce
reliable data.
       SECTION 2.  The executive commissioner of the Health and
Human Services Commission shall adopt rules as necessary to
implement this Act not later than January 1, 2008.
       SECTION 3.  This Act applies only to a sanitary, chemical, or
bacteriological survey of a body of public water conducted on or
after January 1, 2008.
       SECTION 4.  This Act applies only to a fish advisory issued
or in effect on or after January 1, 2008.
       SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.