80R7203 AJA-D
  By: Brimer S.B. No. 1136
  relating to the nonsubstantive revision of statutes relating to the
  Texas Department of Insurance, the business of insurance, and
  certain related businesses, to nonsubstantive additions to and
  corrections in the codified Insurance Code, and to conforming the
  provisions of that code that were codified by the 79th Legislature
  to other Acts of that legislature, including conforming amendments,
  repeals, and penalties.
         SECTION 1A.001.  CONFORMING AMENDMENT.  Chapter 30,
  Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 30.001.  PURPOSE OF TITLES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
  11, 12, 13, [AND] 14, AND 20.  (a)  This title and Titles 3, 4, 5, 6,
  7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [and] 14, and 20 are enacted as a part of the
  state's continuing statutory revision program, begun by the Texas
  Legislative Council in 1963 as directed by the legislature in the
  law codified as Section 323.007, Government Code.  The program
  contemplates a topic-by-topic revision of the state's general and
  permanent statute law without substantive change.
         (b)  Consistent with the objectives of the statutory
  revision program, the purpose of this title and Titles 3, 4, 5, 6,
  7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [and] 14, and 20 is to make the law
  encompassed by the titles more accessible and understandable by:
               (1)  rearranging the statutes into a more logical
               (2)  employing a format and numbering system designed
  to facilitate citation of the law and to accommodate future
  expansion of the law;
               (3)  eliminating repealed, duplicative,
  unconstitutional, expired, executed, and other ineffective
  provisions; and
               (4)  restating the law in modern American English to
  the greatest extent possible.
         Sec. 30.002.  CONSTRUCTION.  Except as provided by Section
  30.003 and as otherwise expressly provided in this code, Chapter
  311, Government Code (Code Construction Act), applies to the
  construction of each provision in this title and in Titles 3, 4, 5,
  6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [and] 14, and 20.
         Sec. 30.003.  DEFINITION OF PERSON.  The definition of
  "person" assigned by Section 311.005, Government Code, does not
  apply to any provision in this title or in Title 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
  10, 11, 12, 13, [or] 14, or 20.
  3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [OR] 14, OR 20.  A reference in a
  law to a statute or a part of a statute revised by this title or by
  Title 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, [or] 14, or 20 is
  considered to be a reference to the part of this code that revises
  that statute or part of that statute.
         SECTION 1A.002.  ADDITION. Subchapter A, Chapter 32,
  Insurance Code, is amended by adding Sections 32.0015 and 32.004 to
  read as follows:
  PAPERS; CERTIFIED COPIES. (a)  The department shall file and
  maintain in a department office:
               (1)  all insurance companies' acts or articles of
  incorporation; and
               (2)  any other paper required by law to be filed with
  the department.
         (b)  The department shall provide a certified copy of a
  document described by Subsection (a)(1) or (2) to a party
  interested in the document who:
               (1)  submits an application; and
               (2)  pays the fee prescribed by law. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  1.10, Sec. 2.)
  department shall publish the results of an examination of a
  company's affairs if the commissioner determines that publication
  is in the public interest.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.10, Sec. 6.)
         SECTION 1B.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle B, Title 3, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 228 to read as follows:
         Sec. 228.001.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Allocation date" means the date on which
  certified investors are allocated premium tax credits.
               (2)  "Certified capital" means cash invested by a
  certified investor that fully funds the purchase price of an equity
  interest in a certified capital company or a qualified debt
  instrument issued by the company.
               (3)  "Certified capital company" means a partnership,
  corporation, or trust or limited liability company, whether
  organized on a profit or nonprofit basis, that:
                     (A)  has as the company's primary business
  activity the investment of cash in qualified businesses; and
                     (B)  is certified as meeting the criteria of this
               (4)  "Certified investor" means an insurer or other
  person that has state premium tax liability and that contributes
  certified capital pursuant to a premium tax credit allocation under
  this chapter.
               (5)  "Early stage business" means a business described
  by Section 228.152(a).
               (6)  "Person" means an individual or entity, including
  a corporation, general or limited partnership, or trust or limited
  liability company.
               (7)  "Premium tax credit allocation claim" means a
  claim for allocation of premium tax credits.
               (8)  "Qualified business" means a business described by
  Section 228.201.
               (9)  "Qualified debt instrument" means a debt
  instrument issued by a certified capital company, at par value or a
  premium, that:
                     (A)  has an original maturity date that is a date
  on or after the fifth anniversary of the date of issuance;
                     (B)  has a repayment schedule that is not faster
  than a level principal amortization over five years; and
                     (C)  does not have interest, distribution, or
  payment features that are related to:
                           (i)  the profitability of the company; or
                           (ii)  the performance of the company's
  investment portfolio.
               (10)  "Qualified investment" means the investment of
  cash by a certified capital company in a qualified business for the
  purchase of any debt, debt participation, equity, or hybrid
  security of any nature or description, including a debt instrument
  or security that has the characteristics of debt but that provides
  for conversion into equity or equity participation instruments such
  as options or warrants.
               (11)  "State premium tax liability" means:
                     (A)  any liability incurred by any person under
  Chapter 221, 222, 223, or 224; or
                     (B)  if the tax liability imposed under Chapter
  221, 222, 223, or 224 is eliminated or reduced, any tax liability
  imposed on an insurer or other person that had premium tax liability
  under Subchapter A, Chapter 4, or Article 9.59 as those laws existed
  on January 1, 2003.
               (12)  "Strategic investment business" means a business
  described by Section 228.153(a). (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.51, Subdivs.
  (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) (part), (7), (8), (9) (part), (10), (12),
  (13), (15) (part).)
         Sec. 228.002.  DEFINITION OF AFFILIATE.  In this chapter,
  "affiliate" of another person means:
               (1)  a person that is an affiliate for purposes of
  Section 823.003;
               (2)  a person that directly or indirectly:
                     (A)  beneficially owns 10 percent or more of the
  outstanding voting securities or other voting or management
  interests of the other person, whether through rights, options,
  convertible interests, or otherwise; or
                     (B)  controls or holds power to vote 10 percent or
  more of the outstanding voting securities or other voting or
  management interests of the other person;
               (3)  a person 10 percent or more of the outstanding
  voting securities or other voting or management interests of which
  are directly or indirectly:
                     (A)  beneficially owned by the other person,
  whether through rights, options, convertible interests, or
  otherwise; or
                     (B)  controlled or held with power to vote by the
  other person;
               (4)  a partnership in which the other person is a
  general partner;
               (5)  an officer, director, employee, or agent of the
  other person; or
               (6)  an immediate family member of an officer,
  director, employee, or agent described by Subdivision (5). 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.51, Subdiv. (1).)
  [Sections 228.003-228.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.051.  ADMINISTRATION BY COMPTROLLER. The
  comptroller shall administer this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.52
         Sec. 228.052.  RULES; FORMS. The comptroller shall adopt
  rules and forms as necessary to implement this chapter, including
  rules that:
               (1)  establish the application procedures for
  certified capital companies; and
               (2)  facilitate the transfer or assignment of premium
  tax credits by certified investors. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.52 (part);
  Art. 4.53, Sec. (a); Art. 4.71, Sec. (a) (part).)
         Sec. 228.053.  REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.  (a)  The comptroller
  shall prepare a biennial report concerning the results of the
  implementation of this chapter.  The report must include:
               (1)  the number of certified capital companies holding
  certified capital;
               (2)  the amount of certified capital invested in each
  certified capital company;
               (3)  the amount of certified capital the certified
  capital company invested in qualified businesses as of January 1,
  2006, and the cumulative total for each subsequent year;
               (4)  the total amount of tax credits granted under this
  chapter for each year that credits have been granted;
               (5)  the performance of each certified capital company
  with respect to renewal and reporting requirements imposed under
  this chapter;
               (6)  with respect to the qualified businesses in which
  certified capital companies have invested:
                     (A)  the classification of the qualified
  businesses according to the industrial sector and size of the
                     (B)  the total number of jobs created by the
  investment and the average wages paid for the jobs; and
                     (C)  the total number of jobs retained as a result
  of the investment and the average wages paid for the jobs; and
               (7)  the certified capital companies that have been
  decertified or that have failed to renew the certification and the
  reason for any decertification.
         (b)  The comptroller shall file the report with the governor,
  the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives not later than December 15 of each even-numbered
  year. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.73.)
         Sec. 228.054.  PROMOTION OF PROGRAM.  The Texas Economic
  Development and Tourism Office shall promote the program
  established under this chapter in the Texas Business and Community
  Economic Development Clearinghouse. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.72.)
  [Sections 228.055-228.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.101.  APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION.  (a)  An
  applicant for certification must file the application in the form
  prescribed by the comptroller.  The application must be accompanied
  by a nonrefundable application fee of $7,500.
         (b)  The application must include an audited balance sheet of
  the applicant, with an unqualified opinion from an independent
  certified public accountant, as of a date not more than 35 days
  before the date of the application. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.53, Sec.
         Sec. 228.102.  QUALIFICATION.  To qualify as a certified
  capital company:
               (1)  the applicant must have, at the time of
  application for certification, an equity capitalization of at least
  $500,000 in unencumbered cash or cash equivalents;
               (2)  at least two principals or persons employed to
  manage the funds of the applicant must have at least four years of
  experience in the venture capital industry; and
               (3)  the applicant must satisfy any additional
  requirement imposed by the comptroller by rule. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  4.53, Sec. (c).)
  OF INSURANCE ENTITIES PROHIBITED.  (a)  An insurer, group of
  insurers, or other persons who may have state premium tax liability
  or the insurer's or person's affiliates may not directly or
               (1)  manage a certified capital company;
               (2)  beneficially own, whether through rights,
  options, convertible interests, or otherwise, more than 10 percent
  of the outstanding voting securities of a certified capital
  company; or
               (3)  control the direction of investments for a
  certified capital company.
         (b)  Subsection (a) applies without regard to whether the
  insurer or other person or the affiliate of the insurer or other
  person is authorized by or engages in business in this state.
         (c)  Subsections (a) and (b) do not preclude an insurer,
  certified investor, or any other party from exercising its legal
  rights and remedies, including interim management of a certified
  capital company, if authorized by law, with respect to a certified
  capital company that is in default of the company's statutory or
  contractual obligations to the insurer, certified investor, or
  other party.
         (d)  This chapter does not limit an insurer's ownership of
  nonvoting equity interests in a certified capital company. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.54; Art. 4.56, Sec. (d).)
         Sec. 228.104.  ACTION ON APPLICATION.  (a)  The comptroller
               (1)  review the application, organizational documents,
  and business history of each applicant; and
               (2)  ensure that the applicant satisfies the
  requirements of this chapter.
         (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date an
  application is filed, the comptroller shall:
               (1)  issue the certification; or
               (2)  refuse to issue the certification and communicate
  in detail to the applicant the grounds for the refusal, including
  suggestions for the removal of those grounds. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  4.53, Secs. (d), (e).)
         Sec. 228.105.  CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATION.  To continue
  to be certified, a certified capital company must make qualified
  investments according to the schedule established by Section
  228.151. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (a) (part).)
  STATEMENT.  (a)  Each certified capital company shall report to the
  comptroller as soon as practicable after the receipt of certified
               (1)  the name of each certified investor from whom the
  certified capital was received, including the certified investor's
  insurance premium tax identification number;
               (2)  the amount of each certified investor's investment
  of certified capital and premium tax credits; and
               (3)  the date on which the certified capital was
         (b)  Not later than January 31 of each year, each certified
  capital company shall report to the comptroller:
               (1)  the amount of the company's certified capital at
  the end of the preceding year;
               (2)  whether or not the company has invested more than
  15 percent of the company's total certified capital in a single
               (3)  each qualified investment that the company made
  during the preceding year and, with respect to each qualified
  investment, the number of employees of the qualified business at
  the time the qualified investment was made; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller,
  including any information required by the comptroller to comply
  with Section 228.053.
         (c)  Not later than April 1 of each year, each certified
  capital company shall provide to the comptroller an annual audited
  financial statement that includes the opinion of an independent
  certified public accountant. The audit must address the methods of
  operation and conduct of the business of the company to determine
               (1)  the company is complying with this chapter and the
  rules adopted under this chapter;
               (2)  the funds received by the company have been
  invested as required within the time provided by Section 228.151;
               (3)  the company has invested the funds in qualified
  businesses. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.58.)
         Sec. 228.107.  RENEWAL FEE; LATE FEE; EXCEPTION.  (a)  Not
  later than January 31 of each year, each certified capital company
  shall pay a nonrefundable renewal fee of $5,000 to the comptroller.
         (b)  If a certified capital company fails to pay the renewal
  fee on or before the date specified by Subsection (a), the company
  must pay, in addition to the renewal fee, a late fee of $5,000 to
  continue the company's certification.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a renewal fee is not
  required within six months of the date on which a certified capital
  company's initial certification is issued under Section
  228.104(b). (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.59.)
  COMPANY.  Any offering material involving the sale of securities of
  the certified capital company must include the following statement:
               By authorizing the formation of a certified
  capital company, the State of Texas does not endorse
  the quality of management or the potential for
  earnings of the company and is not liable for damages
  or losses to a certified investor in the company. Use
  of the word "certified" in an offering does not
  constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the
  investment by the comptroller of public accounts. If
  applicable provisions of law are violated, the State
  of Texas may require forfeiture of unused premium tax
  credits and repayments of used premium tax credits.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.55.)
  [Sections 228.109-228.150 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.151.  REQUIRED SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENT.  (a)  Before
  the third anniversary of a certified capital company's allocation
  date, the company must make qualified investments in an amount
  cumulatively equal to at least 30 percent of the company's
  certified capital, subject to Section 228.153(b).
         (b)  Before the fifth anniversary of a certified capital
  company's allocation date, the company must make qualified
  investments in an amount cumulatively equal to at least 50 percent
  of the company's certified capital, subject to Sections 228.152(b)
  and 228.153(b). (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (a) (part).)
  (a)  In this section, "early stage business" means a qualified
  business that:
               (1)  is involved, at the time of a certified capital
  company's first investment, in activities related to the
  development of initial product or service offerings, such as
  prototype development or establishment of initial production or
  service processes;
               (2)  was initially organized less than two years before
  the date of the certified capital company's first investment; or
               (3)  during the fiscal year immediately preceding the
  year of the certified capital company's first investment had, on a
  consolidated basis with the business's affiliates, gross revenues
  of not more than $2 million as determined in accordance with
  generally accepted accounting principles.
         (b)  A certified capital company must place at least 50
  percent of the amount of qualified investments required by Section
  228.151(b) in early stage businesses. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.51, Subdiv.
  (6); Art. 4.56, Sec. (b) (part).)
  REQUIRED.  (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Strategic investment area" means an area of this
  state that qualifies as a strategic investment area under
  Subchapter O, Chapter 171, Tax Code, or, after the date that
  subchapter expires, an area that qualified as a strategic
  investment area under that subchapter immediately before that date.
               (2)  "Strategic investment business" means a qualified
  business that:
                     (A)  has the business's principal business
  operations located in one or more strategic investment areas; and
                     (B)  intends to maintain business operations in
  the strategic investment areas after receipt of the investment by
  the certified capital company.
         (b)  A certified capital company must place at least 30
  percent of the amount of qualified investments required by Sections
  228.151(a) and (b) in a strategic investment business. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 4.51, Subdivs. (14), (15); Art. 4.56, Sec. (b) (part).)
  INVESTMENTS.  A certified capital company shall invest any
  certified capital not invested in qualified investments only in:
               (1)  cash deposited with a federally insured financial
               (2)  certificates of deposit in a federally insured
  financial institution;
               (3)  investment securities that are:
                     (A)  obligations of the United States or agencies
  or instrumentalities of the United States; or
                     (B)  obligations that are guaranteed fully as to
  principal and interest by the United States;
               (4)  debt instruments rated at least "A" or the
  equivalent by a nationally recognized credit rating organization,
  or issued by, or guaranteed with respect to payment by, an entity
  whose unsecured indebtedness is rated at least "A" or the
  equivalent by a nationally recognized credit rating organization,
  and which indebtedness is not subordinated to other unsecured
  indebtedness of the issuer or the guarantor;
               (5)  obligations of this state or a municipality or
  political subdivision of this state; or
               (6)  any other investment approved in advance in
  writing by the comptroller. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (h).)
         Sec. 228.155.  COMPUTATION OF AMOUNT OF INVESTMENTS.  (a)  
  The aggregate cumulative amount of all qualified investments made
  by a certified capital company after the company's allocation date
  shall be considered in the computation of the percentage
  requirements under this subchapter.
         (b)  A certified capital company may invest proceeds
  received from a qualified investment in another qualified
  investment, and that investment counts toward any requirement of
  this chapter with respect to investments of certified capital.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (c).)
         Sec. 228.156.  LIMIT ON QUALIFIED INVESTMENT. A certified
  capital company may not make a qualified investment at a cost to the
  company that is greater than 15 percent of the company's total
  certified capital at the time of investment. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56,
  Sec. (f).)
  (a)  In this section, "qualified distribution" means any
  distribution or payment from certified capital by a certified
  capital company in connection with:
               (1)  the reasonable costs and expenses of forming,
  syndicating, managing, and operating the company, provided that the
  distribution or payment is not made directly or indirectly to a
  certified investor, including:
                     (A)  reasonable and necessary fees paid for
  professional services, including legal and accounting services,
  related to the company's formation and operation; and
                     (B)  an annual management fee in an amount that
  does not exceed 2.5 percent of the company's certified capital; and
               (2)  a projected increase in federal or state taxes,
  including penalties and interest related to state and federal
  income taxes, of the company's equity owners resulting from the
  earnings or other tax liability of the company to the extent that
  the increase is related to the ownership, management, or operation
  of the company.
         (b)  A certified capital company may make a qualified
  distribution at any time. To make a distribution or payment other
  than a qualified distribution, a company must have made qualified
  investments in an amount cumulatively equal to 100 percent of the
  company's certified capital.
         (c)  If a business in which a qualified investment is made
  relocates the business's principal business operations to another
  state during the term of the certified capital company's investment
  in the business, the cumulative amount of qualified investments
  made by the certified capital company for purposes of satisfying
  the requirements of Subsection (b) only is reduced by the amount of
  the certified capital company's qualified investments in the
  business that has relocated.
         (d)  Subsection (c) does not apply if the business
  demonstrates that the business has returned the business's
  principal business operations to this state not later than the 90th
  day after the date of the relocation. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.51, Subdiv.
  (11); Art. 4.60, Secs. (a), (c).)
         Sec. 228.158.  REPAYMENT OF DEBT.  Notwithstanding Section
  228.157(b), a certified capital company may make repayments of
  principal and interest on the company's indebtedness without any
  restriction, including repaying the company's indebtedness on
  which certified investors earned premium tax credits. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 4.60, Sec. (b).)
  [Sections 228.159-228.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.201.  DEFINITION OF QUALIFIED BUSINESS. (a)  In
  this chapter, "qualified business" means a business that complies
  with this section at the time of a certified capital company's first
  investment in the business.
         (b)  A qualified business must:
               (1)  be headquartered in this state and intend to
  remain in this state after receipt of the certified capital
  company's investment; and
               (2)  have the business's principal business operations
  located in this state and intend to maintain business operations in
  this state after receipt of the certified capital company's
         (c)  A qualified business must agree to use the qualified
  investment primarily to:
               (1)  support business operations in this state, other
  than advertising, promotion, and sales operations which may be
  conducted outside of this state; or
               (2)  in the case of a start-up company, establish and
  support business operations in this state, other than advertising,
  promotion, and sales operations which may be conducted outside of
  this state.
         (d)  A qualified business may not have more than 100
  employees and must:
               (1)  employ at least 80 percent of the business's
  employees in this state; or
               (2)  pay 80 percent of the business's payroll to
  employees in this state.
         (e)  A qualified business must be primarily engaged in:
               (1)  manufacturing, processing, or assembling
               (2)  conducting research and development; or
               (3)  providing services.
         (f)  A qualified business may not be primarily engaged in:
               (1)  retail sales;
               (2)  real estate development;
               (3)  the business of insurance, banking, or lending; or
               (4)  the provision of professional services provided by
  accountants, attorneys, or physicians. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.51,
  Subdiv. (9).)
  If, before the 90th day after the date a certified capital company
  makes an investment in a qualified business, the qualified business
  moves the business's principal business operations from this state,
  the investment may not be considered a qualified investment for
  purposes of the percentage requirements under this chapter. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (g).)
         Sec. 228.203.  EVALUATION OF BUSINESS BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  A
  certified capital company may, before making an investment in a
  business, request a written opinion from the comptroller as to
  whether the business in which the company proposes to invest is a
  qualified business, an early stage business, or a strategic
  investment business.
         (b)  Not later than the 15th business day after the date of
  the receipt of a request under Subsection (a), the comptroller
               (1)  determine whether the business meets the
  definition of a qualified business, an early stage business, or a
  strategic investment business, as applicable, and notify the
  certified capital company of the determination and provide an
  explanation of the determination; or
               (2)  notify the company that an additional 15 days will
  be needed to review the request and make the determination.
         (c)  If the comptroller fails to notify the certified capital
  company with respect to the proposed investment within the period
  specified by Subsection (b), the business in which the company
  proposes to invest is considered to be a qualified business, an
  early stage business, or a strategic investment business, as
  appropriate. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.57.)
  is classified as a qualified business at the time of the first
  investment in the business by a certified capital company:
               (1)  remains classified as a qualified business; and
               (2)  may receive follow-on investments from any
  certified capital company.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a follow-on
  investment made under Subsection (a) is a qualified investment even
  though the business may not meet the definition of a qualified
  business at the time of the follow-on investment.
         (c)  A follow-on investment does not qualify as a qualified
  investment if, at the time of the follow-on investment, the
  qualified business no longer has the business's principal business
  operations in this state. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.56, Sec. (e).)
  [Sections 228.205-228.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.251.  PREMIUM TAX CREDIT.  (a)  A certified investor
  who makes an investment of certified capital shall earn in the year
  of investment a vested credit against state premium tax liability
  equal to 100 percent of the certified investor's investment of
  certified capital, subject to the limits imposed by this chapter.
         (b)  Beginning with the tax report due March 1, 2009, for the
  2008 tax year, a certified investor may take up to 25 percent of the
  vested premium tax credit in any taxable year of the certified
  investor.  The credit may not be applied to estimated payments due
  in 2008. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.65, Sec. (a).)
         Sec. 228.252.  LIMIT ON PREMIUM TAX CREDIT. (a)  The credit
  to be applied against state premium tax liability of a certified
  investor in any one year may not exceed the state premium tax
  liability of the investor for the taxable year.
         (b)  A certified investor may carry forward any unused credit
  against state premium tax liability indefinitely until the premium
  tax credits are used. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.65, Sec. (b).)
  (a)  A certified investor must prepare and execute a premium tax
  credit allocation claim on a form provided by the comptroller.
         (b)  The certified capital company must have filed the claim
  with the comptroller on the date on which the comptroller accepted
  premium tax credit allocation claims on behalf of certified
  investors under the comptroller's rules.
         (c)  The premium tax credit allocation claim form must
  include an affidavit of the certified investor under which the
  certified investor becomes legally bound and irrevocably committed
  to make an investment of certified capital in a certified capital
  company in the amount allocated even if the amount allocated is less
  than the amount of the claim, subject only to the receipt of an
  allocation under Section 228.255.
         (d)  A certified investor may not claim a premium tax credit
  under Section 228.251 for an investment that has not been funded,
  without regard to whether the certified investor has committed to
  fund the investment. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.66.)
         Sec. 228.254.  TOTAL LIMIT ON PREMIUM TAX CREDITS.  (a)  The
  total amount of certified capital for which premium tax credits may
  be allowed under this chapter for all years in which premium tax
  credits are allowed is $200 million.
         (b)  The total amount of certified capital for which premium
  tax credits may be allowed for all certified investors under this
  chapter may not exceed the amount that would entitle all certified
  investors in certified capital companies to take total credits of
  $50 million in a year.
         (c)  A certified capital company and the company's
  affiliates may not file premium tax credit allocation claims in
  excess of the maximum amount of certified capital for which premium
  tax credits may be allowed as provided by this section. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 4.67.)
         Sec. 228.255.  ALLOCATION OF PREMIUM TAX CREDIT.  (a)  If the
  total premium tax credits claimed by all certified investors
  exceeds the total limits on premium tax credits established by
  Section 228.254(a), the comptroller shall allocate the total amount
  of premium tax credits allowed under this chapter to certified
  investors in certified capital companies on a pro rata basis in
  accordance with this section.
         (b)  The pro rata allocation for each certified investor
  shall be the product of:
               (1)  a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of
  the premium tax credit allocation claim filed on behalf of the
  investor and the denominator of which is the total amount of all
  premium tax credit allocation claims filed on behalf of all
  certified investors; and
               (2)  the total amount of certified capital for which
  premium tax credits may be allowed under this chapter.
         (c)  The maximum amount of certified capital for which
  premium tax credit allocation may be allowed on behalf of a single
  certified investor and the investor's affiliates, whether by one or
  more certified capital companies, may not exceed the greater of:
               (1)  $10 million; or
               (2)  15 percent of the maximum aggregate amount
  available under Section 228.254(a). (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.68, Secs.
  (a), (b), (e).)
         Sec. 228.256.  TREATMENT OF CREDITS AND CAPITAL.  In any case
  under this code or another insurance law of this state in which the
  assets of a certified investor are examined or considered, the
  certified capital may be treated as an admitted asset, subject to
  the applicable statutory valuation procedures. (V.T.I.C. Art.
         Sec. 228.257.  TRANSFERABILITY OF CREDIT.  (a) A certified
  investor may transfer or assign premium tax credits only in
  compliance with the rules adopted under Section 228.052.
         (b)  The transfer or assignment of a premium tax credit does
  not affect the schedule for taking the premium tax credit under this
  chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.71, Secs. (a) (part), (b).)
  RATEMAKING.  A certified investor is not required to reduce the
  amount of premium tax included by the investor in connection with
  ratemaking for an insurance contract written in this state because
  of a reduction in the investor's Texas premium tax derived from
  premium tax credits granted under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art.
         Sec. 228.259.  RETALIATORY TAX.  A certified investor
  claiming a credit against state premium tax liability earned
  through an investment in a company is not required to pay any
  additional retaliatory tax levied under Chapter 281 as a result of
  claiming that credit. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.65, Sec. (c) (part).)
  [Sections 228.260-228.300 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 228.301.  ANNUAL REVIEW BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  The
  comptroller shall conduct an annual review of each certified
  capital company to:
               (1)  ensure that the company:
                     (A)  continues to satisfy the requirements of this
  chapter; and
                     (B)  has not made any investment in violation of
  this chapter; and
               (2)  determine the eligibility status of the company's
  qualified investments.
         (b)  Each certified capital company shall pay the cost of the
  annual review according to a reasonable fee schedule adopted by the
  comptroller. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.61, Secs. (a), (b).)
  COMPANY. (a)  A material violation of Section 228.105, 228.106,
  228.107, 228.151, 228.152, 228.153, 228.154, 228.155, 228.156,
  228.202, or 228.204 is grounds for decertification of a certified
  capital company.
         (b)  If the comptroller determines that a certified capital
  company is not in compliance with a law listed in Subsection (a),
  the comptroller shall notify the company's officers in writing that
  the company may be subject to decertification after the 120th day
  after the date the notice is mailed unless the company:
               (1)  corrects the deficiencies; and
               (2)  returns to compliance with the law.
         (c)  The comptroller may decertify a certified capital
  company, after opportunity for hearing, if the comptroller finds
  that the company is not in compliance with a law listed in
  Subsection (a) at the end of the period established by Subsection
         (d)  Decertification under this section is effective on
  receipt of notice of decertification by the certified capital
         (e)  The comptroller shall notify any appropriate state
  agency of a decertification of a certified capital company. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.61, Secs. (c), (d).)
         Sec. 228.303.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  The comptroller
  may impose an administrative penalty on a certified capital company
  that violates this chapter.
         (b)  The amount of the penalty may not exceed $25,000. Each
  day a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for the
  purpose of imposing the penalty. The amount of the penalty shall be
  based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
  nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
               (2)  the economic harm caused by the violation;
               (3)  the history of previous violations;
               (4)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (5)  efforts to correct the violation; and
               (6)  any other matter that justice may require.
         (c)  A certified capital company assessed a penalty under
  this chapter may request a redetermination as provided by Chapter
  111, Tax Code.
         (d)  The attorney general may sue to collect the penalty.
         (e)  A proceeding to impose the penalty is a contested case
  under Chapter 2001, Government Code. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.62.)
  [Sections 228.304-228.350 reserved for expansion]
  CREDIT FOLLOWING DECERTIFICATION.  (a)  Decertification of a
  certified capital company may, in accordance with this section,
               (1)  the recapture of premium tax credits previously
  claimed by the company's certified investors; and
               (2)  the forfeiture of future premium tax credits to be
  claimed by the investors.
         (b)  Decertification of a certified capital company on or
  before the third anniversary of the company's allocation date
  causes the recapture of any premium tax credits previously claimed
  and the forfeiture of any future premium tax credits to be claimed
  by a certified investor with respect to the company.
         (c)  For a certified capital company that meets the
  requirements for continued certification under Section 228.151(a)
  and subsequently fails to meet the requirements for continued
  certification under Subsection (b) of that section:
               (1)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
  taken by a certified investor on or before the third anniversary of
  the allocation date is not subject to recapture or forfeiture; and
               (2)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
  taken by a certified investor after the third anniversary of the
  company's allocation date is subject to recapture or forfeiture.
         (d)  For a certified capital company that has met the
  requirements for continued certification under Section 228.151 and
  is subsequently decertified:
               (1)  any premium tax credit that has been or will be
  taken by a certified investor on or before the fifth anniversary of
  the allocation date is not subject to recapture or forfeiture; and
               (2)  any premium tax credit to be taken after the fifth
  anniversary of the allocation date is subject to forfeiture only if
  the company is decertified on or before the fifth anniversary of the
  company's allocation date.
         (e)  For a certified capital company that has invested an
  amount cumulatively equal to 100 percent of the company's certified
  capital in qualified investments, any premium tax credit claimed or
  to be claimed by a certified investor is not subject to recapture or
  forfeiture under this section. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.63, Sec. (a).)
  TAX CREDIT. The comptroller shall send written notice to the
  address of each certified investor whose premium tax credit is
  subject to recapture or forfeiture, using the address shown on the
  investor's last premium tax filing. (V.T.I.C. Art. 4.63, Sec.
  AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A certified capital company may agree to
  indemnify, or purchase insurance for the benefit of, a certified
  investor for losses resulting from the recapture or forfeiture of
  premium tax credits under Section 228.351.
         (b)  Any guaranty, indemnity, bond, insurance policy, or
  other payment undertaking made under this section may not be
  provided by more than one certified investor of the certified
  capital company or affiliate of the certified investor. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 4.64.)
         SECTION 1C.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle A, Title 4, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 406 to read as follows:
         Sec. 406.001.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "insurer"
               (1)  a capital stock insurance company;
               (2)  a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange;
               (3)  a Lloyd's plan;
               (4)  a fraternal benefit society;
               (5)  a mutual company, including a mutual assessment
               (6)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (7)  a local mutual aid association;
               (8)  a burial association;
               (9)  a county mutual insurance company;
               (10)  a farm mutual insurance company;
               (11)  a fidelity, guaranty, or surety company;
               (12)  a title insurance company;
               (13)  a stipulated premium company;
               (14)  a group hospital service corporation;
               (15)  a health maintenance organization;
               (16)  a risk retention group; and
               (17)  any other organization or person engaged in the
  business of insurance. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 1.)
         Sec. 406.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies to a person or organization engaged in the business of
  insurance without regard to whether the person or organization is
  listed in Section 406.001, unless another statute specifically
  cites this chapter and exempts the person or organization from this
  chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 2.)
  The commissioner, in the commissioner's sole discretion, may
  require an insurer to make a deposit under this chapter if the
  commissioner determines that one of the following conditions, if
  not rectified, may potentially be hazardous to the insurer's
  policyholders, enrollees, or creditors, or to the public:
               (1)  the insurer's financial or operating condition,
  reviewed in conjunction with the kinds and nature of risks insured;
               (2)  the insurer's method of operation;
               (3)  the insurer's relationship with affiliates;
               (4)  the nature and amount of the insurer's
               (5)  the insurer's contracts that may lead to a
  contingent liability; or
               (6)  the insurer's agreements with respect to guaranty
  and surety. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 3.)
  deposit required under Section 406.003 must be made with the
  comptroller and approved by the commissioner. The deposit must be
  made in:
               (1)  cash;
               (2)  securities authorized under this code to be a
  legal investment for the insurer that:
                     (A)  are readily marketable over a national
  exchange with a maturity date of not more than one year, are listed
  by the Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of
  Insurance Commissioners, and qualify as admitted assets; or
                     (B)  are clean, irrevocable, and unconditional
  letters of credit issued or confirmed by a financial institution
  organized and licensed under the laws of the United States or a
  state of the United States; or
               (3)  another form of security acceptable to the
  commissioner. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 4.)
         Sec. 406.005.  DURATION OF DEPOSIT. Subject to Section
  406.006, the comptroller shall hold a deposit required under this
  chapter until the commissioner issues a written order finding that
  the condition for which the deposit was required no longer exists.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 5.)
  An insurer may file a written application with the commissioner
               (1)  withdrawal of all or part of the deposit held by
  the comptroller under this chapter; or
               (2)  substitution of all or part of the deposited
  securities held by the comptroller under this chapter.
         (b)  The application must state the basis for the request to
  withdraw the deposit or to substitute the deposited security.
         (c)  An insurer's application for the substitution of a
  deposited security must provide specific information regarding the
  security to be deposited as a substitute for the security held by
  the comptroller.
         (d)  The commissioner shall issue an order approving or
  denying an application under this section not later than the 30th
  day after the date the department receives the application. If the
  commissioner does not approve or deny the application within that
  period, the application is denied.
         (e)  The commissioner may, in the commissioner's sole
  discretion, approve an application to withdraw a deposit or
  substitute a deposited security if the commissioner determines that
  the withdrawal or substitution will not be hazardous to the
  insurer's policyholders, enrollees, or creditors, or to the public.
         (f)  The comptroller may not release a deposit made under
  this chapter, or any part of the deposit, and may not accept a
  substitute for a deposited security unless the commissioner issues
  an order approving the withdrawal or substitution. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  1.33, Sec. 6.)
         Sec. 406.007.  APPEAL. An insurer may appeal an action of
  the commissioner under this chapter in accordance with Subchapter
  D, Chapter 36. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 7.)
         Sec. 406.008.  CUMULATIVE OF OTHER DEPOSITS. A deposit
  required to be made under this chapter is in addition to any other
  deposit that the insurer is required or authorized to make under
  this code. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.33, Sec. 8.)
         SECTION 1D.001.  CONFORMING AMENDMENT. Section 542.103(a),
  Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An insurer shall provide the information requested
  under Section 542.101 or 542.102 [this subchapter] in writing not
  later than the 30th day after the date the insurer receives the
  request for the information.
         SECTION 1D.002.  CONFORMING AMENDMENT. Section 542.104,
  Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 542.104.  RULES.  The commissioner may by rule
  prescribe forms for requesting information and for providing
  requested information under Section 542.101 or 542.102 [this
         SECTION 1D.003.  ADDITION. Subchapter C, Chapter 542,
  Insurance Code, is amended by adding Section 542.105 to read as
  CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. (a)  This section applies only to a claim
  for a burglary or robbery loss or a death claim seeking life
  insurance proceeds that is filed with an insurance company on or
  after September 1, 2001.
         (b)  In the course of a criminal investigation and subject to
  Subsection (c), the state fire marshal, the fire marshal of a
  political subdivision of this state, the chief of a fire department
  in this state, a chief of police of a municipality in this state, or
  a sheriff in this state may request in writing that an insurance
  company investigating a claimed burglary or robbery loss or a death
  claim seeking life insurance proceeds release information in the
  company's possession that relates to that claimed loss. The
  company shall release the information to any official authorized to
  request the information under this subsection if the company has
  reason to believe that the insurance claim is false or fraudulent.
         (c)  An official who requests information under this section
  may not request anything other than:
               (1)  an insurance policy relevant to an insurance claim
  under investigation and the application for that policy;
               (2)  policy premium payment records;
               (3)  the history of the insured's previous claims; and
               (4)  material relating to the investigation of the
  insurance claim, including:
                     (A)  statements of any person;
                     (B)  proof of loss; or
                     (C)  other relevant evidence.
         (d)  This section does not authorize a public official or
  agency to adopt or require any form of periodic report by an
  insurance company.
         (e)  In the absence of fraud or malice, an insurance company
  or a person who releases information on behalf of an insurance
  company is not liable for damages in a civil action or subject to
  criminal prosecution for an oral or written statement made, or any
  other action taken, that relates to the information required to be
  released under this section.
         (f)  An official or department employee receiving
  information under this section shall maintain the confidentiality
  of the information until the information is required to be released
  during a criminal or civil proceeding.
         (g)  An insurance company or the company's representative
  may not intentionally refuse to release to an official described by
  Subsection (b) the information required to be released to that
  official under this section. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49C.)
         SECTION 1D.004.  ADDITION.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 560 to read as follows:
         Sec. 560.001.  DEFINITION OF INSURER. In this chapter,
  "insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal or interinsurance
  exchange, mutual insurance company, farm mutual insurance company,
  capital stock insurance company, county mutual insurance company,
  Lloyd's plan, surplus lines insurer, or other legal entity engaged
  in the business of insurance in this state. The term includes:
               (1)  an affiliate described by Section 823.003(a);
               (2)  the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
  established under Chapter 2210;
               (3)  the FAIR Plan Association established under
  Chapter 2211; and
               (4)  the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
  established under Chapter 2151. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.02, Sec. (a).)
  REQUIREMENTS. (a) An insurer may not use a rate that violates this
         (b)  A rate used under this code:
               (1)  must be just, fair, reasonable, and adequate; and
               (2)  may not be:
                     (A)  confiscatory;
                     (B)  excessive for the risks to which the rate
  applies; or
                     (C)  unfairly discriminatory.
         (c)  For purposes of this section, a rate is:
               (1)  inadequate if the rate is insufficient to sustain
  projected losses and expenses to which the rate applies, and
  continued use of the rate:
                     (A)  endangers the solvency of an insurer using
  the rate; or
                     (B)  has the effect of substantially lessening
  competition or creating a monopoly in any market;
               (2)  excessive if the rate is likely to produce a
  long-term profit that is unreasonably high in relation to the
  insurance coverage provided; or
               (3)  unfairly discriminatory if the rate:
                     (A)  is not based on sound actuarial principles;
                     (B)  does not bear a reasonable relationship to
  the expected loss and expense experience among risks; or
                     (C)  is based wholly or partly on the race, creed,
  color, ethnicity, or national origin of the policyholder or an
  insured. (V.T.I.C. Art. 1.02, Secs. (b), (c).)
         SECTION 1E.001. ADDITION. Subtitle H, Title 6, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 963 to read as follows:
         Sec. 963.001.  DEFINITION.  In this chapter, "automobile
  club" has the meaning assigned by Section 722.002, Transportation
  Code. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.80, Sec. (a) (part).)
  AUTOMOBILE CLUB. (a)  An automobile club may provide insurance
  services only as provided by this chapter.
         (b)  An automobile club may provide accidental injury and
  death benefit insurance coverage to a member through purchase of a
  group policy of insurance issued to the automobile club for the
  benefit of its members. The coverage must be purchased from an
  insurance company authorized to engage in the business of that type
  of coverage in this state. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.80, Secs. (a)
  (part), (b) (part).)
         Sec. 963.003.  CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.  (a)  The
  automobile club shall provide each member covered by insurance
  described by Section 963.002 a certificate of participation.
         (b)  The certificate of participation must state on its face
  in at least 14-point black boldfaced type that the certificate is
  only a certificate of participation in a group accidental injury
  and death policy and is not automobile liability insurance
  coverage.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.80, Sec. (b) (part).)
         Sec. 963.004.  CERTAIN ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED.  An automobile
  club may endorse insurance products and refer members to agents or
  insurers authorized to provide the insurance products in this
  state. The automobile club or an agent of the automobile club may
  not receive consideration for the referral.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.80,
  Sec. (c).)
  addition to reimbursement services described by Section
  722.002(2), Transportation Code, an automobile club may contract
  with a member to:
               (1)  reimburse the member for expenses the member
  incurs for towing, emergency road service, and lockout or lost key
  services; and
               (2)  provide immediate destination assistance and trip
  interruption service.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.80, Sec. (f) (part).)
         Sec. 963.006.  APPLICABILITY OF INSURANCE LAWS.  (a)  Except
  as provided by Subsection (b), an automobile club performing
  services permitted by this chapter is not subject to regulation
  under the insurance laws of this state because of the performance of
  those services.
         (b)  An automobile club may sell insurance products to a
  member for a consideration separate from the amount that the member
  pays for membership in the automobile club if the automobile club is
  properly licensed as an agent under the applicable provisions of
  this code.
         (c)  The insurance laws of this state do not apply to
  reimbursement provided under Section 963.005. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  21.80, Secs. (d), (e), (f) (part).)
         SECTION 1F.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle A, Title 7, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapters 1112 and 1113 to read as
         Sec. 1112.001.  CERTAIN GUARANTEES NOT PROHIBITED. Section
  841.253 does not prohibit the issuance of a life insurance policy
  that guarantees, by coupons or otherwise, definite payments or
  reductions in premiums. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.11 (part).)
  CONTRACT BENEFIT; VALUATION OF BENEFIT. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (e), a guarantee described by Section 1112.001 that is
  in a policy or coupon issued after September 5, 1955, shall be
  treated as a definite contract benefit and valued according to this
  section and the reserve requirements of Chapter 425.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), for a policy or
  coupon issued before the date determined under Section 1105.002(a)
  or (b), as applicable to the company, a contract benefit described
  by Subsection (a) shall be valued using the reserve valuation net
  premium for the benefits that is a uniform percentage of the gross
         (c)  A policy described by Subsection (b) that contains a
  contract benefit described by Subsection (a) may be valued on a
  basis that provides for not more than one year preliminary term
         (d)  For a policy or coupon issued on or after the date
  determined under Section 1105.002(a) or (b), as applicable to the
  company, a contract benefit described by Subsection (a) shall be
  valued using the commissioners reserve valuation method described
  by Section 425.064.
         (e)  A provision of this section relating to reserves does
  not apply to a policy issued before September 7, 1955. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 3.11 (part).)
  SPOUSE. A spouse, without the joinder or consent of the other
  spouse, has management, control, and disposition of any contract of
  life insurance or annuity issued in the spouse's name or to the
  extent provided by the contract or any assignment of the contract,
  regardless of whether the contract was issued before, on, or after
  January 1, 1968. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.49-3.)
         SECTION 1G.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle A, Title 8, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 1214 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1214.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  This chapter
  applies only to a health benefit plan that provides benefits for
  medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of a health
  condition, accident, or sickness, including an individual, group,
  blanket, or franchise insurance policy or agreement, a group
  hospital service contract, or an individual or group evidence of
  coverage issued by:
               (1)  an insurance company;
               (2)  a group hospital service corporation operating
  under Chapter 842;
               (3)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843; or
               (4)  an approved nonprofit health corporation holding a
  certificate of authority under Chapter 844.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 21.20-2, Sec. 1(a).)
         Sec. 1214.002.  EXCEPTION.  This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a health benefit plan that provides coverage:
                     (A)  only for a specified disease;
                     (B)  only for accidental death or dismemberment;
                     (C)  for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a
  period during which an employee is absent from work because of
  sickness or injury; or
               (2)  a long-term care insurance policy, including a
  nursing home fixed indemnity policy, unless the commissioner
  determines that the policy provides benefits so comprehensive that
  the policy is a health benefit plan as described by Section
  1214.001. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.20-2, Sec. 1(b).)
         Sec. 1214.003.  RATE INFORMATION DISCLAIMERS.  (a)  Subject
  to Chapter 541 and Section 543.001, an advertisement for a health
  benefit plan may include rate information without including
  information about each benefit exclusion or limitation if the
  advertisement includes prominent disclaimers clearly indicating
               (1)  the rates are illustrative;
               (2)  a person should not send money to the health
  benefit plan issuer in response to the advertisement;
               (3)  a person cannot obtain coverage under the plan
  until the person completes an application for coverage; and
               (4)  benefit exclusions or limitations may apply to the
         (b)  An advertisement that states a rate must also indicate
  the age, gender, and geographic location on which the rate is based.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.20-2, Sec. 2.)
         SECTION 1G.002.  ADDITION.  Subtitle H, Title 8, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 1550 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1550.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Governmental entity" means:
                     (A)  a state agency; or
                     (B)  a county, municipality, school district,
  special purpose district, or other subdivision of state government
  that has jurisdiction limited to a geographic portion of the state.
               (2)  "Insurer" means:
                     (A)  an insurance company;
                     (B)  a health maintenance organization operating
  under Chapter 843; or
                     (C)  an approved nonprofit health corporation
  that holds a certificate of authority issued under Chapter 844.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-15, Sec. 1.)
         Sec. 1550.002.  REPORT REQUIRED. (a) This section applies
  to a contract subject to competitive bidding under which an insurer
  delivers, issues for delivery, or renews a health insurance policy
  or contract or an evidence of coverage.
         (b)  An insurer that enters into a contract described by
  Subsection (a) with a governmental entity shall provide to the
  governmental entity a detailed report that includes:
               (1)  the claims experience of the governmental entity
  during the preceding calendar year; and
               (2)  the dollar amount of each large claim, as defined
  by the governmental entity, paid by the insurer under the contract
  during the preceding calendar year. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-15, Sec.
         Sec. 1550.003.  CLAIM INFORMATION. (a) An insurer
  providing claim information to a governmental entity in the report
  under Section 1550.002 shall provide the information in the
  aggregate, without information through which a specific individual
  covered by the health insurance or evidence of coverage may be
         (b)  Claim information provided by an insurer to a
  governmental entity in the report under Section 1550.002:
               (1)  may be viewed or used only for contract bidding
  purposes; and
               (2)  is confidential for purposes of Chapter 552,
  Government Code. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-15, Sec. 2(b).)
  [Sections 1550.004-1550.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1550.051.  DEFINITION OF INSURER. In this subchapter,
  "insurer" means:
               (1)  an insurance company, including a company
  providing stop-loss or excess loss insurance;
               (2)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843;
               (3)  an approved nonprofit health corporation that
  holds a certificate of authority issued under Chapter 844; or
               (4)  a third-party administrator that holds a
  certificate of authority under Chapter 4151. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  21.49-16, Sec. 1(1).)
         Sec. 1550.052.  BID REQUIREMENTS. (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 1550.054, an insurer that bids on a contract subject to the
  competitive bidding and competitive proposal requirements adopted
  under Section 252.021, Local Government Code, may not submit a bid
  for a contract to provide stop-loss or other insurance coverage
  that is subject to any qualification imposed by the insurer that
  permits the insurer to modify or limit the terms of insurance
  coverage to be provided after the contract has been made.
         (b)  An insurer's bid submitted under Section 252.021, Local
  Government Code, must contain the insurer's entire offer.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-16, Sec. 2(a).)
  DEDUCTIBLES PROHIBITED. Except as provided by Section 1550.054, an
  insurer that provides stop-loss or other insurance coverage for
  health benefits under a contract subject to this subchapter may
  not, based on an individual's prior medical history:
               (1)  exclude from coverage an individual who is
  otherwise eligible for the health benefits coverage; or
               (2)  assign a higher deductible to the individual. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-16, Sec. 2(b).)
         Sec. 1550.054.  EXCEPTION FOR WRITTEN WAIVER. By executing
  a written waiver in favor of the insurer, a municipality as defined
  by Section 1.005, Local Government Code, may waive a requirement of
  Section 1550.052 or 1550.053(2). (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.49-16, Secs.
  1(2), 2(c).)
         SECTION 1G.003.  ADDITION. Subchapter C, Chapter 1579,
  Insurance Code, is amended by adding Sections 1579.106, 1579.107,
  and 1579.108 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1579.106.  PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FOR CERTAIN DRUGS.  (a)  
  In this section, "drug formulary" means a list of drugs preferred
  for use and eligible for coverage by a health coverage plan.
         (b)  A health coverage plan provided under this chapter that
  uses a drug formulary in providing a prescription drug benefit must
  require prior authorization for coverage of the following
  categories of prescribed drugs if the specific drug prescribed is
  not included in the formulary:
               (1)  a gastrointestinal drug;
               (2)  a cholesterol-lowering drug;
               (3)  an anti-inflammatory drug;
               (4)  an antihistamine drug; and
               (5)  an antidepressant drug.
         (c)  Every six months the trustee shall submit to the
  comptroller and the Legislative Budget Board a report regarding any
  cost savings achieved in the program through implementation of the
  prior authorization requirement of this section. The report must
  cover the previous six-month period.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.50-7A, as
  added Acts 78th Leg., R.S., Ch. 213.)
         Sec. 1579.107.  DISEASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES. (a)  In this
  section, "disease management services" means services to assist an
  individual manage a disease or other chronic health condition, such
  as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illness, end-stage renal
  disease, HIV infection, or AIDS, and with respect to which the
  trustee identifies populations requiring disease management.
         (b)  A health coverage plan provided under this chapter must
  provide disease management services or coverage for disease
  management services in the manner required by the trustee,
               (1)  patient self-management education;
               (2)  provider education;
               (3)  evidence-based models and minimum standards of
               (4)  standardized protocols and participation
  criteria; and
               (5)  physician-directed or physician-supervised care.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.50-7B.)
         Sec. 1579.108.  LIMITATIONS. The trustee may not contract
  for or provide a health coverage plan that excludes from
  participation in the network a general hospital that:
               (1)  is located in the geographical service area or
  areas of the health coverage plan that includes a county that:
                     (A)  has a population of at least 100,000 and not
  more than 175,000; and
                     (B)  is located in the Texas-Louisiana border
  region, as that term is defined in Section 2056.002(e), Government
  Code; and
               (2)  agrees to provide medical and health care services
  under the plan subject to the same terms as other hospital providers
  under the plan. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.50-7A, Sec. (b), as added Acts
  78th Leg., R.S., Ch. 201.)
         SECTION 1H.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle C, Title 10, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 1953 to read as follows:
  INSURANCE FROM CERTAIN REGULATIONS. (a)  This section applies only
  to insurance against liability for damages arising out of the
  ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle
  described by Article 5.01 or against loss of or damage to a motor
  vehicle described by Article 5.01 that, in the judgment of the
  commissioner, is a type or class of insurance that is also the
  subject of or is more properly regulated under other insurance
  rating laws that cover that type or class of insurance.
         (b)  A type or class of insurance to which this section
  applies is excluded from regulation under this chapter and:
               (1)  Articles 5.01, 5.01B, 5.03, 5.04, 5.04-1, 5.06,
  5.10, and 5.11;
               (2)  Chapters 251 and 254;
               (3)  Subchapters A and B, Chapter 1806; and
               (4)  Chapters 1951 and 1952.
         (c)  If the commissioner finds that a type or class of
  insurance to which this section applies is also the subject of or is
  more properly regulated under other insurance rating laws that
  cover that type or class of insurance, the commissioner shall issue
  an order declaring which other insurance rating laws apply to:
               (1)  the type or class of insurance; and
               (2)  any motor vehicle equipment described by Article
  5.01. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.02.)
  [Sections 1953.002-1953.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1953.051.  CERTAIN RATING PLANS PROHIBITED. A rating
  plan regarding the writing of automobile insurance, other than
  insurance written under Chapter 2151, may not:
               (1)  assign a rate consequence to a charge or
  conviction for a violation of Subtitle C, Title 7, Transportation
  Code; or
               (2)  otherwise cause premiums for automobile insurance
  to be increased because of a charge or conviction described by
  Subdivision (1). (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.01-1.)
         Sec. 1953.052.  PREMIUM SURCHARGE REQUIRED. (a) An insurer
  described by Section 1952.001 shall assess a premium surcharge in
  an amount prescribed by the department against an insured for no
  more than three years immediately following the date the insured is
  convicted of:
               (1)  an offense relating to the operating of a motor
  vehicle while intoxicated in violation of Section 49.04 or 49.07,
  Penal Code; or
               (2)  an offense under Section 49.08, Penal Code.
         (b)  An insurer may apply the premium surcharge described by
  Subsection (a) only to a private passenger automobile policy, as
  defined by the department.
         (c)  If an insured assessed a premium surcharge under
  Subsection (a) is convicted of an offense under one of the statutes
  listed in Subsection (a)(1) or (2) during the period the insured is
  assessed the premium surcharge, the period for which the premium
  surcharge is assessed is increased by three additional consecutive
  years for each conviction. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.03-1.)
  [Sections 1953.053-1953.100 reserved for expansion]
  EXPERIENCE AND OTHER DATA. (a)  The commissioner shall adopt
  reasonable rules and statistical plans for the recording and
  reporting of loss experience and other required data by insurers.
  The rules and plans must ensure that each insurer's total loss and
  expense experience is made available at least as frequently as
  annually in the form and with the detail necessary to aid in
  determining whether rates and rating systems in use under the
  following provisions comply with the standards adopted under those
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  Articles 5.01, 5.03, and 5.04, if applicable;
               (3)  Subchapters A and B, Chapter 1806; and
               (4)  Chapters 1951 and 1952.
         (b)  In adopting the rules, the commissioner shall adopt
  rules that are as uniform as is practicable to the rules and forms
  of statistical plans used in other states.
         (c)  Each insurer shall use the statistical plans adopted
  under this section to record and report loss experience and other
  required data in accordance with the rules adopted by the
         (d)  The commissioner may modify statistical plans adopted
  under this section. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.05, Sec. (a).)
  EXPERIENCE INFORMATION. The commissioner may adopt reasonable
  rules to allow the interchange of loss experience information as
  necessary for the application of rating plans. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.05, Sec. (b).)
  WITH OTHER STATES. To further the uniform administration of rating
  laws, the department or an insurer may:
               (1)  exchange information and experience data with
  insurance supervisory officials, insurers, and rating
  organizations in other states; and
               (2)  consult and cooperate with the individuals or
  entities described by Subdivision (1) with respect to ratemaking
  and the application of rating systems. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.05, Sec.
         Sec. 1953.104.  SWORN STATEMENTS. (a)  The department may
  require a sworn statement from an insurer affected by this
  subchapter that shows:
               (1)  the insurer's experience on any classification or
  classifications of risks; and
               (2)  other information that is necessary or helpful in
  performing duties or exercising authority imposed by law.
         (b)  The department shall prescribe the necessary forms for
  statements and reports required under Subsection (a) with due
  regard for the rules, methods, and forms in use in other states for
  similar purposes so that uniformity of statistics is not disturbed. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.05, Sec. (d).)
         SECTION 1H.002.  ADDITION.  Subtitle D, Title 10, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 2008 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2008.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies only to an insurer described by Section 2251.003(a).
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.14, Sec. (a).)
         Sec. 2008.002.  COVERAGE; LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES. (a) An
  insurance policy written by an insurer against loss or damage by
  windstorm, hurricane, or hail may include coverage for:
               (1)  a building or other structure that is built wholly
  or partially over water; and
               (2)  the corporeal movable property contained in a
  building or structure described by Subdivision (1).
         (b)  An insurer that writes coverage described by Subsection
  (a) may impose appropriate limits of coverage and deductibles for
  the coverage. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.14, Secs. (b), (c).)
         SECTION 1I.001.  ADDITION.  Subtitle A, Title 13, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 4007 to read as follows:
         Sec. 4007.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies only to an insurance company authorized to engage in the
  business of insurance in this state under:
               (1)  a provision of:
                     (A)  Chapter 5, 1805, or 2171; or
                     (B)  Subtitle B, C, D, E, F, H, or I, Title 10; or
               (2)  Chapter 861, 862, 883, 911, 912, 941, 942, 984, or
  3503. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.70, Sec. (a) (part).)
         Sec. 4007.002.  NOTICE TO DEPARTMENT REQUIRED. (a) On forms
  prescribed by the commissioner, an insurance company shall notify
  the department not later than the 30th day after the date on which:
               (1)  balances due from an insurance agent for more than
  90 days exceed $1 million or 10 percent of the company's
  policyholder surplus computed on December 31 of the preceding year
  or the most recent quarter if a report is specifically required by
  the department;
               (2)  an agent's authority to settle claims for the
  company is withdrawn; or
               (3)  the contract with an agent is canceled or
         (b)  An insurance company may comply with the notification
  requirement of Subsection (a)(1) by submitting a single annual
  report if:
               (1)  the company routinely operates above the limit
  established by Subsection (a)(1); and
               (2)  the commissioner verifies that fact under a
  procedure adopted by the commissioner. (V.T.I.C. Art. 21.70, Secs.
  (a) (part), (b).)
         SECTION 1J.001. TITLE 20.  The Insurance Code is amended by
  adding Title 20 to read as follows:
  Sec. 6001.001.  PURPOSE 
  Sec. 6001.002.  DEFINITIONS 
  [Sections 6001.003-6001.050 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6001.052.  ADOPTION OF RULES 
                   COMPETITIVE BIDDING 
  Sec. 6001.055.  FEES 
  [Sections 6001.057-6001.100 reserved for expansion]
  [Sections 6001.103-6001.150 reserved for expansion]
                   CERTIFICATE REQUIRED 
  Sec. 6001.157.  LICENSE EXAMINATION 
  Sec. 6001.158.  EXAMINATION RESULTS 
  Sec. 6001.160.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE 
  Sec. 6001.162.  NOT TRANSFERABLE 
  [Sections 6001.163-6001.200 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6001.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE 
  Sec. 6001.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION 
  Sec. 6001.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES 
  [Sections 6001.204-6001.250 reserved for expansion]
  [Sections 6001.256-6001.300 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6001.301.  CRIMINAL PENALTY 
         Sec. 6001.001.  PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to
  safeguard lives and property by:
               (1)  regulating:
                     (A)  the leasing, selling, installing, and
  servicing of portable fire extinguishers; and
                     (B)  the planning, certifying, installing, and
  servicing of fixed fire extinguisher systems; and
               (2)  prohibiting portable fire extinguishers, fixed
  fire extinguisher systems, or extinguisher equipment that is not
  labeled or listed by a testing laboratory approved by the
  department.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 1.)
         Sec. 6001.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Firm" means an individual, partnership,
  corporation, or association.
               (2)  "Fixed fire extinguisher system" means an assembly
  of piping, conduits, or containers that convey liquid, powder, or
  gases to dispersal openings or devices protecting one or more
  hazards by suppressing or extinguishing fires.
               (3)  "Hydrostatic testing" means pressure testing by
  hydrostatic methods.
               (4)  "Insurance agent" means:
                     (A)  an individual, firm, or corporation licensed
                           (i)  Subchapter E, Chapter 981; or
                           (ii)  Subchapter A, B, C, D, E, or G, Chapter
  4051; or
                     (B)  an individual authorized to represent an
  insurance fund or pool created by a municipality, county, or other
  political subdivision of this state under Chapter 791, Government
               (5)  "Portable fire extinguisher" means any device that
  contains liquid, powder, or gases for suppressing or extinguishing
               (6)  "Registered firm" means a firm that holds a
  registration certificate.
               (7)  "Service" and "servicing" mean servicing a
  portable fire extinguisher or a fixed fire extinguisher system by
  inspecting, charging, filling, maintaining, recharging, refilling,
  repairing, or testing. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 3.)
         [Sections 6001.003-6001.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6001.051.  ADMINISTRATION OF CHAPTER. (a)  The
  department shall administer this chapter.
         (b)  The commissioner may issue rules the commissioner
  considers necessary to administer this chapter through the state
  fire marshal. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 2 (part).)
         Sec. 6001.052.  ADOPTION OF RULES. (a) In adopting
  necessary rules, the commissioner may use recognized standards,
  including standards:
               (1)  published by the National Fire Protection
               (2)  recognized by federal law or regulation;
               (3)  published by any nationally recognized
  standards-making organization; or
               (4)  contained in the manufacturer's installation
         (b)  The commissioner shall adopt and administer rules
  determined essentially necessary for the protection and
  preservation of life and property regarding:
               (1)  registration of firms engaged in the business of:
                     (A)  installing or servicing portable fire
  extinguishers or planning, certifying, installing, or servicing
  fixed fire extinguisher systems; or
                     (B)  hydrostatic testing of fire extinguisher
               (2)  the examination and licensing of individuals to:
                     (A)  install or service portable fire
  extinguishers; and
                     (B)  plan, certify, install, or service fixed fire
  extinguisher systems; and
               (3)  requirements for:
                     (A)  installing or servicing portable fire
  extinguishers; and
                     (B)  planning, certifying, installing, or
  servicing fixed fire extinguisher systems.
         (c)  The commissioner by rule shall prescribe requirements
  for applications and qualifications for licenses, permits, and
  certificates issued under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1,
  Secs. 2 (part), 7(a), 8 (part).)
  COMPETITIVE BIDDING. (a)  The commissioner may not adopt rules
  restricting advertising or competitive bidding by the holder of a
  license, permit, certificate, or approval issued under this chapter
  except to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  In the commissioner's rules to prohibit false,
  misleading, or deceptive practices, the commissioner may not
  include a rule that:
               (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;
               (2)  restricts the use of a license, permit,
  certificate, or approval holder's personal appearance or voice in
  an advertisement;
               (3)  relates to the size or duration of an
  advertisement by the license, permit, certificate, or approval
  holder; or
               (4)  restricts the license, permit, certificate, or
  approval holder's advertisement under a trade name. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-1, Sec. 8A.)
  (a)  The department shall evaluate the qualifications of a firm:
               (1)  applying for a registration certificate to engage
  in the business of installing or servicing portable fire
  extinguishers or planning, certifying, installing, or servicing
  fixed fire extinguisher systems; or
               (2)  seeking approval as a testing laboratory.
         (b)  The department shall issue:
               (1)  registration certificates for firms that qualify
  under commissioner rules to engage in the business of installing or
  servicing portable fire extinguishers or planning, certifying,
  installing, or servicing fixed fire extinguisher systems; and
               (2)  licenses, apprentice permits, and authorizations
  to perform hydrostatic testing to firms or individuals that
  qualify. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 8 (part).)
         Sec. 6001.055.  FEES. (a) The commissioner shall set the
  fee for:
               (1)  an initial firm registration certificate in an
  amount not to exceed $450;
               (2)  the renewal of a firm registration certificate in
  an amount not to exceed $300 annually;
               (3)  an initial branch office registration certificate
  in an amount not to exceed $100;
               (4)  the renewal of a branch office registration
  certificate in an amount not to exceed $100 annually;
               (5)  an initial registration certificate to perform
  hydrostatic testing of fire extinguishers manufactured in
  accordance with the specifications and procedures of the United
  States Department of Transportation in an amount not to exceed
               (6)  the renewal of a registration certificate to
  perform hydrostatic testing of fire extinguishers manufactured in
  accordance with the specifications and procedures of the United
  States Department of Transportation in an amount not to exceed $150
               (7)  an initial employee license fee in an amount not to
  exceed $70;
               (8)  the annual renewal of an employee license in an
  amount not to exceed $50; and
               (9)  an apprentice permit in an amount not to exceed
         (b)  Unless the examination or reexamination for an employee
  license is administered by a testing service, the commissioner
  shall set a nonrefundable fee for:
               (1)  the initial examination in an amount not to exceed
  $30; and
               (2)  each reexamination in an amount not to exceed $20.
         (c)  The commissioner shall set a fee in an amount not to
  exceed $20 for:
               (1)  a duplicate registration certificate, license, or
  apprentice permit issued under this chapter; or
               (2)  any request requiring changes to a registration
  certificate, license, or permit.
         (d)  On a change of ownership of a registered firm, the
  department shall issue a new registration certificate with a new
  number for a fee set by the commissioner in an amount not to exceed
  $450.  On a change of ownership of a branch office, the commissioner
  shall charge a fee in an amount not to exceed $100. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-1, Secs. 4(a) (part), (b), (c-1), (d) (part), (e) (part),
         Sec. 6001.056.  DEPOSIT IN OPERATING ACCOUNT. All money
  collected under this chapter, other than penalties and monetary
  forfeitures, shall be paid to the department and deposited in the
  state treasury to the credit of the Texas Department of Insurance
  operating account for use in administering this chapter.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 11.)
  [Sections 6001.057-6001.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6001.101.  ADVISORY COUNCIL; APPOINTMENT. (a)  The
  commissioner may delegate the exercise of all or part of the
  commissioner's functions, powers, and duties under this chapter,
  other than the issuance of licenses, certificates, and permits, to
  a fire extinguisher advisory council.
         (b)  The commissioner shall appoint the members of the
  advisory council.  The members of the council must:
               (1)  be experienced and knowledgeable in one or more of
  the following:
                     (A)  fire services;
                     (B)  fire extinguisher manufacturing;
                     (C)  fire insurance inspection or underwriting;
                     (D)  fire extinguisher servicing; or
               (2)  be members of a fire protection association or
  industrial safety association. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 9(a)
  (part), (b).)
         Sec. 6001.102.  ADVISORY COUNCIL DUTIES. (a) The fire
  extinguisher advisory council shall assist in the formulation and
  review of rules adopted under this chapter.
         (b)  The advisory council shall periodically:
               (1)  review rules implementing this chapter; and
               (2)  recommend rule changes to the commissioner.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 9(a) (part).)
  [Sections 6001.103-6001.150 reserved for expansion]
  Unless the firm holds a registration certificate issued by the
  department, a firm may not engage in the business of:
               (1)  installing or servicing portable fire
  extinguishers; or
               (2)  planning, certifying, installing, or servicing
  fixed fire extinguisher systems. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 4(a)
  REQUIRED.  (a)  Each separate office location of a firm holding a
  registration certificate, other than the location identified on the
  firm's certificate, must have a branch office registration
  certificate issued by the department.
         (b)  Before issuing a branch office registration
  certificate, the department must determine that the branch office
  location is part of a registered firm. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec.
  4(a) (part).)
  CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. (a)  A firm may not perform hydrostatic
  testing of fire extinguishers manufactured in accordance with the
  specifications and procedures of the United States Department of
  Transportation unless the firm:
               (1)  complies with the procedures specified by that
  department for compressed gas cylinders; and
               (2)  holds a registration certificate issued by the
  state fire marshal authorizing hydrostatic testing.
         (b)  The license of an individual qualified to do work
  described by Subsection (a) must indicate the authority of the
  individual to perform that work.
         (c)  Hydrostatic testing of fire extinguishers that is not
  performed under the specifications of the United States Department
  of Transportation must be performed in the manner recommended by
  the National Fire Protection Association.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1,
  Sec. 4(e) (part).)
  REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. (a)  The department may not issue a
  registration certificate under this chapter unless the applicant
  files with the department evidence of a general liability insurance
  policy that includes products and completed operations coverage.
  The policy must be conditioned to pay on behalf of the insured those
  amounts that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as
  damages because of bodily injury and property damage caused by an
  occurrence involving the insured or the insured's officer, agent,
  or employee in the conduct of any activity that requires a
  registration certificate or license under this chapter.
         (b)  Unless the commissioner, after notice and an
  opportunity for a hearing, increases or decreases the limits, the
  limits of insurance coverage required by Subsection (a) must be at
               (1)  $100,000 combined single limits for bodily injury
  and property damage for each occurrence; and
               (2)  $300,000 aggregate for all occurrences for each
  policy year.
         (c)  The evidence of insurance required by this section must
  be in the form of a certificate of insurance executed by an insurer
  authorized to engage in the business of insurance in this state and
  countersigned by an insurance agent licensed in this state. A
  certificate of insurance for surplus lines coverage procured in
  compliance with Chapter 981 through a surplus lines agent that is
  licensed under Subchapter E, Chapter 981, and resident in this
  state may be filed with the department as evidence of the coverage
  required by this section.
         (d)  An insurance certificate executed and filed with the
  department under this section remains in force until the insurer
  has terminated future liability by the notice required by the
         (e)  Failure to maintain the liability insurance required by
  this section constitutes grounds for the denial, suspension, or
  revocation, after notice and opportunity for hearing, of a
  registration certificate issued under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-1, Secs. 4A, 8 (part).)
         Sec. 6001.155.  EMPLOYEE LICENSE REQUIRED. (a) Except as
  provided by Section 6001.156, an individual, other than an
  apprentice, must hold a license issued by the department before:
               (1)  installing or servicing portable fire
               (2)  installing, servicing, or certifying
  preengineered fixed fire extinguisher systems; or
               (3)  planning, supervising, servicing, or certifying
  the installation of fixed fire extinguisher systems other than
  preengineered systems.
         (b)  An individual who holds a license to install or service
  portable fire extinguishers or install and service fixed fire
  extinguisher systems must be an employee or agent of a registered
  firm. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 4(c), 5(c).)
         Sec. 6001.156.  ACTIVITIES NOT REGULATED BY CHAPTER. (a)
  The licensing provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
               (1)  the filling or charging of a portable fire
  extinguisher by the manufacturer before initial sale of the fire
               (2)  the servicing by a firm of the firm's portable fire
  extinguishers or fixed systems by the firm's personnel who are
  specially trained for that servicing;
               (3)  the installation of portable fire extinguishers in
  a building by the building owner, the owner's managing agent, or an
  employee of the building owner or the owner's managing agent;
               (4)  the installation or servicing of water sprinkler
  systems installed in compliance with the National Fire Protection
  Association's Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems;
               (5)  a firm that is engaged in the retail or wholesale
  sale of portable fire extinguishers that carry an approval label or
  listing of a testing laboratory approved by the department, but
  that is not engaged in the installation or servicing of those
               (6)  a fire department that services portable fire
  extinguishers as a public service without charge, if the members of
  the fire department are trained in the proper servicing of the fire
               (7)  a firm that is a party to a contract under which:
                     (A)  the installation of portable fire
  extinguishers or a fixed fire extinguisher system is performed
  under the direct supervision of and certified by a firm
  appropriately registered to install and certify portable
  extinguishers or fixed systems; and
                     (B)  the registered firm assumes full
  responsibility for the installation; or
               (8)  an engineer licensed under Chapter 1001,
  Occupations Code, while acting solely in the engineer's
  professional capacity.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (a), only the holder of
  a license or an apprentice permit issued under this chapter may:
               (1)  install or service portable fire extinguishers; or
               (2)  install and maintain fixed fire extinguisher
  systems. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 5(b), 6.)
         Sec. 6001.157.  LICENSE EXAMINATION. (a) The state fire
  marshal shall:
               (1)  establish the scope and type of an examination
  required by this chapter; and
               (2)  examine each applicant for a license under this
         (b)  The state fire marshal may administer the examination or
  may enter into an agreement with a testing service.
         (c)  If a testing service is used, the state fire marshal may
  contract with the testing service regarding requirements for the
  examination, including:
               (1)  examination development;
               (2)  scheduling;
               (3)  site arrangements;
               (4)  grading;
               (5)  reporting;
               (6)  analysis; or
               (7)  other administrative duties.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require the testing service
               (1)  correspond directly with a license applicant
  regarding the administration of the examination;
               (2)  collect a reasonable fee from an applicant for
  administering the examination; or
               (3)  administer the examination at a specific location
  or time.
         (e)  The state fire marshal shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement examination requirements under this chapter.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 7(e), (f), (j), 8 (part).)
         Sec. 6001.158.  EXAMINATION RESULTS.  (a)  Not later than
  the 30th day after the date on which a licensing examination is
  administered under this chapter, the state fire marshal shall send
  notice to each examinee of the results of the examination.
         (b)  If an examination is conducted, graded, or reviewed by a
  testing service, the state fire marshal shall send notice to the
  examinees of the results of the examination not later than the 14th
  day after the date on which the state fire marshal receives the
  results from the testing service.
         (c)  If the notice of the examination results will be delayed
  for more than 90 days after the examination date, the state fire
  marshal, before the 90th day, shall send notice to the examinee of
  the reason for the delay.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require a testing service to
  notify an examinee of the results of the examinee's examination
  under Subsections (a) and (b).
         (e)  If requested in writing by an individual who fails the
  licensing examination administered under this chapter, the state
  fire marshal shall send to the individual an analysis of the
  individual's performance on the examination.  (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-1, Secs. 7(g), (g-1).)
         Sec. 6001.159.  CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS. (a) The
  commissioner may adopt procedures for certifying and may certify
  continuing education programs for individuals licensed under this
         (b)  Participation in the continuing education programs is
  voluntary. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 7(h).)
         Sec. 6001.160.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE. The department may waive
  any license requirement for an applicant who holds a license issued
  by another state that has license requirements substantially
  equivalent to the license requirements of this state. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 7(i).)
         Sec. 6001.161.  APPRENTICE PERMIT REQUIRED. (a)  An
  individual may not install or service portable fire extinguishers
  or fixed fire extinguisher systems as an apprentice unless the
  individual holds an apprentice permit issued by the department.
         (b)  An apprentice may perform a service described by
  Subsection (a) only under the direct supervision of an individual
  who holds a license issued under this chapter and who works for the
  same firm as the apprentice.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 4(d)
  (part), 5(b) (part).)
         Sec. 6001.162.  NOT TRANSFERABLE. A registration
  certificate, license, or permit issued under this chapter is not
  transferable. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 5(d).)
  [Sections 6001.163-6001.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6001.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE. (a) A renewal of a
  registration certificate or license issued under this chapter is
  valid for a period of two years. The license or registration fee
  for each year of the two-year period is payable on renewal.
         (b)  An apprentice permit expires on the first anniversary of
  the date of issuance.
         (c)  The commissioner by rule may adopt a system under which
  registration certificates, licenses, and permits expire on various
  dates during the year. For the year in which an expiration date of a
  registration certificate, license, or permit is less than one year
  from its issuance or anniversary date, the fee shall be prorated on
  a monthly basis so that each holder of a registration certificate,
  license, or permit pays only that portion of the renewal fee that is
  allocable to the number of months during which the registration
  certificate, license, or permit is valid. On each subsequent
  renewal, the total renewal fee is payable. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1,
  Secs. 4(d) (part), 7A(a), (c).)
         Sec. 6001.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION. At least 30 days
  before the expiration date of a registration certificate or
  license, the state fire marshal shall send written notice of the
  impending expiration to the holder of the registration certificate
  or license at the holder's last known address. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-1, Sec. 7A(b) (part).)
         Sec. 6001.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES. (a)  The holder of an
  unexpired registration certificate or license may renew the
  certificate or license by paying the required renewal fee to the
  department before the expiration date of the certificate or
         (b)  A firm or individual whose registration certificate or
  license has been expired for 90 days or less may renew the
  certificate or license by paying to the department:
               (1)  the required renewal fee; and
               (2)  a fee equal to one-half of the initial fee for the
  certificate or license.
         (c)  A firm or individual whose registration certificate or
  license has been expired for more than 90 days but less than two
  years may renew the certificate or license by paying to the
               (1)  all unpaid renewal fees; and
               (2)  a fee that is equal to the initial fee for the
  certificate or license.
         (d)  A firm or individual whose registration certificate or
  license has been expired for two years or longer may not renew the
  certificate or license. The firm or individual may obtain a new
  registration certificate or license by complying with the
  requirements and procedures for obtaining an initial registration
  certificate or license.
         (e)  This section may not be construed to prevent the
  department from denying or refusing to renew a license under
  applicable law or commissioner rules. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec.
  7A(b) (part).)
  [Sections 6001.204-6001.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6001.251.  PROHIBITED PRACTICES. (a)  An individual or
  firm may not:
               (1)  engage in the business of installing or servicing
  portable fire extinguishers without holding a registration
               (2)  engage in the business of planning, certifying,
  installing, or servicing fixed fire extinguisher systems without
  holding a registration certificate;
               (3)  install, service, or certify the servicing of
  portable fire extinguishers or plan, certify, service, or install
  fixed fire extinguisher systems without holding a license;
               (4)  perform hydrostatic testing of fire extinguisher
  cylinders manufactured in accordance with the specifications and
  requirements of the United States Department of Transportation
  without holding a hydrostatic testing registration certificate;
               (5)  obtain or attempt to obtain a registration
  certificate or license by fraudulent representation;
               (6)  install or service portable fire extinguishers or
  plan, certify, service, or install fixed fire extinguisher systems
  in violation of this chapter or the rules adopted and administered
  under this chapter;
               (7)  except as provided by Subsection (b), install,
  service, or hydrostatically test a fire extinguisher that does not
  have the proper identifying labels;
               (8)  sell, install, service, or recharge a carbon
  tetrachloride fire extinguisher; or
               (9)  except as provided by Subsection (b), lease, sell,
  service, or install a portable fire extinguisher, a fixed fire
  extinguisher system, or extinguisher equipment unless it carries an
  approval label or listing label issued by a testing laboratory
  approved by the department.
         (b)  The commissioner by rule shall permit an individual or
  firm to service a portable fire extinguisher regardless of whether
  the extinguisher carries a label described by Subsection (a).  
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 5(a), (e), 10.)
         Sec. 6001.252.  DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. (a)  The state fire
  marshal may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a
  registration certificate, license, or permit if, after notice and
  hearing, the state fire marshal finds that the applicant,
  registrant, license holder, or permit holder has engaged in acts
               (1)  violate this chapter;
               (2)  violate rules or standards adopted under this
  chapter; or
               (3)  constitute misrepresentation made in connection
                     (A)  the sale of products; or
                     (B)  services rendered.
         (b)  Subject to Section 6001.253, the commissioner may
  suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a certificate,
  license, permit, or approval.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 7(b),
         Sec. 6001.253.  DISCIPLINARY HEARING. (a) If the state fire
  marshal proposes to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license,
  permit, certificate, or approval issued under this chapter, the
  holder of the license, permit, certificate, or approval is entitled
  to a hearing conducted by the State Office of Administrative
         (b)  Proceedings for a disciplinary action are governed by
  Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         (c)  Rules of practice adopted by the commissioner
  applicable to the proceedings for a disciplinary action may not
  conflict with rules adopted by the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec. 13.)
         Sec. 6001.254.  REAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. (a)  An
  applicant or holder of a registration certificate, license, or
  permit whose certificate, license, or permit has been refused or
  revoked under this chapter, other than for failure to pass a
  required written examination, may not file another application for
  a registration certificate, license, or permit before the first
  anniversary of the effective date of the refusal or revocation.
         (b)  After the first anniversary of the effective date of the
  refusal or revocation, the applicant may:
               (1)  reapply; and
               (2)  in a public hearing, show good cause why the
  issuance of the registration certificate, license, or permit is not
  against the public safety and welfare. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec.
         Sec. 6001.255.  REEXAMINATION AFTER REVOCATION.  An
  individual whose license to service portable fire extinguishers or
  to install or service fixed fire extinguisher systems has been
  revoked must retake and pass the required written examination
  before a new license may be issued.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-1, Sec.
  [Sections 6001.256-6001.300 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6001.301.  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) A person commits an
  offense if the person knowingly violates Section 6001.251(a).
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
         (c)  Venue for an offense under this section is in Travis
  County or the county in which the offense is committed. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-1, Secs. 12(b), (c); New.)
  Sec. 6002.001.  PURPOSE
  Sec. 6002.002.  DEFINITIONS
                   POLITICAL SUBDIVISION
  [Sections 6002.005-6002.050 reserved for expansion]
                   COMPETITIVE BIDDING
  Sec. 6002.054.  FEES
  [Sections 6002.056-6002.100 reserved for expansion]
  [Sections 6002.103-6002.150 reserved for expansion]
                   LIMITED CERTIFICATE
  Sec. 6002.160.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE
  Sec. 6002.161.  NOT TRANSFERABLE
  [Sections 6002.162-6002.200 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6002.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE
  Sec. 6002.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION
  Sec. 6002.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES
  [Sections 6002.205-6002.250 reserved for expansion]
                   EXEMPT EMPLOYEES
  [Sections 6002.254-6002.300 reserved for expansion]
  [Sections 6002.305-6002.350 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6002.351.  CRIMINAL PENALTY
         Sec. 6002.001.  PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to
  safeguard lives and property by:
               (1)  regulating the planning, certifying, leasing,
  selling, servicing, installing, monitoring, and maintaining of
  fire detection and fire alarm devices and systems; and
               (2)  except as provided by rules adopted under Section
  6002.051 or 6002.052, prohibiting fire detection and fire alarm
  devices, equipment, and systems not labeled or listed by a
  nationally recognized testing laboratory.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2,
  Sec. 1.)
         Sec. 6002.002.  DEFINITIONS. Except as otherwise provided
  by this chapter, in this chapter:
               (1)  "Fire alarm device" means any device capable,
  through audible or visible means, of warning that fire or
  combustion has occurred or is occurring.
               (2)  "Fire alarm planning superintendent" means a
  licensed individual designated by a registered firm to:
                     (A)  plan a fire alarm or detection system that
  conforms to applicable adopted National Fire Protection
  Association standards or other adopted standards; and
                     (B)  certify that each fire alarm or detection
  system as planned meets the standards as provided by law.
               (3)  "Fire alarm technician" means a licensed
  individual designated by a registered firm to:
                     (A)  inspect and certify that each fire alarm or
  detection system as installed meets the standards provided by law;
                     (B)  perform or directly supervise the servicing
  or maintaining of a previously installed fire alarm device or
  system and certify that service or maintenance.
               (4)  "Fire detection device" means any arrangement of
  materials, the sole function of which is to indicate the existence
  of fire, smoke, or combustion in its incipient stages.
               (5)  "Individual" means a natural person, including an
  owner, manager, officer, employee, occupant, or other individual.
               (6)  "Installation" means:
                     (A)  the initial placement of equipment; or
                     (B)  the extension, modification, or alteration
  of equipment already in place.
               (7)  "Insurance agent" means:
                     (A)  an individual, firm, or corporation licensed
                           (i)  Subchapter E, Chapter 981; or
                           (ii)  Subchapter A, B, C, D, E, or G, Chapter
  4051; or
                     (B)  an individual authorized to represent an
  insurance fund or pool created by a municipality, county, or other
  political subdivision of this state under Chapter 791, Government
               (8)  "Maintenance" means the maintenance of a fire
  alarm device or a fire detection device in a condition of repair
  that provides performance as originally designed or intended.
               (9)  "Monitoring" means the receipt of fire alarm and
  supervisory signals and the retransmission or communication of
  those signals to a fire service communications center in this state
  or serving property in this state.
               (10)  "Organization" means a corporation, a government
  or a governmental subdivision or agency, a business trust, an
  estate, a trust, a partnership, a firm or association, two or more
  individuals with a joint or common interest, or any other legal or
  commercial entity.
               (11)  "Registered firm" means an individual or
  organization that holds a registration certificate.
               (12)  "Residential fire alarm superintendent" means a
  licensed individual designated by a registered firm to:
                     (A)  plan a residential single-family or
  two-family fire alarm or detection system that conforms to
  applicable adopted National Fire Protection Association standards
  or other adopted standards; and
                     (B)  certify that each fire alarm or detection
  system as planned meets the standards as provided by law.
               (13)  "Sale" means the sale or offer for sale, lease, or
  rent of any merchandise, equipment, or service at wholesale or
  retail, to the public or any individual, for an agreed sum of money
  or other consideration.
               (14)  "Service" or "servicing" means inspection,
  maintenance, repair, or testing of a fire alarm device or a fire
  detection device. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 2(1), (2), (5),
  (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) (part), (13) (part), (14),
  (15), (16) (part).)
         Sec. 6002.003.  EFFECT ON LOCAL REGULATION. (a) This
  chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter have uniform force
  and effect throughout this state. A municipality or county may not
  enact an ordinance or rule inconsistent with this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter. An inconsistent ordinance or rule is
  void and has no effect.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a municipality or
  county may:
               (1)  mandate that a fire alarm or detection system be
  installed in certain facilities, if the installation conforms to
  applicable state law;
               (2)  require a better type of alarm or detection system
  or otherwise safer condition than the minimum required by state
  law; and
               (3)  require regular inspections by local officials of
  smoke detectors in dwelling units, as that term is defined by
  Section 92.251, Property Code, and require the smoke detectors to
  be operational at the time of inspection.
         (c)  A municipality, county, or other political subdivision
  of this state may not require, as a condition of engaging in
  business or performing any activity authorized under this chapter,
  that a registered firm, a license holder, or an employee of a
  license holder:
               (1)  obtain a registration, franchise, or license from
  the political subdivision;
               (2)  pay any fee or franchise tax to the political
  subdivision; or
               (3)  post a bond.
         (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or
  Section 6002.155, a municipality or county may require a registered
  firm to obtain a permit and pay a permit fee for the installation of
  a fire alarm or fire detection device or system and require that the
  installation of such a system be in conformance with the building
  code or other construction requirements of the municipality or
  county and state law.
         (e)  Notwithstanding Subsection (d), a municipality or
  county may not impose qualification or financial responsibility
  requirements other than proof of a registration certificate.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 3(a), (c).)
  SUBDIVISION. (a) In this section, "monitoring" means the receipt
  of fire alarm or supervisory signals or retransmission or
  communication of those signals to a fire service communications
  center that is located in this state or serves property in this
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a political
  subdivision may not offer residential alarm system sales, service,
  installation, or monitoring unless the political subdivision has
  been providing monitoring services to residences within the
  boundaries of the political subdivision as of September 1, 1999.
  Any fee charged by the political subdivision under this subsection
  may not exceed the cost of the monitoring.
         (c)  A political subdivision may:
               (1)  offer service, installation, or monitoring for
  property owned by the political subdivision or another political
               (2)  allow for the response to an alarm or detection
  device by:
                     (A)  a law enforcement agency or fire department;
                     (B)  a law enforcement officer or firefighter
  acting in an official capacity; or
               (3)  offer monitoring to a financial institution, as
  defined by Section 59.301, Finance Code, that requests, in writing,
  that the political subdivision provide monitoring service to the
  financial institution.
         (d)  Subsection (b) does not apply to a political
               (1)  in a county with a population of less than 80,000;
               (2)  in which monitoring is not otherwise provided or
         (e)  This section is not intended to require a political
  subdivision to hold a license under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-2, Secs. 7(b), (c), (d), (e).)
  [Sections 6002.005-6002.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.051.  ADMINISTRATION OF CHAPTER; RULES. (a)  The
  department shall administer this chapter.
         (b)  The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to
  administer this chapter, including rules the commissioner
  considers necessary to administer this chapter through the state
  fire marshal. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 4 (part), 6(a) (part).)
         Sec. 6002.052.  ADOPTION OF RULES; STANDARDS. (a) In
  adopting necessary rules, the commissioner may use:
               (1)  recognized standards, such as, but not limited to:
                     (A)  standards of the National Fire Protection
                     (B)  standards recognized by federal law or
  regulation; or
                     (C)  standards published by a nationally
  recognized standards-making organization;
               (2)  the National Electrical Code; or
               (3)  information provided by individual manufacturers.
         (b)  Under rules adopted under Section 6002.051, the
  department may create specialized licenses or registration
  certificates for an organization or individual engaged in the
  business of planning, certifying, leasing, selling, servicing,
  installing, monitoring, or maintaining fire alarm or fire detection
  devices or systems. The rules must establish appropriate training
  and qualification standards for each kind of license and
         (c)  The commissioner shall also adopt standards applicable
  to fire alarm devices, equipment, or systems regulated under this
  chapter. In adopting standards under this subsection, the
  commissioner may allow the operation of a fire alarm monitoring
  station that relies on fire alarm devices or equipment approved or
  listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory without regard
  to whether the monitoring station is approved or listed by a
  nationally recognized testing laboratory if the operator of the
  station demonstrates that the station operating standards are
  substantially equivalent to those required to be approved or
  listed. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 4 (part), 6(a) (part), (b).)
  COMPETITIVE BIDDING. (a)  The commissioner may not adopt rules
  restricting advertising or competitive bidding by the holder of a
  license or registration certificate issued under this chapter
  except to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  In the commissioner's rules to prohibit false,
  misleading, or deceptive practices, the commissioner may not
  include a rule that:
               (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;
               (2)  restricts the use of a license or registration
  certificate holder's personal appearance or voice in an
               (3)  relates to the size or duration of an
  advertisement by the license or registration certificate holder; or
               (4)  restricts the license or registration certificate
  holder's advertisement under a trade name. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2,
  Sec. 6A.)
         Sec. 6002.054.  FEES. (a) The commissioner shall set the
  fee for:
               (1)  an initial registration certificate in an amount
  not to exceed $500;
               (2)  the renewal of a registration certificate for each
  year in an amount not to exceed $500;
               (3)  the renewal of a registration certificate for an
  individual or organization engaged in the business of planning,
  certifying, leasing, selling, servicing, installing, monitoring,
  or maintaining exclusively single station devices in an amount not
  to exceed $250 annually;
               (4)  an initial branch office registration certificate
  in an amount not to exceed $150;
               (5)  the renewal of a branch office registration
  certificate for each year in an amount not to exceed $150;
               (6)  an initial or renewal training school approval in
  an amount not to exceed $500 annually;
               (7)  an initial or renewal of a training school
  instructor approval in an amount not to exceed $50 annually;
               (8)  an initial license in an amount not to exceed $120;
               (9)  the renewal of a license for each year in an amount
  not to exceed $100.
         (b)  Unless the examination or reexamination for a license is
  administered by a testing service, the commissioner shall set a
  nonrefundable fee for:
               (1)  the initial examination in an amount not to exceed
  $30; and
               (2)  each reexamination in an amount not to exceed $20.
         (c)  The commissioner shall set a fee in an amount not to
  exceed $20 for:
               (1)  a duplicate registration certificate or license
  issued under this chapter; and
               (2)  any request requiring changes to a registration
  certificate or license. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5(a) (part),
  (b) (part), (c) (part), (d), (i), 5D(b) (part), (c) (part).)
         Sec. 6002.055.  DEPOSIT IN OPERATING ACCOUNT. The fees
  collected under this chapter shall be deposited in the state
  treasury to the credit of the Texas Department of Insurance
  operating account.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 8.)
  [Sections 6002.056-6002.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.101.  ADVISORY COUNCIL; APPOINTMENT. The
  commissioner shall appoint an advisory council consisting of seven
  individuals as follows:
               (1)  three individuals who are employed by a registered
  firm in the fire protection industry and who have at least three
  years' experience in the sale, installation, maintenance, or
  manufacture of fire alarm or fire detection devices;
               (2)  two individuals who:
                     (A)  are experienced in the engineering of fire
  prevention services; or
                     (B)  are members of a fire protection association;
               (3)  one individual who is an experienced fire
  prevention officer employed by a municipality or county; and
               (4)  one individual who:
                     (A)  is employed by a registered firm; and
                     (B)  has at least three years' experience in the
  operation of a central fire alarm monitoring station.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 6(d).)
         Sec. 6002.102.  ADVISORY COUNCIL DUTIES. The advisory
  council shall periodically:
               (1)  review rules implementing this chapter; and
               (2)  recommend rule changes to the commissioner.  
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 6(c).)
  [Sections 6002.103-6002.150 reserved for expansion]
  LIMITED CERTIFICATE.  (a)  An individual or organization may not
  engage in the business of planning, certifying, leasing, selling,
  installing, servicing, monitoring, or maintaining fire alarm or
  fire detection devices or systems unless the individual or
  organization holds a registration certificate issued by the
         (b)  The department may issue a limited registration
  certificate to an individual or organization whose business is
  restricted to monitoring.
         (c)  Applications for registration certificates and
  qualifications for those certificates are subject to rules adopted
  by the commissioner.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5(a) (part),
  7(a) (part), 10(a) (part).)
  REQUIRED.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), each separate
  office location of a registered firm, other than the location
  identified on the firm's registration certificate, must have a
  branch office registration certificate issued by the department.
         (b)  Before issuing a branch office registration
  certificate, the department must determine that the branch office
  location is part of a registered firm.
         (c)  A registered firm that is engaged in the business of
  planning, certifying, leasing, selling, servicing, installing,
  monitoring, or maintaining exclusively single station devices is
  not required to apply for or obtain a branch office registration
  certificate for a separate office or location of the firm.  
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 5(b) (part).)
  REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. (a)  The department may not issue a
  registration certificate under this chapter unless the applicant
  files with the department evidence of a general liability insurance
  policy that includes products and completed operations coverage.
  The policy must be conditioned to pay on behalf of the insured those
  amounts that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as
  damages because of bodily injury and property damage caused by an
  occurrence involving the insured or the insured's officer, agent,
  or employee in the conduct of any business that requires a
  registration certificate or license under this chapter.
         (b)  Unless the commissioner increases or decreases the
  limits under rules adopted under Section 6002.051(b), the limits of
  insurance coverage required by Subsection (a) must be at least:
               (1)  $100,000 combined single limits for bodily injury
  and property damage for each occurrence; and
               (2)  $300,000 aggregate for all occurrences for each
  policy year.
         (c)  The evidence of insurance required by this section must
  be in the form of a certificate of insurance executed by an insurer
  authorized to engage in the business of insurance in this state and
  countersigned by an insurance agent licensed in this state. A
  certificate of insurance for surplus lines coverage procured in
  compliance with Chapter 981 through a surplus lines agent that is
  licensed under Subchapter E, Chapter 981, and resident in this
  state may be filed with the department as evidence of the coverage
  required by this section.
         (d)  An insurance certificate executed and filed with the
  department under this section remains in force until the insurer
  has terminated future liability by the notice required by the
         (e)  Failure to maintain the liability insurance required by
  this section constitutes grounds for the denial, suspension, or
  revocation, after notice and opportunity for hearing, of a
  registration certificate issued under this chapter.
         (f)  For an individual or organization licensed to install or
  service burglar alarms under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code,
  compliance with the insurance requirements of that chapter
  constitutes compliance with the insurance requirements of this
  section if the insurance held by the individual or organization
  complies with the requirements of this section in amounts and types
  of coverage.
         (g)  This section does not affect the rights of the insured
  to negotiate or contract for limitations of liability with a third
  party, including a customer of the insured.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2,
  Secs. 5B(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g).)
  Each registered firm, including a firm engaged in the business of
  planning, certifying, leasing, selling, servicing, installing,
  monitoring, or maintaining exclusively single station devices,
  must employ at least one employee who is a fire alarm technician,
  residential fire alarm superintendent, or fire alarm planning
         (b)  A fire alarm technician, residential fire alarm
  superintendent, or fire alarm planning superintendent must hold a
  license issued by the department, conditioned on the successful
  completion of a written license examination.
         (c)  To engage in the activity for which the license is
  granted, an individual licensed under this chapter must be an
  employee or agent of an individual or entity that holds a
  registration certificate.
         (d)  A fire alarm technician may perform or supervise
  monitoring. A fire alarm planning superintendent may act as a fire
  alarm technician or a residential fire alarm superintendent. A
  residential fire alarm superintendent may act as a fire alarm
         (e)  Applications for licenses and qualifications for those
  licenses are subject to rules adopted by the commissioner.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 2(12) (part), (13) (part), (16)
  (part), 5(a) (part), (c) (part), (f), 5D(a) (part), 10(a) (part).)
         Sec. 6002.155.  ACTIVITIES NOT REGULATED BY CHAPTER.  The
  licensing provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
               (1)  an individual or organization in the business of
  building construction that installs electrical wiring and devices
  that may include, in part, the installation of a fire alarm or
  detection system if:
                     (A)  the individual or organization is a party to
  a contract that provides that:
                           (i)  the installation will be performed
  under the direct supervision of and certified by a licensed
  employee or agent of a firm registered to install and certify such
  an alarm or detection device; and
                           (ii)  the registered firm assumes full
  responsibility for the installation of the alarm or detection
  device; and
                     (B)  the individual or organization does not plan,
  certify, lease, sell, service, or maintain fire alarms or detection
  devices or systems;
               (2)  an individual or organization that:
                     (A)  owns and installs a fire detection or fire
  alarm device on the individual's or organization's own property; or
                     (B)  if the individual or organization does not
  charge for the device or its installation, installs the device for
  the protection of the individual's or organization's personal
  property located on another's property and does not install the
  device as a normal business practice on the property of another;
               (3)  an individual who holds a license or other
  authority issued by a municipality to practice as an electrician
  and who installs fire or smoke detection and alarm devices only in a
  single family or multifamily residence if:
                     (A)  the devices installed are:
                           (i)  single station detectors; or
                           (ii)  multiple station detectors capable of
  being connected in a manner that actuation of one detector causes
  all integral or separate alarms to operate if the detectors are not
  connected to a control panel or to an outside alarm, do not transmit
  a signal off the premises, and do not use more than 120 volts; and
                     (B)  all installations comply with the adopted
  edition of Household Fire Warning Equipment, National Fire
  Protection Association Standard No. 74;
               (4)  an individual or organization that:
                     (A)  sells fire detection or fire alarm devices
  exclusively over-the-counter or by mail order; and
                     (B)  does not plan, certify, install, service, or
  maintain the devices;
               (5)  a law enforcement agency or fire department or a
  law enforcement officer or firefighter acting in an official
  capacity that responds to a fire alarm or detection device;
               (6)  an engineer licensed under Chapter 1001,
  Occupations Code, acting solely in the engineer's professional
               (7)  an individual or organization that provides and
  installs at no charge to the property owners or residents a
  battery-powered smoke detector in a single-family or two-family
  residence if:
                     (A)  the smoke detector bears a label of listing
  or approval by a testing laboratory approved by the department;
                     (B)  the installation complies with the adopted
  edition of National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 74;
                     (C)  the installers are knowledgeable in fire
  protection and the proper use of smoke detectors; and
                     (D)  the detector is a single station installation
  and not a part of or connected to any other detection device or
               (8)  a regular employee of a registered firm who is
  under the direct supervision of a license holder;
               (9)  a building owner, the owner's managing agent, or an
  employee of the owner or agent who installs battery-operated single
  station smoke detectors or monitor fire alarm or fire detection
  devices or systems in the owner's building, and in which the
                     (A)  is performed at the owner's property at no
  charge to the occupants of the building;
                     (B)  complies with applicable standards of the
  National Fire Protection Association as may be adopted by rule
  under this chapter; and
                     (C)  uses equipment approved by a testing
  laboratory approved by the department for fire alarm monitoring;
               (10)  an individual employed by a registered firm that
  sells and installs a smoke or heat detector in a single-family or
  two-family residence if:
                     (A)  the detector bears a label of listing or
  approval by a testing laboratory approved by the department;
                     (B)  the installation complies with the adopted
  edition of National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 74;
                     (C)  the installers are knowledgeable in fire
  protection and the proper use and placement of detectors; and
                     (D)  the detector is a single station installation
  and not a part of or connected to any other detection device or
  system; or
               (11)  an individual or organization licensed to install
  or service burglar alarms under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code,
  that provides and installs in a single-family or two-family
  residence a combination keypad that includes a panic button to
  initiate a fire alarm signal if the fire alarm signal:
                     (A)  is monitored by a fire alarm firm registered
  under this chapter; and
                     (B)  is not initiated by a fire or smoke detection
  device. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 3(b).)
         Sec. 6002.156.  LICENSE EXAMINATION. (a) The state fire
  marshal shall establish the scope and type of an examination
  required by this chapter.  The examination must cover this chapter
  and commissioner rules and include specific testing of all license
         (b)  The state fire marshal may administer the examination or
  may enter into an agreement with a testing service.
         (c)  If a testing service is used, the state fire marshal may
  contract with the testing service regarding requirements for the
  examination, including:
               (1)  examination development;
               (2)  scheduling;
               (3)  site arrangements;
               (4)  grading;
               (5)  reporting;
               (6)  analysis; or
               (7)  other administrative duties.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require the testing service
               (1)  correspond directly with an applicant regarding
  the administration of the examination;
               (2)  collect a reasonable fee from an applicant for
  administering the examination; or
               (3)  administer the examination at a specific location
  or time.
         (e)  Approval for a testing service is valid for one year.
         (f)  The state fire marshal shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement examination requirements under this chapter.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5D(a) (part), (b) (part), (f), (g), (h).)
         Sec. 6002.157.  EXAMINATION RESULTS.  (a)  Not later than the
  30th day after the date on which an examination is administered
  under this chapter, the state fire marshal shall send notice to each
  examinee of the results of the examination.
         (b)  If an examination is conducted, graded, or reviewed by a
  testing service, the state fire marshal shall send notice to each
  examinee of the results of the examination within two weeks after
  the date on which the state fire marshal receives the results from
  the testing service.
         (c)  If the notice of the examination results will be delayed
  for more than 90 days after the examination date, the state fire
  marshal shall send notice to the examinee of the reason for the
  delay before the 90th day.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require a testing service to
  notify an examinee of the results of the examinee's examination
  under this section.
         (e)  If requested in writing by an individual who fails the
  examination administered under this chapter, the state fire marshal
  shall send to the individual an analysis of the individual's
  performance on the examination.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5D(a)
  (part), (a-1).)
  (a)  An applicant for approval as a training school must submit an
  application to the state fire marshal, accompanied by the
  applicant's complete course or testing curriculum. A registered
  firm, or an affiliate of a registered firm, is not eligible for
  approval as a training school.
         (b)  The state fire marshal shall review the materials
  submitted for course approval and shall approve or deny approval in
  a letter provided not later than the 60th day after the date of
  receipt of the application. A denial of approval must disclose
  specific reasons for the denial. An applicant whose approval is
  denied may reapply at any time.
         (c)  Training school instructors must be approved by the
  state fire marshal. To be eligible for approval, an instructor must
  hold a fire alarm planning superintendent license and have at least
  three years of experience in fire alarm installation, service, or
         (d)  Approval for a training school or instructor is valid
  for one year.
         (e)  The curriculum for a fire alarm technician course or a
  residential fire alarm superintendent course must consist of 16
  hours of classroom instruction for each license category.
         (f)  After approval, each training school must annually
  conduct, within 125 miles of each county with a population greater
  than 500,000, at least two classes that are open to the public.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5D(b) (part), (c) (part), (d), (e);
         Sec. 6002.159.  CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS. (a) The
  commissioner may adopt procedures for certifying and may certify
  continuing education programs.
         (b)  Participation in the continuing education programs is
  voluntary. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 5E.)
         Sec. 6002.160.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE.  The department may
  waive any license requirement for an applicant who holds a license
  issued by another state that has license requirements substantially
  equivalent to the license requirements of this state. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 5F.)
         Sec. 6002.161.  NOT TRANSFERABLE. A registration
  certificate or license issued under this chapter is not
  transferable. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 5(h).)
  [Sections 6002.162-6002.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE. (a) A renewal of a
  registration certificate or license issued under this chapter is
  valid for a period of two years. The license or registration
  renewal fee for each year of the two-year period is payable on
         (b)  The commissioner by rule may adopt a system under which
  registration certificates and licenses expire on various dates
  during the year. For the year in which an expiration date of a
  registration certificate or license is less than one year from its
  issuance or anniversary date, the fee shall be prorated on a monthly
  basis so that each holder of a registration certificate or license
  pays only that portion of the renewal fee that is allocable to the
  number of months during which the registration certificate or
  license is valid. The total renewal fee is payable on renewal on
  the new expiration date. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 5A, 5C(b).)
         Sec. 6002.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION. At least 30 days
  before the expiration date of a registration certificate or
  license, the state fire marshal shall send written notice of the
  impending expiration to the holder of the registration certificate
  or license at the holder's last known address. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-2, Sec. 5C(a) (part).)
         Sec. 6002.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES. (a)  The holder of an
  unexpired registration certificate or license may renew the
  certificate or license by paying the required renewal fee to the
  department before the expiration date of the certificate or
         (b)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for 90 days or less may
  renew the certificate or license by paying to the department:
               (1)  the required renewal fee; and
               (2)  a fee that does not exceed one-fourth of the
  initial fee for the certificate or license.
         (c)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for more than 90 days but
  less than two years may renew the certificate or license by paying
  to the department:
               (1)  all unpaid renewal fees; and
               (2)  a fee that does not exceed the initial fee for the
  certificate or license.
         (d)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for two years or longer may
  not renew the certificate or license. The individual or
  organization may obtain a new registration certificate or license
  by complying with the requirements and procedures for obtaining an
  initial registration certificate or license.
         (e)  This section may not be construed to prevent the
  department from denying or refusing to renew a license under
  applicable law or commissioner rules.
         (f)  A license or registration certificate issued under this
  chapter expires at midnight on the date printed on the license or
  certificate. A renewal application and fee for the license or
  registration certificate must be postmarked on or before the
  expiration date to be accepted as timely.
         (g)  If a renewal application is not complete but there has
  been no lapse in the required insurance, the applicant is entitled
  to 30 days from the date that the applicant is notified by the
  department of the deficiencies in the renewal application to comply
  with any additional requirement. If an applicant fails to respond
  and correct all deficiencies in the renewal application within the
  30-day period, the department may charge a late fee.  (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-2, Secs. 5C(a) (part), (c).)
         Sec. 6002.204.  RENEWAL OF CERTAIN LICENSES. A license
  holder with an unexpired license who is not employed by a registered
  firm at the time of the license renewal may renew that license, but
  the license holder may not engage in any activity for which the
  license was granted until the license holder is employed by a
  registered firm. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 5C(a) (part).)
  [Sections 6002.205-6002.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.251.  REQUIRED LABEL; EXCEPTIONS. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a detection or alarm device,
  alarm system, or item of monitoring equipment, a purpose of which is
  to detect or give alarm of fire, may not be sold, offered for sale,
  leased, installed, or used to monitor property in this state unless
  the device, system, or item of equipment carries a label of approval
  or listing of a testing laboratory approved by the department.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a detection or
  alarm device, alarm system, or item of monitoring equipment in a
  one-family or two-family residence, a purpose of which is to detect
  or give alarm of fire, may not be sold, offered for sale, leased,
  installed, or used to monitor property in this state after April 14,
  1989, unless the device, system, or equipment carries a label of
  approval or listing of a testing laboratory approved by the
         (c)  Subsections (a) and (b) do not prohibit the continued
  use or monitoring of equipment in place if the equipment:
               (1)  complied with the law applicable on the date of the
  equipment's original placement; and
               (2)  has not been extended, modified, or altered.
         (d)  Fire alarm devices that are not required by this chapter
  or rules adopted under this chapter and that do not impair the
  operation of fire alarm or fire detection devices required by this
  chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter are exempt from the
  label and listing requirements described by Subsections (a) and (b)
  if the devices are approved by the local authority with
  jurisdiction.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs. 9(a), (b), (c).)
  INFORMATION. A fire detection or fire alarm device may not be sold
  or installed in this state unless the device is accompanied by
  printed information that:
               (1)  is supplied to the owner by the supplier or
  installing contractor; and
               (2)  concerns:
                     (A)  instructions describing the installation,
  operation, testing, and proper maintenance of the device;
                     (B)  information to aid in establishing an
  emergency evacuation plan for the protected premises; and
                     (C)  the telephone number and location, including
  notification procedures, of the nearest fire department. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 9(d).)
  EMPLOYEES. Each registered firm that employs an individual who is
  exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter under
  Section 6002.155(10) shall appropriately train and supervise the
  individual to ensure that:
               (1)  each installation complies with the adopted
  provisions of National Fire Protection Standard No. 74 or other
  adopted standards;
               (2)  each smoke or heat detector installed or sold
  carries a label or listing of approval by a testing laboratory
  approved by the department; and
               (3)  the individual is knowledgeable in fire protection
  and the proper use and placement of detectors. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-2, Sec. 9(e).)
  [Sections 6002.254-6002.300 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.301.  PROHIBITED PRACTICES. An individual or
  organization may not:
               (1)  plan, certify, lease, sell, service, install,
  monitor, or maintain a fire alarm or fire detection device or system
  without a license or registration certificate;
               (2)  obtain or attempt to obtain a registration
  certificate or license by fraudulent representation; or
               (3)  plan, certify, lease, sell, service, install,
  monitor, or maintain a fire alarm or fire detection device or system
  in violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under this
  chapter.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 7(a).)
         Sec. 6002.302.  DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. (a)  The state fire
  marshal may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a
  registration certificate or license if, after notice and hearing,
  the state fire marshal finds that the applicant, registrant, or
  license holder has engaged in acts that:
               (1)  violate this chapter;
               (2)  violate rules or standards adopted under this
  chapter; or
               (3)  constitute misrepresentation made in connection
  with the sale of products or services rendered.
         (b)  An original or renewal registration certificate,
  license, or testing laboratory approval may be denied, suspended,
  or revoked, if after notice and public hearing the commissioner,
  through the state fire marshal, determines from the evidence
  presented at the hearing that this chapter or a rule adopted under
  this chapter has been violated.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Secs.
  10(b), (c).)
         Sec. 6002.303.  DISCIPLINARY HEARING. (a) If the state fire
  marshal proposes to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license or
  registration certificate issued under this chapter, the holder of
  the license or certificate is entitled to a hearing conducted by the
  State Office of Administrative Hearings.
         (b)  Proceedings for a disciplinary action are governed by
  Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         (c)  Rules of practice adopted by the commissioner
  applicable to the proceedings for a disciplinary action may not
  conflict with rules adopted by the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 10A.)
         Sec. 6002.304.  REAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. (a)  A holder
  of a registration certificate, license, or testing laboratory
  approval that has been revoked under this chapter may not file
  another application for a registration certificate, license, or
  approval before the first anniversary of the effective date of the
         (b)  An individual or organization reapplying under this
  section must request a public hearing to show cause why the issuance
  of a new registration certificate, license, or approval should not
  be denied. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 10(d).)
  [Sections 6002.305-6002.350 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6002.351.  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a)  An individual or
  organization commits an offense if the individual or organization
  violates Section 6002.151, 6002.152, or 6002.154.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
         (c)  Venue for an offense under this section is in Travis
  County or the county in which the offense is committed. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-2, Sec. 11.)
  Sec. 6003.001.  DEFINITIONS
  [Sections 6003.004-6003.050 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6003.052.  ADOPTION OF RULES
                   COMPETITIVE BIDDING
  Sec. 6003.055.  FEES
  [Sections 6003.057-6003.100 reserved for expansion]
  [Sections 6003.103-6003.150 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6003.159.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE
  Sec. 6003.160.  NOT TRANSFERABLE
  [Sections 6003.161-6003.200 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6003.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE
  Sec. 6003.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION
  Sec. 6003.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES
  [Sections 6003.204-6003.250 reserved for expansion]
                   PROCEDURE ACT
  [Sections 6003.256-6003.300 reserved for expansion]
  Sec. 6003.301.  CRIMINAL PENALTY
         Sec. 6003.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Fire protection sprinkler system" means an
  assembly of underground or overhead piping or conduits that conveys
  water with or without other agents to dispersal openings or devices
                     (A)  extinguish, control, or contain fire; and
                     (B)  provide protection from exposure to fire or
  the products of combustion.
               (2)  "Fire protection sprinkler system contractor"
  means an individual or organization that offers to undertake,
  represents itself as being able to undertake, or undertakes the
  plan, sale, installation, maintenance, or servicing of:
                     (A)  a fire protection sprinkler system; or
                     (B)  any part of a fire protection sprinkler
               (3)  "Individual" means a natural person, including an
  owner, manager, officer, employee, or occupant.
               (4)  "Installation" means:
                     (A)  the initial placement of equipment; or
                     (B)  the extension, modification, or alteration
  of equipment after initial placement.
               (5)  "Insurance agent" means:
                     (A)  an individual, firm, or corporation licensed
                           (i)  Subchapter E, Chapter 981; or
                           (ii)  Subchapter A, B, C, D, E, or G, Chapter
  4051; or
                     (B)  an individual authorized to represent an
  insurance fund or pool created by a municipality, county, or other
  political subdivision of this state under Chapter 791, Government
               (6)  "License" means the document issued to a
  responsible managing employee authorizing the employee to engage in
  the fire protection sprinkler system business in this state.
               (7)  "Maintenance" means the maintenance of a fire
  protection sprinkler system or any part of a fire protection
  sprinkler system in the condition of repair that provides
  performance as originally planned.
               (8)  "Organization" means a corporation, a partnership
  or other business association, a governmental entity, or any other
  legal or commercial entity.
               (9)  "Registration certificate" means the document
  issued to a fire protection sprinkler system contractor authorizing
  the contractor to engage in business in this state.
               (10)  "Responsible managing employee" means an
  individual designated by a company that plans, sells, installs,
  maintains, or services fire protection sprinkler systems to ensure
  that each fire protection sprinkler system, as installed,
  maintained, or serviced, meets the standards for the system as
  provided by law.
               (11)  "Service" means maintenance, repair, or testing.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 1(1), (2), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9),
  (10), (11), (12), (13) as added Acts 71st Leg., R.S., Ch. 823.)
         Sec. 6003.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a) This chapter
  does not apply to:
               (1)  an employee of the United States, this state, or
  any political subdivision of this state who acts as a fire
  protection sprinkler system contractor for the employing
  governmental entity;
               (2)  the plan, sale, installation, maintenance, or
  servicing of a fire protection sprinkler system in any property
  owned by the United States or this state;
               (3)  an individual or organization acting under court
  order as authorization;
               (4)  an individual or organization that sells or
  supplies products or materials to a registered fire protection
  sprinkler system contractor;
               (5)  an installation, maintenance, or service project
  for which the total contract price for labor, materials, and all
  other services is less than $100, if:
                     (A)  the project is not a part of a complete or
  more costly project, whether the complete project is to be
  undertaken by one or more fire protection sprinkler system
  contractors; or
                     (B)  the project is not divided into contracts of
  less than $100 for the purpose of evading this chapter;
               (6)  an engineer licensed under Chapter 1001,
  Occupations Code, acting solely in the engineer's professional
               (7)  a regular employee of a registered fire protection
  sprinkler system contractor; or
               (8)  an owner or lessee of property that:
                     (A)  installs a fire protection sprinkler system
  on the owned or leased property for the owner's or lessee's own use
  or for family members' use; and
                     (B)  does not offer the property for sale or lease
  before the first anniversary of the date of installation of the fire
  protection sprinkler system.
         (b)  This chapter does not authorize an individual or
  organization to practice professional engineering other than in
  compliance with Chapter 1001, Occupations Code. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-3, Secs. 2(b), 11.)
         Sec. 6003.003.  EFFECT ON LOCAL REGULATION. (a) This
  chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter have uniform force
  and effect throughout this state. A municipality or county may not
  enact an order, ordinance, or rule requiring a fire protection
  sprinkler system contractor to obtain a registration certificate
  from the municipality or county.  A municipality or county may not
  impose on a fire protection sprinkler system contractor
  qualification or financial responsibility requirements other than
  proof of a registration certificate.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a
  municipality or county may require a fire protection sprinkler
  system contractor to obtain a permit and pay a permit fee for the
  installation of a fire protection sprinkler system and require the
  installation of a fire protection sprinkler system to conform to
  the building code or other construction requirements of the
  municipality or county.
         (c)  A municipal or county order, ordinance, or rule in
  effect on September 1, 1983, is not invalidated because of any
  provision of this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 2(a).)
         [Sections 6003.004-6003.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6003.051.  ADMINISTRATION OF CHAPTER. (a)  The
  department shall administer this chapter.
         (b)  The commissioner may issue rules necessary to
  administer this chapter through the state fire marshal. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 3(a) (part).)
         Sec. 6003.052.  ADOPTION OF RULES. (a) In adopting
  necessary rules, the commissioner may use recognized standards,
  including standards:
               (1)  adopted by federal law or regulation;
               (2)  published by a nationally recognized
  standards-making organization; or
               (3)  developed by individual manufacturers.
         (b)  Under rules adopted under Section 6003.051(b), the
  department may create a specialized licensing or registration
  program for fire protection sprinkler system contractors.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 3(a) (part), (b).)
  COMPETITIVE BIDDING. (a)  The commissioner may not adopt rules
  restricting advertising or competitive bidding by the holder of a
  license or registration certificate issued under this chapter
  except to prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  In the commissioner's rules to prohibit false,
  misleading, or deceptive practices, the commissioner may not
  include a rule that:
               (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;
               (2)  restricts the use of a license or registration
  certificate holder's personal appearance or voice in an
               (3)  relates to the size or duration of an
  advertisement by the license or registration certificate holder; or
               (4)  restricts the license or registration certificate
  holder's advertisement under a trade name. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3,
  Sec. 7A.)
  STATE FIRE MARSHAL, AND DEPARTMENT.  (a)  The commissioner may
  delegate authority to exercise all or part of the commissioner's
  functions, powers, and duties under this chapter, including the
  issuance of licenses and registration certificates, to the state
  fire marshal.  The state fire marshal shall implement the rules
  adopted by the commissioner for the protection and preservation of
  life and property in controlling:
               (1)  the registration of an individual or an
  organization engaged in the business of planning, selling,
  installing, maintaining, or servicing fire protection sprinkler
  systems; and
               (2)  the requirements for the plan, sale, installation,
  maintenance, or servicing of fire protection sprinkler systems by:
                     (A)  determining the criteria and qualifications
  for registration certificate and license holders;
                     (B)  evaluating the qualifications of an
  applicant for a registration certificate to engage in the business
  of planning, selling, installing, maintaining, or servicing fire
  protection sprinkler systems;
                     (C)  conducting examinations and evaluating the
  qualifications of a license applicant; and
                     (D)  issuing registration certificates and
  licenses to qualified applicants.
         (b)  The commissioner shall establish a procedure for
  reporting and processing complaints relating to the business of
  planning, selling, installing, maintaining, or servicing fire
  protection sprinkler systems in this state. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3,
  Secs. 7(a), (b).)
         Sec. 6003.055.  FEES. (a) The commissioner shall set the
  fee for:
               (1)  a registration certificate application in an
  amount not to exceed $100;
               (2)  an initial or renewal registration certificate in
  an amount not to exceed $1,200 annually; and
               (3)  an initial or renewal responsible managing
  employee license fee in an amount not to exceed $200 annually.
         (b)  Unless the examination for a responsible managing
  employee license is administered by a testing service, the
  commissioner shall set a nonrefundable fee for each examination in
  an amount not to exceed $100.
         (c)  The commissioner shall set a fee in an amount not to
  exceed $70 for:
               (1)  a duplicate registration certificate or license
  issued under this chapter; or
               (2)  any request requiring changes to a registration
  certificate or license.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 4(a) (part),
  (c) (part), (d) (part), (e), (i) (part), 5A(a) (part).)
         Sec. 6003.056.  DEPOSIT IN OPERATING ACCOUNT. All fees
  collected under this chapter shall be deposited in the state
  treasury to the credit of the Texas Department of Insurance
  operating account for use in administering this chapter.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 4(i) (part).)
  [Sections 6003.057-6003.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6003.101.  ADVISORY COUNCIL; APPOINTMENT. (a)  The
  commissioner shall appoint the members of the fire protection
  advisory council, who serve at the pleasure of the commissioner.
         (b)  The advisory council is composed of seven members as
               (1)  three members who have been actively engaged in
  the management of a fire protection sprinkler system business for
  not less than five years preceding appointment;
               (2)  one member who represents the engineering section
  of the department's property and casualty program;
               (3)  one member who is a volunteer firefighter; and
               (4)  two members who each represent a different
  municipal fire department in this state.
         (c)  The State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association of
  Texas, on the commissioner's request, may recommend a volunteer
  firefighter for appointment to the advisory council.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 6(a) (part), (c), (e).)
         Sec. 6003.102.  ADVISORY COUNCIL DUTIES. (a) In addition to
  other duties delegated by the commissioner, the fire protection
  advisory council shall:
               (1)  advise the state fire marshal regarding practices
  in the fire protection sprinkler system industry and the rules
  necessary to implement and administer this chapter; and
               (2)  make recommendations to the state fire marshal
  regarding forms and procedures for registration certificates and
         (b)  The advisory council shall periodically:
               (1)  review rules implementing this chapter; and
               (2)  recommend rule changes to the commissioner.  
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 6(b), (d).)
  [Sections 6003.103-6003.150 reserved for expansion]
  individual or organization holds a registration certificate issued
  by the department, an individual or organization may not plan,
  sell, install, maintain, or service a fire protection sprinkler
         (b)  An applicant for a registration certificate must apply
  to the department on a form prescribed by the commissioner.
         (c)  An organization that is a partnership or joint venture
  is not required to register under the name of the organization if
  each partner or joint venturer holds a registration certificate.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 4(a) (part), 8 (part).)
  REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. (a)  The department may not issue a
  registration certificate under this chapter unless the applicant
  files with the department evidence of a general liability insurance
  policy that includes products and completed operations coverage.
  The policy must be conditioned to pay on behalf of the insured those
  amounts that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as
  damages because of bodily injury and property damage caused by an
  occurrence involving the insured or the insured's officer, agent,
  or employee in the conduct of any activity that requires a
  registration certificate or license under this chapter.
         (b)  Unless the commissioner, after notice and an
  opportunity for a hearing, increases or decreases the limits, the
  limits of insurance coverage required by Subsection (a) must be at
               (1)  $100,000 combined single limits for bodily injury
  and property damage for each occurrence; and
               (2)  $300,000 aggregate for all occurrences for each
  policy year.
         (c)  The evidence of insurance required by this section must
  be in the form of a certificate of insurance executed by an insurer
  authorized to engage in the business of insurance in this state and
  countersigned by an insurance agent licensed in this state. A
  certificate of insurance for surplus lines coverage procured in
  compliance with Chapter 981 through a surplus lines agent that is
  licensed under Subchapter E, Chapter 981, and resident in this
  state may be filed with the department as evidence of the coverage
  required by this section.
         (d)  An insurance certificate executed and filed with the
  department under this section remains in force until the insurer
  has terminated future liability by the notice required by the
         (e)  Failure to maintain the liability insurance required by
  this section constitutes grounds for the denial, suspension, or
  revocation, after notice and opportunity for hearing, of a
  registration certificate issued under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-3, Secs. 5, 7(c).)
  REQUIRED. (a)  Each fire protection sprinkler system contractor
  must employ at least one licensed responsible managing employee on
  a full-time basis.
         (b)  A responsible managing employee must hold a license
  issued by the department, conditioned on the successful completion
  of the license examination and compliance with the requirements of
  the rules adopted under this chapter.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an individual or
  organization with a current registration certificate may act as a
  fire protection sprinkler system contractor for 30 days after the
  death or dissociation of its licensed responsible managing employee
  or for a longer period approved by the commissioner under the rules
  adopted under this chapter. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 4(b), (c)
  (part), 8 (part).)
  Each registration certificate and license issued under this chapter
  must be posted in a conspicuous place in the fire protection
  sprinkler system contractor's place of business. (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-3, Sec. 4(f).)
  ON CERTAIN DOCUMENTS REQUIRED. Each bid, proposal, offer, and
  installation drawing for a fire protection sprinkler system must
  prominently display the registration certificate number of the fire
  protection sprinkler system contractor. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3,
  Sec. 4(g).)
         Sec. 6003.156.  LICENSE EXAMINATION. (a) The state fire
  marshal shall establish the scope and type of an examination
  required by this chapter.
         (b)  The state fire marshal may administer the examination or
  may enter into an agreement with a testing service.
         (c)  If a testing service is used, the state fire marshal may
  contract with the testing service regarding requirements for the
  examination, including:
               (1)  examination development;
               (2)  scheduling;
               (3)  site arrangements;
               (4)  grading;
               (5)  reporting;
               (6)  analysis; or
               (7)  other administrative duties.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require the testing service
               (1)  correspond directly with an applicant regarding
  the administration of the examination;
               (2)  collect a reasonable fee from an applicant for
  administering the examination; or
               (3)  administer the examination at a specific location
  or time.
         (e)  The state fire marshal shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement examination requirements under this chapter.  (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 5B(a), (b), (e).)
         Sec. 6003.157.  EXAMINATION RESULTS.  (a)  Not later than the
  30th day after the date on which an examination is administered
  under this chapter, the state fire marshal shall send notice to each
  examinee of the results of the examination.
         (b)  If an examination is graded or reviewed by a testing
  service, the state fire marshal shall send notice to each examinee
  of the results of the examination not later than the 14th day after
  the date on which the state fire marshal receives the results from
  the testing service.
         (c)  If the notice of the examination results will be delayed
  for more than 90 days after the examination date, the state fire
  marshal, before the 90th day, shall send notice to the examinee of
  the reason for the delay.
         (d)  The state fire marshal may require a testing service to
  notify an examinee of the results of the examinee's examination.
         (e)  If requested in writing by an individual who fails the
  examination administered under this chapter, the state fire marshal
  shall send to the individual an analysis of the individual's
  performance on the examination.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs.
  5B(c), (d).)
         Sec. 6003.158.  CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS. (a) The
  commissioner may adopt procedures for certifying and may certify
  continuing education programs.
         (b)  Participation in the continuing education programs is
  voluntary. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 5C.)
         Sec. 6003.159.  RECIPROCAL LICENSE. The department may waive
  any license requirement for an applicant who holds a license issued
  by another state that has license requirements substantially
  equivalent to the license requirements of this state. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 5D.)
         Sec. 6003.160.  NOT TRANSFERABLE. A registration
  certificate or license issued under this chapter is not
  transferable. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 4(h).)
  [Sections 6003.161-6003.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6003.201.  RENEWAL REQUIRED; FEE.  (a)  Except as
  otherwise provided by this subsection, an initial registration
  certificate or license is valid for a period of one year from the
  date of issue and is renewable on payment of the renewal fee. An
  initial registration certificate or license issued on or after
  September 1, 1983, may be issued for a period of less than one year
  and the renewal fee shall be prorated proportionally.
         (b)  A renewal of a registration certificate or license
  issued under this chapter is valid for a period of two years. The
  license or registration fee for each year of the two-year period is
  payable on renewal.
         (c)  The commissioner by rule may adopt a system under which
  registration certificates and licenses expire on various dates
  during the year. For the year in which an expiration date of a
  registration certificate or license is less than one year from its
  issuance or anniversary date, the fee shall be prorated on a monthly
  basis so that each holder of a registration certificate or license
  pays only that portion of the renewal fee that is allocable to the
  number of months during which the registration certificate or
  license is valid. On renewal on the new expiration date, the total
  renewal fee is payable. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Secs. 4(d) (part),
  5A(a), (c).)
         Sec. 6003.202.  NOTICE OF EXPIRATION. At least 30 days
  before the expiration date of a registration certificate or
  license, the department shall send written notice of the impending
  expiration to the holder of the registration certificate or
  license at the holder's last known address. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3,
  Sec. 5A(b) (part).)
         Sec. 6003.203.  RENEWAL PROCEDURES. (a)  The holder of an
  unexpired registration certificate or license may renew the
  certificate or license by paying the required renewal fee to the
  department before the expiration date of the certificate or
         (b)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for 90 days or less may
  renew the certificate or license by paying to the department:
               (1)  the required renewal fee; and
               (2)  a fee equal to one-half of the initial fee for the
  certificate or license.
         (c)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for more than 90 days but
  less than two years may renew the certificate or license by paying
  to the department:
               (1)  all unpaid renewal fees; and
               (2)  a fee that is equal to the initial fee for the
  certificate or license.
         (d)  An individual or organization whose registration
  certificate or license has been expired for two years or longer may
  not renew the certificate or license. The individual or
  organization may obtain a new registration certificate or license
  by complying with the requirements and procedures for obtaining an
  initial registration certificate or license.
         (e)  This section may not be construed to prevent the
  department from denying or refusing to renew a license under
  applicable law or commissioner rules. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec.
  5A(b) (part).)
  [Sections 6003.204-6003.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6003.251.  PROHIBITED PRACTICES. An individual or
  organization may not:
               (1)  obtain or attempt to obtain a registration
  certificate or license by fraudulent representation; or
               (2)  plan, sell, install, maintain, or service a fire
  protection sprinkler system in violation of this chapter or the
  rules adopted under this chapter.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 8
         Sec. 6003.252.  DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. The state fire
  marshal may suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a
  registration certificate or license if, after notice and hearing,
  the state fire marshal finds that the applicant, registrant, or
  license holder has engaged in acts that:
               (1)  violate this chapter;
               (2)  violate rules or standards adopted under this
  chapter; or
               (3)  constitute misrepresentation made in connection
                     (A)  the sale of products; or
                     (B)  services rendered.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3,
  Sec. 9(a).)
         Sec. 6003.253.  DISCIPLINARY HEARING. (a) If the state fire
  marshal proposes to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license or
  registration certificate issued under this chapter, the holder of
  the license or certificate is entitled to a hearing conducted by the
  State Office of Administrative Hearings.
         (b)  Rules of practice adopted by the commissioner
  applicable to the proceedings for a disciplinary action may not
  conflict with rules adopted by the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings.  (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 9A (part).)
  ACT.  Proceedings for the denial, suspension, or revocation of a
  registration certificate or license, appeals from those
  proceedings, and any other proceedings for a disciplinary action
  are governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code.  (V.T.I.C. Art.
  5.43-3, Secs. 9(b), 9A (part).)
         Sec. 6003.255.  REAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. (a)  An
  applicant or holder of a registration certificate or license whose
  certificate or license has been denied, refused, or revoked under
  this chapter, other than for failure to pass a required written
  examination, may not file another application for a registration
  certificate or license before:
               (1)  the first anniversary of the effective date of the
  denial, refusal, or revocation; or
               (2)  if judicial review of the denial, refusal, or
  revocation is sought, before the first anniversary of the date of
  the final court order or decree affirming the action.
         (b)  The commissioner may deny an application described by
  Subsection (a) unless the applicant shows good cause why the
  denial, refusal, or revocation of the registration certificate or
  license should not be considered a bar to the issuance of a new
  registration certificate or license. (V.T.I.C. Art. 5.43-3, Sec.
  [Sections 6003.256-6003.300 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 6003.301.  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a)  A person commits an
  offense if the person knowingly violates Section 6003.151(a),
  6003.153, or 6003.251.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
         (c)  Venue for an offense under this section is in Travis
  County or the county in which the offense is committed. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 5.43-3, Sec. 10; New.)
         SECTION 1K.001.  ADDITION.  Subchapter A, Chapter 533,
  Government Code, is amended by adding Section 533.019 to read as
  AND COMPLAINT SYSTEM GUIDELINES. (a)  The Texas Department of
  Insurance, in conjunction with the commission, shall establish
  fiscal solvency standards and complaint system guidelines for
  managed care organizations that serve Medicaid recipients.
         (b)  The guidelines must require that information regarding
  a managed care organization's complaint process be made available
  to a recipient in an appropriate communication format when the
  recipient enrolls in the Medicaid managed care program. (V.T.I.C.
  Art. 1.61.)
         SECTION 1K.002.  ADDITION.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Local
  Government Code, is amended by adding Chapter 177 to read as
         Sec. 177.001.  CERTAIN COVERAGE AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A county or
  other political subdivision of this state may procure contracts
  insuring the political subdivision's officials, employees, and
  retirees or any class of the political subdivision's officials,
  employees, and retirees under a policy of group life, group health,
  accident, accidental death and dismemberment, or hospital,
  surgical, or medical expense insurance.
         (b)  The dependents of those officials, employees, and
  retirees may be insured under a group policy that provides:
               (1)  health insurance; or
               (2)  hospital, surgical, or medical expense insurance. 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (a) (part).)
         Sec. 177.002.  PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS.  (a)  A county or other
  political subdivision of this state that is authorized to procure a
  contract insuring the political subdivision's officials,
  employees, and retirees or any class of the political subdivision's
  officials, employees, and retirees under a policy of group
  insurance that covers one or more risks may pay from the local funds
  of the political subdivision all or any portion of the premiums for
  the policy.  The political subdivision may also pay all or any
  portion of the premiums on group health, hospital, surgical, or
  medical expense insurance for dependents of the political
  subdivision's officials, employees, and retirees.
         (b)  If authorized by the official, employee, or retiree in
  writing to make the deduction, the county or other political
  subdivision may deduct from the person's salary an amount equal to
  any required contribution by the person to the premiums for the
  insurance issued under Section 177.001 to the political
  subdivision as the policyholder. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Secs.
  (a) (part), (b), (c) (part).)
         Sec. 177.003.  USE OF STATE FUNDS.  State funds may not be
  used to procure a contract under this subchapter or pay premiums
  under that contract. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (a) (part).)
  [Sections 177.004-177.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 177.051.  FUND AUTHORIZED.  (a)  A county or other
  political subdivision of this state may establish a fund to provide
  insurance authorized by Subchapter A.
         (b)  A fund established under Subsection (a) shall be known
  as the "health and insurance fund--employees and dependents." 
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (c) (part).)
         Sec. 177.052.  PAYMENT OF MONEY INTO FUND.  There shall be
  credited to a fund established under this subchapter:
               (1)  any salary deduction to which an official,
  employee, or retiree agrees in writing; and
               (2)  contributions from the county or other political
  subdivision. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (c) (part).)
         Sec. 177.053.  USE OF MONEY IN FUND.  Payment from a fund
  established under this subchapter:
               (1)  is authorized only for the payment of premiums on
  life, group health, accident, accidental death and dismemberment,
  or hospital, surgical, or medical expense insurance for officials,
  employees, retirees, and their dependents; and
               (2)  must be made in accordance with rules adopted by
  the county or other political subdivision establishing the fund.
  (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (c) (part).)
         Sec. 177.054.  PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FROM FUND. A claim against
  a fund established under this subchapter shall be payable in the
  same manner as other claims of the county or other political
  subdivision. (V.T.I.C. Art. 3.51-2, Sec. (c) (part).)
         SECTION 1L.001.  REPEALER.  (a)  The following Acts and
  articles as compiled in Vernon's Texas Insurance Code are repealed:
               (1)  1.01, 1.02, 1.10, 1.12, 1.13, 1.33, and 1.61;
               (2)  3.11, 3.38, 3.49-3, 3.50-7B, and 3.51-2;
               (3)  3.50-7A, as added by Chapter 201, Acts of the 78th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2003;
               (4)  3.50-7A, as added by Chapter 213, Acts of the 78th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2003;
               (5)  5.01-1, 5.02, 5.03-1, 5.05, 5.14, 5.43-1, 5.43-2,
  5.43-3, and 5.66; and
               (6)  21.20-2, 21.49-15, 21.49-16, 21.49C, 21.70, and
         (b)  Subsection (b), Article 1.09-1, Insurance Code, is
         (c)  Subchapter B, Chapter 4, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 1M.001.  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.  This article is
  enacted under Section 43, Article III, Texas Constitution.  This
  article is intended as a recodification only, and no substantive
  change in law is intended by this article.
         SECTION 1N.001.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This article takes effect
  April 1, 2009.
  10, 11, AND 13, INSURANCE CODE
         SECTION 2A.001.  This article is enacted as part of the
  state's continuing statutory revision program under Chapter 323,
  Government Code.  This article is a revision for purposes of Section
  43, Article III, Texas Constitution, and has the purpose of making
  necessary corrections to enacted codifications of the Insurance
         SECTION 2A.002.  If any provision of this article conflicts
  with a statute enacted by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2007, the statute controls.
         SECTION 2B.001.  Section 34.004(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  A person is not liable in a civil action, including an
  action for libel or slander, for collecting, reviewing, analyzing,
  disseminating, or reporting information collected from annual
  statements filed under Chapter 802 [Article 1.11] if the person is:
               (1)  the department, the commissioner, or an employee
  of the department;
               (2)  a member or employee of or delegate to the National
  Association of Insurance Commissioners or an authorized committee,
  subcommittee, or task force of that association; or
               (3)  another person who is responsible for collecting,
  reviewing, analyzing, and disseminating information from filed
  annual statement convention blanks.
         SECTION 2B.002.  Section 36.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  commissioner may adopt reasonable rules that are:
               (1)  necessary to effect the purposes of a provision
                     (A)  Subchapter B, Chapter 5;
                     (B)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1806;
                     (C)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301;
                     (D)  Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to
  casualty insurance and fidelity, guaranty, and surety bond
                     (E)  Chapter 253;
                     (F)  Chapter 2008, 2251, or 2252; or
                     (G)  Subtitle B, Title 10; or
               (2)  appropriate to accomplish the purposes of a
  provision of:
                     (A)  Section 37.051(a), 403.002, 492.051(b) or
  (c), 501.159, 941.003(b)(1) [941.003(b)(3)] or (c), or
  942.003(b)(1) [942.003(b)(3)] or (c);
                     (B)  Subchapter H, Chapter 544;
                     (C)  Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to:
                           (i)  automobile insurance;
                           (ii)  casualty insurance and fidelity,
  guaranty, and surety bond insurance;
                           (iii)  fire insurance and allied lines;
                           (iv)  workers' compensation insurance; or
                           (v)  aircraft insurance;
                     (D)  Chapter 5, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 426, 493,
  494, 1804, 1805, 1806, [or] 2171, 6001, 6002, or 6003;
                     (E)  Subtitle B, C, D, E, F, H, or I, Title 10;
                     (F)  Section 417.008, Government Code; or
                     (G)  [Chapter 406A, Labor Code; or
                     [(H)]  Chapter 2154, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2B.003.  Section 36.106, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  commissioner may, on written agreement or stipulation of each party
  and any intervenor, waive or modify the notice publication
  requirement of Section 822.059 [Article 2.01], 822.157 [2.03],
  841.060 [3.04], or 884.058 [22.03].
         SECTION 2B.004.  Section 38.002(a)(1), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
               (1)  "Insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal
  or interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company, capital
  stock company, county mutual insurance company, Lloyd's plan, or
  other legal entity engaged in the business of personal automobile
  insurance or residential property insurance in this state. The
  term includes:
                     (A)  an affiliate as described by [Section 2,
  Article 21.49-1, or] Section 823.003(a) if that affiliate is
  authorized to write and is writing personal automobile insurance or
  residential property insurance in this state;
                     (B)  the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
  created and operated under Chapter 2210 [Article 21.49];
                     (C)  the FAIR Plan Association under Chapter 2211
  [Article 21.49A]; and
                     (D)  the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan
  Association under Chapter 2151 [Article 21.81].
         SECTION 2B.005.  Section 38.003(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  For purposes of this section, "insurer" means a
  reciprocal or interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company,
  capital stock company, county mutual insurance company, Lloyd's
  plan, life, accident, or health or casualty insurance company,
  health maintenance organization, mutual life insurance company,
  mutual insurance company other than life, mutual, or natural
  premium life insurance company, general casualty company,
  fraternal benefit society, group hospital service company, or other
  legal entity engaged in the business of insurance in this state.
  The term includes an affiliate as described by [Section 2, Article
  21.49-1, or] Section 823.003(a) if that affiliate is authorized to
  write and is writing insurance in this state.
         SECTION 2B.006.  Section 38.051, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 38.051.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "health
  benefit plan provider" means an insurance company, group hospital
  service corporation, or health maintenance organization that
               (1)  an individual, group, blanket, or franchise
  insurance policy, an insurance agreement, a group hospital service
  contract, or an evidence of coverage, that provides benefits for
  medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of an accident or
  sickness; or
               (2)  a long-term care benefit plan [insurance policy],
  as defined by Section 1651.003 [2, Article 3.70-12].
         SECTION 2B.007.  Section 38.101(2), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
               (2)  "Health benefit plan coverage" means a group
  policy, contract, or certificate of health insurance or benefits
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state by:
                     (A)  an insurance company subject to a law
  described by Section 841.002 [Chapter 3];
                     (B)  a group hospital service corporation under
  Chapter 842 [20];
                     (C)  a health maintenance organization under
  Section 1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter
  1507, Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a health
  maintenance organization, and Chapters 843, 1271, and 1272 [the
  Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's
  Texas Insurance Code)]; or
                     (D)  a self-insurance trust or mechanism
  providing health care benefits.
         SECTION 2B.008.  Section 38.152, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 38.152.  EXEMPTION.  This subchapter does not apply to
  a farm mutual insurance company or to a county mutual fire insurance
  company writing exclusively industrial fire insurance as described
  by Section 912.310 [Article 17.02].
         SECTION 2B.009.  Section 38.252(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  The commissioner shall not require reporting of data:
               (1)  that could reasonably be used to identify a
  specific enrollee in a health benefit plan;
               (2)  in any way that violates confidentiality
  requirements of state or federal law applicable to an enrollee in a
  health benefit plan; or
               (3)  in which the health maintenance organization
  operating under [the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (]
  Chapter 843 [20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code)] does not directly
  process the claim or does not receive complete and accurate
  encounter data.
         SECTION 2B.010.  Section 82.002(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter applies to each company regulated by the
  commissioner, including:
               (1)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, life,
  health, or accident insurance company;
               (2)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, fire or
  casualty insurance company;
               (3)  a Mexican casualty company;
               (4)  a domestic or foreign Lloyd's plan insurer;
               (5)  a domestic or foreign reciprocal or interinsurance
               (6)  a domestic or foreign fraternal benefit society;
               (7)  a domestic or foreign title insurance company;
               (8)  an attorney's title insurance company;
               (9)  a stipulated premium insurance company;
               (10)  a nonprofit legal service corporation;
               (11)  a health maintenance organization;
               (12)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (13)  a local mutual aid association;
               (14)  a local mutual burial association;
               (15)  an association exempt under Section 887.102
  [Article 14.17];
               (16)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental service
  corporation, including a company subject to Chapter 842 [20];
               (17)  a county mutual insurance company; and
               (18)  a farm mutual insurance company.
         SECTION 2B.011.  Section 83.001(4), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
               (4)  "Unfair act" means an unfair method of
  competition, an unfair or deceptive act or practice, or an unfair
  claim settlement practice as defined under Chapter 541 [Article
  21.21] or 542 [21.21-2] or a rule adopted under either chapter
         SECTION 2B.012.  Section 83.002(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter applies to each company regulated by the
  commissioner, including:
               (1)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, life,
  health, or accident insurance company;
               (2)  a domestic or foreign, stock or mutual, fire or
  casualty insurance company;
               (3)  a Mexican casualty company;
               (4)  a domestic or foreign Lloyd's plan insurer;
               (5)  a domestic or foreign reciprocal or interinsurance
               (6)  a domestic or foreign fraternal benefit society;
               (7)  a domestic or foreign title insurance company;
               (8)  an attorney's title insurance company;
               (9)  a stipulated premium insurance company;
               (10)  a nonprofit legal service corporation;
               (11)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (12)  a local mutual aid association;
               (13)  a local mutual burial association;
               (14)  an association exempt under Section 887.102
  [Article 14.17];
               (15)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental service
  corporation, including a company subject to Chapter 842 [20];
               (16)  a county mutual insurance company; and
               (17)  a farm mutual insurance company.
         SECTION 2B.013. Section 83.051(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner ex parte may issue an emergency cease
  and desist order if:
               (1)  the commissioner believes that:
                     (A)  an authorized person engaging in the business
  of insurance is:
                           (i)  committing an unfair act; or
                           (ii)  in a hazardous condition or a
  hazardous financial condition under Section 843.406 [19, Texas
  Health Maintenance Organization Act (Article 20A.19, Vernon's
  Texas Insurance Code),] or Subchapter A, Chapter 404 [Article
  1.32], as determined by the commissioner; or
                     (B)  an unauthorized person:
                           (i)  is engaging in the business of
  insurance in violation of Chapter 101 or in violation of a rule
  adopted under that chapter; or
                           (ii)  is engaging in the business of
  insurance in violation of Chapter 101 and is committing an unfair
  act; and
               (2)  it appears to the commissioner that the alleged
                     (A)  is fraudulent;
                     (B)  is hazardous or creates an immediate danger
  to the public safety; or
                     (C)  is causing or can be reasonably expected to
  cause public injury that:
                           (i)  is likely to occur at any moment;
                           (ii)  is incapable of being repaired or
  rectified; and
                           (iii)  has or is likely to have influence or
         SECTION 2B.014. Section 101.001(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  It is a state concern that many residents of this state
  hold insurance policies issued by persons or insurers who are not
  authorized to do insurance business in this state and who are not
  qualified as eligible surplus lines insurers under Chapter 981
  [Article 1.14-2]. These residents face often insurmountable
  obstacles in asserting legal rights under the policies in foreign
  forums under unfamiliar laws and rules of practice.
         SECTION 2B.015. Section 101.002(2), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
               (2)  "Unfair act" means an unfair method of competition
  or an unfair or deceptive act or practice as defined under Chapter
  541 [Article 21.21] or a rule adopted under that chapter [article].
         SECTION 2B.016. Section 101.052, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  BENEFIT PLANS [POLICIES].  With respect to a Medicare supplement
  benefit plan [policy] authorized under Chapter 1652 [Article 3.74],
  the business of insurance in this state includes using, creating,
  publishing, mailing, or disseminating in this state an
  advertisement relating to an act that constitutes the business of
  insurance under Section 101.051 unless the advertisement is used,
  created, published, mailed, or disseminated on behalf of an insurer
  or person who:
               (1)  is authorized under this code to engage in the
  business of insurance in this state;
               (2)  has actual knowledge of the content of the
               (3)  has authorized the advertisement to be used,
  created, published, mailed, or disseminated on that insurer's or
  person's behalf; and
               (4)  is clearly identified by name in the advertisement
  as the sponsor of the advertisement.
         SECTION 2B.017. Section 101.101, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 101.101.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "person"
  means an individual or entity that is a person for purposes of
  Section 541.002 [2(a), Article 21.21].
         SECTION 2B.018. Section 101.203(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  This section does not apply to:
               (1)  a transaction in this state that:
                     (A)  involves a policy that:
                           (i)  is lawfully solicited, negotiated,
  written, and delivered outside this state; and
                           (ii)  covers, at the time the policy is
  issued, only subjects of insurance that are not resident, located,
  or expressly to be performed in this state; and
                     (B)  takes place after the policy is issued; or
               (2)  surplus lines insurance procured through eligible
  surplus lines insurers [carriers] as defined by Section 981.002
  [Article 1.14-2].
         SECTION 2B.019. Section 101.301(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  This section does not apply to:
               (1)  a transaction described by Section 101.053(b)(4);
               (2)  surplus lines insurance procured through eligible
  surplus lines insurers [carriers] as defined by Section 981.002
  [Article 1.14-2].
         SECTION 2C.001.  Section 252.002(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall annually adjust the rate of
  assessment of the maintenance tax so that the tax imposed that year,
  together with any unexpended funds produced by the tax, produces
  the amount the commissioner determines is necessary to pay the
  expenses during the succeeding year of regulating all classes of
  insurance specified under:
               (1)  Chapters 1807, 2001-2006, 2171, 6001, 6002, and
               (2)  Subchapter C, Chapter 5;
               (3)  Subchapter H, Chapter 544;
               (4)  Subchapter D, Chapter 1806;
               (5)  Section 403.002;
               (6)  Sections 417.007, 417.008, and 417.009,
  Government Code; and
               (7)  Chapter 2154, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2C.002.  Section 252.003, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 252.003.  PREMIUMS SUBJECT TO TAXATION. An insurer
  shall pay maintenance taxes under this chapter on the correctly
  reported gross premiums collected from writing insurance in this
  state against loss or damage by:
               (1)  bombardment;
               (2)  civil war or commotion;
               (3)  cyclone;
               (4)  earthquake;
               (5)  excess or deficiency of moisture;
               (6)  explosion as defined by Section 2002.006(b)
  [Article 5.52];
               (7)  fire;
               (8)  flood;
               (9)  frost and freeze;
               (10)  hail;
               (11)  insurrection;
               (12)  invasion;
               (13)  lightning;
               (14)  military or usurped power;
               (15)  an order of a civil authority made to prevent the
  spread of a conflagration, epidemic, or catastrophe;
               (16)  rain;
               (17)  riot;
               (18)  the rising of the waters of the ocean or its
               (19)  smoke or smudge;
               (20)  strike or lockout;
               (21)  tornado;
               (22)  vandalism or malicious mischief;
               (23)  volcanic eruption;
               (24)  water or other fluid or substance resulting from
  the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps, or other apparatus
  erected for extinguishing fires, water pipes, or other conduits or
               (25)  weather or climatic conditions; or
               (26)  windstorm.
         SECTION 2C.003.  Section 253.002(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall annually adjust the rate of
  assessment of the maintenance tax so that the tax imposed that year,
  together with any unexpended funds produced by the tax, produces
  the amount the commissioner determines is necessary to pay the
  expenses during the succeeding year of regulating all classes of
  insurance specified under Section 253.003 [Subchapter B, Chapter
         SECTION 2C.004.  Section 253.003, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 253.003.  PREMIUMS SUBJECT TO TAXATION. An insurer
  shall pay maintenance taxes under this chapter on the correctly
  reported gross premiums from writing a class of insurance specified
               (1)  Chapters 2008, 2251, and 2252;
               (2)  Subchapter B, Chapter 5;
               (3)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1806;
               (4)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301; and
               (5)  Subtitle B, Title 10.
         SECTION 2C.005.  Section 255.003(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  An insurer shall pay maintenance taxes under this
  chapter on the correctly reported gross workers' compensation
  insurance premiums from writing workers' compensation insurance in
  this state, including the modified annual premium of a policyholder
  that purchases an optional deductible plan under Subchapter E,
  Chapter 2053 [Article 5.55C].
         SECTION 2C.006.  Section 256.002(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall annually adjust the rate of
  assessment of the maintenance tax so that the tax imposed that year,
  together with any unexpended funds produced by the tax, produces
  the amount the commissioner determines is necessary to pay the
  expenses during the succeeding year of regulating all classes of
  insurance specified under Chapter 2101 [Subchapter K, Chapter 5].
         SECTION 2C.007.  Section 256.003, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 256.003.  PREMIUMS SUBJECT TO TAXATION. An insurer
  shall pay maintenance taxes under this chapter on the correctly
  reported gross premiums from writing a class of insurance specified
  under Chapter 2101 [Subchapter K, Chapter 5].
         SECTION 2C.008.  Section 261.003(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall annually adjust the rate of
  assessment of the maintenance tax so that the tax imposed that year,
  together with any unexpended funds produced by the tax, produces
  the amount the commissioner determines is necessary to pay the
  expenses during the succeeding year of regulating all classes of
  insurance specified under Chapter 2204 [Article 1.14-3].
         SECTION 2C.009.  Section 261.004, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 261.004.  PREMIUMS SUBJECT TO TAXATION. The exchange
  shall pay maintenance taxes under this chapter on the correctly
  reported gross premiums paid through the exchange on all classes of
  insurance specified under Chapter 2204 [Article 1.14-3].
         SECTION 2D.001.  Section 501.158, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  Confidentiality requirements applicable to examination reports
  under Sections 401.105 and 401.106 [Article 1.18] and to the
  commissioner under Section 441.201 [3A, Article 21.28-A,] apply to
  the public counsel.
         SECTION 2D.002.  Section 501.204(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies to each insurer authorized to
  engage in business in this state under:
               (1)  [Chapter 25;
               [(2)] Chapter 841;
               (2) [(3)]  Chapter 842;
               (3) [(4)]  Chapter 843;
               (4) [(5)]  Chapter 882;
               (5) [(6)]  Chapter 884;
               (6) [(7)]  Chapter 885;
               (7) [(8)]  Chapter 887;
               (8) [(9)]  Chapter 888;
               (9) [(10)]  Chapter 961;
               (10)  Chapter 962;
               (11)  Chapter 982;
               (12)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1103;
               (13)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1104;
               (14)  Chapter 1201, or a provision listed in Section
               (15)  Chapter 1551;
               (16)  Chapter 1578; or
               (17)  Chapter 1601.
         SECTION 2D.003.  Sections 523.051(a) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The market assistance program is a voluntary program
  designed to assist applicants for insurance and insureds in this
  state in obtaining residential property insurance coverage in
  underserved areas. The commissioner by rule shall designate
  underserved areas using the standards described by Section 2004.002
  [1, Article 5.35-3].
         (c)  The market assistance program may not provide
  assistance regarding windstorm and hail insurance coverage for a
  risk eligible for that coverage under Chapter 2210 [Article 21.49].
         SECTION 2D.004.  Section 523.202(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  After each review, the executive committee shall report
  to the commissioner regarding:
               (1)  the need to continue operating the voluntary
  market assistance program;
               (2)  the need to establish a mandatory market
  assistance program;
               (3)  the need to establish a FAIR (Fair Access to
  Insurance Requirements) Plan under Chapter 2211 [Article 21.49A];
               (4)  other recommendations the executive committee
  considers appropriate.
         SECTION 2D.005.  Section 541.005(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  A risk retention group or purchasing group described by
  Subchapter B, Chapter 2201, or [, as those terms are defined by]
  Section 2201.251 that is [2, Article 21.54,] not chartered in this
  state may not engage in a trade practice in this state that is
  defined as unlawful under this chapter.
         SECTION 2D.006.  Section 541.454(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  Civil penalties, premium refunds, judgments,
  compensatory judgments, individual recoveries, orders, class
  action awards, costs, damages, or attorney's fees assessed or
  awarded under this chapter:
               (1)  may be paid only from the capital or surplus funds
  of the offending insurer; and
               (2)  may not take precedence over, be in priority to, or
  in any other manner apply to:
                     (A)  Chapter 462 or 463 [Article 21.28-C or
  21.28-D] or any other insurance guaranty act; or
                     (B)  Chapter 422 [Article 21.39-A].
         SECTION 2D.007.  Section 542.052, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 542.052.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to any insurer authorized to engage in business as an
  insurance company or to provide insurance in this state, including:
               (1)  a stock life, health, or accident insurance
               (2)  a mutual life, health, or accident insurance
               (3)  a stock fire or casualty insurance company;
               (4)  a mutual fire or casualty insurance company;
               (5)  a Mexican casualty insurance company;
               (6)  a Lloyd's plan;
               (7)  a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange;
               (8)  a fraternal benefit society;
               (9)  a stipulated premium company;
               (10)  a nonprofit legal services corporation;
               (11)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (12)  a local mutual aid association;
               (13)  a local mutual burial association;
               (14)  an association exempt under Section 887.102;
               (15)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental service
  corporation, including a corporation subject to Chapter 842;
               (16)  a county mutual insurance company;
               (17)  a farm mutual insurance company;
               (18)  a risk retention group;
               (19)  a purchasing group;
               (20)  an eligible surplus lines insurer; and
               (21)  except as provided by Section 542.053(b), a
  guaranty association operating under Chapter 462 or 463 [Article
  21.28-C or 21.28-D].
         SECTION 2D.008.  Sections 542.053(a) and (b), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  This subchapter does not apply to:
               (1)  workers' compensation insurance;
               (2)  mortgage guaranty insurance;
               (3)  title insurance;
               (4)  fidelity, surety, or guaranty bonds;
               (5)  marine insurance as defined by Section 1807.001
  [Article 5.53]; or
               (6)  a guaranty association created and operating under
  Chapter 2602.
         (b)  A guaranty association operating under Chapter 462 or
  463 [Article 21.28-C or 21.28-D] is not subject to the damage
  provisions of Section 542.060.
         SECTION 2D.009.  Section 542.102(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  This section does not apply to a workers' compensation
  insurance policy subject to Section 2051.151 [Article 5.65A].
         SECTION 2D.010.  Section 542.152, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 542.152.  EXCEPTION. This subchapter does not apply
               (1)  a casualty insurance policy that requires the
  insured's consent to settle a claim against the insured;
               (2)  fidelity, surety, or guaranty bonds; or
               (3)  marine insurance as defined by Section 1807.001
  [Article 5.53].
         SECTION 2D.011.  Section 544.301(1), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
               (1)  "Insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal
  or interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company, capital
  stock company, county mutual insurance company, farm mutual
  insurance company, Lloyd's plan, or other legal entity authorized
  to write residential property insurance in this state. The term
  includes an affiliate, as described by Section 823.003(a), if that
  affiliate is authorized to write and is writing residential
  property insurance in this state. The term does not include:
                     (A)  an eligible surplus lines insurer regulated
  under Chapter 981;
                     (B)  the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
  under Chapter 2210 [Article 21.49]; or
                     (C)  the FAIR Plan Association under Chapter 2211
  [Article 21.49A].
         SECTION 2D.012.  Section 551.001, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references by amending Subsection (a) and adding
  Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner may, as necessary, adopt and enforce
  reasonable rules, including notice requirements, relating to the
  cancellation and nonrenewal of any insurance policy regulated by
  the department under:
               (1)  Chapter 5;
               (2)  Chapter 1804, 1805, 2171, or 2301; or
               (3)  Subtitle C, D, E, or F, Title 10[, other than:
               [(1)  a policy subject to Subchapter B or C; or
               [(2)     a marine insurance policy other than inland
         (a-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), Subsection (a) does
  not apply to:
               (1)  an insurance policy subject to Subchapter B or C of
  this chapter; or
               (2)  a marine insurance policy other than inland
         SECTION 2D.013.  Sections 551.107(b) and (e), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  A claim under this section does not include a claim:
               (1)  resulting from a loss caused by natural causes;
               (2)  that is filed but is not paid or payable under the
  policy; or
               (3)  that an insurer is prohibited from using under
  Section 544.353 [3, Article 5.35-4].
         (e)  An insurer may notify an insured who has filed two
  claims in a period of less than three years that the insurer may
  refuse to renew the policy if the insured files a third claim during
  the three-year period. If the insurer does not notify the insured
  in accordance with this subsection, the insurer may not refuse to
  renew the policy because of claims. The notice form must:
               (1)  list the policyholder's claims; and
               (2)  contain the sentence: "The filing by you of
  another claim, except for a claim resulting from a loss caused by
  natural causes, a claim filed but not paid or payable under the
  policy under which it was filed, or an appliance-related claim that
  we are prohibited from using under Section 544.353 [3, Article
  5.35-4], Texas Insurance Code, could cause us to refuse to renew
  your policy."
         SECTION 2D.014.  Section 553.004(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  If the commissioner considers it necessary, the
  commissioner may initiate an examination of an insurer under
  Sections 401.051, 401.052, and 401.054-401.062 [Article 1.15].
         SECTION 2D.015.  Section 558.001, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 558.001.  DEFINITION. In this chapter, "insurer" means
  an insurance company or other entity authorized to engage in the
  business of insurance in this state. The term includes:
               (1)  a stock life, health, or accident insurance
               (2)  a mutual life, health, or accident insurance
               (3)  a stock fire or casualty insurance company;
               (4)  a mutual fire or casualty insurance company;
               (5)  a Mexican casualty insurance company;
               (6)  a farm mutual insurance company;
               (7)  a county mutual insurance company;
               (8)  a Lloyd's plan;
               (9)  a reciprocal or insurance exchange;
               (10)  a fraternal benefit society;
               (11)  a stipulated premium company;
               (12)  a nonprofit legal services corporation;
               (13)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (14)  a local mutual aid association;
               (15)  a local mutual burial association;
               (16)  an association exempt under Section 887.102;
               (17)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental service
  corporation, including a corporation subject to Chapter 842;
               (18)  a risk retention group;
               (19)  a purchasing group;
               (20)  an eligible surplus lines insurer; and
               (21)  a guaranty association operating under Chapter
  462 or 463 [Article 21.28-C or 21.28-D].
         SECTION 2D.016.  Section 558.002(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  A guaranty association shall promptly refund any
  unearned premium as described by Subchapter E, Chapter 462 [Section
  5(8), Article 21.28-C], or Sections 463.003(9) [5(10)] and 463.259
  [8(n), Article 21.28-D].
         SECTION 2D.017.  Section 706.001(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The definitions adopted under Sections 2251.002 and
  2301.002 and the terms described by Sections 2251.003 and 2301.003
  [Article 5.13-2] apply to this chapter.
         SECTION 2D.018.  Section 706.004, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 706.004.  RATES AND FORMS. Notwithstanding any other
  law, rates and forms for insurance coverage issued under this
  chapter are governed by:
               (1)  Subchapters A-E, Chapter 2251;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301; and
               (3)  Article 5.13-2.
         SECTION 2E.001.  Section 802.056, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  report or any other information resulting from the collection,
  review, analysis, and distribution of information developed from
  the filing of annual statement convention blanks and provided to
  the department by the National Association of Insurance
  Commissioners is considered part of the process of examination of
  insurance companies under this code, including Chapters 86 and 401 
  [Articles 1.15-1.19].
         SECTION 2E.002.  Section 803.009, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 803.009.  CONFLICTING PROVISIONS.  This chapter
  prevails over a conflicting provision of any other law of this
  state, including:
               (1)  Chapters 221, 222, and 223;
               (2)  Sections 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156;
               (3)  Section 171.0525, Tax Code [Articles 1.16, 4.10,
  4.11, and 9.59].
         SECTION 2E.003.  Section 804.104, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  STATE.  A risk retention group that is not chartered but that is
  registered in this state under Section 2201.152 [4(b)(3), Article
  21.54], must designate the commissioner as its agent for service of
  process and receipt of legal documents.
         SECTION 2E.004.  Section 804.201(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Process served by serving the commissioner under this
  chapter must be directed to the defendant and include:
               (1)  for an unauthorized person or insurer, the name
  and address of the person or insurer to be served;
               (2)  for a risk retention group, the name and address of
  the group to be served;
               (3)  for a surplus lines insurer, the name and address
  of the insurer to be served;
               (4)  for an unincorporated association, trust, or other
  organization formed under Chapter 1505 [Article 3.71], the name and
  address of the association, trust, or organization; or
               (5)  for an authorized company, the name and address of
  the company as it appears in the department records.
         SECTION 2E.005.  Section 822.056(e), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (e)  If all of the authorized shares of stock without par
  value are not subscribed and paid for when the charter is granted or
  the amendment is filed, respectively, the insurance company shall
  file with the department a certificate authenticated by a majority
  of the directors stating the number of shares without par value
  issued and the consideration received for those shares. An
  insurance company may issue and dispose of those remaining
  authorized shares for money or an instrument authorized for minimum
  capital under:
               (1)  a provision of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other
  than Section 424.052, 424.072, or 424.073; and
               (2)  Section 822.204 [and Article 2.10].
         SECTION 2E.006.  Sections 822.061(a) and (b), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  On receipt of a charter fee in the amount determined
  under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07], the commissioner shall examine
  the articles of incorporation filed with the department under
  Section 822.060 and any certificate filed under Section
         (b)  If the commissioner approves the articles of
  incorporation and, if applicable, the certificate filed under
  Section 822.057(a)(4), the commissioner shall certify and file the
  approved documents with the department records and, on receipt of a
  fee in the amount determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07], the
  commissioner shall issue a certified copy of the charter to the
         SECTION 2E.007.  Section 822.155, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  domestic insurance company may amend its charter by paying to the
  commissioner a fee in the amount determined under Chapter 202 
  [Article 4.07] and by filing with the department:
               (1)  an application for a charter amendment on the form
  and containing the information prescribed by the commissioner; and
               (2)  the company's proposed amendment.
         SECTION 2E.008.  Sections 822.158(a) and (e), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than the 60th day after the date the
  application under Section 822.155 is filed, the commissioner shall
  determine whether:
               (1)  the proposed capital structure of the insurance
  company meets the requirements of this code;
               (2)  the officers, directors, and managing head of the
  insurance company have sufficient insurance experience, ability,
  standing, and good record to make success of the company probable;
               (3)  the applicants are acting in good faith;
               (4)  if the proposed amendment relates to a diminution
  of the insurance company's charter powers with respect to the kinds
  of insurance business in which the company may be engaged, all
  liabilities incidental to the exercise of the powers to be
  eliminated have been terminated or wholly reinsured; and
               (5)  the property involved in an increase of capital or
  surplus, or both, is:
                     (A)  properly valued; and
                     (B)  in the form authorized by the following
  provisions [Section 822.204 and Article 2.10], to the extent those
  provisions apply:
                           (i)  Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than
  Sections 424.052, 424.072, and 424.073; and
                           (ii)  Section 822.204.
         (e)  On approval of a certificate required under Section
  822.156 and receipt of a fee in the amount determined under Chapter
  202 [Article 4.07], the commissioner shall issue to the directors a
  certified copy of an amendment authorizing the issuance of shares
  of stock without par value that is filed under this section. The
  amendment is effective on issuance of the certified copy of the
         SECTION 2E.009.  Section 822.211, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  SURPLUS REQUIREMENTS NOT SATISFIED.  If an insurance company does
  not comply with the capital and surplus requirements of this
  chapter, the commissioner may enter an order prohibiting the
  company from writing new business and may:
               (1)  place the company under state supervision or
               (2)  declare the company to be in a hazardous condition
  as provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 404 [Article 1.32];
               (3)  declare the company to be impaired as provided by
  Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article 1.10]; or
               (4)  apply to the company any other applicable sanction
  provided by this code.
         SECTION 2E.010.  Section 823.001(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The purpose of this chapter [article] is to promote the
  public interest by:
               (1)  facilitating the achievement of the objectives
  described by Subsection (a);
               (2)  requiring disclosure of pertinent information
  relating to and approval of changes in control of an insurer;
               (3)  requiring disclosure and approval of material
  transactions and relationships between the insurer and the
  insurer's affiliates, including certain dividends to shareholders
  paid by the insurer; and
               (4)  providing standards governing material
  transactions between the insurer and the insurer's affiliates.
         SECTION 2E.011.  Section 823.353(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Each registered insurer that complies with an order
  under Section 823.351(a) shall pay the expense of the examination
  in accordance with Sections 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 
  [Article 1.16].
         SECTION 2E.012.  Section 823.451, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 823.451.  RECEIVERSHIP.  If it appears to the
  commissioner that a person's violation of this chapter so impairs
  the financial condition of a domestic insurer as to threaten the
  insurer's insolvency or make the further transaction of the
  insurer's business hazardous to the insurer's policyholders or
  creditors or the public, the commissioner may proceed under
  Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 21.28 and 21.28-A] to take
  possession of the insurer's property and conduct the business of
  the insurer.
         SECTION 2E.013.  Section 824.151(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 824.152, the provisions of
  Subchapter D, Chapter 425, [Article 3.39] that limit investments in
  the corporate stock of another corporation do not apply to a
  purchase made under this section.
         SECTION 2E.014.  Sections 824.152(d) and (g), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  A purchase, offer to purchase, tender offer, request to
  purchase, or invitation to purchase shares in excess of the limits
  imposed under Subchapter D, Chapter 425, [Article 3.39] may not be
  made until it is filed with and approved by the commissioner in
  accordance with Chapter 823.
         (g)  If the merger or consolidation does not take effect
  within the period finally determined and extended by the
  commissioner, the purchasing corporation must sell or otherwise
  dispose of the purchased shares that exceed the investment
  limitations imposed under Subchapter D, Chapter 425, [Article 3.39]
  within six months of the final effective date.
         SECTION 2E.015.  Section 828.051, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  OF OTHER COMPANY.  Subchapters C and D, Chapter 425, [Articles 3.33
  and 3.39] do not apply to a purchase or contract described by
  Section 828.001 if all requirements of this subchapter are met.
         SECTION 2E.016.  Section 828.054, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 828.054.  APPROVAL REQUIRED.  A purchase, offer to
  purchase, tender offer, request to purchase, or invitation to
  purchase shares in excess of the limits imposed under Subchapter C
  or D, Chapter 425, [Article 3.33 or 3.39] may not be made until it is
  filed with and approved by the commissioner in accordance with
  Chapter 823.
         SECTION 2E.017.  Section 828.056(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  If the reinsurance agreement does not take effect within
  the period finally determined and extended by the commissioner, the
  purchasing company shall sell or otherwise dispose of the purchased
  shares that exceed the investment limitations imposed under
  Subchapter C or D, Chapter 425, [Article 3.33 or 3.39] within six
  months of the final effective date.
         SECTION 2E.018.  Section 841.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  LAW.  Except as otherwise expressly provided by this code, each
  insurance company incorporated or engaging in business in this
  state as a life insurance company, an accident insurance company, a
  life and accident insurance company, a health and accident
  insurance company, or a life, health, and accident insurance
  company is subject to:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  Chapter 3;
               (3)  Chapters 425 and 492; [and]
               (4) [(3)]  Title 7;
               (5)  Sections 1202.051, 1204.151, 1204.153, and
               (6)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1202, Subchapters A and F,
  Chapter 1204, Subchapter A, Chapter 1273, Subchapters A, B, and D,
  Chapter 1355, and Subchapter A, Chapter 1366;
               (7)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1507;
               (8)  Chapters 1203, 1210, 1251-1254, 1301, 1351, 1354,
  1359, 1364, 1368, 1505, 1506, 1651, 1652, and 1701; and
               (9)  Chapter 177, Local Government Code.
         SECTION 2E.019.  Section 841.054(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  At the time of incorporation, the required capital and
  surplus shall consist only of:
               (1)  United States currency;
               (2)  bonds of the United States, this state, or a county
  or municipality of this state; or
               (3)  government insured mortgage loans that are
  authorized by this chapter or Chapter 425 [3], with not more than 50
  percent of the required capital invested in first mortgage real
  property loans.
         SECTION 2E.020.  Section 841.058(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  To obtain a charter for a domestic insurance company,
  the incorporators must pay to the department the charter fee in an
  amount determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] and file with
  the department:
               (1)  an application for charter on the form and
  containing the information prescribed by the commissioner;
               (2)  the company's articles of incorporation; and
               (3)  an affidavit made by two or more of the
  incorporators that states that:
                     (A)  the minimum capital and surplus requirements
  of Section 841.054 are satisfied;
                     (B)  the capital and surplus are the bona fide
  property of the company; and
                     (C)  the information in the articles of
  incorporation is true and correct.
         SECTION 2E.021.  Section 841.061(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  If the commissioner does not reject the application
  under Subsection (b), the commissioner shall approve the
  application. On approval of an application, the department shall
  record the information required by Section 841.058 in records
  maintained for that purpose. On receipt of a fee in the amount
  determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07], the commissioner shall
  provide to the incorporators a certified copy of the application,
  articles of incorporation, and submitted affidavit.
         SECTION 2E.022.  Section 841.207, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  SURPLUS REQUIREMENTS NOT SATISFIED.  If an insurance company does
  not comply with the capital and surplus requirements of this
  chapter, the commissioner may order the insurance company to cease
  writing new business and may:
               (1)  place the insurance company under state
  supervision or conservatorship;
               (2)  declare the insurance company to be in a hazardous
  condition as provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 404 [Article 1.32];
               (3)  declare the insurance company to be impaired as
  provided by Section 841.206; or
               (4)  apply to the insurance company any other
  applicable sanction provided by this code.
         SECTION 2E.023.  Section 841.255(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than March 1 of each year, a domestic
  insurance company shall:
               (1)  prepare a statement showing the condition of the
  company on December 31 of the preceding year; and
               (2)  deliver the statement to the department
  accompanied by a filing fee in the amount determined under Chapter
  202 [Article 4.07].
         SECTION 2E.024.  Section 841.257, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 841.257.  KINDS OF BUSINESS LIMITED.  An insurance
  company authorized to engage in the business of insurance under
  this chapter or in accordance with Section 982.051 may not accept a
  risk or write an insurance policy in this state or any other state
  or country other than:
               (1)  a life, accident, or health insurance policy;
               (2)  reinsurance under Sections 492.051(b) and (c) or
  Chapter 493 [Article 5.75-1] by a life insurance company authorized
  to engage in the business of insurance in this state; or
               (3)  reinsurance under Chapter 494 [Article 5.75-3] by
  a domestic insurance company.
         SECTION 2E.025.  Section 842.201(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  The department shall charge a fee in an amount
  determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] for filing the
         SECTION 2E.026.  Section 842.209, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 842.209.  EXAMINATIONS.  The following laws [Articles
  1.15 and 1.16] apply to a group hospital service corporation:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86; and
               (2)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156.
         SECTION 2E.027.  Section 842.210, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  liquidation, rehabilitation, or conservation of a group hospital
  service corporation is subject to Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles
  21.28 and 21.28-A].
         SECTION 2E.028.  Section 842.253, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  FORMS.  A policy, certificate, or application form used by a group
  hospital service corporation is subject to Chapter 1701 [Article
         SECTION 2E.029.  Sections 843.002(20), (28), and (30),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
               (20)  "Net worth" means the amount by which total
  liabilities, excluding liability for subordinated debt issued in
  compliance with Chapter 427 [Article 1.39], is exceeded by total
  admitted assets.
               (28)  "Uncovered expenses" means the estimated amount
  of administrative expenses and the estimated cost of health care
  services that are not guaranteed, insured, or assumed by a person
  other than the health maintenance organization. The term does not
  include the cost of health care services if the physician or
  provider agrees in writing that an enrollee is not liable,
  assessable, or in any way subject to making payment for the services
  except as described in the evidence of coverage issued to the
  enrollee under Chapter 1271 [Article 20A.09]. The term includes
  any amount due on loans in the next calendar year unless the amount
  is specifically subordinated to uncovered medical and health care
  expenses or the amount is guaranteed by a sponsoring organization.
               (30)  "Delegated entity" means an entity, other than a
  health maintenance organization authorized to engage in business
  under this chapter, that by itself, or through subcontracts with
  one or more entities, undertakes to arrange for or provide medical
  care or health care to an enrollee in exchange for a predetermined
  payment on a prospective basis and that accepts responsibility for
  performing on behalf of the health maintenance organization a
  function regulated by this chapter, Section 1367.053, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapter 222, 251, or 258,
  as applicable to a health maintenance organization, or Chapter 1271
  or 1272 [or Chapter 20A]. The term does not include:
                     (A)  an individual physician; or
                     (B)  a group of employed physicians, practicing
  medicine under one federal tax identification number, whose total
  claims paid to providers not employed by the group constitute less
  than 20 percent of the group's total collected revenue computed on a
  calendar year basis.
         SECTION 2E.030.  Section 843.006(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), each application,
  filing, and report required under this chapter, Section 1367.053,
  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapter
  222, 251, or 258, as applicable to a health maintenance
  organization, or Chapter 1271 or 1272 [or Chapter 20A] is a public
         SECTION 2E.031.  Section 843.007(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Any information relating to the diagnosis, treatment,
  or health of an enrollee or applicant obtained by a health
  maintenance organization from the enrollee or applicant or from a
  physician or provider shall be held in confidence and may not be
  disclosed to any person except:
               (1)  to the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes
  of this chapter or:
                     (A)  Section 1367.053;
                     (B)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
                     (C)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
                     (D)  Chapter 222, 251, or 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; or
                     (E)  Chapter 1271 or 1272 [Chapter 20A];
               (2)  with the express consent of the enrollee or
               (3)  in compliance with a statute or court order for the
  production or discovery of evidence; or
               (4)  in the event of a claim or litigation between the
  enrollee or applicant and the health maintenance organization in
  which the information is pertinent.
         SECTION 2E.032.  Section 843.008, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  ORGANIZATION LAWS.  Money collected under this chapter and
  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a health maintenance
  organization, [Article 20A.33] must be sufficient to administer
  this chapter and:
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A].
         SECTION 2E.033.  Sections 843.051(a), (b), and (e),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
         (a)  Except to the extent that the commissioner determines
  that the nature of health maintenance organizations, health care
  plans, or evidences of coverage renders a provision of the
  following laws clearly inappropriate, Subchapter A, Chapter 542,
  Subchapters D and E, Chapter 544, and Chapters 541, 543, and 547 
  [Articles 21.21, 21.21A, 21.21-2, 21.21-5, and 21.21-6, as added by
  Chapter 522, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995,
  and the Unauthorized Insurers False Advertising Process Act
  (Article 21.21-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code)] apply to:
               (1)  health maintenance organizations that offer
  basic, limited, and single health care coverages;
               (2)  basic, limited, and single health care plans; and
               (3)  evidences of coverage under basic, limited, and
  single health care plans.
         (b)  A health maintenance organization is subject to:
               (1)  Chapter 402 [Section 3B, Article 3.51-6];
               (2)  Chapter 827 and is an authorized insurer for
  purposes of that chapter; and
               (3)  Subchapter G, Chapter 1251, and Section 1551.064 
  [Article 21.49-8].
         (e)  Except for Chapter 251, as applicable to a third-party
  administrator, and Chapters 259, 4151, and 4201 [Articles 21.07-6
  and 21.58A], insurance laws and group hospital service corporation
  laws do not apply to a physician or provider. Notwithstanding this
  subsection, a physician or provider who conducts a utilization
  review during the ordinary course of treatment of patients under a
  joint or delegated review agreement with a health maintenance
  organization on services provided by the physician or provider is
  not required to obtain certification under Subchapter C, Chapter
  4201 [Section 3, Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2E.034.  Section 843.071(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  A person may not use "health maintenance organization"
  or "HMO" in the course of operation unless the person:
               (1)  complies with this chapter and:
                     (A)  Section 1367.053;
                     (B)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
                     (C)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
                     (D)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to
  a health maintenance organization; and
                     (E)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A]; and
               (2)  holds a certificate of authority under this
         SECTION 2E.035.  Section 843.073(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 843.101 or 843.318(a), a
  physician or provider that employs or enters into a contractual
  arrangement with a provider or group of providers to provide basic
  or limited health care services or a single health care service is
  subject to this chapter and the following provisions [Chapter 20A]
  and is required to obtain a certificate of authority under this
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272.
         SECTION 2E.036.  Sections 843.078(j), (m), and (n),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
         (j)  An application for a certificate of authority must
  include a description of the procedures and programs to be
  implemented by the applicant to meet the quality of health care
  requirements of this chapter and:
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A].
         (m)  An application for a certificate of authority must
  include documentation demonstrating that the applicant will comply
  with Section 1271.005(c) [Article 20A.09Z].
         (n)  An application for a certificate of authority must
  include any other information that the commissioner requires to
  make the determinations required by this chapter and:
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A].
         SECTION 2E.037.  Section 843.084, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  certificate of authority continues in effect:
               (1)  while the certificate holder meets the
  requirements of this chapter and:
                     (A)  Section 1367.053;
                     (B)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
                     (C)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
                     (D)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to
  a health maintenance organization; and
                     (E)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A]; or
               (2)  until the commissioner suspends or revokes the
  certificate or the commissioner terminates the certificate at the
  request of the certificate holder.
         SECTION 2E.038.  Section 843.107, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  PROVISIONS.  A health maintenance organization may offer:
               (1)  indemnity benefits covering out-of-area emergency
               (2)  indemnity benefits, in addition to those relating
  to out-of-area and emergency care, provided through an insurer or
  group hospital service corporation;
               (3)  a point-of-service plan under Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1273 [Article 3.64]; or
               (4)  a point-of-service rider under Section 843.108.
         SECTION 2E.039.  Section 843.151, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.151.  RULES.  The commissioner may adopt
  reasonable rules as necessary and proper to:
               (1)  implement this chapter and Section 1367.053,
  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapters
  222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a health maintenance
  organization, and Chapters 1271 and 1272 [Chapter 20A], including
  rules to:
                     (A)  prescribe authorized investments for a
  health maintenance organization for all investments not otherwise
  addressed in this chapter;
                     (B)  ensure that enrollees have adequate access to
  health care services; and
                     (C)  establish minimum physician-to-patient
  ratios, mileage requirements for primary and specialty care,
  maximum travel time, and maximum waiting time for obtaining an
  appointment; and
               (2)  meet the requirements of federal law and
         SECTION 2E.040.  Section 843.152, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.152.  SUBPOENA AUTHORITY.  In implementing this
  chapter and the following provisions [Chapter 20A], the
  commissioner may exercise subpoena authority in accordance with
  Subchapter C, Chapter 36:
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272.
         SECTION 2E.041.  Section 843.153, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.153.  AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT.  In performing duties
  under this chapter and the following provisions [Chapter 20A], the
  commissioner may contract with a state agency or, after notice and
  opportunity for hearing, with a qualified person to make
  recommendations concerning determinations to be made by the
               (1)  Section 1367.053;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (3)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (4)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization; and
               (5)  Chapters 1271 and 1272.
         SECTION 2E.042.  Sections 843.155(b) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  The report shall:
               (1)  be verified by at least two principal officers;
               (2)  be in a form prescribed by the commissioner; and
               (3)  include:
                     (A)  a financial statement of the health
  maintenance organization, including its balance sheet and receipts
  and disbursements for the preceding calendar year, certified by an
  independent public accountant;
                     (B)  the number of individuals enrolled during the
  preceding calendar year, the number of enrollees as of the end of
  that year, and the number of enrollments terminated during that
                     (C)  updated financial projections for the next
  calendar year of the type described in Section 843.078(e), until
  the health maintenance organization has had a net income for 12
  consecutive months; and
                     (D)  other information relating to the
  performance of the health maintenance organization as necessary to
  enable the commissioner to perform the commissioner's duties under:
                           (i)  this chapter;
                           (ii)  Section 1367.053;
                           (iii)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
                           (iv)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
                           (v)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as
  applicable to a health maintenance organization; and
                           (vi)  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [and Chapter
         (c)  Sections 36.108 and 201.055 and Chapter 802 [and Article
  1.11] apply to the annual report of a health maintenance
         SECTION 2E.043.  Sections 843.156(f), (h), and (i),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
         (f)  The commissioner may examine and use the records of a
  health maintenance organization, including records of a quality of
  care assurance program and records of a medical peer review
  committee, as necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter,
  Section 1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter
  1507, Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a health
  maintenance organization, and Chapters 1271 and 1272 [and Chapter
  20A], including commencement of an enforcement action under Section
  843.461 or 843.462. Information obtained under this subsection is
  confidential and privileged and is not subject to the public
  information law, Chapter 552, Government Code, or to subpoena
  except as necessary for the commissioner to enforce this chapter,
  Section 1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter
  1507, Chapter 222, 251, or 258, as applicable to a health
  maintenance organization, or Chapter 1271 or 1272 [or Chapter 20A].
  In this subsection, "medical peer review committee" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 151.002, Occupations Code.
         (h)  Chapter 86, Section 401.101, and Subchapters B and D,
  Chapter 401, [Articles 1.04A, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.19] apply to a
  health maintenance organization, except to the extent that the
  commissioner determines that the nature of the examination of a
  health maintenance organization renders the applicability of those
  provisions clearly inappropriate.
         (i)  Section 38.001, Section 81.003, and Chapter 82[, and
  Article 1.12] apply to a health maintenance organization.
         SECTION 2E.044.  Section 843.157(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The rehabilitation, liquidation, supervision, or
  conservation of a health maintenance organization shall be treated
  as the rehabilitation, liquidation, supervision, or conservation
  of an insurer and be conducted under the supervision of the
  commissioner under Chapter 441 or 443 [Article 21.28 or 21.28-A],
  as appropriate.
         SECTION 2E.045.  Sections 843.204(b) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  In this chapter, Section 1367.053, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapters 222, 251, and
  258, as applicable to a health maintenance organization, and
  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [and Chapter 20A], a statement or item of
  information is:
               (1)  considered to be untrue if the statement or item
  does not conform to fact in any respect that is or may be
  significant to an enrollee of, or person considering enrollment in,
  a health care plan; and
               (2)  considered to be misleading, whether or not the
  statement or item is literally untrue, if, in the total context in
  which the statement is made or the item is communicated, the
  statement or item may be reasonably understood by a reasonable
  person who does not possess special knowledge regarding health care
  coverage as indicating:
                     (A)  the inclusion of a benefit or advantage that
  does not exist and that is of possible significance to an enrollee
  of, or person considering enrollment in, a health care plan; or
                     (B)  the absence of an exclusion, limitation, or
  disadvantage that does exist and that is of possible significance
  to an enrollee of, or person considering enrollment in, a health
  care plan.
         (c)  In this chapter, Section 1367.053, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapters 222, 251, and
  258, as applicable to a health maintenance organization, and
  Chapters 1271 and 1272 [and Chapter 20A], an evidence of coverage is
  considered to be deceptive if the evidence of coverage, taken as a
  whole and with consideration given to typography and format as well
  as language, would cause a reasonable person who does not possess
  special knowledge regarding health care plans and evidences of
  coverage for health care plans to expect charges or benefits,
  services, or other advantages that the evidence of coverage does
  not provide or that the health care plan issuing the evidence of
  coverage does not regularly make available for enrollees covered
  under the evidence of coverage.
         SECTION 2E.046.  Sections 843.261(a), (c), and (d),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
         (a)  A health maintenance organization shall implement and
  maintain an internal appeal system that:
               (1)  provides reasonable procedures for the resolution
  of an oral or written appeal concerning dissatisfaction or
  disagreement with an adverse determination; and
               (2)  includes procedures for notification, review, and
  appeal of an adverse determination in accordance with Chapter 4201 
  [Article 21.58A].
         (c)  When an enrollee, a person acting on behalf of an
  enrollee, or an enrollee's provider of record expresses orally or
  in writing any dissatisfaction or disagreement with an adverse
  determination, the health maintenance organization or utilization
  review agent shall:
               (1)  consider the expression of dissatisfaction or
  disagreement as an appeal of the adverse determination; and
               (2)  review and resolve the appeal in accordance with
  Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A].
         (d)  A health maintenance organization may integrate its
  appeal procedures related to adverse determinations with the
  complaint and appeal procedures established by the health
  maintenance organization under Section 843.251 and otherwise
  governed by this subchapter only if the procedures related to
  adverse determinations comply with this section and Chapter 4201 
  [Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2E.047.  Section 843.282(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Any person, including a person who has attempted to
  resolve a complaint through a health maintenance organization's
  complaint system process and is dissatisfied with the resolution,
  may submit a complaint to the department alleging a violation of:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  Section 1367.053;
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1452;
               (4)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1507;
               (5)  Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a  
  health maintenance organization; or
               (6)  Chapter 1271 or 1272 [or Chapter 20A].
         SECTION 2E.048.  Section 843.301, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.301.  PRACTICE OF MEDICINE NOT AFFECTED.  This
  chapter, Section 1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter
  B, Chapter 1507, Chapters 222, 251, and 258, as applicable to a
  health maintenance organization, and Chapters 1271 and 1272 [and
  Chapter 20A] do not:
               (1)  authorize any person, other than a licensed
  physician or practitioner of the healing arts, acting within the
  scope of the person's license, to engage directly or indirectly in
  the practice of medicine or a healing art; or
               (2)  authorize any person to regulate, interfere with,
  or intervene in any manner in the practice of medicine or a healing
         SECTION 2E.049.  Section 843.337(e), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (e)  Except as provided by Chapter 1213 [Article 21.52Z], a
  physician or provider may, as appropriate:
               (1)  mail a claim by United States mail, first class, or
  by overnight delivery service;
               (2)  submit the claim electronically;
               (3)  fax the claim; or
               (4)  hand deliver the claim.
         SECTION 2E.050.  Section 843.352, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.352.  CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAW.  To the extent of
  any conflict between this subchapter and Subchapter C, Chapter 1204 
  [Article 21.52C], this subchapter controls.
         SECTION 2E.051.  Sections 843.407(a), (b), and (c),
  Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as
         (a)  In addition to all other remedies available by law, if
  the commissioner believes that a health maintenance organization or
  another person is insolvent or does not maintain the net worth
  required under Sections 843.403, 843.4031, and 843.404, the
  commissioner may bring an action in a Travis County district court
  to be named receiver in accordance with Section 843.157 and Chapter
  443 [Article 21.28].
         (b)  The court may:
               (1)  find that a receiver should take charge of the
  assets of the health maintenance organization; and
               (2)  name the commissioner as the receiver of the
  health maintenance organization in accordance with Section 843.157
  and Chapter 443 [Article 21.28].
         (c)  The operations and business of a health maintenance
  organization represent the business of insurance for purposes of
  Section 843.157 and Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 21.28 and
         SECTION 2E.052.  Section 843.461(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner may take an enforcement action listed
  in Subsection (a) against a health maintenance organization if the
  commissioner finds that the health maintenance organization:
               (1)  is operating in a manner that is:
                     (A)  significantly contrary to its basic
  organizational documents or health care plan; or
                     (B)  contrary to the manner described in and
  reasonably inferred from other information submitted under Section
  843.078, 843.079, or 843.080;
               (2)  issues an evidence of coverage or uses a schedule
  of charges for health care services that does not comply with the
  requirements of Sections 843.346, 1271.001-1271.005, 1271.007,
  1271.151, 1271.152, and 1271.156, and Subchapters B, C, E, F, and G,
  Chapter 1271 [Article 20A.09];
               (3)  does not meet the requirements of Section
               (4)  provides a health care plan that does not provide
  or arrange for basic health care services, provides a limited
  health care service plan that does not provide or arrange for the
  plan's limited health care services, or provides a single health
  care service plan that does not provide or arrange for a single
  health care service;
               (5)  cannot fulfill its obligation to provide:
                     (A)  health care services as required under its
  health care plan;
                     (B)  limited health care services as required
  under its limited health care service plan; or
                     (C)  a single health care service as required
  under its single health care service plan;
               (6)  is no longer financially responsible and may
  reasonably be expected to be unable to meet its obligations to
  enrollees or prospective enrollees;
               (7)  has not implemented the complaint system required
  by Section 843.251 in a manner to resolve reasonably valid
               (8)  has advertised or merchandised its services in an
  untrue, misrepresentative, misleading, deceptive, or unfair manner
  or a person on behalf of the health maintenance organization has
  advertised or merchandised the health maintenance organization's
  services in an untrue, misrepresentative, misleading, deceptive,
  or untrue manner;
               (9)  would be hazardous to its enrollees if it
  continued in operation;
               (10)  has not complied substantially with:
                     (A)  this chapter [or Chapter 20A] or a rule
  adopted under this chapter; or
                     (B)  Section 1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter
  1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapter 222, 251, or 258, as
  applicable to a health maintenance organization, or Chapter 1271 or
  1272 or a rule adopted under one of those provisions [Chapter 20A];
               (11)  has not taken corrective action the commissioner
  considers necessary to correct a failure to comply with this
  chapter, any applicable provision of this code, or any applicable
  rule or order of the commissioner not later than the 30th day after
  the date of notice of the failure or within any longer period
  specified in the notice and determined by the commissioner to be
         SECTION 2E.053.  Section 843.463, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.463.  INJUNCTIONS.  If the commissioner believes
  that a health maintenance organization or another person is
  violating or has violated this chapter [or Chapter 20A] or a rule
  adopted under this chapter or Section 1367.053, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapter 222, 251, or 258,
  as applicable to a health maintenance organization, or Chapter 1271
  or 1272 or a rule adopted under one of those provisions [Chapter
  20A], the commissioner may bring an action in a Travis County
  district court to enjoin the violation and obtain other relief the
  court considers appropriate.
         SECTION 2E.054.  Section 843.464(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  A person, including an agent or officer of a health
  maintenance organization, commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  wilfully violates this chapter or [Chapter 20A or]
  a rule adopted under this chapter or Section 1367.053, Subchapter
  A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507, Chapter 222, 251, or
  258, as applicable to a health maintenance organization, or Chapter
  1271 or 1272 or a rule adopted under one of those provisions 
  [Chapter 20A]; or
               (2)  knowingly makes a false statement with respect to
  a report or statement required under this chapter or Section
  1367.053, Subchapter A, Chapter 1452, Subchapter B, Chapter 1507,
  Chapter 222, 251, or 258, as applicable to a health maintenance
  organization, or Chapter 1271 or 1272 [Chapter 20A].
         SECTION 2E.055.  Section 845.051, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 845.051.  STATEWIDE RURAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.  The
  commissioner shall designate a single organization as the statewide
  rural health care system. The system is authorized to sponsor,
  arrange for the provision of, or provide health care services to
  enrollees in programs in rural areas. The programs are not subject
               (1)  a law requiring the coverage or the offer of
  coverage for services by a particular health care provider under:
                     (A)  Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code;
                     (B)  Chapter 32, Human Resources Code;
                     (C)  a state-, county-, or local
  government-sponsored indigent care initiative; or
                     (D)  a federal Medicare Plus Choice program; or
               (2)  Subchapters A-I, Chapter 1251, Subchapter A,
  Chapter 1364, Subchapter A, Chapter 1366, or Section 1551.064 
  [Article 3.51-6] under a state-, county-, or local
  government-sponsored uninsured or indigent care initiative.
         SECTION 2E.056.  Section 846.003(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  A multiple employer welfare arrangement is subject to
  the following laws:
               (1)  Subchapters C and D, Chapter 36;
               (2)  Section 38.001;
               (3)  Section 81.002;
               (4)  Chapter 82;
               (5)  Chapter 83;
               (6)  Chapter 86;
               (7)  Section 201.003;
               (8)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156;
               (9)  Chapter 441;
               (10)  Chapter 443;
               (11)  Chapter 461;
               (12)  Section 521.005;
               (13)  Chapter 541;
               (14)  Chapter 701;
               (15)  Chapter 801;
               (16) [(7)]  Chapter 803;
               (17) [(8)]  Chapter 804;
               (18) [(9)]  Subchapter A, Chapter 805; and
               (19) [(10)]  Sections 841.259, 841.701-841.702, and
               [(11)  Section 841.704;
               [(12)  Section 841.259;
               [(13)  Article 1.10D;
               [(14)  Article 1.12;
               [(15)  Article 1.13;
               [(16)  Article 1.15;
               [(17)  Article 1.16;
               [(18)  Article 1.19;
               [(19)  Article 1.35;
               [(20)  Article 1.31;
               [(21)  Article 3.56;
               [(22)  Article 21.21;
               [(23)  Article 21.28;
               [(24)  Article 21.28A; and
               [(25)  Article 21.28E].
         SECTION 2E.057.  Section 846.007(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  A multiple employer welfare arrangement may establish
  premium discounts, rebates, or a reduction in otherwise applicable
  copayments or deductibles in return for adherence to programs of
  health promotion and disease prevention. A discount, rebate, or
  reduction established under this subsection does not violate
  Section 541.056(a) [4(8), Article 21.21].
         SECTION 2E.058.  Section 846.158(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  Each multiple employer welfare arrangement shall pay
  the expenses of the examination as provided by Sections 401.151,
  401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 [Article 1.16].
         SECTION 2E.059.  Section 846.202(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "creditable coverage" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 1205.004 [Section 3, Article 21.52G, as added
  by Chapter 955, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
         SECTION 2E.060.  Sections 861.052(b) and (d), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The incorporators shall file with the department:
               (1)  articles of incorporation for the general casualty
               (2)  a charter fee in the amount determined under
  Chapter 202 [Article 4.07]; and
               (3)  an affidavit, made by two or more of the
  incorporators, that all of the general casualty company's stock is
  subscribed in good faith and fully paid for.
         (d)  On receipt of a fee in the amount determined under
  Chapter 202 [Article 4.07], the department shall provide the
  incorporators with a certified copy of the articles of
         SECTION 2E.061.  Section 861.154, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 861.154.  DIVIDENDS.  Except as authorized by Sections
  403.001 and 403.051 [Article 21.31], the directors of a general
  casualty company may not issue dividends.
         SECTION 2E.062.  Section 861.251(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  After incorporation and issuance of a certificate of
  authority, a general casualty company shall invest the minimum
  capital and surplus as provided by Section 822.204. The company
  shall invest all other funds of the company in excess of the minimum
  capital and surplus as provided by:
               (1)  a provision of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other
  than Section 424.052, 424.072, or 424.073; [Article 2.10] and
               (2)  Section 862.002.
         SECTION 2E.063.  Section 861.252(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  On granting of the charter to a general casualty
  company, the company shall deposit with the comptroller $50,000 in:
               (1)  cash; or
               (2)  securities of the kind described by a provision of
  Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than Section 424.052, 424.072, or
  424.073 [Article 2.10].
         SECTION 2E.064.  Section 861.254(h), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (h)  Except as provided by Chapter 202 [Article 4.07], the
  department shall charge a fee of $20 for filing the annual statement
  required by this section. The comptroller shall collect the fee.
         SECTION 2E.065.  Section 861.257, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 861.257.  EXAMINATION OF COMPANY.  A general casualty
  company is subject to:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86; and
               (2)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 [Articles 1.15 and 1.16].
         SECTION 2E.066.  Section 861.258(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  Subsection (b) does not apply to:
               (1)  real property occupied by buildings used in whole
  or in part by a general casualty company in the transaction of
               (2)  an interest in minerals or royalty reserved on the
  sale of real property acquired under Sections 862.002(c)(1)-(3);
               (3)  investment real property acquired under Section
  424.064 [Article 2.10(e)(11)].
         SECTION 2E.067.  Section 862.101(f), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (f)  Reinsurance that is required or permitted by this
  section must comply with:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 491;
               (2)  Sections 492.051(b) and (c); and
               (3)  Chapter 493 [Articles 5.75-1 and 21.72].
         SECTION 2E.068.  Section 862.151, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  SHARES.  (a)  If the minimum surplus of a fire, marine, or inland
  marine insurance company is impaired in excess of the amount
  permitted under Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article
  1.10], the commissioner may allow the company to amend its charter
  as provided by Sections 822.157 and 822.158 to reduce the amount of
  the company's capital stock and the par value of its shares in
  proportion to the extent of the permitted amount of impairment.
         (b)  A company acting under Subsection (a):
               (1)  may not reduce the par value of its shares below
  the sum computed under Section 822.055;
               (2)  may not deduct from the assets and property on hand
  more than $125,000;
               (3)  shall retain the remainder of the assets and
  property on hand as surplus assets;
               (4)  may not distribute any of the assets or property to
  the shareholders; and
               (5)  may not reduce the capital stock or surplus of the
  company to an amount less than the minimum capital and the minimum
  surplus required by Sections 822.202, 822.210, and 822.211, subject
  to Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article 1.10].
         SECTION 2E.069.  Sections 862.152(a) and (b), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies to a fire, marine, or inland marine
  insurance company that receives notice from the commissioner under
  Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article 1.10], to make good
  within 60 days:
               (1)  any impairment of the company's required capital;
               (2)  the company's surplus.
         (b)  The company shall promptly call on its shareholders for
  an amount necessary to make the company's capital and surplus equal
  to the amount required by Sections 822.054 and 822.210, subject to
  Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article 1.10].
         SECTION 2E.070.  Section 862.153(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  If a shareholder of the insurance company who is given
  notice under Section 862.152 does not pay the amount called for by
  the company under that section, the company may:
               (1)  require the return of the original certificate of
  stock held by the shareholder; and
               (2)  issue a new certificate for a number of shares that
  the shareholder may be entitled to in the proportion that the value
  of the funds of the company, computed without inclusion of any money
  or other property paid by shareholders in response to the notice
  under Section 862.152, bears to the total amount of the original
  capital and the minimum surplus of the company required by Section
  822.054 or 822.210, subject to Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section
  5, Article 1.10].
         SECTION 2E.071.  Section 862.154(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  The insurance company shall sell any new stock created
  under Subsection (a) for an amount sufficient to make up any
  impairment of the company's required minimum capital and to make up
  the surplus of the company as required by Section 822.054 or
  822.210, subject to Subchapter B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article
  1.10], but may not impair the capital of the company.
         SECTION 2E.072.  Section 881.006(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply [Article 1.31A
  applies] to the fee.
         SECTION 2E.073.  Section 882.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 882.002.  EXAMINATION OF COMPANY.  The following
  provisions [Articles 1.15 and 1.16] apply to a mutual life
  insurance company organized under this chapter:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86; and
               (2)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156.
         SECTION 2E.074.  Section 882.056(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  To obtain a charter for a mutual life insurance company
  under this chapter, the incorporators must pay the charter fee in
  the amount determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] and file
  with the department:
               (1)  an application for charter on the form and
  including the information prescribed by the commissioner;
               (2)  the company's articles of incorporation; and
               (3)  an affidavit made by two or more of the
  incorporators that states that:
                     (A)  the unencumbered surplus requirements of
  Section 882.055 are satisfied;
                     (B)  the unencumbered surplus is the bona fide
  property of the company; and
                     (C)  the information in the application and
  articles of incorporation is true and correct.
         SECTION 2E.075.  Section 883.202(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  A domestic mutual insurance company that writes
  fidelity and surety bond coverage shall maintain on deposit with
  the comptroller cash or securities of the kind described by a
  provision of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than Section 424.052,
  424.072, or 424.073, [Article 2.10] in an amount equal to the amount
  of cash or securities required of a domestic stock insurance
         SECTION 2E.076.  Section 884.002(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  The following provisions of this code apply to a
  stipulated premium company:
               (1)  Article [1.15;
               [(2)  Article 1.15A;
               [(3)  Article 1.16;
               [(4)  Article 1.19;
               [(5)  Article 1.32;
               [(6)  Article 3.10;
               [(7)  Article 3.39;
               [(8)  Article 3.40;
               [(9)  Article 21.07-7;
               [(10)  Article 21.21;
               [(11)  Article 21.28;
               [(12)  Article 21.32;
               [(13)  Article 21.39;
               [(14)  Article] 21.47;
               (2) [(15)]  Section 38.001;
               (3)  Chapter 86;
               (4)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401;
               (5)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156;
               (6)  Sections 403.001, 403.052, and 403.102;
               (7)  Subchapter A, Chapter 404;
               (8)  Section 421.001;
               (9)  Subchapter D, Chapter 425;
               (10)  Chapter 443;
               (11)  Chapter 492, other than Sections 492.051(b) and
               (12)  Chapter 541;
               (13) [(16)]  Sections 801.001-801.002;
               (14) [(17)]  Sections 801.051-801.055;
               (15) [(18)]  Section 801.057;
               (16) [(19)]  Sections 801.101-801.102;
               (17) [(20)]  Subchapter A, Chapter 821;
               (18) [(21)]  Chapter 824;
               (19) [(22)]  Chapter 828;
               (20) [(23)]  Section 841.251;
               (21) [(24)]  Section 841.259;
               (22) [(25)]  Section 841.261; [and]
               (23) [(26)]  Section 841.703; and
               (24)  Chapter 4152.
         SECTION 2E.077.  Section 884.056(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  To obtain a charter for a stipulated premium company
  under this chapter, the incorporators must pay a charter fee in an
  amount determined under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] and file with
  the department:
               (1)  an application for charter on the form and
  containing the information prescribed by the department;
               (2)  the company's articles of incorporation; and
               (3)  an affidavit made by two or more of the
  incorporators that states that:
                     (A)  the minimum capital and surplus requirements
  of Section 884.054 are satisfied;
                     (B)  the capital and surplus is the bona fide
  property of the company; and
                     (C)  the information in the application and
  articles of incorporation is true and correct.
         SECTION 2E.078.  Section 884.059(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  If the commissioner does not reject the application
  under Subsection (b), the commissioner shall approve the
  application and on receipt of a fee in the amount determined under
  Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] shall provide to the incorporators a
  certified copy of the application, articles of incorporation, and
  submitted affidavit.
         SECTION 2E.079.  Section 884.201, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.201.  FORM OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS.  After a charter
  is granted under this chapter, the stipulated premium company:
               (1)  shall maintain the company's minimum capital at
  all times in a form described by Section 884.054(d); and
               (2)  may invest the company's surplus as provided by
  Sections 425.203-425.228 [Article 3.39].
         SECTION 2E.080.  Section 884.253(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  A stipulated premium company that complies with
  Subsection (b) may pay cash dividends in accordance with Sections
  403.001 and 403.052 [Article 21.32].
         SECTION 2E.081.  Sections 884.256(a) and (e), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Section 884.406, not later than
  March 31 of each year a stipulated premium company shall:
               (1)  prepare a statement showing the condition of the
  company on December 31 of the preceding year; and
               (2)  deliver the statement to the department
  accompanied by a filing fee in the amount determined under Chapter
  202 [Article 4.07].
         (e)  Fees collected under this section shall be deposited to
  the credit of the Texas Department of Insurance operating account.
  Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply [Article 1.31A applies] to fees
  collected under this section.
         SECTION 2E.082.  Section 884.307(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  A stipulated premium company that possesses capital and
  unencumbered surplus in a combined amount of at least $100,000 more
  than all of its liabilities, including contingent liabilities, may
  issue annuity contracts as authorized by Chapters [Chapter] 3 and
  1701 and Title 7.
         SECTION 2E.083.  Section 884.310, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.310.  AGENT.  Each agent of a stipulated premium
  company must be licensed under Title 13 [Subchapter A, Chapter 21].
         SECTION 2E.084.  Sections 884.311(a) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  A stipulated premium insurance company issuing life,
  health, or accident coverages or maintaining policies in force that
  were issued in accordance with Subchapter I may elect that the
  company's investments and transactions be governed by Subchapter C,
  Chapter 425 [Article 3.33 of this code].
         (c)  After the second anniversary of the effective date of an
  initial election authorized by this section, the stipulated premium
  insurance company may elect that the company's investments and
  transactions be governed by Sections 425.203-425.228 [Article 3.39
  of this code].
         SECTION 2E.085.  Section 884.357, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.357.  FORM APPROVAL.  The approval of a form of an
  insurance policy issued by a stipulated premium company is governed
  by Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42].
         SECTION 2E.086.  Section 884.402, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.402.  ADDITIONAL COVERAGE.  A stipulated premium
  company that, at the time it begins to issue coverages under this
  subchapter, possesses the amounts of capital and unencumbered
  surplus equal to or greater than the corresponding amounts required
  for organization of a life and health company under Sections
  841.052, 841.054, 841.204, 841.205, 841.301, and 841.302 may,
  subject to Section 884.403:
               (1)  issue any kind of life insurance coverage
  authorized by Chapter 3, 841, or 1701 or Title 7;
               (2)  issue any kind of health or accident insurance
  coverage authorized by Chapter 3, 841, 1251, 1505, 1651, 1652, or
  1701 or Subchapter A, Chapter 1507; or
               (3)  issue life insurance coverage through policies
  without cash surrender values or nonforfeiture values and that
  exceed $10,000 on one life.
         SECTION 2E.087.  Section 884.405, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.405.  AGENT; LICENSE.  (a)  An agent may not
  solicit or write any coverage authorized by this subchapter unless
  the agent:
               (1)  holds a license issued under Subchapters A-E,
  Chapter 4054 [Chapter 213, Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 1955 (Article 21.07-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code)];
               (2)  is appointed by the stipulated premium company for
  which the agent is soliciting and writing coverage under this
         (b)  The commissioner may issue under Subchapters A-E,
  Chapter 4054 [Chapter 213, Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 1955 (Article 21.07-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code)], a
  license for an agent to solicit and write any coverage authorized by
  this subchapter for a stipulated premium company. Subchapters A-E,
  Chapter 4054, apply [Chapter 213, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1955 (Article 21.07-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance
  Code), applies] to the stipulated premium company as if the company
  were a legal reserve life insurance company.
         SECTION 2E.088.  Section 884.455, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 884.455.  REQUIRED SECURITIES.  The commissioner shall
  require that a stipulated premium company have securities of the
  class and character required by Sections 425.203-425.228 [Article
  3.39] in the amount of the reserve liability computed for the
  company under Section 884.454 less any deficiency reserve under
  Section 884.453 after all the debts and claims against the company
  and the minimum capital required by this chapter have been applied.
         SECTION 2E.089.  Section 884.601(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The shareholders of a stipulated premium company that
  possesses capital in an amount equal to at least $700,000,
  unencumbered surplus in an amount equal to at least $700,000, and
  sufficient reserves on hand for the company's policies as required
  under provisions of Chapter 425, other than Sections
  425.002-425.005, [Subchapter C, Chapter 3,] may convert the company
  to a legal reserve company that operates under Chapter 841 by
  complying with each requirement applicable to a company operating
  under that chapter.
         SECTION 2E.090.  Section 884.701, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  CONSERVATORSHIP, AND LIQUIDATION.  Subchapter A, Chapter 404, and
  Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 1.32, 21.28, and 21.28-A] apply to a
  stipulated premium company engaged in the business of insurance in
  this state.
         SECTION 2E.091.  Section 885.301(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  A fraternal benefit society may provide for the payment
               (1)  death benefits in any form;
               (2)  endowment benefits;
               (3)  annuity benefits;
               (4)  benefits for temporary or permanent disability
  resulting from disease or accident;
               (5)  benefits for hospital, medical, or nursing
  expenses resulting from sickness, bodily infirmity, or accident;
               (6)  benefits for the erection of a monument or
  tombstone to the memory of a deceased member;
               (7)  funeral benefits; and
               (8)  any other benefit that may be provided by a life,
  accident, or health insurance company and that is:
                     (A)  offered in compliance with a law described by
  Section 841.002 [the provisions of Chapter 3 and Title 7]
  applicable to a life, accident, or health insurance company; and
                     (B)  consistent with this chapter.
         SECTION 2E.092.  Section 885.306(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  A fraternal benefit society may not deliver or issue for
  delivery in this state a benefit certificate unless the form of the
  certificate has been filed under Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42].
         SECTION 2E.093.  Section 885.351, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 885.351.  AGENTS.  (a)  A fraternal benefit society may
  appoint an agent licensed by the department under Subchapters A-E,
  Chapter 4054, [Article 21.07-1] to sell benefits listed under
  Section 885.301(a) to society members.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 885.352, a person may not
  solicit or procure benefit contracts for a fraternal benefit
  society unless the person is licensed as a general life, accident,
  and health agent under Subchapters A-E, Chapter 4054 [Article
         (c)  The licensing and regulation of agents for fraternal
  benefit societies is subject to Title 13 [Subchapter A, Chapter
  21,] and other laws regulating those agents.
         SECTION 2E.094.  Section 885.353, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  BUSINESS PROHIBITED.  A fraternal benefit society may not employ or
  otherwise retain a person to solicit business if the person has had
  a license issued under one of the following provisions revoked:
               (1)  Chapter 4001;
               (2)  Subchapters A-E and G, Chapter 4051; or
               (3)  Chapter 4054 [under Article 21.07 or 21.14, or
  under Chapter 213, Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session,
  1955 (Article 21.07-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code)].
         SECTION 2E.095.  Section 885.404(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  For any category of benefit certificates issued to
  insure a female risk, a modified net premium or present value
  referred to in Subchapter B, Chapter 425, [Article 3.28] may be
  computed according to an age not more than six years younger than
  the actual age of the insured.
         SECTION 2E.096.  Section 885.408(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Sections 425.203-425.228 apply [Article 3.39 applies]
  to reserve investments for a domestic fraternal benefit society.
         SECTION 2E.097.  Section 885.410, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  SOCIETIES.  A domestic fraternal benefit society is subject to:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401; and
               (3)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 [Articles 1.15, 1.15A, and
         SECTION 2E.098.  Section 885.411(e), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (e)  A foreign fraternal benefit society is subject to the
  provisions of Subchapter A, Chapter 86, and Sections 401.051,
  401.052, 401.054-401.062, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156
  [Articles 1.15 and 1.16] that apply to an insurer that is not
  organized under the laws of this state but is authorized to engage
  in business in this state.
         SECTION 2E.099.  Section 885.412(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  This section does not apply to a proceeding involving a
  fraternal benefit society instituted by the commissioner or the
  state, including an administrative hearing, a proceeding under
  Chapter 441 or 443 [Article 21.28 or 21.28-A], or a court
         SECTION 2E.100.  Section 885.413, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 885.413.  FEES.  The department shall deposit fees
  collected under this chapter to the credit of the Texas Department
  of Insurance operating account. Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply
  [Article 1.31A applies] to fees collected under this chapter.
         SECTION 2E.101.  Section 885.414(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter does not prevent or limit any action by or
  remedy available to the department or the state under Chapter 441 or
  443 [Article 21.28 or 21.28-A] or other applicable law.
         SECTION 2E.102.  Section 886.107(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply [Article 1.31A
  applies] to the fee.
         SECTION 2E.103.  Section 887.062, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 887.062.  EXAMINATION.  The following provisions
  [Articles 1.15 and 1.16] apply to an association:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86; and
               (2)  Sections 401.051, 401.052, 401.054-401.062,
  401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156.
         SECTION 2E.104.  Section 887.551, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  CONSERVATORSHIP, AND LIQUIDATION.  The following provisions
  [Articles 1.32, 21.28, and 21.28-A] apply to an association engaged
  in the business of insurance in this state:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 404;
               (2)  Chapter 441; and
               (3)  Chapter 443.
         SECTION 2E.105.  Section 888.052(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Annual assessments collected under this section shall
  be deposited to the credit of the Texas Department of Insurance
  operating account. Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply [Article
  1.31A applies] to the assessments.
         SECTION 2E.106.  Section 911.001(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  Except to the extent of any conflict with this chapter,
  the following provisions apply to a farm mutual insurance company:
               (1)  Subchapter A, Chapter 32;
               (2)  Subchapter D, Chapter 36;
               (3)  Sections 31.002(2), 32.021(c), 32.023, 32.041,
  33.002, 38.001, 81.001-81.004, 201.005, 201.055, 401.051, 401.052,
  401.054-401.062, 401.103-401.106, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155,
  401.156, 421.001, 801.051-801.055, 801.057, 801.101, 801.102,
  822.204, 841.004, 841.251, 841.252, [and] 862.101, 1806.001,
  1806.101, 1806.103(b), and 1806.104-1806.107;
               (4)  Chapter 86;
               (5)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401;
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 404;
               (7)  Chapter 422;
               (8)  Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than Section
  424.052, 424.072, or 424.073;
               (9)  Chapter 441;
               (10)  Chapter 443;
               (11)  Chapter 462;
               (12)  Chapter 481;
               (13)  Chapter 541;
               (14) [(5)]  Chapter 802;
               (15) [(6)]  Subchapter A, Chapter 805;
               (16) [(7)]  Chapter 824; and
               (17)  Article [(8)     Sections 2, 5, 6, and 17, Article
  1.10, and Articles] 1.09-1[, 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.15A, 1.16, 1.17,
  1.18, 1.19, 2.10, 5.20, 21.28, 21.28--A, 21.28--C, 21.39, and
         SECTION 2E.107.  Section 911.251, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  AGENTS.  (a)  An individual or firm may not solicit, write, sign,
  execute, or deliver insurance policies, bind insurance risks,
  collect premiums, or otherwise act on behalf of a farm mutual
  insurance company in the capacity of an insurance agent in the
  solicitation or sale of crop insurance unless the individual or
  firm holds a license issued under Title 13 [Subchapter A, Chapter
         (b)  A farm mutual insurance company may not appoint and act
  through an agent under Subchapter F, Chapter 4051 [Article
         SECTION 2E.108.  Sections 911.308(c) and (d), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  A company described by Subsection (b) shall invest the
  minimum unencumbered surplus as provided by Section 822.204. The
  company may invest funds in excess of the minimum unencumbered
  surplus as provided by the provisions of Subchapter B, Chapter 424,
  other than Sections 424.052, 424.072, and 424.073 [Article 2.10].
         (d)  A company described by Subsection (b) shall, without
  delay, restore the minimum unencumbered surplus if the surplus is
  impaired. The department shall proceed as provided by Subchapter
  B, Chapter 404 [Section 5, Article 1.10].
         SECTION 2E.109.  Sections 912.002(b) and (c), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  A county mutual insurance company is subject to:
               (1)  Sections 38.001, 401.051, 401.052,
  401.054-401.062, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, 401.156, 501.159,
  501.202, 501.203, [and] 822.204, 1806.001, 1806.101, 1806.103(b),
  1806.104-1806.107, 2002.002, and 2002.005;
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 86;
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401;
               (4)  the provisions of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other
  than Sections 424.052, 424.072, and 424.073;
               (5)  Chapters 221, 251, 252, 254, [and] 541, and 2210;
               (6) [(3)]  Articles [1.15, 1.15A, 1.16, 2.10, 5.20,
  5.37, 5.38,] 5.39 and [,] 5.40[, and 21.49].
         (c)  Rate regulation for a residential fire and allied lines
  insurance policy written by a county mutual insurance company is
  subject to Chapter 2253 [Subchapters Q and U, Chapter 5]. On and
  after December 1, 2004, rate regulation for a personal automobile
  insurance policy and a residential fire and allied lines insurance
  policy written by a county mutual insurance company is subject to
  Article 5.13-2 and Chapter 2251. A county mutual insurance company
  is subject to Chapter 2253 [Subchapter U, Chapter 5]. The
  commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to implement this
         SECTION 2E.110.  Section 912.152, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 912.152.  POLICY FORMS.  (a)  A county mutual insurance
  company is subject to:
               (1)  Sections 1952.051-1952.055;
               (2)  Subchapter B, Chapter 2002;
               (3)  Chapter 2301; and
               (4)  Articles 5.06 and[,] 5.35[, and 5.145].
         (b)  County mutual insurance companies shall file policy
  forms under Subchapter B, Chapter 2301, [Article 5.145] or continue
  to use the standard policy forms and endorsements promulgated under
  former Articles 5.06 and 5.35 on notification to the commissioner
  in writing in the manner prescribed by those articles that those
  forms will continue to be used.
         SECTION 2E.111.  Section 912.251, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  agent for a county mutual insurance company must be licensed and
  appointed as provided by Title 13 [Subchapter A, Chapter 21].
         SECTION 2E.112.  Section 912.308(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  A county mutual insurance company is subject to
  Subchapter B, Chapter 404, and Sections 822.203, 822.205, 822.210,
  and 822.212 [and Section 5, Article 1.10].
         SECTION 2E.113.  Section 912.701, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  CONSERVATORSHIP, AND LIQUIDATION.  Subchapter A, Chapter 404, and
  Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 1.32, 21.28, and 21.28-A] apply to a
  county mutual insurance company engaged in the business of
  insurance in this state.
         SECTION 2E.114.  Section 941.003(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  Chapter 2007 [Subchapter M, Chapter 5,] applies to rates
  for motor vehicle insurance written by a Lloyd's plan.
         SECTION 2E.115.  Section 941.102(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  Sections 201.001 and 201.002 apply [Article 1.31A
  applies] to a fee collected under Subsection (c).
         SECTION 2E.116.  Section 941.204(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Funds of a Lloyd's plan other than the minimum guaranty
  fund and surplus described by Subsection (a) must, if invested, be
  invested as provided by:
               (1)  the provisions of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other
  than Sections 424.052, 424.072, and 424.073 [Article 2.10]; or
               (2)  any other law governing the investment of the
  funds of a capital stock insurance company engaged in the same kind
  of business.
         SECTION 2E.117.  Section 941.206, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  Subchapter A, Chapter 404, and Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 1.32,
  21.28, and 21.28-A] apply to a Lloyd's plan engaged in the business
  of insurance in this state.
         (b)  Subchapter B, Chapter 404, [Section 5, Article 1.10,]
  applies to a Lloyd's plan.
         SECTION 2E.118.  Section 941.251(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The provisions of Sections 86.001, 86.002, 401.051,
  401.052, 401.054-401.062, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 
  [The provisions of Articles 1.15 and 1.16] that relate to the
  examination of insurers apply to a Lloyd's plan.
         SECTION 2E.119.  Section 942.003(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  Chapter 2007 [Subchapter M, Chapter 5,] applies to rates
  for motor vehicle insurance written by an exchange.
         SECTION 2E.120.  Section 942.155(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  An exchange shall maintain the required assets as to:
               (1)  minimum surplus requirements, as provided by
  Section 822.204; and
               (2)  other funds, as provided by the provisions of
  Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than Sections 424.052, 424.072,
  and 424.073 [Article 2.10].
         SECTION 2E.121.  Section 942.156, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  INSURANCE; DEPOSIT REQUIRED.  (a)  If a domestic exchange writes
  fidelity or surety bond insurance in this state, the exchange shall
  keep on deposit with the comptroller money, bonds, or other
  securities in an amount of not less than $50,000. The department
  shall approve for the deposit securities described by the
  provisions of Subchapter B, Chapter 424, other than Sections
  424.052, 424.072, and 424.073, [Article 2.10,] and the exchange
  shall maintain the approved securities intact at all times.
         (b)  A foreign exchange that writes fidelity or surety bond
  insurance in this state shall file with the department evidence
  satisfactory to the department that the exchange has, for the
  protection of its subscribers, at least $100,000 in money, bonds,
  or other securities as described by the provisions of Subchapter B,
  Chapter 424, other than Sections 424.052, 424.072, and 424.073, 
  [Article 2.10] on deposit with the comptroller or other appropriate
  official of its state of domicile or in escrow under that official's
  supervision and control in a reliable bank or trust company. If
  those bonds or other securities are not acceptable to and approved
  by the department, the department may deny the attorney in fact for
  the exchange a certificate of authority.
         SECTION 2E.122.  Sections 942.203(a) and (b), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  To the extent applicable, the schedule of fees
  established under Chapter 202 [Article 4.07] applies to an exchange
  and the exchange's attorney in fact.
         (b)  An exchange is subject to:
               (1)  Chapters 221 and 222; and
               (2)  Chapters 251-255 [Articles 4.04, 4.10, 4.11, 5.12,
  5.24, 5.49, and 5.68].
         SECTION 2E.123.  Section 961.002(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  The following provisions of this code apply to a
  nonprofit legal services corporation in the same manner that they
  apply to an insurer or a person engaged in the business of
  insurance, to the extent the provisions do not conflict with this
               (1)  Articles [1.01,] 1.09-1 and[, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13,
  1.15, 1.15A, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 21.21,
  21.21-2, 21.28, 21.28-A,] 21.47[, and 21.49-8];
               (2)  [Sections 2, 6, and 17, Article 1.10;
               [(3)]  Sections 31.002, 31.004, 31.007, 31.021,
  31.022, 31.023, [31.025,] 31.026, 31.027, [32.001, 32.002,
  32.003,] 32.021, 32.022(a), 32.023, [32.041,] 33.002, 33.006,
  36.108, 38.001, 81.004, 201.005, 201.055, 401.051, 401.052,
  401.054-401.062, 401.103-401.106, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155,
  401.156, 801.001, 801.002, 801.051-801.055, 801.057, 801.101,
  801.102, [802.003,] 841.251, and 841.252;
               (3) [(4)]  Subchapter B, Chapter 31;
               (4)  Subchapters A and C, Chapter 32;
               (5)  Subchapter D, Chapter 36;
               (6)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401;
               (7)  Subchapter A, Chapter 542;
               (8)  Subchapter A, Chapter 805; and
               (9)  Chapters 86, 402, 441, 443, 481, 541, 802, and [(7)  
  Chapter] 824.
         SECTION 2E.124.  Section 961.005, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 961.005.  AGENTS.  The licensing and regulation of an
  agent authorized to solicit prepaid legal services contracts for a
  nonprofit legal services corporation is subject to Title 13 
  [Subchapter A, Chapter 21].
         SECTION 2E.125.  Section 981.005, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.005.  VALIDITY OF CONTRACTS.  (a)  Unless a material
  and intentional violation of this chapter or Chapter 225 [Section
  12, Article 1.14-2,] exists, an insurance contract obtained from an
  eligible surplus lines insurer is:
               (1)  valid and enforceable as to all parties; and
               (2)  recognized in the same manner as a comparable
  contract issued by an authorized insurer.
         (b)  A material and intentional violation of this chapter or
  Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2,] does not preclude the
  insured from enforcing the insured's rights under the contract.
         SECTION 2E.126.  Section 981.006, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.006.  SANCTIONS.  Chapter 82 applies to a surplus
  lines agent or an eligible surplus lines insurer that violates:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2]; or
               (3)  a rule or order adopted under Subchapter B or
  Section 981.005.
         SECTION 2E.127.  Section 981.008, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  premiums charged for surplus lines insurance are subject to the
  premium tax imposed under Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2].
         SECTION 2E.128.  Section 981.101(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  A surplus lines document must state, in 11-point type,
  the following:
  This insurance contract is with an insurer not licensed to transact
  insurance in this state and is issued and delivered as surplus line
  coverage under the Texas insurance statutes. The Texas Department
  of Insurance does not audit the finances or review the solvency of
  the surplus lines insurer providing this coverage, and the insurer
  is not a member of the property and casualty insurance guaranty
  association created under Chapter 462 [Article 21.28-C], Insurance
  Code. Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2], Insurance Code,
  requires payment of a __________ (insert appropriate tax rate)
  percent tax on gross premium.
         SECTION 2E.129.  Section 981.104(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  A change made under Subsection (a) may not result in
  coverage or an insurance contract that would violate this chapter
  or Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2], if originally issued
  on that basis.
         SECTION 2E.130.  Section 981.160, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.160.  NO ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY.  This subchapter
  does not give the stamping office authority to enforce this chapter
  or Chapter 225 [Section 12, Article 1.14-2].
         SECTION 2E.131.  Section 981.201, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.201.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "managing
  general agent" means an agent licensed under Chapter 4053 [the
  Managing General Agents' Licensing Act (Article 21.07-3, Vernon's
  Texas Insurance Code)].
         SECTION 2E.132.  Section 981.203(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The department may issue a surplus lines license to an
  applicant who the department determines complies with Subsection
  (b) and is:
               (1)  an individual who:
                     (A)  has passed an examination under Chapter 4002 
  [Article 21.01-1] and department rules; and
                     (B)  holds a current license as:
                           (i)  a general property and casualty agent
  authorized under Subchapter B, Chapter 4051 [Article 21.14]; or
                           (ii)  a managing general agent; or
               (2)  a corporation, limited liability company, or
  partnership that:
                     (A)  has at least one officer or director or at
  least one active partner who has passed the required surplus lines
  license examination;
                     (B)  holds a current license as:
                           (i)  a general property and casualty agent
  authorized under Subchapter B, Chapter 4051 [Article 21.14]; or
                           (ii)  a managing general agent; and
                     (C)  conducts insurance activities under this
  chapter only through an individual licensed under this section.
         SECTION 2E.133.  Section 981.220(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  A surplus lines license granted to a managing general
  agent who is not also licensed under Subchapters A-E, Chapter 4051, 
  [Article 21.14] is limited to the acceptance of business
  originating through a licensed general property and casualty agent.
  The license does not authorize the agent to engage in business
  directly with the insurance applicant.
         SECTION 2E.134.  Section 981.221, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.221.  SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSE.  If a
  license holder does not maintain the qualifications necessary to
  obtain the license, the department may revoke or suspend the
  license or deny the renewal of that license in accordance with
  Chapter 4003 and Subchapters B and C, Chapter 4005 [Article
         SECTION 2E.135.  Section 981.222, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 981.222.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW.  In addition to
  the requirements of this chapter, the administration and regulation
  of a surplus lines agent's license is governed by Title 13 
  [Subchapter A, Chapter 21], except that the provisions of Sections
  4001.002(b)(2)-(6), 4001.003, and 4001.004 and Subchapters C-G,
  Chapter 4001, do [Article 21.07 does] not apply to a license issued
  under this subchapter.
         SECTION 2E.136.  Section 982.107, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 982.107.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW.  Chapter 402 
  [Article 21.49-8] applies to a foreign or alien insurance company.
         SECTION 2E.137.  Section 982.254, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  SURPLUS.  If an alien insurance company has not satisfied the
  commissioner at the end of the designated period under Section
  982.253(a) that the impairment has been eliminated, the
  commissioner may proceed against the company as provided by Chapter
  441 [Article 21.28-A] as an insurance company whose further
  transaction of the business of insurance in the United States will
  be hazardous to its policyholders in the United States.
         SECTION 2E.138.  Section 982.255(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The books, records, accounting, and verification
  relating to an authorized alien insurance company's trusteed assets
  are subject to examination by the department or the department's
  appointed representative at the United States branch office of the
  company, in the same manner and to the same extent that applies
  under Subchapter A, Chapter 86, and Sections 401.051, 401.052,
  401.054-401.062, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 [Articles
  1.15 and 1.16] to domestic and foreign insurance companies
  authorized to engage in the same kind of insurance.
         SECTION 2E.139.  Section 984.002, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 984.002.  AUTHORIZED AGENT REQUIRED.  A Mexican
  casualty insurance company may engage in the business of insurance
  in this state only through an agent licensed by the department under  
  Subchapters A-E, Chapter 4051, or Chapter 4055 [Article 21.09 or
         SECTION 2F.001. Section 1101.055(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  A life insurance policy may provide for a settlement
  that will be less than the amount required under Subsection (a) if
  the death of the insured is:
               (1)  by the insured's own hand regardless of whether the
  insured is sane or insane;
               (2)  caused by following a hazardous occupation that is
  stated in the policy; or
               (3)  the result of aviation activities under conditions
  specified in the policy and approved by the department under
  Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42].
         SECTION 2F.002. Section 1101.101(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Notwithstanding Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42], a policy
  issued or delivered in another state, territory, district, or
  county by a life insurance company organized under the laws of this
  state may contain any provision required by the laws of that state,
  territory, district, or county.
         SECTION 2F.003. Section 1102.004(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  This section does not require the resubmission for
  approval of any previously approved insurance policy form unless:
               (1)  withdrawal of approval is authorized under this
  section or Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42]; or
               (2)  after notice and hearing, the commissioner
  determines that approval was obtained by improper means, including
  by misrepresentation, fraud, or a misleading statement or document.
         SECTION 2F.004. Section 1105.007(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not require a cash surrender value
  greater than the reserve for the policy computed as provided by
  Subchapter B, Chapter 425 [Article 3.28].
         SECTION 2F.005. Section 1105.056, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 1105.056.  NONFORFEITURE INTEREST RATE.  The annual
  nonforfeiture interest rate for a policy issued in a particular
  calendar year is equal to 125 percent of the calendar year statutory
  valuation interest rate for that policy as defined by Subchapter B,
  Chapter 425 [Article 3.28], rounded to the nearest one-fourth of
  one percent.
         SECTION 2F.006. Section 1111.006, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  following laws apply to a person engaged in the business of life or
  viatical settlements:
               (1)  [Articles 1.10, 1.10D, 1.19, and 21.21;
               [(2)]  Chapters 82, 83, [and] 84, 481, 541, and 701;
               (2) [(3)] Sections 31.002, [32.001, 32.002, 32.003,]
  32.021, 32.023, 32.041, 38.001, 81.004, 86.001, 86.051, 86.052,
  201.004, 401.051, 401.054, 401.061, 401.151(a), 521.003, 521.004,
  543.001(c), 801.056, and 862.052;
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 32; [and]
               (4)  Subchapter C, Chapter 36;
               (5)  Subchapter B, Chapter 404; and
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 491.
         SECTION 2F.007. Section 1131.007, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 1131.007.  POLICY FORM.  A policy of group life
  insurance is subject to Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42].
         SECTION 2F.008. Section 1151.101, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 1151.101.  AUTHORIZED PROVISIONS.  In addition to the
  provisions required by Subchapter B and Section 1151.152, an
  industrial life insurance policy may:
               (1)  exclude liability or promise a benefit that is
  less than the full amount payable as a death benefit if the insured:
                     (A)  dies by the insured's own hand, regardless of
  whether the insured is sane or insane; or
                     (B)  dies as a result of engaging in a stated
  hazardous occupation;
               (2)  promise a benefit that is less than the full amount
  payable if the insured dies as a result of an aviation activity
  under a condition specified in the policy approved by the
  department as provided by Chapter 1701 [Article 3.42];
               (3)  limit the maximum amount payable on the death of a
  child younger than 15 years of age; and
               (4)  include any other provision not otherwise
  prohibited by this chapter.
         SECTION 2F.009. Section 1152.151, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 1152.151.  AGENT'S LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a) A person may
  not sell or offer for sale in this state a variable contract, or act
  to negotiate, make, or consummate a variable contract for another,
  unless the department has licensed the person under Chapter 4054
  [Article 21.07-1] as a general life, accident, and health agent.
         (b)  The licensing and regulation of a person acting as a
  variable contract agent is subject to the same provisions
  applicable to the licensing and regulation of other agents under
  Title 13 [Subchapter A, Chapter 21].
         SECTION 2G.001.  Section 1251.202, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  BENEFIT PLANS.  (a)  In this section, "standard health benefit plan"
  means a plan offered under [Article 3.80, Article 20A.09N, or]
  Chapter 1507.
         (b)  If an employer offers to employees a standard health
  benefit plan, the employer shall:
               (1)  provide a copy of the disclosure statement
  provided to the employer by the plan issuer under [Section 6,
  Article 3.80, Article 20A.09N(g),] Section 1507.006[,] or
  [Section] 1507.056 to:
                     (A)  each employee:
                           (i)  before the employee initially enrolls
  in the plan, unless the employee received notice under Paragraph
  (B) on or after the 90th day before the date the employee initially
  enrolls; and
                           (ii)  not later than the 30th day before the
  date the employee renews enrollment in the plan; and
                     (B)  each prospective employee before the
  prospective employee is hired by the employer; and
               (2)  obtain a copy of the notice signed by the employee
  or prospective employee at the time the notice is provided.
         SECTION 2G.002.  Section 1272.052(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  The parties to the delegation agreement shall determine
  which party bears the expense of complying with a requirement of
  this subchapter, including the cost of an examination required by
  the department under Subchapter B, Chapter 401 [Article 1.15], if
         SECTION 2G.003.  Section 1272.058, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  PARTY.  A delegation agreement required by Section 1272.052 must
  require the delegated entity to provide the license number of a
  delegated third party performing a function that requires:
               (1)  a license as a third-party administrator under
  Chapter 4151 or utilization review agent under Chapter 4201
  [Article 21.58A]; or
               (2)  another license under this code or another
  insurance law of this state.
         SECTION 2G.004.  Section 1272.060, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 1272.060.  UTILIZATION REVIEW.  A delegation agreement
  required by Section 1272.052 must provide that:
               (1)  enrollees shall receive notification at the time
  of enrollment of which entity is responsible for performing
  utilization review;
               (2)  the delegated entity or third party performing
  utilization review shall perform that review in accordance with
  Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A]; and
               (3)  the delegated entity or third party shall forward
  utilization review decisions made by the entity or third party to
  the health maintenance organization on a monthly basis.
         SECTION 2G.005.  Section 1272.301(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  A denial of out-of-network services under this section
  is subject to appeal under Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2G.006.  Section 1274.004(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Before adopting rules under this section, the
  commissioner shall consult and receive advice from the technical
  advisory committee on claims processing established under Chapter
  1212 [Article 21.52Y].
         SECTION 2G.007.  Sections 1305.004(11), (12), (17), (27),
  and (28), Insurance Code, are amended to correct cross-references
  to read as follows:
               (11)  "Independent review organization" means an
  entity that is certified by the commissioner to conduct independent
  review under Chapter 4202 [Article 21.58C] and rules adopted by the
               (12)  "Life-threatening" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 4201.002 [2, Article 21.58A].
               (17)  "Nurse" has the meaning assigned by Section
  4201.002 [Section 2, Article 21.58A].
               (27)  "Utilization review" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 4201.002 [2, Article 21.58A].
               (28)  "Utilization review agent" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 4201.002 [Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2G.008.  Section 1305.056(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  A network is subject to Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles
  21.28 and 21.28-A] and is considered an insurer or insurance
  company, as applicable, for purposes of those laws.
         SECTION 2G.009.  Section 1305.154(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  A network's contract with a carrier must include:
               (1)  a description of the functions that the carrier
  delegates to the network, consistent with the requirements of
  Subsection (b), and the reporting requirements for each function;
               (2)  a statement that the network and any management
  contractor or third party to which the network delegates a function
  will perform all delegated functions in full compliance with all
  requirements of this chapter, the Texas Workers' Compensation Act,
  and rules of the commissioner or the commissioner of workers'
               (3)  a provision that the contract:
                     (A)  may not be terminated without cause by either
  party without 90 days' prior written notice; and
                     (B)  must be terminated immediately if cause
               (4)  a hold-harmless provision stating that the
  network, a management contractor, a third party to which the
  network delegates a function, and the network's contracted
  providers are prohibited from billing or attempting to collect any
  amounts from employees for health care services under any
  circumstances, including the insolvency of the carrier or the
  network, except as provided by Section 1305.451(b)(6);
               (5)  a statement that the carrier retains ultimate
  responsibility for ensuring that all delegated functions and all
  management contractor functions are performed in accordance with
  applicable statutes and rules and that the contract may not be
  construed to limit in any way the carrier's responsibility,
  including financial responsibility, to comply with all statutory
  and regulatory requirements;
               (6)  a statement that the network's role is to provide
  the services described under Subsection (b) as well as any other
  services or functions delegated by the carrier, including functions
  delegated to a management contractor, subject to the carrier's
  oversight and monitoring of the network's performance;
               (7)  a requirement that the network provide the
  carrier, at least monthly and in a form usable for audit purposes,
  the data necessary for the carrier to comply with reporting
  requirements of the department and the division of workers'
  compensation with respect to any services provided under the
  contract, as determined by commissioner rules;
               (8)  a requirement that the carrier, the network, any
  management contractor, and any third party to which the network
  delegates a function comply with the data reporting requirements of
  the Texas Workers' Compensation Act and rules of the commissioner
  of workers' compensation;
               (9)  a contingency plan under which the carrier would,
  in the event of termination of the contract or a failure to perform,
  reassume one or more functions of the network under the contract,
  including functions related to:
                     (A)  payments to providers and notification to
                     (B)  quality of care;
                     (C)  utilization review;
                     (D)  retrospective review; and
                     (E)  continuity of care, including a plan for
  identifying and transitioning employees to new providers;
               (10)  a provision that requires that any agreement by
  which the network delegates any function to a management contractor
  or any third party be in writing, and that such an agreement require
  the delegated third party or management contractor to be subject to
  all the requirements of this subchapter;
               (11)  a provision that requires the network to provide
  to the department the license number of a management contractor or
  any delegated third party who performs a function that requires a
  license as a utilization review agent under Chapter 4201 [Article
  21.58A] or any other license under this code or another insurance
  law of this state;
               (12)  an acknowledgment that:
                     (A)  any management contractor or third party to
  whom the network delegates a function must perform in compliance
  with this chapter and other applicable statutes and rules, and that
  the management contractor or third party is subject to the
  carrier's and the network's oversight and monitoring of its
  performance; and
                     (B)  if the management contractor or the third
  party fails to meet monitoring standards established to ensure that
  functions delegated to the management contractor or the third party
  under the delegation contract are in full compliance with all
  statutory and regulatory requirements, the carrier or the network
  may cancel the delegation of one or more delegated functions;
               (13)  a requirement that the network and any management
  contractor or third party to which the network delegates a function
  provide all necessary information to allow the carrier to provide
  information to employees as required by Section 1305.451; and
               (14)  a provision that requires the network, in
  contracting with a third party directly or through another third
  party, to require the third party to permit the commissioner to
  examine at any time any information the commissioner believes is
  relevant to the third party's financial condition or the ability of
  the network to meet the network's responsibilities in connection
  with any function the third party performs or has been delegated.
         SECTION 2G.010.  Section 1305.351(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  The requirements of Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A] apply
  to utilization review conducted in relation to claims in a workers'
  compensation health care network. In the event of a conflict
  between Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A] and this chapter, this
  chapter controls.
         SECTION 2G.011.  Section 1305.355(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The utilization review agent shall:
               (1)  permit the employee or person acting on behalf of
  the employee and the employee's requesting provider whose
  reconsideration of an adverse determination is denied to seek
  review of that determination within the period prescribed by
  Subsection (b) by an independent review organization assigned in
  accordance with Chapter 4202 [Article 21.58C] and commissioner
  rules; and
               (2)  provide to the appropriate independent review
  organization, not later than the third business day after the date
  the utilization review agent receives notification of the
  assignment of the request to an independent review organization:
                     (A)  any medical records of the employee that are
  relevant to the review;
                     (B)  any documents used by the utilization review
  agent in making the determination;
                     (C)  the response letter described by Section
                     (D)  any documentation and written information
  submitted in support of the request for reconsideration; and
                     (E)  a list of the providers who provided care to
  the employee and who may have medical records relevant to the
         SECTION 2G.012.  Section 1369.056, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 1369.056.  ADVERSE DETERMINATION.  (a)  The refusal of a
  group health benefit plan issuer to provide benefits to an enrollee
  for a prescription drug is an adverse determination for purposes of
  Section 4201.002 [2, Article 21.58A,] if:
               (1)  the drug is not included in a drug formulary used
  by the group health benefit plan; and
               (2)  the enrollee's physician has determined that the
  drug is medically necessary.
         (b)  The enrollee may appeal the adverse determination under
  Subchapters H and I, Chapter 4201 [Sections 6 and 6A, Article
         SECTION 2G.013.  Sections 1501.002(8) and (14), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
               (8)  "Large employer" means a person who employed an
  average of at least 51 eligible employees on business days during
  the preceding calendar year and who employs at least two employees
  on the first day of the plan year. The term includes a governmental
  entity subject to Article 3.51-1, [3.51-2,] 3.51-4, or 3.51-5, to
  Subchapter C, Chapter 1364, [or] to Chapter 1578, or to Chapter 177,
  Local Government Code, that otherwise meets the requirements of
  this subdivision. For purposes of this definition, a partnership
  is the employer of a partner.
               (14)  "Small employer" means a person who employed an
  average of at least two employees but not more than 50 eligible
  employees on business days during the preceding calendar year and
  who employs at least two employees on the first day of the plan
  year. The term includes a governmental entity subject to Article
  3.51-1, [3.51-2,] 3.51-4, or 3.51-5, to Subchapter C, Chapter 1364,
  [or] to Chapter 1578, or to Chapter 177, Local Government Code, that
  otherwise meets the requirements of this subdivision. For purposes
  of this definition, a partnership is the employer of a partner.
         SECTION 2G.014.  Section 1501.009(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  An independent school district that is participating in
  the uniform group coverage program established under Chapter 1579
  [Article 3.50-7] may not participate in the small employer market
  under this section for health insurance coverage and may not renew a
  health insurance contract obtained in accordance with this section
  after the date on which the program of coverages provided under
  Chapter 1579 [Article 3.50-7] is implemented. This subsection does
  not affect a contract for the provision of optional coverages not
  included in a health benefit plan under this chapter.
         SECTION 2G.015.  Section 1501.257(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (c)  Utilization review performed for any cost containment,
  case management, or managed care arrangement must comply with
  Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2G.016.  Section 1504.001(4), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
               (4)  "Health benefit plan issuer" means:
                     (A)  an insurance company, group hospital service
  corporation, or health maintenance organization that delivers or
  issues for delivery an individual, group, blanket, or franchise
  insurance policy or agreement, a group hospital service contract,
  or an evidence of coverage that provides benefits for medical or
  surgical expenses incurred as a result of an accident or sickness;
                     (B)  a governmental entity subject to Subchapter
  D, Chapter 1355, Subchapter C, Chapter 1364, Chapter 1578, [or]
  Article 3.51-1, [3.51-2,] 3.51-4, or 3.51-5, or Chapter 177, Local
  Government Code;
                     (C)  the issuer of a multiple employer welfare
  arrangement as defined by Section 846.001; or
                     (D)  the issuer of a group health plan as defined
  by Section 607, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29
  U.S.C. Section 1167).
         SECTION 2G.017.  Section 1506.109(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The pool shall provide for and use cost containment
  measures and requirements to make the coverage offered by the pool
  more cost-effective. To the extent the board determines it is
  cost-effective, the cost containment measures must include
  individual case management and disease management. The cost
  containment measures may include preadmission screening, the
  requirement of a second surgical opinion, and concurrent
  utilization review subject to Chapter 4201 [Article 21.58A].
         SECTION 2G.018.  Section 1551.003(12), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
               (12)  "Serious mental illness" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 1355.001 [1, Article 3.51-14].
         SECTION 2G.019.  Sections 1551.064(a) and (b), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to a group policy or contract
  described by Section 1251.301 [3B(a), Article 3.51-6]. A policy or
  contract executed under this chapter must provide that:
               (1)  premium payments must be:
                     (A)  paid directly to the Employees Retirement
  System of Texas; and
                     (B)  postmarked or received not later than the
  10th day of the month for which the premium is due;
               (2)  the premium for group continuation coverage under
  Subchapter G, Chapter 1251 [Section 3B, Article 3.51-6], may not
  exceed the level established for other surviving dependents of
  deceased employees and annuitants;
               (3)  at the time the group policy or contract is
  delivered, issued for delivery, renewed, amended, or extended, the
  Employees Retirement System of Texas shall give notice of the
  continuation option to each state agency covered by the group
  benefits program; and
               (4)  each state agency shall give written notice of the
  continuation option to each employee and dependent of an employee
  who is covered by the group benefits program.
         (b)  A group policy or contract executed under this chapter
  must provide that, not later than the 15th day after the date of any
  severance of the family relationship that might activate the
  continuation option under Subchapter G, Chapter 1251 [Section 3B,
  Article 3.51-6], the group member shall give written notice of the
  severance to the employing state agency.
         SECTION 2G.020.  Section 1601.109(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "serious mental illness" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 1355.001 [1, Article 3.51-14].
         SECTION 2H.001.  Section 1805.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 1805.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  This chapter
  applies to the kinds of insurance and insurers subject to:
               (1)  Section 403.002;
               (2)  Section 941.003 with respect to the application of
  a law described by Section 941.003(b)(1) [941.003(b)(3)] or (c);
               (3)  Section 942.003 with respect to the application of
  a law described by Section 942.003(b)(1) [942.003(b)(3)] or (c);
               (4)  Subchapter A, B, or C, [or D,] Chapter 5;
               (5)  Subchapter H, Chapter 544;
               (6)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301;
               (7)  Chapter 252, 253, 254, 255, 426, 1806, 1807, 2001,
  2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2055, 2171,
  2251, or 2252;
               (8)  Subtitle B or C, Title 10; or
               (9)  [Chapter 406A, Labor Code; or
               [(10)]  Chapter 2154, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2H.002.  Section 1951.004(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  An insurer, or an officer or representative of an
  insurer, commits an offense if the insurer, officer, or
  representative violates:
               (1)  Section 1951.001, 1951.002, 1952.051, 1952.052,
  1952.053, 1952.054, or 1952.055;
               (2)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1806;
               (3)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1953;
               (4)  Chapter 254; or
               (5) [(4)]  Article 5.01, [5.02,] 5.03, [5.05,] 5.06,
  5.10, or 5.11.
         SECTION 2H.003.  Section 2051.002, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         Sec. 2051.002.  CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN LAWS. The following
  shall be construed and applied independently of any other law that
  relates to insurance rates and forms or prescribes the duties of the
  commissioner or the department:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  [Subchapter D, Chapter 5;
               [(3)] Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to workers'
  compensation insurance; and
               (3) [(4)]  Chapters 255, 426, 2052, [and] 2053, and
  2055[; and
               [(5)  Chapter 406A, Labor Code].
         SECTION 2H.004.  Section 2051.157, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         Sec. 2051.157.  PENALTY FOR CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. An officer
  or other representative of an insurance company is subject to a fine
  of not less than $100 or more than $500 if the officer or other
  representative violates any provision of the following relating to
  the company's business:
               (1)  Subchapter A or B;
               (2)  Section 2051.156 or 2051.201;
               (3)  Chapter 426 or 2052;
               (4)  Subchapter A, C, or D, Chapter 2053; or
               (5)  Section 2053.051, 2053.052, 2053.053, or
  2053.055[; or
               [(6)  Article 5.66].
         SECTION 2H.005.  Section 2052.004(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Subject to Subsections (b) and (c), this subtitle [and
  Article 5.66] may not be construed to prohibit an insurance
  company, including the Texas Mutual Insurance Company, from issuing
  participating policies.
         SECTION 2H.006.  Section 2201.155(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  A risk retention group not chartered in this state is
  liable for the payment of premium and maintenance taxes and taxes on
  premiums of direct business for risks located in this state and
  shall report to the commissioner the net premiums written for risks
  located in this state. The group is subject to taxation, and any
  fine or penalty related to that taxation, on the same basis as a
  foreign admitted insurer in accordance with Chapters 4, 201, 202,
  203, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, and 251-257.
         SECTION 2H.007.  Section 2204.101(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (d)  The exchange and the members are considered insurers for
  purposes of:
               (1)  Sections 201.052, 201.053, and 201.054;
               (2)  Chapters 4, 202, 203, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, 251,
  257, and 1109; and
               (3)  Section 171.0525, Tax Code.
         SECTION 2I.001.  Section 2551.001(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (c)  To the extent applicable, the following provisions of
  this code apply to a title insurance company:
               (1)  Articles [1.01, 1.04A,] 1.09-1 and[, 1.12, 1.13,
  1.15-1.19, 21.31,] 21.47[, and 21.49-8];
               (2)  Subsection (b), Article 1.04D;
               (3)  [Article 1.14-3, other than Section 8;
               [(4)  Subchapter F, Chapter 5;
               [(5)]  Chapters 33, 82, 83, 84, 86, 102, 261, 281, 401,
  402, 493, 494, 541, 547, 555, 701, 801, 802, 824, [and] 828, 1805,
  and 2204;
               (4) [(6)]  Chapter 31, other than Section 31.005;
               (5) [(7)]  Chapter 32, other than Section 32.022(b);
               (6) [(8)]  Chapter 36, other than Sections 36.003,
  36.004, and 36.101-36.106;
               (7) [(9)]  Subchapter A, Chapter 38;
               (8) [(10)]  Subchapters A-G, Chapter 101;
               (9) [(11)]  Chapter 982, other than Sections 982.003,
  982.051, 982.101, 982.105, 982.106(b), 982.109, and 982.113; and
               (10) [(12)]  Sections 37.052, 39.001, 39.002, 81.002,
  81.004, 201.004, 201.005, 201.051, 201.055, 403.001, 403.051,
  403.101, 521.002-521.004, 805.021, 822.001, 822.051, 822.052(1),
  (2), and (3), 822.053, 822.057, except Subsection (a)(4), 822.058,
  822.059, 822.060, 822.155, 822.157, 822.158, except Subsection
  (a)(5), 841.004, 841.251, 841.252(a)-(c), and 4001.103.
         SECTION 2I.002.  Sections 2551.151(a) and (g), Insurance
  Code, are amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  A title insurance company shall hold all investments in
  cash or in the following:
               (1)  an abstract plant or plants, provided that:
                     (A)  the corporation is organized under this title
  and has the right to engage in the business of title insurance;
                     (B)  except as provided by Subsection (b), the
  investment is not more than 50 percent of the corporation's capital
  stock; and
                     (C)  the valuation of the plant or plants is
  approved by the department;
               (2)  securities described by Subchapter D, Chapter 425,
  other than Sections 425.202 and 425.229-425.232, [Article 3.39] or
  investments authorized for title insurance companies under the laws
  of any other state in which the company is authorized to engage in
               (3)  real property or any real property interest that
                     (A)  required for the company's convenient
  accommodation in the transaction of business with reasonable regard
  to future needs;
                     (B)  acquired in connection with a claim under a
  title insurance policy;
                     (C)  acquired in satisfaction or on account of
  loans, mortgages, liens, judgments, or decrees previously owed to
  the company in the course of business;
                     (D)  acquired in partial payment of the
  consideration of the sale of real property owned by the company if
  the transaction results in a net reduction in the company's
  investment in real property; or
                     (E)  reasonably necessary to maintain or enhance
  the sale value of real property previously acquired or held by the
  company under this subdivision;
               (4)  a first mortgage note secured by any of the
  following, provided that the amount of the note does not exceed 80
  percent of the appraised value of the security for the note:
                     (A)  an abstract plant and connected personal
  property in or outside this state;
                     (B)  stock of a title insurance agent in or
  outside this state;
                     (C)  a construction contract to build an abstract
  plant and connected personal property; or
                     (D)  any two or more of the items listed in this
               (5)  the shares of any federal home loan bank in an
  amount necessary to qualify for membership and any additional
  amounts approved by the commissioner;
               (6)  foreign securities that are substantially of the
  same kinds, classes, and investment grade as securities otherwise
  qualified for investment under this section, provided that, unless
  the investment is also qualified under Subdivision (2), the
  aggregate amount of foreign investments made under this subdivision
  does not exceed:
                     (A)  five percent of the insurer's admitted assets
  at the end of the preceding year;
                     (B)  two percent of the insurer's admitted assets
  at the end of the preceding year invested in the securities of all
  entities domiciled in any one foreign country; and
                     (C)  one-half of one percent of the insurer's
  admitted assets at the end of the preceding year invested in the
  securities of any one individual entity domiciled in a foreign
               (7)  securities lending, repurchase, reverse
  repurchase, and dollar roll transactions, as described by Section
  425.121 [4(q), Article 3.33]; or
               (8)  money market funds, as described by Section
  425.123 [4(s), Article 3.33].
         (g)  A title insurance company may invest in a certified
  capital company in the manner provided by Chapter 228 [Subchapter
  B, Chapter 4].
         SECTION 2I.003.  Section 2601.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  AGENTS. Each title insurance agent and title insurance company is
  subject to Chapters 441 and 443 [Articles 21.28 and 21.28-A].
         SECTION 2I.004.  Section 2602.002(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter is for:
               (1)  the purposes and findings stated in Sections
  441.001, 441.003, 441.005, and 441.006 [Section 1, Article
  21.28-A]; and
               (2)  the protection of holders of covered claims.
         SECTION 2I.005.  Section 2602.005(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (b)  If this chapter conflicts with another law relating to
  the subject matter of this chapter or its application, other than
  Chapter 441 or 443 [Article 21.28 or 21.28-A], this chapter
  controls. If this chapter conflicts with Chapter 441 or 443
  [Article 21.28 or 21.28-A], that chapter [article] controls.
         SECTION 2I.006.  Section 2602.114(e), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (e)  A board member may not disclose information received in
  the meeting unless authorized by the commissioner or required as
  witness in court. A board member and the meeting are subject to the
  confidentiality standard imposed on an examiner under Sections
  401.105 and 401.106 [Article 1.18], except that a bond is not
  required of a board member.
         SECTION 2I.007.  Section 2602.254, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  COVERED. Reasonable and necessary administrative expenses
  incurred by a conservator appointed by the commissioner or a
  receiver appointed by a court for an unauthorized insurer operating
  in this state are covered claims if the commissioner has notified
  the association or the association has otherwise become aware that:
               (1)  the unauthorized insurer has insufficient liquid
  assets to pay those expenses; and
               (2)  insufficient money is available from:
                     (A)  abandoned money under Section 443.304 [8,
  Article 21.28]; and
                     (B)  department appropriations for use in paying
  those expenses.
         SECTION 2I.008.  Section 2602.301(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  The association shall:
               (1)  investigate a claim brought against the
  association, the commissioner, or a special deputy receiver
  appointed under Chapter 443 [Article 21.28] if the claim involves
  or may involve the association's rights and obligations under this
  chapter; and
               (2)  adjust, compromise, settle, and pay a covered
  claim to the extent of the association's obligation, and deny all
  other claims.
         SECTION 2J.001.  Section 4001.002(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this code, this title
  applies to each person licensed under:
               (1)  Subchapter H, Chapter 885;
               (2)  Subchapter F, Chapter 911;
               (3)  Section 912.251;
               (4)  Section 961.005;
               (5)  Subchapter E, Chapter 981;
               (6) [(5)]  Subchapter D, Chapter 1152;
               (7) [(6)]  Subchapter C or D of this chapter;
               (8) [(7)]  Subtitle B, C, or D of this title;
               [(8)  Article 23.23A;] or
               (9)  Subsection (c), Article 5.13-1.
         SECTION 2J.002.  Section 4001.009(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  As referenced in Section 4001.003(9), a reference to an
  agent in the following laws includes a subagent without regard to
  whether a subagent is specifically mentioned:
               (1)  Chapters 281, 402, 421-423, 441, 444, 461-463,
  523, 541-556, 558, 559, 702, 703, 705, 821, 823-825, 827, 828, 844,
  963, 1108, 1205-1209, 1211-1214 [1211-1213], 1352, 1353, 1357,
  1358, 1360-1363, 1369, 1453-1455, 1503, 1550, 1801, 1803,
  2151-2154, 2201-2203, 2205-2213, 3501, 3502, 4007, [and] 4102, and
               (2)  Chapter 403, excluding Section 403.002;
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 491;
               (4)  Subchapter C, Chapter 521;
               [(3)  Subchapter F, Chapter 542;
               [(4)  Subchapters G and I, Chapter 544;]
               (5)  Subchapter A, Chapter 557;
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 805;
               (7)  Subchapters D, E, and F, Chapter 982;
               (8) [(7)]  Subchapter D, Chapter 1103;
               (9) [(8)]  Subchapters B, C, D, and E, Chapter 1204,
  excluding Sections 1204.153 and 1204.154;
               (10) [(9)]  Subchapter B, Chapter 1366;
               (11) [(10)]  Subchapters B, C, and D, Chapter 1367,
  excluding Section 1367.053(c);
               (12) [(11)]  Subchapters A, C, D, E, F, H, and I,
  Chapter 1451;
               (13) [(12)]  Subchapter B, Chapter 1452;
               (14) [(13)]  Sections 551.004, 841.303, 982.001,
  982.002, 982.004, 982.052, 982.102, 982.103, 982.104, 982.106,
  982.107, 982.108, 982.110, 982.111, [and] 982.112, and 1802.001;
               (15) [(14)  Subchapters D, E, and F, Chapter 982;
               [(15)  Section 1101.003(a); and
               [(16)]  Chapter 107, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2J.003.  Section 4051.002, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
  CONTRACTS. An agent's contract entered into on or after August 27,
  1973, by an insurer engaged in the business of property and casualty
  insurance in this state is subject to Chapter 444 [Article
         SECTION 2J.004.  Section 4051.101(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Section 4051.052, a person is
  required to hold a limited property and casualty license if the
  person acts as an agent who writes:
               (1)  job protection insurance as defined by Section
  962.002 [Article 25.01];
               (2)  exclusively, insurance on growing crops under
  Subchapter F;
               (3)  any form of insurance authorized under Chapter 911
  for a farm mutual insurance company;
               (4)  exclusively, any form of insurance authorized to
  be solicited and written in this state that relates to:
                     (A)  the ownership, operation, maintenance, or
  use of a motor vehicle designed for use on the public highways,
  including a trailer or semitrailer, and the motor vehicle's
  accessories or equipment; or
                     (B)  the ownership, occupancy, maintenance, or
  use of a manufactured home classified as personal property under
  Section 2.001, Property Code;
               (5)  a prepaid legal services contract under Article
  5.13-1 or Chapter 961;
               (6)  exclusively, an industrial fire insurance policy:
                     (A)  covering dwellings, household goods, and
  wearing apparel;
                     (B)  written on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly
  basis on a continuous premium payment plan; and
                     (C)  written for an insurer exclusively engaged in
  the business as described by Section 912.310;
               (7)  credit insurance, except as otherwise provided by
  Chapter 4055; or
               (8)  any other kind of insurance, if holding a limited
  property and casualty license to write that kind of insurance is
  determined necessary by the commissioner for the protection of the
  insurance consumers of this state.
         SECTION 2J.005.  Section 4152.104(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct a cross-reference to read as follows:
         (b)  Expenses relating to an examination conducted under
  this subchapter may be charged to the person examined in accordance
  with Sections 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156 [Article
         SECTION 2J.006.  Section 4152.152, Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
  REINSURER. Unless the ceding insurer releases the broker in
  writing from the broker's obligations under this section, a broker
  who places reinsurance on behalf of an authorized ceding insurer
  with a reinsurer that is not authorized, accredited, or trusteed in
  this state under Chapter 492 [Article 3.10] or 493 [5.75-1] shall:
               (1)  exercise due diligence in inquiring into the
  financial condition of the reinsurer;
               (2)  disclose to the ceding insurer the broker's
  findings in connection with the inquiry under Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  make available to the ceding insurer a copy of the
  current financial statement of the reinsurer.
         SECTION 2J.007.  Section 4152.214(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to correct cross-references to read as follows:
         (a)  Unless the ceding insurer releases the manager in
  writing from the manager's obligations under this section, a
  manager who places reinsurance on behalf of an authorized ceding
  insurer with a reinsurer that is not authorized, accredited, or
  trusteed in this state under Chapter 492 [Article 3.10] or 493
  [5.75-1] shall:
               (1)  exercise due diligence in inquiring into the
  financial condition of the reinsurer;
               (2)  disclose to the ceding insurer the manager's
  findings in connection with the inquiry under Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  make available to the ceding insurer a copy of the
  current financial statement of the reinsurer.
         SECTION 2K.001.  This article takes effect April 1, 2009.
         SECTION 3A.001.  This article is enacted as part of the
  state's continuing statutory revision program under Chapter 323,
  Government Code. This article is a revision for purposes of Section
  43, Article III, Texas Constitution, and has the purposes of:
               (1)  conforming codifications enacted by the 79th
  Legislature to other Acts of that legislature that amended the laws
  codified or added new law to subject matter codified;
               (2)  making necessary corrections to enacted
  codifications; and
               (3)  renumbering titles, chapters, and sections of
  codes that duplicate title, chapter, or section numbers.
         SECTION 3A.002.  (a) The repeal of a statute by this article
  does not affect an amendment, revision, or reenactment of the
  statute by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007. The
  amendment, revision, or reenactment is preserved and given effect
  as part of the code provision that revised the statute so amended,
  revised, or reenacted.
         (b)  If any provision of this article conflicts with a
  statute enacted by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, the
  statute controls.
         SECTION 3A.003.  (a) A transition or saving provision of a
  law codified by this article applies to the codified law to the same
  extent as it applied to the original law.
         (b)  The repeal of a transition or saving provision by this
  article does not affect the application of the provision to the
  codified law.
         (c)  In this section, "transition provision" includes any
  temporary provision providing for a special situation in the
  transition period between the existing law and the establishment or
  implementation of the new law.
         SECTION 3B.001.  (a) Section 401.010(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 408, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  An accountant must audit the financial reports provided
  by an insurer or health maintenance organization for purposes of an
  audit under this subchapter.  The accountant who audits the reports
  must conduct the audit in accordance with generally accepted
  auditing standards or with standards adopted by the Public Company
  Accounting Oversight Board, as applicable, and must consider the
  standards specified [other procedures described] in the Financial
  Condition Examiner's Handbook adopted by the National Association
  of Insurance Commissioners or other analogous nationally
  recognized standards adopted by commissioner rule.
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 408, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (b), Section
  14, Article 1.15A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.002.  (a) Section 401.011(d), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 408, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (d)  The commissioner may not accept an audited financial
  report prepared wholly or partly by an individual or firm who the
  commissioner finds:
               (1)  has been convicted of fraud, bribery, a violation
  of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18
  U.S.C. Section 1961 et seq.), or a state or federal criminal offense
  involving dishonest conduct;
               (2)  has violated the insurance laws of this state with
  respect to a report filed under this subchapter; [or]
               (3)  has demonstrated a pattern or practice of failing
  to detect or disclose material information in reports filed under
  this subchapter; or
               (4)  has directly  or indirectly entered into an
  agreement of indemnity or release of liability regarding an audit
  of an insurer.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 408, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (c), Section
  12, Article 1.15A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.003.  Subchapters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,
  L, M, N, O, and P, Chapter 442, Insurance Code, and Section 6.069,
  Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  which amended former Section 3A, Article 21.28, Insurance Code, are
  repealed to conform to the repeal of Article 21.28, Insurance Code,
  by Section 9, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005.
         SECTION 3B.004.  (a)  The following changes are made to Title
  1, Insurance Code, and Subtitle C, Title 4, Insurance Code, for
  organizational purposes:
               (1)  Chapter 21A, Insurance Code, is redesignated as
  Chapter 443, Subtitle C, Title 4, Insurance Code, and:
                     (A)  Subchapter A in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter A, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.001,
  21A.002, 21A.003, 21A.004, 21A.005, 21A.006, 21A.007, 21A.008,
  21A.009, 21A.010, 21A.011, 21A.012, 21A.013, 21A.0135, 21A.014,
  21A.015, 21A.016, and 21A.017, are redesignated as Sections
  443.001, 443.002, 443.003, 443.004, 443.005, 443.006, 443.007,
  443.008, 443.009, 443.010, 443.011, 443.012, 443.013, 443.0135,
  443.014, 443.015, 443.016, and 443.017, respectively;
                     (B)  Subchapter B in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter B, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.051 through
  21A.059, are redesignated as Sections 443.051 through 443.059;
                     (C)  Subchapter C in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter C, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.101 through
  21A.105, are redesignated as Sections 443.101 through 443.105;
                     (D)  Subchapter D in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter D, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.151 through
  21A.156, are redesignated as Sections 443.151 through 443.156;
                     (E)  Subchapter E in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter E, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.201 through
  21A.213, are redesignated as Sections 443.201 through 443.213;
                     (F)  Subchapter F in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter F, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.251 through
  21A.261, are redesignated as Sections 443.251 through 443.261;
                     (G)  Subchapter G in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter G, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.301 through
  21A.304, are redesignated as Sections 443.301 through 443.304;
                     (H)  Subchapter H in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter H, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.351 through
  21A.355, are redesignated as Sections 443.351 through 443.355; and
                     (I)  Subchapter I in the redesignated chapter is
  redesignated as Subchapter I, Chapter 443, Insurance Code, and the
  sections in the redesignated subchapter, Sections 21A.401 and
  21A.402, are redesignated as Sections 443.401 and 443.402,
  respectively; and
               (2)  Subchapter Q, Chapter 442, Insurance Code, is
  redesignated as Chapter 444, Insurance Code, the heading of
  Subchapter Q is amended to read as follows:  "CHAPTER 444 
  Sections 442.801, 442.802, 442.803, and 442.804 in the redesignated
  subchapter are redesignated as Sections 444.001, 444.002, 444.003,
  and 444.004, respectively.
         (b)  Sections 21A.004(a)(4), (11), (14), (17), and (26),
  Insurance Code, redesignated as Sections 443.004(a)(4), (11),
  (14), (17), and (26), Insurance Code, respectively, by Subsection
  (a)(1)(A) of this section, are amended to conform to the additional
  changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of this section and to the
  recodification and repeal of Articles 21.28-C and 21.28-D,
  Insurance Code, by Chapter 727, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
               (4)  "Delinquency proceeding" means any proceeding
  instituted against an insurer for the purpose of liquidating,
  rehabilitating, or conserving the insurer, and any proceeding under
  Section 443.051 [21A.051].
               (11)  "Guaranty association" means any mechanism
  mandated by [Article 21.28-C or 21.28-D,] Chapter 462, 463, or
  2602[,] or other laws of this state or a similar mechanism in
  another state that is created for the payment of claims or
  continuation of policy obligations of financially impaired or
  insolvent insurers.
               (14)  "Insurer" means any person that has done,
  purports to do, is doing, or is authorized to do the business of
  insurance in this state, and is or has been subject to the authority
  of or to liquidation, rehabilitation, reorganization, supervision,
  or conservation by any insurance commissioner. For purposes of
  this chapter, any other persons included under Section 443.003 
  [21A.003] are insurers.
               (17)  "Party in interest" means the commissioner, a 10
  percent or greater equity security holder in the insolvent insurer,
  any affected guaranty association, any nondomiciliary commissioner
  for a jurisdiction in which the insurer has outstanding claims
  liabilities, and any of the following parties that have filed a
  request for inclusion on the service list under Section 443.007 
                     (A)  an insurer that ceded to or assumed business
  from the insolvent insurer; and
                     (B)  an equity shareholder, policyholder,
  third-party claimant, creditor, and any other person, including any
  indenture trustee, with a financial or regulatory interest in the
  receivership proceeding.
               (26)  "Secured claim" means any claim secured by an
  asset that is not a general asset. The term includes the right to
  set off as provided in Section 443.209 [21A.209]. The term does not
  include a claim arising from a constructive or resulting trust, a
  special deposit claim, or a claim based on mere possession.
         (c)  Sections 21A.005(e), (h), and (i), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.005(e), (h), and (i), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (e)  If, on motion of any party, the receivership court finds
  that any action, as a matter of substantial justice, should be tried
  in a forum outside this state, the receivership court may enter an
  appropriate order to stay further proceedings on the action in this
  state. Except as to claims against the estate, nothing in this
  chapter deprives a party of any contractual right to pursue
  arbitration. A party in arbitration may bring a claim or
  counterclaim against the estate, but the claim or counterclaim is
  subject to Section 443.209 [21A.209].
         (h)  At any time after an order is entered pursuant to
  Section 443.051, 443.101, or 443.151 [21A.051, 21A.101, or
  21A.151], the commissioner or receiver may transfer the case to the
  county of the principal office of the person proceeded against. In
  the event of transfer, the court in which the proceeding was
  commenced, upon application of the commissioner or receiver, shall
  direct its clerk to transmit the court's file to the clerk of the
  court to which the case is to be transferred. The proceeding, after
  transfer, shall be conducted in the same manner as if it had been
  commenced in the court to which the matter is transferred.
         (i)  A person may not intervene in any delinquency proceeding
  in this state for the purpose of seeking or obtaining payment of any
  judgment, lien, or other claim of any kind. The claims procedure
  set forth in this chapter constitutes the exclusive means for
  obtaining payment of claims from the receivership estate. This
  provision is not intended to affect the rights conferred on the
  guaranty associations by Section 443.008(l) [21A.008(l)].
         (d)  Section 21A.008(e), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.008(e), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(A) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (e)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), the commencement of a
  delinquency proceeding under this chapter does not operate as a
  stay of:
               (1)  regulatory actions not described by Subsection
  (c)(7) that are taken by the commissioners of nondomiciliary
  states, including the suspension of licenses;
               (2)  criminal proceedings;
               (3)  any act to perfect or to maintain or continue the
  perfection of an interest in property to the extent that the act is
  accomplished within any relation back period under applicable law;
               (4)  set off as permitted by Section 443.209 [21A.209];
               (5)  pursuit and enforcement of nonmonetary
  governmental claims, judgments, and proceedings;
               (6)  presentment of a negotiable instrument and the
  giving of notice and protesting dishonor of the instrument;
               (7)  enforcement of rights against single beneficiary
  trusts established pursuant to and in compliance with laws relating
  to credit for reinsurance;
               (8)  termination, liquidation, and netting of
  obligations under qualified financial contracts as provided for in
  Section 443.261 [21A.261];
               (9)  discharge by a guaranty association of statutory
  responsibilities under any law governing guaranty associations; or
               (10)  any of the following actions:
                     (A)  an audit by a governmental unit to determine
  tax liability;
                     (B)  the issuance to the insurer by a governmental
  unit of a notice of tax deficiency;
                     (C)  a demand for tax returns; or
                     (D)  the making of an assessment for any tax and
  issuance of a notice and demand for payment of the assessment.
         (e)  Section 21A.009(c), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.009(c), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(A) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (c)  If applicable law, an order, or an agreement fixes a
  period for commencing or continuing a civil action in a court other
  than the receivership court on a claim against the insurer, and the
  period has not expired before the date of the initial filing of the
  petition in a delinquency proceeding, then the period does not
  expire until the later of:
               (1)  the end of the period, including any suspension of
  the period occurring on or after the filing of the initial petition
  in the delinquency proceeding; or
               (2)  30 days after termination or expiration of the
  stay under Section 443.008 [21A.008] with respect to the claim.
         (f)  Section 21A.0135, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.0135, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(A) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.0135 [21A.0135].  CONTRACTS FOR SPECIAL DEPUTIES.  
  (a)  The receiver shall use a competitive bidding process in the
  selection of any special deputies appointed under Section 443.102
  or 443.154 [21A.102 or 21A.154]. The process must include
  procedures to promote the participation of historically
  underutilized businesses that have been certified by the Texas
  Building and Procurement Commission under Section 2161.061,
  Government Code.
         (b)  A proposal submitted in connection with a bid
  solicitation under Subsection (a) must describe the efforts that
  have been made to include historically underutilized businesses as
  subcontractors and the plan for using the historically
  underutilized businesses in the administration of the receivership
  estate. A special deputy appointed under Section 443.102 or
  443.154 [21A.102 or 21A.154] shall make a good faith effort to
  implement the plan and shall report to the receiver the special
  deputy's efforts to identify and subcontract with historically
  underutilized businesses.
         (g)  Sections 21A.015(a), (c), and (i), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.015(a), (c), and (i), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  The receiver may pay any expenses under contracts,
  leases, employment agreements, or other arrangements entered into
  by the insurer prior to receivership, as the receiver deems
  necessary for the purposes of this chapter. The receiver is not
  required to pay any expenses that the receiver determines are not
  necessary, and may reject any contract pursuant to Section 443.013
         (c)  The receiver shall submit to the receivership court an
  application pursuant to Section 443.007 [21A.007] to approve:
               (1)  the terms of compensation of each special deputy
  or contractor with respect to which the total amount of the
  compensation is reasonably expected by the receiver for the
  duration of the delinquency proceeding to exceed $250,000, or
  another amount established by the receivership court; and
               (2)  any other anticipated expense in excess of
  $25,000, or another amount established by the receivership court.
         (i)  All expenses of receivership shall be paid from the
  assets of the insurer, except as provided by this subsection. In
  the event that the property of the insurer does not contain
  sufficient cash or liquid assets to defray the expenses incurred,
  the commissioner may advance funds from the account established
  under Section 443.304(c) [21A.304(c)]. Any amounts advanced shall
  be repaid to the account out of the first available money of the
         (h)  Sections 21A.051(a), (b), and (i), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.051(a), (b), and (i), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(B) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner may file in a district court of Travis
  County a petition with respect to an insurer domiciled in this
  state, an unauthorized insurer, or, pursuant to Section 443.401
  [21A.401], a foreign insurer:
               (1)  alleging that grounds exist that would justify a
  court order for a formal delinquency proceeding against the insurer
  under this chapter;
               (2)  alleging that the interests of policyholders,
  creditors, or the public will be endangered by delay; and
               (3)  setting forth the contents of a seizure order
  deemed to be necessary by the commissioner.
         (b)  Upon a filing under Subsection (a), the receivership
  court may issue, ex parte and without notice or hearing, the
  requested seizure order directing the commissioner to take
  possession and control of all or a part of the property, books,
  accounts, documents, and other records of an insurer, and of the
  premises occupied by it for transaction of its business, and until
  further order of the receivership court, enjoining the insurer and
  its officers, managers, agents, and employees from disposition of
  its property and from the transaction of its business except with
  the written consent of the commissioner. Any person having
  possession or control of and refusing to deliver any of the books,
  records, or assets of a person against whom a seizure order has been
  issued commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is
  punishable in the manner described by Section 443.010(e)
         (i)  In all proceedings and judicial reviews under this
  section, all records of the insurer, department files, court
  records and papers, and other documents, so far as they pertain to
  or are a part of the record of the proceedings, are confidential,
  and all papers filed with the clerk of the court shall be held by the
  clerk in a confidential file as permitted by law, except to the
  extent necessary to obtain compliance with any order entered in
  connection with the proceedings, unless and until:
               (1)  the court, after hearing argument in chambers,
  orders otherwise;
               (2)  the insurer requests that the matter be made
  public; or
               (3)  the commissioner applies for an order under
  Section 443.057 [21A.057].
         (i)  Section 21A.052(b), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.052(b), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  The petition must state the grounds upon which the
  proceeding is based and the relief requested and may include a
  prayer for restraining orders and injunctive relief as described in
  Section 443.008 [21A.008]. On the filing of the petition or order,
  a copy shall be forwarded by first class mail or electronic
  communication as permitted by the receivership court to the
  insurance regulatory officials and guaranty associations in states
  in which the insurer did business.
         (j)  Section 21A.056(a), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.056(a), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner, rehabilitator, or liquidator may
  share documents, materials, or other information in the possession,
  custody, or control of the department without regard to the
  confidentiality of those documents, materials, or information,
  pertaining to an insurer that is the subject of a proceeding under
  this chapter with other state, federal, and international
  regulatory agencies, with the National Association of Insurance
  Commissioners and its affiliates and subsidiaries, with state,
  federal, and international law enforcement authorities, with an
  auditor appointed by the receivership court in accordance with
  Section 443.355 [21A.355], and, pursuant to Section 443.105
  [21A.105], with representatives of guaranty associations that may
  have statutory obligations as a result of the insolvency of the
  insurer, provided that the recipient agrees to maintain the
  confidentiality, if any, of the documents, material, or other
  information. Nothing in this section limits the power of the
  commissioner to disclose information under other applicable law.
         (k)  Section 21A.057, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.057, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section and to the recodification and
  repeal of Articles 1.15, 1.15A, 1.16, 1.32, and 21.28-A, Insurance
  Code, by Chapter 727, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.057 [21A.057].  GROUNDS FOR CONSERVATION,
  REHABILITATION, OR LIQUIDATION. The commissioner may file with a
  court in this state a petition with respect to an insurer domiciled
  in this state or an unauthorized insurer for an order of
  rehabilitation or liquidation on any one or more of the following
               (1)  the insurer is impaired;
               (2)  the insurer is insolvent;
               (3)  the insurer is about to become insolvent, with
  "about to become insolvent" being defined as reasonably anticipated
  that the insurer will not have liquid assets to meet its next 90
  days' current obligations;
               (4)  the insurer has neglected or refused to comply
  with an order of the commissioner to make good within the time
  prescribed by law any deficiency, whenever its capital and minimum
  required surplus, if a stock company, or its surplus, if a company
  other than stock, has become impaired;
               (5)  the insurer, its parent company, its subsidiaries,
  or its affiliates have converted, wasted, or concealed property of
  the insurer or have otherwise improperly disposed of, dissipated,
  used, released, transferred, sold, assigned, hypothecated, or
  removed the property of the insurer;
               (6)  the insurer is in a condition such that it could
  not meet the requirements for organization and authorization as
  required by law, except as to the amount of the original surplus
  required of a stock company under Title 6, and except as to the
  amount of the surplus required of a company other than a stock
  company in excess of the minimum surplus required to be maintained;
               (7)  the insurer, its parent company, its subsidiaries,
  or its affiliates have concealed, removed, altered, destroyed, or
  failed to establish and maintain books, records, documents,
  accounts, vouchers, and other pertinent material adequate for the
  determination of the financial condition of the insurer by
  examination under Chapter 401 [Article 1.15, 1.15A, or 1.16] or has
  failed to properly administer claims or maintain claims records
  that are adequate for the determination of its outstanding claims
               (8)  at any time after the issuance of an order under
  Section 404.003 or Chapter 441 [Article 1.32 or 21.28-A], or at the
  time of instituting any proceeding under this chapter, it appears
  to the commissioner that, upon good cause shown, it would not be in
  the best interest of the policyholders, creditors, or the public to
  proceed with the conduct of the business of the insurer;
               (9)  the insurer is in a condition such that the further
  transaction of business would be hazardous financially, according
  to Subchapter A, Chapter 404, [Article 1.32] or otherwise, to its
  policyholders, creditors, or the public;
               (10)  there is reasonable cause to believe that there
  has been embezzlement from the insurer, wrongful sequestration or
  diversion of the insurer's property, forgery or fraud affecting the
  insurer, or other illegal conduct in, by, or with respect to the
  insurer that, if established, would endanger assets in an amount
  threatening the solvency of the insurer;
               (11)  control of the insurer is in a person who is:
                     (A)  dishonest or untrustworthy; or
                     (B)  so lacking in insurance company managerial
  experience or capability as to be hazardous to policyholders,
  creditors, or the public;
               (12)  any person who in fact has executive authority in
  the insurer, whether an officer, manager, general agent, director,
  trustee, employee, shareholder, or other person, has refused to be
  examined under oath by the commissioner concerning the insurer's
  affairs, whether in this state or elsewhere or if examined under
  oath, refuses to divulge pertinent information reasonably known to
  the person; and after reasonable notice of the fact, the insurer has
  failed promptly and effectively to terminate the employment and
  status of the person and all the person's influence on management;
               (13)  after demand by the commissioner under Chapter
  401 [Article 1.15, 1.15A, or 1.16] or under this chapter, the
  insurer has failed promptly to make available for examination any
  of its own property, books, accounts, documents, or other records,
  or those of any subsidiary or related company within the control of
  the insurer or of any person having executive authority in the
  insurer, so far as they pertain to the insurer;
               (14)  without first obtaining the written consent of
  the commissioner, the insurer has transferred, or attempted to
  transfer, in a manner contrary to Chapter 823 or any law relating to
  bulk reinsurance, substantially its entire property or business, or
  has entered into any transaction the effect of which is to merge,
  consolidate, or reinsure substantially its entire property or
  business in or with the property or business of any other person;
               (15)  the insurer or its property has been or is the
  subject of an application for the appointment of a receiver,
  trustee, custodian, conservator, sequestrator, or similar
  fiduciary of the insurer or its property otherwise than as
  authorized under the insurance laws of this state;
               (16)  within the previous five years, the insurer has
  wilfully and continuously violated its charter, articles of
  incorporation or bylaws, any insurance law of this state, or any
  valid order of the commissioner;
               (17)  the insurer has failed to pay within 60 days after
  the due date any obligation to any state or political subdivision of
  a state or any judgment entered in any state, if the court in which
  the judgment was entered had jurisdiction over the subject matter,
  except that nonpayment is not a ground until 60 days after any good
  faith effort by the insurer to contest the obligation has been
  terminated, whether it is before the commissioner or in the courts;
               (18)  the insurer has systematically engaged in the
  practice of reaching settlements with and obtaining releases from
  claimants, and then unreasonably delayed payment, failed to pay the
  agreed-upon settlements, or systematically attempted to compromise
  with claimants or other creditors on the ground that it is
  financially unable to pay its claims or obligations in full;
               (19)  the insurer has failed to file its annual report
  or other financial report required by statute within the time
  allowed by law;
               (20)  the board of directors or the holders of a
  majority of the shares entitled to vote, or a majority of those
  individuals entitled to the control of those entities specified by
  Section 443.003 [21A.003], request or consent to rehabilitation or
  liquidation under this chapter;
               (21)  the insurer does not comply with its domiciliary
  state's requirements for issuance to it of a certificate of
  authority, or its certificate of authority has been revoked by its
  state of domicile; or
               (22)  when authorized by department rules.
         (l)  Section 21A.058, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.058, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.058 [21A.058].  ENTRY OF ORDER.  If the
  commissioner establishes any of the grounds provided in Section
  443.057 [21A.057], the receivership court shall grant the petition
  and issue the order of rehabilitation or liquidation requested in
  the petition.
         (m)  Section 21A.101(b), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.101(b), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(C) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  Any order issued under this section must require
  accountings to the receivership court by the rehabilitator.
  Accountings must be at the intervals specified by the receivership
  court in its order, but not less frequently than semi-annually.
  Each accounting must include a report concerning the
  rehabilitator's opinion as to the likelihood that a plan under
  Section 443.103 [21A.103] will be prepared by the rehabilitator and
  the timetable for doing so.
         (n)  Section 21A.102(a), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.102(a), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(C) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (a)  The rehabilitator may appoint one or more special
  deputies. A special deputy serves at the pleasure of the
  rehabilitator and has all the powers and responsibilities of the
  rehabilitator granted under this section, unless specifically
  limited by the rehabilitator. The rehabilitator may employ or
  contract with legal counsel, actuaries, accountants, appraisers,
  consultants, clerks, assistants, and other personnel as may be
  deemed necessary. Any special deputy or any other person with whom
  the rehabilitator contracts under this subsection may act on behalf
  of the commissioner only in the commissioner's capacity as
  rehabilitator. Any person with whom the rehabilitator contracts
  under this subsection is not considered an agent of the state, and
  any contract entered into under this subsection does not constitute
  a contract with the state. The provisions of any law governing the
  procurement of goods and services by the state does not apply to any
  contract entered into by the commissioner as rehabilitator. The
  compensation of any special deputies, employees, and contractors
  and all expenses of taking possession of the insurer and of
  conducting the rehabilitation shall be fixed by the rehabilitator,
  with the approval of the receivership court in accordance with
  Section 443.015 [21A.015], and shall be paid out of the property of
  the insurer. The persons appointed under this subsection serve at
  the pleasure of the rehabilitator. If the rehabilitator deems it
  necessary to the proper performance of the rehabilitator's duties
  under this chapter, the rehabilitator may appoint an advisory
  committee of policyholders, claimants, or other creditors,
  including guaranty associations. The advisory committee serves at
  the pleasure of the rehabilitator and without compensation or
  reimbursement for expenses. The rehabilitator or the receivership
  court in rehabilitation proceedings conducted under this chapter
  may not appoint another committee of any nature.
         (o)  Section 21A.104, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.104, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(C) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.104 [21A.104].  TERMINATION OF REHABILITATION.  (a)  
  When the rehabilitator believes further attempts to rehabilitate an
  insurer would substantially increase the risk of loss to creditors,
  policyholders, or the public or would be futile, the rehabilitator
  may move for an order of liquidation. In accordance with Section
  443.105 [21A.105], the rehabilitator or the rehabilitator's
  designated representative shall coordinate with the guaranty
  associations that may become liable as a result of the liquidation
  and any national association of guaranty associations to plan for
  transition to liquidation.
         (b)  Because the protection of the interests of insureds,
  claimants, and the public requires the timely performance of all
  insurance policy obligations, if the payment of policy obligations
  is suspended in substantial part for a period of six months at any
  time after the appointment of the rehabilitator and the
  rehabilitator has not filed an application for approval of a plan
  under Section 443.103 [21A.103], the rehabilitator shall petition
  the receivership court for an order of liquidation.
         (c)  The rehabilitator or the directors of the insurer may at
  any time petition the receivership court for, or the receivership
  court on its own motion may enter, an order terminating
  rehabilitation of an insurer. Subject to the provisions of Section
  443.351 [21A.351], if the receivership court finds that
  rehabilitation has been accomplished and that grounds for
  rehabilitation under Section 443.057 [21A.057] no longer exist, it
  shall order that the insurer be restored to title and possession of
  its property and the control of the business.
         (p)  Sections 21A.151(b) and (e), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.151(b) and (e), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(D) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (b)  Upon issuance of the order of liquidation, the rights
  and liabilities of the insurer and of its creditors, policyholders,
  shareholders, members, and all other persons interested in its
  estate become fixed as of the date of entry of the order of
  liquidation, except as provided by Sections 443.152 and 443.255
  [21A.152 and 21A.255], unless otherwise fixed by the court.
         (e)  In the event an order of liquidation is set aside on
  appeal, the company may not be released from delinquency
  proceedings except in accordance with Section 443.351 [21A.351].
         (q)  Sections 21A.152(b), (c), and (d), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.152(b), (c), and (d), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(D) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (b)  Notwithstanding any policy or contract language or any
  other statute, all policies, insurance contracts other than
  reinsurance by which the insurer has ceded insurance obligations to
  another person, and surety bonds or surety undertakings, other than
  life or health insurance or annuities, in effect at the time of
  issuance of an order of liquidation, unless further extended by the
  receiver with the approval of the receivership court, continue in
  force only until the earlier of:
               (1)  the 30th day after the date of entry of the
  liquidation order;
               (2)  the date of expiration of the policy coverage;
               (3)  the date the insured has replaced the insurance
  coverage with equivalent insurance with another insurer or
  otherwise terminated the policy;
               (4)  the date the liquidator has effected a transfer of
  the policy obligation pursuant to Section 443.154(h) [21A.154(h)];
               (5)  the date proposed by the liquidator and approved
  by the receivership court to cancel coverage.
         (c)  An order of liquidation under Section 443.151 [21A.151]
  must terminate coverages at the time specified by Subsections (a)
  and (b) for purposes of any other statute.
         (d)  Policies of life or health insurance or annuities
  covered by a guaranty association and any portion of policies of
  life or health insurance or annuities covered by a guaranty
  association continue in force for the period and under the terms
  provided for by any applicable guaranty association law. Policies
  of life or health insurance or annuities not covered by a guaranty
  association and any portion of policies of life or health insurance
  or annuities not covered by a guaranty association terminate under
  Subsection (b), except to the extent the liquidator proposes and
  the receivership court approves the use of property of the estate,
  consistent with Section 443.301 [21A.301], for the purpose of
  continuing the contracts or coverage by transferring them to an
  assuming reinsurer.
         (r)  Sections 21A.154(a), (b), (h), (k), (l), (y), and (z),
  Insurance Code, redesignated as Sections 443.154(a), (b), (h), (k),
  (l), (y), and (z), Insurance Code, respectively, by Subsection
  (a)(1)(D) of this section, are amended to conform to the additional
  changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as
         (a)  The liquidator may appoint a special deputy or deputies
  to act for the liquidator under this chapter and employ or contract
  with legal counsel, actuaries, accountants, appraisers,
  consultants, clerks, assistants, and other personnel the
  liquidator may deem necessary to assist in the liquidation. A
  special deputy has all powers of the liquidator granted by this
  section, unless specifically limited by the liquidator, and serves
  at the pleasure of the liquidator. A special deputy or any other
  person with whom the liquidator contracts under this subsection may
  act on behalf of the commissioner only in the commissioner's
  capacity as liquidator. Any person with whom the liquidator
  contracts is not considered to be an agent of the state and any
  contract under this subsection is not a contract with the state.
  The provisions of any law governing the procurement of goods and
  services by the state do not apply to any contract entered into by
  the commissioner as liquidator. This subsection does not waive any
  immunity granted by Section 443.014 [21A.014] or create any cause
  of action against the state.
         (b)  The liquidator may determine the reasonable
  compensation for any special deputies, employees, or contractors
  retained by the liquidator as provided in Subsection (a) and pay
  compensation in accordance with Section 443.015 [21A.015].
         (h)  The liquidator may use property of the estate of an
  insurer under a liquidation order to transfer to a solvent assuming
  insurer policy obligations or the insurer's obligations under
  surety bonds and surety undertakings as well as collateral held by
  the insurer with respect to the reimbursement obligations of the
  principals under those surety bonds and surety undertakings, if the
  transfer can be arranged without prejudice to applicable priorities
  under Section 443.301 [21A.301]. If all insureds, principals,
  third-party claimants, and obligees under the policies, surety
  bonds, and surety undertakings consent or if the receivership court
  so orders, the estate has no further liability under the
  transferred policies, surety bonds, or surety undertakings after
  the transfer is made.
         (k)  The liquidator may enter into contracts as necessary to
  carry out the order to liquidate and, subject to the provisions of
  Section 443.013 [21A.013], may assume or reject any executory
  contract or unexpired lease to which the insurer is a party.
         (l)  The liquidator may continue to prosecute and institute
  in the name of the insurer or in the liquidator's own name any and
  all suits and other legal proceedings, in this state or elsewhere,
  and abandon the prosecution of claims the liquidator deems
  unprofitable to pursue further. If the insurer is dissolved under
  Section 443.153 [21A.153], the liquidator has the power to apply to
  any court in this state or elsewhere for leave to substitute the
  liquidator for the insurer as a party.
         (y)  The liquidator may hypothecate, encumber, lease, sell,
  transfer, abandon, or otherwise dispose of or deal with any
  property of the insurer, settle or resolve any claim brought by the
  liquidator on behalf of the insurer, or commute or settle any claim
  of reinsurance under any contract of reinsurance, as follows:
               (1)  if the property or claim has a market or settlement
  value that does not exceed the lesser of $1 million or 10 percent of
  the general assets of the estate as shown on the receivership's
  financial statements, the liquidator may take action at the
  liquidator's discretion, provided that the receivership court may,
  upon petition of the liquidator, increase the threshold upon a
  showing that compliance with this requirement is burdensome to the
  liquidator in administering the estate and is unnecessary to
  protect the material interests of creditors;
               (2)  in all instances other than those described in
  Subdivision (1), the liquidator may take the action only after
  obtaining approval of the receivership court as provided by Section
  443.007 [21A.007];
               (3)  the liquidator may, at the liquidator's
  discretion, request the receivership court to approve a proposed
  action as provided by Section 443.007 [21A.007] if the value of the
  property or claim appears to be less than the threshold provided by
  Subdivision (1) but cannot be ascertained with certainty, or for
  any other reason as determined by the liquidator; and
               (4)  after obtaining approval of the receivership court
  as provided in Section 443.007 [21A.007], the liquidator may,
  subject to Subsection (z), transfer rights to payment under ceding
  reinsurance agreements covering policies to a third-party
         (z)  The transferee of a right to payment under Subsection
  (y)(4) has the rights to collect and enforce collection of the
  reinsurance for the amount payable to the ceding insurer or to its
  receiver, without diminution because of the insolvency or because
  the receiver has failed to pay all or a portion of the claim, based
  on the amounts paid or allowed pursuant to Section 443.211
  [21A.211]. The transfer of the rights does not give rise to any
  defense regarding the reinsurer's obligations under the
  reinsurance agreement regardless of whether an agreement or other
  applicable law prohibits the transfer of rights under the
  reinsurance agreement. Except as provided in this subsection, any
  transfer of rights pursuant to Subsection (y)(4) does not impair
  any rights or defenses of the reinsurer that existed prior to the
  transfer or that would have existed in the absence of the transfer.
  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any transfer of
  rights pursuant to Subsection (y)(4) does not relieve the
  transferee or the liquidator from obligations owed to the reinsurer
  pursuant to the reinsurance or other agreement.
         (s)  Section 21A.155(b), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.155(b), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(D) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  The notice of the entry of an order of liquidation must
  contain or provide directions for obtaining the following
               (1)  a statement that the insurer has been placed in
               (2)  a statement that certain acts are stayed under
  Section 443.008 [21A.008] and describe any additional injunctive
  relief ordered by the receivership court;
               (3)  a statement whether, and to what extent, the
  insurer's policies continue in effect;
               (4)  to the extent applicable, a statement that
  coverage by state guaranty associations may be available for all or
  part of policy benefits in accordance with applicable state
  guaranty laws;
               (5)  a statement of the deadline for filing claims, if
  established, and the requirements for filing a proof of claim
  pursuant to Section 443.251 [21A.251] on or before that date;
               (6)  a statement of the date, time, and location of any
  initial status hearing scheduled at the time the notice is sent;
               (7)  a description of the process for obtaining notice
  of matters before the receivership court; and
               (8)  any other information the liquidator or the
  receivership court deems appropriate.
         (t)  Section 21A.156(a), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.156(a), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(D) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (a)  Every person who represented the insurer as an agent and
  receives notice in the form prescribed in Section 443.155 [21A.155]
  that the insurer is the subject of a liquidation order, not later
  than the 30th day after the date of the notice, shall provide to the
  liquidator, in addition to the information the agent may be
  required to provide pursuant to Section 443.010 [21A.010], the
  information in the agent's records related to any policy issued by
  the insurer through the agent and any policy issued by the insurer
  through an agent under contract to the agent, including the name and
  address of any subagent. For purposes of this subsection, a policy
  is issued through an agent if the agent has a property interest in
  the expiration of the policy or if the agent has had in the agent's
  possession a copy of the declarations of the policy at any time
  during the life of the policy, except where the ownership of the
  expiration of the policy has been transferred to another.
         (u)  Sections 21A.207(a), (d), and (f), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.207(a), (d), and (f), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, to the
  extent that the receiver obtains an order under Section 443.201
  [21A.201] or avoids a transfer under Section 443.202, 443.203,
  443.204, 443.205, or 443.206 [Sections 21A.202, 21A.203, 21A.204,
  21A.205, or 21A.206], the receiver may recover the property
  transferred, or the value of the property, from:
               (1)  the initial transferee of the transfer or the
  entity for whose benefit the transfer was made; or
               (2)  any immediate or mediate transferee of the initial
         (d)  In addition to the remedies specifically provided under
  Sections 443.201-443.206 [21A.201-21A.206] and Subsection (a), if
  the receiver is successful in establishing a claim to the property
  or any part of the property, the receiver is entitled to recover
  judgment for:
               (1)  rental for the use of the tangible property from
  the later of the entry of the receivership order or the date of the
               (2)  in the case of funds or intangible property, the
  greater of:
                     (A)  the actual interest or income earned by the
  property; or
                     (B)  interest at the statutory rate for judgments
  from the later of the date of the entry of the receivership order or
  the date of the transfer; and
               (3)  except as to recoveries from guaranty
  associations, all costs, including investigative costs and other
  expenses necessary to the recovery of the property or funds, and
  reasonable attorney's fees.
         (f)  In any action under Sections 443.201-443.206
  [21A.201-21A.206], the receiver has the burden of proving the
  avoidability of a transfer, and the person against whom recovery or
  avoidance is sought has the burden of proving the nature and extent
  of any affirmative defense.
         (v)  Section 21A.208(b), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.208(b), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  A claim allowable under Subsection (a) by reason of the
  avoidance, whether voluntary or involuntary, or a preference, lien,
  conveyance, transfer, assignment, or encumbrance, may be filed as
  an excused late filing under Section 443.251(b) [21A.251(b)] if
  filed not later than the 30th day after the date of the avoidance,
  or within the further time allowed by the receivership court under
  Subsection (a).
         (w)  Section 21A.210(j), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.210(j), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (j)  Any claim filed by an assessee who fails to pay an
  assessment, after the conclusion of any legal action by the
  assessee objecting to the assessment, is deemed a late filed claim
  under Section 443.251 [21A.251].
         (x)  Sections 21A.211(b) and (f), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.211(b) and (f), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section and to the recodification and repeal of Articles
  21.28-C and 21.28-D, Insurance Code, by Chapter 727, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (a), any reinsurance
  shall be payable to the receiver under a policy reinsured by the
  assuming insurer on the basis of claims:
               (1)  allowed under Section 443.253 [21A.253]; and
               (2)  paid under:
                     (A)  Chapter 462, 463, or [Article 21.28-C or
                     [(B)  Chapter] 2602; or
                     (B) [(C)]  the guaranty associations of other
         (f)  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as
  authorizing the receiver, or other entity, to compel payment from a
  non-life reinsurer on the basis of estimated incurred but not
  reported losses or outstanding reserves, except outstanding
  reserves with respect to claims made pursuant to Section 443.255
  [21A.255] and approved workers compensation claims filed under
  Section 443.252(d) [21A.252(d)].
         (y)  Sections 21A.212(a), (b), and (c), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.212(a), (b), and (c), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  An insured shall pay, either directly to the receiver or
  to any agent that has paid or is obligated to pay the receiver on
  behalf of the insured, any unpaid earned premium or retrospectively
  rated premium due the insurer based on the termination of coverage
  under Section 443.152 [21A.152]. Premium on surety business is
  deemed earned at inception if a policy term cannot be determined.
  All other premium is deemed earned and is prorated equally over the
  determined policy term, regardless of any provision in the bond,
  guaranty, contract or other agreement.
         (b)  Any person, other than the insured, shall turn over to
  the receiver any unpaid premium due and owing as shown on the
  records of the insurer, including any amount representing
  commissions, for the full policy term due the insurer at the time of
  the entry of the receivership order, whether earned or unearned,
  based on the termination of coverage under Section 443.152
  [21A.152]. The unpaid premium due the receiver from any person
  other than the insured excludes any premium not collected from the
  insured and not earned based on the termination of coverage under
  Section 443.152 [21A.152].
         (c)  Any person, other than the insured, responsible for the
  remittance of a premium, shall turn over to the receiver any
  unearned commission of the person based on the termination of
  coverage under Section 443.152 [21A.152]. Credits, setoffs, or
  both may not be allowed to an agent, broker, premium finance
  company, or any other person for any amounts advanced to the insurer
  by the person on behalf of, but in the absence of a payment by, the
  insured, or for any other amount paid by the person to any other
  person after the entry of the order of receivership.
         (z)  Sections 21A.213(h) and (i), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.213(h) and (i), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(E) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (h)  To the extent a guaranty association is required by
  applicable law to pay any claims for which the insurer would have
  been entitled to reimbursement from the policyholder, the following
  provisions apply:
               (1)  The receiver shall promptly invoice the
  policyholder for the reimbursement due under the agreement, and the
  policyholder is obligated to pay the amount invoiced to the
  receiver for the benefit of the guaranty associations that paid the
  claims. Neither the insolvency of the insurer nor the insurer's
  inability to perform any obligations under the deductible agreement
  is a defense to the policyholder's reimbursement obligation under
  the deductible agreement. At the time the policyholder
  reimbursements are collected, the receiver shall promptly forward
  those amounts to the guaranty association, based on the claims paid
  by the guaranty association that were subject to the deductible.
               (2)  If the collateral is insufficient to reimburse the
  guaranty association for claims paid within the deductible, the
  receiver shall use any existing collateral to make a partial
  reimbursement to the guaranty association, subject to any
  allocation under Subsection (d), (e), or (f). If more than one
  guaranty association has a claim against the same collateral, the
  receiver shall prorate payments to each guaranty association based
  on the amount of the claims each guaranty association has paid.
               (3)  The receiver is entitled to deduct from
  reimbursements owed to a guaranty association or collateral to be
  returned to a policyholder reasonable actual expenses incurred in
  fulfilling the receiver's responsibilities under this section.
  Expenses incurred to collect reimbursements for the benefit of a
  guaranty association are subject to the approval of the guaranty
  association. Any remaining expenses that are not deducted from the
  reimbursements are payable subject to Section 443.015 [21A.015].
               (4)  The receiver shall provide any affected guaranty
  associations with a complete accounting of the receiver's
  deductible billing and collection activities on a quarterly basis,
  or at other intervals as may be agreed to between the receiver and
  the guaranty associations. Accountings under this subdivision must
  include copies of the policyholder billings, the reimbursements
  collected, the available amounts and use of collateral for each
  account, and any prorating of payments.
               (5)  If the receiver fails to make a good faith effort
  to collect reimbursements due from a policyholder under a
  deductible agreement within 120 days of receipt of claims payment
  reports from a guaranty association, the guaranty association may,
  after notice to the receiver, collect the reimbursements that are
  due, and, in so doing, the guaranty association shall have the same
  rights and remedies as the receiver. A guaranty association shall
  report any amounts collected under this subdivision and expenses
  incurred in collecting those amounts to the receiver.
               (6)  The receiver shall periodically adjust the
  collateral held as the claims subject to the deductible agreement
  are paid, provided that adequate collateral is maintained. The
  receiver is not required to adjust the collateral more than once a
  year. The receiver shall inform the guaranty associations of all
  collateral reviews, including the basis for the adjustment.
               (7)  Reimbursements received or collected by a guaranty
  association under this section may not be considered a distribution
  of the insurer's assets. A guaranty association shall provide the
  receiver with an accounting of any amounts it has received or
  collected under this section and any expenses incurred in
  connection with that receipt or collection. The amounts received,
  net of any expenses incurred in connection with collection of the
  amounts, must be set off against the guaranty association's claim
  filed under Section 443.251 [21A.251] for the payments that were
               (8)  To the extent that a guaranty association pays a
  claim within the deductible amount that is not reimbursed by either
  the receiver or by policyholder payments, the guaranty association
  has a claim for those amounts in the delinquency proceeding in
  accordance with Section 443.251 [21A.251].
               (9)  Nothing in this section limits any rights of a
  guaranty association under applicable law to obtain reimbursement
  for claims payments made by the guaranty association under policies
  of the insurer or for the association's related expenses.
         (i)  If a claim that is subject to a deductible agreement and
  secured by collateral is not covered by any guaranty association,
  the following provisions apply:
               (1)  The receiver is entitled to retain as an asset of
  the estate any collateral or deductible reimbursements obtained by
  the receiver.
               (2)  If a policyholder fails to assume an obligation
  under a deductible agreement to pay a claim, the receiver shall use
  the collateral to adjust and pay the claim to the extent that the
  available collateral, after any allocation under Subsection (d),
  (e), or (f), is sufficient to pay all outstanding and anticipated
  claims within the deductible. If the collateral is exhausted and
  all reasonable means of collection against the insured have been
  exhausted, the remaining claims shall be subject to the provisions
  of Sections 443.251 and 443.301 [21A.251 and 21A.301].
               (3)  The receiver is entitled to deduct from collateral
  reasonable actual expenses incurred in fulfilling the receiver's
  responsibilities under this section. Any remaining expenses that
  are not deducted from the reimbursements are payable subject to
  Section 443.015 [21A.015].
         (aa)  Sections 21A.251(a) and (b), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.251(a) and (b), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by this subsection, proof of all
  claims must be filed with the liquidator in the form required by
  Section 443.252 [21A.252] on or before the last day for filing
  specified in the notice required under Section 443.155 [21A.155],
  which date may not be later than 18 months after entry of the order
  of liquidation, unless the receivership court, for good cause
  shown, extends the time, except that proofs of claims for cash
  surrender values or other investment values in life insurance and
  annuities and for any other policies insuring the lives of persons
  need not be filed unless the liquidator expressly so requires. The
  receivership court, only upon application of the liquidator, may
  allow alternative procedures and requirements for the filing of
  proofs of claim or for allowing or proving claims. Upon
  application, if the receivership court dispenses with the
  requirements of filing a proof of claim by a person or a class or
  group of persons, a proof of claim for the person, class, or group
  is deemed to have been filed for all purposes, except that the
  receivership court's waiver of proof of claim requirements does not
  impact guaranty association proof of claim filing requirements or
  coverage determinations to the extent the guaranty fund statute or
  filing requirements are inconsistent with the receivership court's
  waiver of proof.
         (b)  The liquidator shall permit a claimant that makes a late
  filing to share ratably in distributions, whether past or future,
  as if the claim were not filed late, to the extent that the payment
  will not prejudice the orderly administration of the liquidation,
  under the following circumstances:
               (1)  the eligibility to file a proof of claim was not
  known to the claimant, and the claimant filed a proof of claim not
  later than the 90th day after the date of first learning of the
               (2)  a transfer to a creditor was avoided under Section
  443.202, 443.203, 443.204, or 443.206 [21A.202, 21A.203, 21A.204,
  or 21A.206], or was voluntarily surrendered under Section 443.208
  [21A.208], and the filing satisfies the conditions of Section
  443.208 [21A.208]; or
               (3)  the valuation under Section 443.260 [21A.260], of
  security held by a secured creditor shows a deficiency, and the
  claim for the deficiency is filed not later than the 30th day after
  the valuation.
         (bb)  Sections 21A.253(b), (d), (i), and (k), Insurance
  Code, redesignated as Sections 443.253(b), (d), (i), and (k),
  Insurance Code, respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
  section, are amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  Pursuant to the review, the liquidator shall provide
  written notice of the claim determination by any means authorized
  by Section 443.007 [21A.007] to the claimant or the claimant's
  attorney and may provide notice to any reinsurer that is or may be
  liable in respect of the claim. The notice must set forth the
  amount of the claim allowed by the liquidator, if any, and the
  priority class of the claim as established in Section 443.301
         (d)  A claim that has not become mature as of the coverage
  termination date established under Section 443.201 [21A.201]
  because payment on the claim is not yet due may be allowed as if it
  were mature. A claim that is allowed under this subsection may be
  discounted to present value based upon a reasonable estimated date
  of the payment, if the liquidator determines that the present value
  of the payment is materially less than the amount of the payment.
         (i)  A claim that does not contain all the applicable
  information required by Section 443.252 [21A.252] need not be
  further reviewed or adjudicated, and may be denied or disallowed by
  the liquidator subject to the notice and objection procedures in
  this section.
         (k)  The liquidator is not required to process claims for any
  class until it appears reasonably likely that property will be
  available for a distribution to that class. If there are
  insufficient assets to justify processing all claims for any class
  listed in Section 443.301 [21A.301], the liquidator shall report
  the facts to the receivership court and make such recommendations
  as may be appropriate for handling the remainder of the claims.
         (cc)  Section 21A.254, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.254, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.254 [21A.254].  CLAIMS UNDER OCCURRENCE POLICIES,
  provisions of Section 443.253 [21A.253], any insured has the right
  to file a claim for the protection afforded under the insured's
  policy, regardless of whether a claim is known at the time of
  filing, if the policy is an occurrence policy.
         (b)  Subject to the provisions of Section 443.253 [21A.253],
  an obligee under a surety bond or surety undertaking has the right
  to file a claim for the protection afforded under the surety bond or
  surety undertaking issued by the insurer under which the obligee is
  the beneficiary, regardless of whether a claim is known at the time
  of filing.
         (c)  After a claim is filed under Subsection (a) or (b), at
  the time that a specific claim is made by or against the insured or
  by the obligee, the insured or the obligee shall supplement the
  claim, and the receiver shall treat the claim as a contingent or
  unliquidated claim under Section 443.255 [21A.255].
         (dd)  Sections 21A.255(a) and (c), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.255(a) and (c), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  A claim of an insured or third party may be allowed under
  Section 443.253 [21A.253], regardless of the fact that the claim
  was contingent or unliquidated, if any contingency is removed in
  accordance with Subsection (b) and the value of the claim is
  determined. For purposes of this section, a claim is contingent if:
               (1)  the accident, casualty, disaster, loss, event, or
  occurrence insured, reinsured, or bonded or reinsured against
  occurred on or before the date fixed under Section 443.151
  [21A.151]; and
               (2)  the act or event triggering the insurer's
  obligation to pay has not occurred as of the date fixed under
  Section 443.151 [21A.151].
         (c)  The liquidator may petition the receivership court to
  set a date before which all claims under this section are final. In
  addition to the notice requirements of Section 443.007 [21A.007],
  the liquidator shall give notice of the filing of the petition to
  all claimants with claims that remain contingent or unliquidated
  under this section.
         (ee)  Section 21A.256(c), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.256(c), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (c)  The liquidator may make recommendations to the
  receivership court for the allowance of an insured's claim after
  consideration of the probable outcome of any pending action against
  the insured on which the claim is based, the probable damages
  recoverable in the action, and the probable costs and expenses of
  defense. After allowance by the receivership court, the liquidator
  shall withhold any distribution payable on the claim, pending the
  outcome of litigation and negotiation between the insured and the
  third party. The liquidator may reconsider the claim as provided in
  Section 443.253(j) [21A.253(j)]. As claims against the insured are
  settled or barred, the insured or third party, as appropriate,
  shall be paid from the amount withheld the same percentage
  distribution as was paid on other claims of like priority, based on
  the lesser of the amount actually due from the insured by action or
  paid by agreement plus the reasonable costs and expense of defense,
  or the amount allowed on the claims by the receivership court.
  After all claims are settled or barred, any sum remaining from the
  amount withheld shall revert to the undistributed property of the
         (ff)  Section 21A.257(a), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.257(a), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (a)  When objections to the liquidator's proposed treatment
  of a claim are filed and the liquidator does not alter the
  determination of the claim as a result of the objections, the
  liquidator shall ask the receivership court for a hearing pursuant
  to Section 443.007 [21A.007].
         (gg)  Section 21A.258, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.258, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.258 [21A.258].  LIQUIDATOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS TO
  RECEIVERSHIP COURT.  The liquidator shall present to the
  receivership court, for approval, reports of claims settled or
  determined by the liquidator under Section 443.253 [21A.253]. The
  reports must be presented from time to time as determined by the
  liquidator and must include information identifying the claim and
  the amount and priority class of the claim.
         (hh)  Sections 21A.260(e) and (g), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.260(e) and (g), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (e)  If collateral is insufficient to satisfy in full all
  potential claims against it under Subsections (c) and (g), the
  claims against the collateral must be paid on a pro rata basis, and
  an obligee or completion contractor under Subsection (c) has a
  claim, subject to allowance under Section 443.253 [21A.253], for
  any deficiency.
         (g)  To the extent that a guaranty association has made a
  payment relating to a claim against a surety bond, the guaranty
  association shall first be reimbursed for that payment and related
  expenses out of the available collateral or proceeds related to the
  surety bond. To the extent that the collateral is sufficient, the
  guaranty association shall be reimbursed 100 percent of its
  payment. If the collateral is insufficient to satisfy in full all
  potential claims against the collateral under Subsection (c) and
  this subsection, a guaranty association that has paid claims on the
  surety bond is entitled to a pro rata share of the available
  collateral in accordance with Subsection (e), and the guaranty
  association has claims against the general assets of the estate in
  accordance with Section 443.253 [21A.253] for any deficiency. Any
  payment made to a guaranty association under this subsection from
  collateral may not be deemed early access or otherwise deemed a
  distribution out of the general assets or property of the estate,
  and the guaranty association receiving payment shall subtract any
  payment from the collateral from the association's final claims
  against the estate.
         (ii)  Sections 21A.261(a) and (e), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.261(a) and (e), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(F) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
  including any other provision of this chapter permitting the
  modification of contracts, or other law of this state, a person may
  not be stayed or prohibited from exercising:
               (1)  a contractual right to terminate, liquidate, or
  close out any netting agreement or qualified financial contract
  with an insurer because of:
                     (A)  the insolvency, financial condition, or
  default of the insurer at any time, provided that the right is
  enforceable under applicable law other than this chapter; or
                     (B)  the commencement of a formal delinquency
  proceeding under this chapter;
               (2)  any right under a pledge, security, collateral, or
  guarantee agreement, or any other similar security arrangement or
  credit support document, relating to a netting agreement or
  qualified financial contract; or
               (3)  subject to any provision of Section 443.209(b)
  [21A.209(b)], any right to set off or net out any termination value,
  payment amount, or other transfer obligation arising under or in
  connection with a netting agreement or qualified financial contract
  where the counterparty or its guarantor is organized under the laws
  of the United States or a state or foreign jurisdiction approved by
  the Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of
  Insurance Commissioners as eligible for netting.
         (e)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a
  receiver may not avoid a transfer of money or other property arising
  under or in connection with a netting agreement or qualified
  financial contract, or any pledge, security, or collateral or
  guarantee agreement or any other similar security arrangement or
  credit support document relating to a netting agreement or
  qualified financial contract, that is made before the commencement
  of a formal delinquency proceeding under this chapter. However, a
  transfer may be avoided under Section 443.205(a) [21A.205(a)] if
  the transfer was made with actual intent to hinder, delay, or
  defraud the insurer, a receiver appointed for the insurer, or
  existing or future creditors.
         (jj)  Section 21A.301, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.301, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(G) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section and to the recodification and
  repeal of Section 2(3), Article 21.28-C, and Section 12, Article
  21.28-D, Insurance Code, by Chapter 727, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.301 [21A.301].  PRIORITY OF DISTRIBUTION. The
  priority of payment of distributions on unsecured claims must be in
  accordance with the order in which each class of claims is set forth
  in this section. Every claim in each class shall be paid in full, or
  adequate funds retained for their payment, before the members of
  the next class receive payment, and all claims within a class must
  be paid substantially the same percentage of the amount of the
  claim. Except as provided by Subsections (a)(2), (a)(3), (i), and
  (k), subclasses may not be established within a class. No claim by
  a shareholder, policyholder, or other creditor shall be permitted
  to circumvent the priority classes through the use of equitable
  remedies. The order of distribution of claims shall be:
         (a)  Class 1. (1) The costs and expenses of administration
  expressly approved or ratified by the liquidator, including the
                     (A)  the actual and necessary costs of preserving
  or recovering the property of the insurer;
                     (B)  reasonable compensation for all services
  rendered on behalf of the administrative supervisor or receiver;
                     (C)  any necessary filing fees;
                     (D)  the fees and mileage payable to witnesses;
                     (E)  unsecured loans obtained by the receiver; and
                     (F)  expenses, if any, approved by the
  rehabilitator of the insurer and incurred in the course of the
  rehabilitation that are unpaid at the time of the entry of the order
  of liquidation.
               (2)  The reasonable expenses of a guaranty association,
  including overhead, salaries and other general administrative
  expenses allocable to the receivership to include administrative
  and claims handling expenses and expenses in connection with
  arrangements for ongoing coverage, other than expenses incurred in
  the performance of duties under Section 462.002(3), 463.108,
  463.111, 463.113, 463.353, or 2602.113[, Section 2(3) of Article
  21.28-C, and Section 12 of Article 21.28-D] or similar duties under
  the statute governing a similar organization in another state. In
  the case of the Texas Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty
  Association and other property and casualty guaranty associations,
  the expenses shall include loss adjustment expenses, including
  adjusting and other expenses and defense and cost containment
  expenses. In the event that there are insufficient assets to pay
  all of the costs and expenses of administration under Subsection
  (a)(1) and the expenses of a guaranty association, the costs and
  expenses under Subsection (a)(1) shall have priority over the
  expenses of a guaranty association. In this event, the expenses of
  a guaranty association shall be paid on a pro rata basis after the
  payment of costs and expenses under Subsection (a)(1) in full.
               (3)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(1)(E), any
  unsecured loan obtained by the receiver, unless by its terms it
  otherwise provides, has priority over all other costs of
  administration. Absent agreement to the contrary, all claims in
  this subclass share pro rata.
               (4)  Except as expressly approved by the receiver, any
  expenses arising from a duty to indemnify the directors, officers,
  or employees of the insurer are excluded from this class and, if
  allowed, are Class 5 claims.
         (b)  Class 2.  All claims under policies of insurance,
  including third-party claims, claims under nonassessable policies
  for unearned premium, claims of obligees and, subject to the
  discretion of the receiver, completion contractors under surety
  bonds and surety undertakings other than bail bonds, mortgage or
  financial guaranties, or other forms of insurance offering
  protection against investment risk, claims by principals under
  surety bonds and surety undertakings for wrongful dissipation of
  collateral by the insurer or its agents, and claims incurred during
  the extension of coverage provided for in Section 443.152
  [21A.152]. All other claims incurred in fulfilling the statutory
  obligations of a guaranty association not included in Class 1,
  including indemnity payments on covered claims and, in the case of
  the Life, Accident, Health, and Hospital Service Insurance Guaranty
  Association or another life and health guaranty association, all
  claims as a creditor of the impaired or insolvent insurer for all
  payments of and liabilities incurred on behalf of covered claims or
  covered obligations of the insurer and for the funds needed to
  reinsure those obligations with a solvent insurer. Notwithstanding
  any provision of this chapter, the following claims are excluded
  from Class 2 priority:
               (1)  obligations of the insolvent insurer arising out
  of reinsurance contracts;
               (2)  obligations, excluding unearned premium claims on
  policies other than reinsurance agreements, incurred after:
                     (A)  the expiration date of the insurance policy;
                     (B)  the policy has been replaced by the insured
  or canceled at the insured's request; or
                     (C)  the policy has been canceled as provided by
  this chapter;
               (3)  obligations to insurers, insurance pools, or
  underwriting associations and their claims for contribution,
  indemnity, or subrogation, equitable or otherwise;
               (4)  any claim that is in excess of any applicable
  limits provided in the insurance policy issued by the insurer;
               (5)  any amount accrued as punitive or exemplary
  damages unless expressly covered under the terms of the policy;
               (6)  tort claims of any kind against the insurer and
  claims against the insurer for bad faith or wrongful settlement
  practices; and
               (7)  claims of the guaranty associations for
  assessments not paid by the insurer, which must be paid as claims in
  Class 5.
         (c)  Class 3.  Claims of the federal government not included
  in Class 3.
         (d)  Class 4.  Debts due employees for services or benefits
  to the extent that the debts do not exceed $5,000 or two months
  salary, whichever is the lesser, and represent payment for services
  performed within one year before the entry of the initial order of
  receivership. This priority is in lieu of any other similar
  priority that may be authorized by law as to wages or compensation
  of employees.
         (e)  Class 5.  Claims of other unsecured creditors not
  included in Classes 1 through 4, including claims under reinsurance
  contracts, claims of guaranty associations for assessments not paid
  by the insurer, and other claims excluded from Class 2.
         (f)  Class 6.  Claims of any state or local governments,
  except those specifically classified elsewhere in this section.
  Claims of attorneys for fees and expenses owed them by an insurer
  for services rendered in opposing a formal delinquency proceeding.
  In order to prove the claim, the claimant must show that the insurer
  that is the subject of the delinquency proceeding incurred the fees
  and expenses based on its best knowledge, information, and belief,
  formed after reasonable inquiry, indicating opposition was in the
  best interests of the insurer, was well grounded in fact, and was
  warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the
  extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that
  opposition was not pursued for any improper purpose, such as to
  harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the
  cost of the litigation.
         (g)  Class 7.  Claims of any state or local government for a
  penalty or forfeiture, but only to the extent of the pecuniary loss
  sustained from the act, transaction, or proceeding out of which the
  penalty or forfeiture arose, with reasonable and actual costs
  occasioned thereby. The balance of the claims must be treated as
  Class 9 claims under Subsection (i).
         (h)  Class 8.  Except as provided in Sections 443.251(b)
  [21A.251(b)] and (d), late filed claims that would otherwise be
  classified in Classes 2 through 7.
         (i)  Class 9.  Surplus notes, capital notes or contribution
  notes or similar obligations, premium refunds on assessable
  policies, and any other claims specifically assigned to this class.
  Claims in this class are subject to any subordination agreements
  related to other claims in this class that existed before the entry
  of the liquidation order.
         (j)  Class 10.  Interest on allowed claims of Classes 1
  through 9, according to the terms of a plan proposed by the
  liquidator and approved by the receivership court.
         (k)  Class 11.  Claims of shareholders or other owners
  arising out of their capacity as shareholders or other owners, or
  any other capacity, except as they may be qualified in Class 2, 5,
  or 10. Claims in this class are subject to any subordination
  agreements related to other claims in this class that existed
  before the entry of the liquidation order.
         (kk)  Section 21A.302(f), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.302(f), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(G) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (f)  Any claim payments made under Subsection (d) and any
  related expenses must be treated as early access payments under
  Section 443.303 [21A.303] to the guaranty association responsible
  for the claims.
         (ll)  Sections 21A.303(a), (b), (c), (e), (f), and (g),
  Insurance Code, redesignated as Sections 443.303(a), (b), (c), (e),
  (f), and (g), Insurance Code, respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(G)
  of this section, are amended to conform to the additional changes
  made by Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (a)  For purposes of this section, "distributable assets"
  means all general assets of the liquidation estate less:
               (1)  amounts reserved, to the extent necessary and
  appropriate, for the entire Section 443.301(a) [21A.301(a)]
  expenses of the liquidation through and after its closure; and
               (2)  to the extent necessary and appropriate, reserves
  for distributions on claims other than those of the guaranty
  associations falling within the priority classes of claims
  established in Section 443.301(c) [21A.301(c)].
         (b)  Early access payments to guaranty associations must be
  made as soon as possible after the entry of a liquidation order and
  as frequently as possible after the entry of the order, but at least
  annually if distributable assets are available to be distributed to
  the guaranty associations, and must be in amounts consistent with
  this section. Amounts advanced to an affected guaranty association
  pursuant to this section shall be accounted for as advances against
  distributions to be made under Section 443.302 [21A.302]. Where
  sufficient distributable assets are available, amounts advanced
  are not limited to the claims and expenses paid to date by the
  guaranty associations; however, the liquidator may not distribute
  distributable assets to the guaranty associations in excess of the
  anticipated entire claims of the guaranty associations falling
  within the priority classes of claims established in Sections
  443.301(b) [21A.301(b)] and (c).
         (c)  Within 120 days after the entry of an order of
  liquidation by the receivership court, and at least annually after
  the entry of the order, the liquidator shall apply to the
  receivership court for approval to make early access payments out
  of the general assets of the insurer to any guaranty associations
  having obligations arising in connection with the liquidation or
  shall report that there are no distributable assets at that time
  based on financial reporting as required in Section 443.016
  [21A.016]. The liquidator may apply to the receivership court for
  approval to make early access payments more frequently than
  annually based on additional information or the recovery of
  material assets.
         (e)  Notice of each application for early access payments, or
  of any report required pursuant to this section, must be given in
  accordance with Section 443.007 [21A.007] to the guaranty
  associations that may have obligations arising from the
  liquidation. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 443.007
  [21A.007], the liquidator shall provide these guaranty
  associations with at least 30 days' actual notice of the filing of
  the application and with a complete copy of the application prior to
  any action by the receivership court. Any guaranty association
  that may have obligations arising in connection with the
  liquidation has:
               (1)  the right to request additional information from
  the liquidator, who may not unreasonably deny such request; and
               (2)  the right to object as provided by Section 443.007
  [21A.007] to any part of each application or to any report filed by
  the liquidator pursuant to this section.
         (f)  In each application regarding early access payments,
  the liquidator shall, based on the best information available to
  the liquidator at the time, provide, at a minimum, the following:
               (1)  to the extent necessary and appropriate, the
  amount reserved for the entire expenses of the liquidation through
  and after its closure and for distributions on claims falling
  within the priority classes of claims established in Sections
  443.301(b) [21A.301(b)] and (c);
               (2)  the computation of distributable assets and the
  amount and method of equitable allocation of early access payments
  to each of the guaranty associations; and
               (3)  the most recent financial information filed with
  the National Association of Insurance Commissioners by the
         (g)  Each guaranty association that receives any payments
  pursuant to this section agrees, upon depositing the payment in any
  account to its benefit, to return to the liquidator any amount of
  these payments that may be required to pay claims of secured
  creditors and claims falling within the priority classes of claims
  established in Section 443.301(a) [21A.301(a)], (b), or (c). No
  bond may be required of any guaranty association.
         (mm)  Sections 21A.304(a), (b), and (d), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.304(a), (b), and (d), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(G) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  If any funds of the receivership estate remain unclaimed
  after the final distribution under Section 443.302 [21A.302], the
  funds must be placed in a segregated unclaimed funds account held by
  the commissioner. If the owner of any of the unclaimed funds
  presents proof of ownership satisfactory to the commissioner before
  the second anniversary of the date of the termination of the
  delinquency proceeding, the commissioner shall remit the funds to
  the owner. The interest earned on funds held in the unclaimed funds
  account may be used to pay any administrative costs related to the
  handling or return of unclaimed funds.
         (b)  If any amounts held in the unclaimed funds account
  remain unclaimed on or after the second anniversary of the date of
  the termination of the delinquency proceeding, the commissioner may
  file a motion for an order directing the disposition of the funds in
  the court in which the delinquency proceeding was pending. Any
  costs incurred in connection with the motion may be paid from the
  unclaimed funds account. The motion shall identify the name of the
  insurer, the names and last known addresses of the persons entitled
  to the unclaimed funds, if known, and the amount of the funds.
  Notice of the motion shall be given as directed by the court. Upon a
  finding by the court that the funds have not been claimed before the
  second anniversary of the date of the termination of the
  delinquency proceeding, the court shall order that any claims for
  unclaimed funds and any interest earned on the unclaimed funds that
  has not been expended under Subsection (a) are abandoned and that
  the funds must be disbursed under one of the following methods:
               (1)  the amounts may be deposited in the general
  receivership expense account under Subsection (c);
               (2)  the amounts may be transferred to the comptroller,
  and deposited into the general revenue fund; or
               (3)  the amounts may be used to reopen the receivership
  in accordance with Section 443.353 [21A.353] and be distributed to
  the known claimants with approved claims.
         (d)  Any advance to a receivership under Subsection (c)(2)
  may be treated as a claim under Section 443.301 [21A.301] as agreed
  at the time the advance is made or, in the absence of an agreement,
  in the priority determined to be appropriate by the court.
         (nn)  Section 21A.352, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.352, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(H) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 443.352 [21A.352].  TERMINATION OF LIQUIDATION
  PROCEEDINGS.  When all property justifying the expense of
  collection and distribution has been collected and distributed
  under this chapter, the liquidator shall apply to the receivership
  court for an order discharging the liquidator and terminating the
  proceeding. The receivership court may grant the application and
  make any other orders, including orders to transfer any remaining
  funds that are uneconomic to distribute, or pursuant to Section
  443.302(c) [21A.302(c)], assign any assets that remain
  unliquidated, including claims and causes of action, as may be
  deemed appropriate.
         (oo)  Section 21A.354(b), Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 443.354(b), Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1)(H) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as follows:
         (b)  If the receiver determines that any records should be
  maintained after the closing of the delinquency proceeding, the
  receiver may reserve property from the receivership estate for the
  maintenance of the records, and any amounts so retained are
  administrative expenses of the estate under Section 443.301(a)
  [21A.301(a)]. Any records retained pursuant to this subsection
  must be transferred to the custody of the commissioner, and the
  commissioner may retain or dispose of the records as appropriate,
  at the commissioner's discretion. Any records of a delinquent
  insurer that are transferred to the commissioner may not be
  considered records of the department for any purposes, and Chapter
  552, Government Code, does not apply to those records.
         (pp)  Sections 21A.401(a) and (d), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.401(a) and (d), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(I) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of this section
  and to the recodification and repeal of Section 17, Article
  21.28-C, and Section 18, Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code, by
  Chapter 727, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner may initiate an action against a
  foreign insurer pursuant to Section 443.051 [21A.051] on any of the
  grounds stated in that section or on the basis that:
               (1)  any of the foreign insurer's property has been
  sequestered, garnished, or seized by official action in its
  domiciliary state or in any other state;
               (2)  the foreign insurer's certificate of authority to
  do business in this state has been revoked or was never issued and
  there are residents of this state with unpaid claims or in-force
  policies; or
               (3)  initiation of the action is necessary to enforce a
  stay under Section 462.309, 463.404, or [17, Article 21.28-C,
  Section 18, Article 21.28-D, or Section] 2602.259.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Section 443.201(c) [21A.201(c)], the
  conservator shall hold and conserve the assets located in this
  state until the commissioner in the insurer's domiciliary state is
  appointed its receiver or until an order terminating conservation
  is entered under Subsection (g). Once a domiciliary receiver is
  appointed, the conservator shall turn over to the domiciliary
  receiver all property subject to an order under this section.
         (qq)  Sections 21A.402(a) and (c), Insurance Code,
  redesignated as Sections 443.402(a) and (c), Insurance Code,
  respectively, by Subsection (a)(1)(I) of this section, are amended
  to conform to the additional changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of
  this section to read as follows:
         (a)  A domiciliary receiver appointed in another state is
  vested by operation of law with title to, and may summarily take
  possession of, all property and records of the insurer in this
  state. Notwithstanding any other provision of law regarding
  special deposits, special deposits held in this state shall be,
  upon the entry of an order of liquidation with a finding of
  insolvency, distributed to the guaranty associations in this state
  as early access payments subject to Section 443.303 [21A.303], in
  relation to the lines of business for which the special deposits
  were made. The holder of any special deposit shall account to the
  domiciliary receiver for all distributions from the special deposit
  at the time of the distribution. The statutory provisions of
  another state and all orders entered by courts of competent
  jurisdiction in relation to the appointment of a domiciliary
  receiver of an insurer and any related proceedings in another state
  must be given full faith and credit in this state. For purposes of
  this section, "another state" means any state other than this
  state. This state shall treat any other state than this state as a
  reciprocal state.
         (c)  Except as provided in Subsection (a), the domiciliary
  receiver shall handle special deposits and special deposit claims
  in accordance with federal law and the statutes pursuant to which
  the special deposits are required. All amounts in excess of the
  estimated amount necessary to administer the special deposit and
  pay the unpaid special deposit claims are deemed general assets of
  the estate. If there is a deficiency in any special deposit so that
  the claims secured by the special deposit are not fully discharged
  from the deposit, the claimants may share in the general assets of
  the insurer to the extent of the deficiency at the same priority as
  other claimants in their class of priority under Section 443.301
  [21A.301], but the sharing must be deferred until the other
  claimants of their class have been paid percentages of their claims
  equal to the percentage paid from the special deposit. The intent
  of this provision is to equalize to this extent the advantage gained
  by the security provided by the special deposits.
         (rr)  Section 442.801, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 444.001, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(2) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the repeal of Article 21.28,
  Insurance Code, and the enactment of Chapter 21A, Insurance Code,
  by Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2005, and to the changes made by Subsection (a)(1) of this section
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 444.001 [442.801].  REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISION.  An
  agency contract entered into on or after August 27, 1973, by an
  insurer writing fire and casualty insurance in this state must
  contain, or shall be construed to contain, the following provision:
         Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the
  obligation of the agent to remit written premiums to the insurer
  shall be changed on the commencement of a delinquency proceeding as
  defined by Chapter 443 [442], Insurance Code, as amended. After the
  commencement of the delinquency proceeding, the obligation of the
  agent to remit premiums is limited to premiums earned before the
  cancellation date of insurance policies stated in the order of a
  court of competent jurisdiction under Chapter 443 [442], Insurance
  Code, canceling the policies. The agent does not owe and may not be
  required to remit to the insurer or to the receiver any premiums
  that are unearned as of the cancellation date stated in the order.
         (ss)  Section 442.803, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 444.003, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(2) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(2) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 444.003 [442.803].  EFFECT OF CHAPTER [SUBCHAPTER] ON
  ACTION BY RECEIVER AGAINST AGENT.  This chapter [subchapter] does
  not prejudice a cause of action by the receiver against an agent to
               (1)  unearned premiums that were not returned to
  policyholders; or
               (2)  earned premiums that were not promptly remitted to
  the receiver.
         (tt)  Section 442.804, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Section 444.004, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(2) of this
  section, is amended to conform to the additional changes made by
  Subsection (a)(2) of this section to read as follows:
         Sec. 444.004 [442.804].  AGENT NOT RECEIVER'S AGENT.  This
  chapter [subchapter] does not render the agent an agent of the
  receiver for earned or unearned premiums.
         SECTION 3B.005.  (a)  Section 462.007(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subchapter F, this chapter does
  not apply to:
               (1)  life, annuity, health, or disability insurance;
               (2)  mortgage guaranty, financial guaranty, or other
  kinds of insurance offering protection against investment risks;
               (3)  a fidelity or surety bond, or any other bonding
               (4)  credit insurance, vendors' single-interest
  insurance, collateral protection insurance, or similar insurance
  protecting a creditor's interest arising out of a creditor-debtor
               (5)  insurance of warranties or service contracts;
               (6)  title insurance;
               (7)  ocean marine insurance;
               (8)  a transaction or combination of transactions
  between a person, including an affiliate of the person, and an
  insurer, including an affiliate of the insurer, that involves the
  transfer of investment or credit risk unaccompanied by the transfer
  of insurance risk, including transactions, except for workers' 
  compensation insurance, involving captive insurers, policies in
  which deductible or self-insured retention is substantially equal
  in amount to the limit of the liability under the policy, and
  transactions in which the insured retains a substantial portion of
  the risk; or
               (9)  insurance provided by or guaranteed by government.
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which  amended former Subsection (a),
  Section 3, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.006.  (a)  Section 462.207, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  ENTITIES.  (a)  Any amount directly or indirectly due any
  reinsurer, insurer, self-insurer, insurance pool, or underwriting
  association, as a subrogation recovery, reinsurance recovery,
  contribution, or indemnification, or otherwise, is not a covered
         (b)  An impaired insurer's insured is not liable, and the
  reinsurer, insurer, self-insurer, insurance pool, or underwriting
  association is not entitled to sue or continue a suit against the
  insured, for a subrogation recovery, reinsurance recovery,
  contribution, [or] indemnification, or any other claim asserted
  directly or indirectly by a reinsurer, insurer, insurance pool, or
  underwriting association to the extent of the applicable liability
  limits of the insurance policy written and issued to the insured by
  the insolvent insurer.
         (b)  Section 3, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subdivision (8),
  Section 5, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.007.  (a)  Section 462.211, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, and Section 6.070, Chapter 265,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         Sec. 462.211.  CLAIMS NOT COVERED:  LATE FILED CLAIMS.  (a)  
  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or any other
  law to the contrary, and subject to [except as provided by]
  Subsection (b), a claim that is filed with the association on a date
  that is later than 18 months after the date of the order of
  liquidation or that is unknown  and unreported as of the date is not
  a covered claim.
         (b)  This section does not apply to a claim for workers'
  compensation benefits governed by Title 5, Labor Code, and the
  applicable rules of the commissioner of workers' compensation 
  [Texas Workers' Compensation Commission].
         (b)  Subchapter C, Chapter 462, Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 4, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 462.1121 to read as
  INSURER IN RECEIVERSHIP AUTHORIZED.  (a)  The association may bring
  an action against any third-party administrator, agent, attorney,
  or other representative of an insurer for which a receiver has been
  appointed to obtain custody and control of all information,
  including files, records, and electronic data, related to the
  insurer that is appropriate or necessary for the association, or a
  similar association in other states, to carry out its duties under
  this chapter or a similar law of another state. The association has
  the absolute right to obtain information under this section through
  emergency equitable relief, regardless of where the information is
  physically located.
         (b)  In bringing an action under this section, the
  association is not subject to any defense, possessory lien or other
  type of lien, or other legal or equitable ground for refusal to
  surrender the information that may be asserted against the receiver
  of the insurer.
         (c)  The association is entitled to an award of reasonable
  attorney's fees and costs incurred by the association in any action
  to obtain information under this section.
         (d)  The rights granted to the association under this section
  do not affect the receiver's title to information, and information
  obtained under this section remains the property of the receiver
  while in the custody of the association.
         (c)  The following are repealed:
               (1)  Section 4, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 8,
  Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, by amending Subsection (d) and
  adding Subsection (i); and
               (2)  Section 6.070, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (d), Section 8, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 3B.008.  (a)  Section 462.017(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 5, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Venue in a suit by or against the commissioner or
  association relating to an action or ruling of the commissioner or
  association under this chapter is in Travis County. The
  commissioner or association is not required to give an appeal bond
  in an appeal of a cause of action arising under this chapter.
         (b)  Section 5, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (g), Section
  10, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.009.  (a)  Sections 462.308(a) and (c),
  Insurance Code, are amended to conform to Section 6, Chapter 995,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (a)  The association is entitled to recover:
               (1)  the amount of a covered claim and the cost of
  defense paid on behalf of [under this chapter from the person on
  whose behalf the payment was made if the person is:
               [(1)]  a person:
                     (A)  who is an affiliate of the impaired insurer;
                     (B)  whose liability obligations to other persons
  are satisfied wholly or partly by payment made under this chapter;
  and [or]
               (2)  the amount of a covered claim for workers' 
  compensation insurance benefits and the costs of administration and
  defense of the claim paid under this chapter from an insured
                     [(A)]  whose net worth on December 31 of the year
  preceding the date the insurer becomes an impaired insurer exceeds
  $50 million[; and
                     [(B)     whose obligations under a liability policy
  or contract of insurance written, issued, and placed in force after
  January 1, 1992, are satisfied wholly or partly by payment made
  under this chapter].
         (c)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), an insured's net
  worth is deemed to include [includes] the aggregate net worth of the
  insured and of the insured's parent, subsidiary, and affiliated
  companies[,] computed on a consolidated basis.
         (b)  Section 6, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (b), Section
  11, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.010.  (a)  Section 462.212, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 7, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 462.212.  NET WORTH EXCLUSION.  (a)  Except for a
  workers' compensation claim governed by Title 5, Labor Code, a
  covered claim does not include, and the association is not liable
  for, any claim arising from an insurance policy of any [The
  association is not liable to pay a first-party claim of an] insured
  whose net worth on December 31 of the year preceding the date the
  insurer becomes an impaired insurer exceeds $50 million.
         (b)  For purposes of this section, an insured's net worth
  includes the aggregate net worth of the insured and of the insured's
  parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies[,] computed on a
  consolidated basis.
         (c)  This section does not apply:
               (1)  to third-party claims against an insured that has:
                     (A)  applied for or consented to the appointment
  of a receiver, trustee, or liquidator for all or a substantial part
  of the insurer's assets;
                     (B)  filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy; or
                     (C)  filed a petition or an answer seeking a
  reorganization or arrangement with creditors or to take advantage
  of any insolvency law; or
               (2)  if an order, judgment, or decree is entered by a
  court of competent jurisdiction, on the application of a creditor,
  adjudicating the insured bankrupt or insolvent or approving a
  petition seeking reorganization of the insured or of all or a
  substantial part of its assets.
         (d)  In an instance described by Subsection (c), the
  association is entitled to assert a claim in the bankruptcy or
  receivership proceeding to recover the amount of any covered claim
  and costs of defense paid on behalf of the insured.
         (e)  The association may establish procedures for requesting
  financial information from an insured or claimant on a confidential
  basis for the purpose of applying sections concerning the net worth
  of first-party and third-party claimants, subject to any
  information requested under this subsection being shared with any
  other association similar to the association and with the
  liquidator for the impaired insurer on the same confidential basis.
  If the insured or claimant refuses to provide the requested
  financial information, the association requests an auditor's
  certification of that information, and the auditor's certification
  is available but not provided, the association may deem the net
  worth of the insured or claimant to be in excess of $50 million at
  the relevant time.
         (f)  In any lawsuit contesting the applicability of Section
  462.308 or this section when the insured or claimant has declined to
  provide financial information under the procedure provided in the
  plan of operation under Section 462.103, the insured or claimant
  bears the burden of proof concerning its net worth at the relevant
  time. If the insured or claimant fails to prove that its net worth
  at the relevant time was less than the applicable amount, the court
  shall award the association its full costs, expenses, and
  reasonable attorney's fees in contesting the claim  [This section
  does not exclude the payment of a covered claim for workers'  
  compensation benefits otherwise payable under this chapter].
         (b)  Section 7, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 11A, Article
  21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.011.  (a)  Sections 462.309(c) and (e),
  Insurance Code, are amended to conform to Section 8, Chapter 995,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (c)  A deadline imposed under the Texas Rules of Civil
  Procedure or the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure is tolled
  during the stay.  Statutes of limitation or repose are not tolled
  during the stay, and any action filed during the stay is stayed upon
  the filing of the action.
         (e)  The commissioner may bring an ancillary conservation 
  [delinquency] proceeding under Section 443.401 [Sections 442.751,
  442.752, and 442.754] for the [limited] purpose of determining the
  application, enforcement, and extension of the stay to an impaired
  insurer that is not domiciled in this state.
         (b)  Section 8, Chapter 995, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (a), Section
  17, Article 21.28-C, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.012.  (a)  The heading to Chapter 463, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 9, Chapter 753, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Section 463.001, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 9, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 463.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as
  the Texas Life, Accident, Health, and Hospital Service Insurance
  Guaranty Association Act.
         SECTION 3B.013.  (a)  Section 463.003, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Sections 2 and 3, Chapter 753, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, and to more closely
  conform to the source law from which the section was derived, to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 463.003.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Association" means the Texas Life, Accident,
  Health, and Hospital Service Insurance Guaranty Association.
               (1-a)  "Benefit plan" means a specific employee, union,
  or association of natural persons benefit plan.
               (2)  "Board" means the board of directors of the
               (3)  "Contractual obligation" means an obligation
  under a policy or contract or certificate under a group policy or
  contract, or part of a policy or contract or certificate, for which
  coverage is provided under Subchapter E.
               (4)  "Covered policy" means a policy or contract, or
  portion of a policy or contract, with respect to which this chapter
  provides coverage as determined under Subchapter E.
               (5)  "Impaired insurer" means a member insurer that is
  designated an "impaired insurer" by the commissioner and is:
                     (A)  [is] placed by a court in this state or
  another state under an order of supervision, liquidation,
  rehabilitation, or conservation [under Chapter 441 or 442 and is
  designated by the commissioner as an impaired insurer]; [or]
                     (B)  placed under an order of liquidation or
  rehabilitation under Chapter 443; or
                     (C)  placed under an order of supervision or
  conservation by the commissioner under Chapter 441 [is determined
  in good faith by the commissioner to be unable or potentially unable
  to fulfill the insurer's contractual obligations].
               (6)  "Insolvent insurer" means a member insurer that[:
                     [(A)] has been placed under an order of
  liquidation with a finding of insolvency by a court in this state or
  another state [a minimum free surplus, if a mutual insurance
  company, or required capital, if a stock insurance company, that is
  impaired to an extent prohibited by law; and
                     [(B)     the commissioner designates as an insolvent
               (7)  "Member insurer" means an insurer that is required
  to participate in the association under Section 463.052.
               (7-a)  "Owner" means the owner of a policy or contract
  and "policy owner" and "contract owner" mean the person who is
  identified as the legal owner under the terms of the policy or
  contract or who is otherwise vested with legal title to the policy
  or contract through a valid assignment completed in accordance with
  the terms of the policy or contract and is properly recorded as the
  owner on the books of the insurer. The terms "owner," "contract
  owner," and "policy owner" do not include persons with a mere
  beneficial interest in a policy or contract.
               (8)  "Person" means an individual, corporation,
  limited liability company, partnership, association, governmental
  body or entity, or voluntary organization.
               (8-a)  "Plan sponsor" means:
                     (A)  the employer in the case of a benefit plan
  established or maintained by a single employer;
                     (B)  the employee organization in the case of a
  benefit plan established or maintained by an employee organization;
                     (C)  in a case of a benefit plan established or
  maintained by two or more employers or jointly by one or more
  employers and one or more employee organizations, the association,
  committee, joint board of trustees, or other similar group of
  representatives of the parties who establish or maintain the
  benefit plan.
               (9)  "Premium" means an amount received on a covered
  policy, less any premium, consideration, or deposit returned on the
  policy, and any dividend or experience credit on the policy.  The
  term does not include:
                     (A)  an amount received for a policy or contract
  or part of a policy or contract for which coverage is not provided
  under Section 463.202, except that assessable premiums may not be
  reduced because of:
                           (i)  an interest limitation provided by
  Section 463.203(b)(3); or
                           (ii)  a limitation provided by Section
  463.204 with respect to a single individual, participant,
  annuitant, or contract owner [holder];
                     (B)  premiums in excess of $5 million on an
  unallocated annuity contract not issued under a governmental
  benefit  [retirement] plan established under Section 401, 403(b),
  or 457, Internal Revenue Code of 1986; [or]
                     (C)  premiums received from the state treasury or
  the United States treasury for insurance for which this state or the
  United States contracts to:
                           (i)  provide welfare benefits to designated
  welfare recipients; or
                           (ii)  implement Title 2, Human Resources
  Code, or the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 301 et seq.); or
                     (D)  premiums in excess of $5 million with respect
  to multiple nongroup policies of life insurance owned by one owner,
  regardless of whether the policy owner is an individual, firm,
  corporation, or other person and regardless of whether the persons
  insured are officers, managers, employees, or other persons,
  regardless of the number of policies or contracts held by the owner.
               (10)  "Resident" means a person who resides in this
  state on the earlier of the date a member insurer becomes an
  impaired insurer or the date of entry of a court order that
  determines a member insurer to be an impaired insurer or the date of
  entry of a court order that determines a member insurer to be an
  insolvent insurer and to whom the [at the time a] member insurer
  [that] owes a contractual obligation [to the person is determined
  to be impaired or insolvent]. For the purposes of this subdivision:
                     (A)  a person is considered to be a resident of
  only one state; [and]
                     (B)  a person other than an individual is
  considered to be a resident of the state in which the person's
  principal place of business is located; and
                     (C)  a United States citizen who is either a
  resident of a foreign country or a resident of a United States
  possession, territory, or protectorate that does not have an
  association similar to the association created by this chapter is
  considered a resident of the state of domicile of the insurer that
  issued the policy or contract.
               (10-a)  "Structured settlement annuity" means an
  annuity purchased to fund periodic payments for a plaintiff or
  other claimant in payment for or with respect to personal injury
  suffered by the plaintiff or other claimant.
               (11)  "Supplemental contract" means a written [an]
  agreement for the distribution of policy or contract proceeds.
               (12)  "Unallocated annuity contract" means an annuity
  contract or group annuity certificate that is not issued to and
  owned by an individual, except to the extent of any annuity benefits
  guaranteed to an individual by an insurer under the contract or
         (b)  Subchapter A, Chapter 463, Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 3, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 463.0031 to read as
  PLAN SPONSOR OR OTHER PERSON.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by
  this section, in this chapter, the "principal place of business" of
  a plan sponsor or a person other than an individual means the single
  state in which the individuals who establish policy for the
  direction, control, and coordination of the operations of the plan
  sponsor or person as a whole primarily exercise that function, as
  determined by the association in its reasonable judgment by
  considering the following factors:
               (1)  the state in which the primary executive and
  administrative headquarters of the plan sponsor or person is
               (2)  the state in which the principal office of the
  chief executive officer of the plan sponsor or person is located;
               (3)  the state in which the board of directors, or
  similar governing person or persons, of the plan sponsor or person
  conduct the majority of their meetings;
               (4)  the state in which the executive or management
  committee of the board of directors, or similar governing person or
  persons, of the plan sponsor or person conduct the majority of their
               (5)  the state from which the management of the overall
  operations of the plan sponsor or person is directed; and
               (6)  in the case of a benefit plan sponsored by
  affiliated companies comprising a consolidated corporation, the
  state in which the holding company or controlling affiliate has its
  principal place of business as determined using the factors
  described by Subdivisions (1)-(5).
         (b)  In the case of a plan sponsor, if more than 50 percent of
  the participants in the benefit plan are employed in a single state,
  that state is the principal place of business of the plan sponsor.
         (c)  The principal place of business of a plan sponsor of a
  benefit plan described in Section 463.003(8-a)(C) is the principal
  place of business of the association, committee, joint board of
  trustees, or other similar group of representatives of the parties
  who establish or maintain the benefit plan that, in lieu of a
  specific or clear designation of a principal place of business,
  shall be deemed to be the principal place of business of the
  employer or employee organization that has the largest investment
  in that benefit plan.
         (c)  Section 463.052(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 2, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  The following do not participate as member insurers:
               (1)  a health maintenance organization;
               (2)  a fraternal benefit society;
               (3)  a mandatory state pooling plan;
               (4)  a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange; [and]
               (5)  an organization which has a certificate of
  authority or license limited to the issuance of charitable gift
  annuities, as defined by this code or rules adopted by the
  commissioner; and
               (6)  an entity similar to an entity described by
  Subdivision (1), (2), (3), [or] (4), or (5).
         (d)  Section 463.204, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 2, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 463.204.  OBLIGATIONS EXCLUDED.  A contractual
  obligation does not include:
               (1)  death benefits in an amount in excess of $300,000
  or a net cash surrender or net cash withdrawal value in an amount in
  excess of $100,000 [in the aggregate] under one or more policies on
  a single life;
               (2)  an amount in excess of:
                     (A)  $100,000 in the present value [aggregate]
  under one or more annuity contracts issued with respect to a single
  life under [to the same holder of] individual annuity policies or
  [to the same annuitant or participant under] group annuity
  policies; or
                     (B)  $5 million in unallocated annuity contract
  benefits with respect to a single contract owner [holder]
  regardless of the number of those contracts;
               (3)  an amount in excess of the following amounts,
  including any net cash surrender or cash withdrawal values, 
  [$200,000 in the aggregate] under one or more accident, health,
  [or] accident and health, or long-term care insurance policies on a
  single life:
                     (A)  $500,000 for basic hospital,
  medical-surgical, or major medical insurance, as those terms are
  defined by this code or rules adopted by the commissioner;
                     (B)  $300,000 for disability and long-term care
  insurance, as those terms are defined by this code or rules adopted
  by the commissioner; or
                     (C)  $200,000 for coverages that are not defined
  as basic hospital, medical-surgical, major medical, disability, or
  long-term care insurance;
               (4)  an amount in excess of $100,000 in present value
  annuity benefits, in the aggregate, including any net cash
  surrender and net cash withdrawal values, with respect to each
  individual participating in a governmental retirement benefit plan
  established under Section 401, 403(b), or 457, Internal Revenue
  Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sections 401, 403(b), and 457), covered by
  an unallocated annuity contract or the beneficiary or beneficiaries
  of the individual if the individual is deceased;
               (5)  an amount in excess of $100,000 in present value
  annuity benefits, in the aggregate, including any net cash
  surrender and net cash withdrawal values, with respect to each
  payee of a structured settlement annuity or the beneficiary or
  beneficiaries of the payee if the payee is deceased;
               (6)  aggregate benefits in an amount in excess of
  $300,000 with respect to a single life, except with respect to:
                     (A)  benefits paid under basic hospital,
  medical-surgical, or major medical insurance policies, described
  by Subdivision (3)(A), in which case the aggregate benefits are
  $500,000; and
                     (B)  benefits paid to one owner of multiple
  nongroup policies of life insurance, whether the policy owner is an
  individual, firm, corporation, or other person, and whether the
  persons insured are officers, managers, employees, or other
  persons, in which case the maximum benefits are $5 million
  regardless of the number of policies and contracts held by the
               (7)  an amount in excess of $5 million in benefits, with
  respect to either one plan sponsor whose plans own directly or in
  trust one or more unallocated annuity contracts not included in
  Subdivision (4) irrespective of the number of contracts with
  respect to the contract owner or plan sponsor or one contract owner
  provided coverage under Section 463.201(a)(3)(B), except that, if
  one or more unallocated annuity contracts are covered contracts
  under this chapter and are owned by a trust or other entity for the
  benefit of two or more plan sponsors, coverage shall be afforded by
  the association if the largest interest in the trust or entity
  owning the contract or contracts is held by a plan sponsor whose
  principal place of business is in this state, and in no event shall
  the association be obligated to cover more than $5 million in
  benefits with respect to all these unallocated contracts;
               (8)  any contractual obligations of the insolvent or
  impaired insurer under a covered policy or contract that do not
  materially affect the economic value of economic benefits of the
  covered policy or contract; or
               (9) [(4)]  punitive, exemplary, extracontractual, or
  bad faith damages, regardless of whether the damages are:
                     (A)  agreed to or assumed by an insurer or
  insured; or
                     (B)  imposed by a court.
         (e)  The following are repealed:
               (1)  Section 2, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 5,
  Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code, by amending Subdivisions (2), (3),
  (4), (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (11), and (12) and adding
  Subdivisions (2-a), (8-a), (9-a), and (11-a); and
               (2)  Section 3, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 5A to
  former Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 3B.014.  (a)  Section 463.051(a), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  The Texas Life, Accident, Health, and Hospital Service
  Insurance Guaranty Association is a nonprofit legal entity existing
  to pay benefits and continue coverage as provided by this chapter.
         (b)  Section 4, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (a), Section
  6, Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.015.  (a)  Section 463.101(a), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  The association may:
               (1)  enter into contracts as necessary or proper to
  carry out this chapter and the purposes of this chapter;
               (2)  sue or be sued, including taking:
                     (A)  necessary or proper legal action to:
                           (i)  recover an unpaid assessment under
  Subchapter D; or
                           (ii)  settle a claim or potential claim
  against the association; or
                     (B)  necessary legal action to avoid payment of an
  improper claim;
               (3)  borrow money to effect the purposes of this
               (4)  exercise, for the purposes of this chapter and to
  the extent approved by the commissioner, the powers of a domestic
  life, accident, or health insurance company or a group hospital
  service corporation, except that the association may not issue an
  insurance policy or annuity contract other than to perform the
  association's obligations under this chapter; [and]
               (5)  to further the association's purposes, exercise
  the association's powers, and perform the association's duties,
  join an organization of one or more state associations that have
  similar purposes;
               (6)  request information from a person seeking coverage
  from the association in determining its obligations under this
  chapter with respect to the person, and the person shall promptly
  comply with the request; and
               (7)  take any other necessary or appropriate action to
  discharge the association's duties and obligations under this
  chapter or to exercise the association's powers under this chapter.
         (b)  Subchapter E, Chapter 463, Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 463.206 to read as
  BENEFITS.  (a)  The board shall have discretion and may exercise
  reasonable business judgment to determine the means by which the
  association is to provide the benefits of this chapter in an
  economical and efficient manner.
         (b)  If the association arranges or offers to provide the
  benefits of this chapter to a covered person under a plan or
  arrangement that fulfills the association's obligations under this
  chapter, the person is not entitled to benefits from the
  association in addition to or other than those provided under the
  plan or arrangement.
         (c)  Section 463.259, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 463.259.  PREMIUM DUE DURING RECEIVERSHIP. After a
  court enters an order of receivership with respect to an impaired or 
  insolvent insurer, a premium due for coverage issued by the insurer
  is owned by and is payable at the direction of the association. The
  association is liable for an unearned premium owed to a policy or
  contract owner that arises after the court enters the order.
         (d)  Section 463.261, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows:
         (d)  The rights of the association under Subsection (c)
  include, in the case of a structured settlement annuity, any rights
  of the owner, beneficiary, or payee of the annuity, to the extent of
  benefits received under this chapter, against any person originally
  or by succession responsible for the losses arising from the
  personal injury relating to the annuity or payment for the annuity,
  other than a person responsible solely by reason of serving as an
  assignee in respect of a qualified assignment under Section 130,
  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 130).
         (e)  If a provision of this section is invalid or ineffective
  with respect to any person or claim for any reason, the amount
  payable by the association with respect to the related covered
  obligations is reduced by the amount realized by any other person
  with respect to the person or claim that is attributable to the
  policies, or portion of the policies, covered by the association.
  If the association has provided benefits with respect to a covered
  obligation and a person recovers amounts as to which the
  association has rights described in this section, the person shall
  pay to the association the portion of the recovery attributable to
  the policies, or portion of the policies, covered by the
         (e)  Subchapter F, Chapter 463, Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 463.263 to read as
         Sec. 463.263.  DEPOSIT TO BE PAID TO ASSOCIATION.  (a)  A
  deposit in this state, held under law or required by the
  commissioner for the benefit of creditors, including policy owners,
  that is not turned over to the domiciliary receiver on the entry of
  a final order of liquidation or order approving a rehabilitation
  plan of an insurer domiciled in this state or a reciprocal state in
  accordance with Section 443.402 shall be promptly paid to the
         (b)  The association is entitled to retain a portion of any
  amount paid to the association under this section equal to the
  percentage determined by dividing the aggregate amount of policy
  owners' claims related to that insolvency for which the association
  has provided statutory benefits by the aggregate amount of all
  policy owners' claims in this state related to that insolvency and
  shall remit to the domiciliary receiver the amount paid to the
  association and retained under this section.
         (c)  The amount paid to the association under this section,
  less the amount retained by the association under this section, is
  treated as a distribution of estate assets under Section 443.303 or
  the similar law of the state of domicile of the impaired or
  insolvent insurer.
         (f)  Section 5, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 8, Article
  21.28-D, Insurance Code, by amending Subsections (e), (n), and (v)
  and adding Subsections (u-1), (u-2), (u-3), (x), and (y), is
         SECTION 3B.016.  (a)  Section 463.151, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 6, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by amending Subsection (a) and
  adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a)  The association shall assess member insurers,
  separately for each account under Section 463.105, in the amounts
  and at the times the board determines necessary to provide money for
  the association to exercise the association's powers, perform the
  association's duties, and carry out the purposes of this chapter.
  The association may not authorize and call [make] an assessment to
  meet the requirements of the association with respect to an
  impaired or insolvent insurer until the assessment is necessary to
  carry out the purposes of this chapter. The board shall classify
  assessments under Section 463.152 and determine the amount of
  assessments with reasonable accuracy, recognizing that exact
  determinations may not always be possible.
         (a-1)  The association shall notify each member insurer of
  its anticipated pro rata share of an authorized assessment not yet
  called not later than the 180th day after the date the assessment is
         (b)  Section 463.152, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, by amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding
  Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (b)  Class A assessments are authorized and called [made] to
               (1)  the association's administrative costs;
               (2)  administrative expenses that:
                     (A)  are properly incurred under this chapter; and
                     (B)  relate to an unauthorized insurer or to an
  entity that is not a member insurer; and
               (3)  other general expenses not related to a particular
  impaired or insolvent insurer.
         (c)  Class B assessments are authorized and called [made] to
  the extent necessary for the association to carry out the
  association's powers and duties under Sections 463.101, 463.103,
  463.109, and 463.111(c) and Subchapter F with regard to an impaired
  or insolvent insurer.
         (d)  For purposes of this section, an assessment is
  authorized at the time a resolution by the board is passed under
  which an assessment will be called immediately or in the future from
  member insurers for a specified amount and an assessment is called
  at the time a notice has been issued by the association to member
  insurers requiring that an authorized assessment be paid within a
  period stated in the notice. An authorized assessment becomes a
  called assessment at the time notice is mailed by the association to
  member insurers.
         (c)  Sections 463.153(b) and (c), Insurance Code, are
  amended to conform to Section 6, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Class B assessments against a member insurer for each
  account under Section 463.105 shall be authorized and called [made]
  in the proportion that the premiums received on [all] business in
  this state by the insurer on policies or contracts covered by each
  account for the three most recent calendar years for which
  information is available preceding the year in which the insurer
  became impaired or insolvent bear to [the] premiums received on
  [all] business in this state for those calendar years by all
  assessed member insurers.  The amount of a Class B assessment shall
  be allocated [divided] among the separate accounts in accordance
  with an allocation formula that may be based on:
               (1)  the premiums or reserves of the impaired or
  insolvent insurer; or
               (2)  any other standard deemed by the board in the
  board's sole discretion as being fair and reasonable under the
  circumstances [the proportion that the premiums on the policies
  covered by each account were received by the impaired or insolvent
  insurer from all covered policies during the year preceding the
  date of the impairment, as shown in the annual statements for the
  year preceding the date of the assessment].
         (c)  The total amount of assessments on a member insurer for
  each account under Section 463.105 may not exceed two [one] percent
  of the insurer's premiums on the policies covered by the account
  during the three [in a single] calendar years preceding the year in
  which the insurer became an impaired or insolvent insurer.  If two
  or more assessments are authorized in a calendar year with respect
  to insurers that become impaired or insolvent in different calendar
  years, the average annual premiums for purposes of the aggregate
  assessment percentage limitation described by this subsection
  shall be equal to the higher of the three-year average annual
  premiums for the applicable subaccount or account as computed in
  accordance with this section [year]. If the maximum assessment and
  the other assets of the association do not provide in a year an
  amount sufficient to carry out the association's responsibilities,
  the association shall make necessary additional assessments as soon
  as this chapter permits.
         (d)  Section 6, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 9, Article
  21.28-D, Insurance Code, by amending Subsections (b), (d), (f),
  (g), and (h) and adding Subsection (b-1), is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.017.  (a)  Section 463.161(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 7, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  A member insurer is entitled to show as an admitted
  asset a certificate of contribution in the form the commissioner
  approves under Section 463.156. Unless the commissioner requires a
  longer period, the certificate may be shown at:
               (1)  for the calendar year of issuance, an amount equal
  to the certificate's original face value approved by the
  commissioner; and
               (2)  beginning with the year following the calendar
  year of issuance, an amount equal to the certificate's original
  face value, reduced by 20 [10] percent a year for each year after
  the year of issuance, for a period of five [10] years.
         (b)  Section 7, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (a), Section
  (13), Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.018.  (a)  Section 463.201, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, and to conform more closely to
  the source law from which the section was derived to read as
         Sec. 463.201.  INSUREDS COVERED. (a) Subject to Subsections
  (b) and (c), this [This] chapter provides coverage for a policy or
  contract described by Section 463.202 to a person who is:
               (1)  a person, other than a certificate holder under a
  group policy or contract who is not a resident, who is a
  beneficiary, assignee, or payee of a person described by
  Subdivision (2);
               (2)  a person who is [subject to Subsection (b),] an
  owner of or certificate holder under a policy or contract specified
  by Section 463.202, other than [or a contract holder under] an
  unallocated annuity contract or structured settlement annuity, and
  who is:
                     (A)  a resident; or
                     (B)  not a resident, but only under all of the
  following conditions:
                           (i)  the insurers that issued the policies
  or contracts are domiciled in this state;
                           (ii)  the state in which the person resides
  has an association similar to the association; and
                           (iii)  the person is not eligible for
  coverage by an association in any other state because the insurer
  was not licensed in the state at the time specified in that state's
  guaranty association law;
               (3)  a person who is the owner of an unallocated annuity
  contract issued to or in connection with:
                     (A)  a benefit plan whose plan sponsor has the
  sponsor's principal place of business in this state; or
                     (B)  a government lottery, if the owner is a
  resident; or
               (4)  a person who is the payee under a structured
  settlement annuity, or beneficiary of the payee if the payee is
  deceased, if:
                     (A)  the payee is a resident, regardless of where
  the contract owner resides;
                     (B)  the payee is not a resident, the contract
  owner of the structured settlement annuity is a resident, and the
  payee is not eligible for coverage by the association in the state
  in which the payee resides; or
                     (C)  the payee and the contract owner are not
  residents, the insurer that issued the structured settlement
  annuity is domiciled in this state, the state in which the contract
  owner resides has an association similar to the association, and
  neither the payee or, if applicable, the payee's beneficiary, nor
  the contract owner is eligible for coverage by the association in
  the state in which the payee or contract owner resides [(2) a
  beneficiary, assignee, or payee, other than a certificate holder
  under a group policy or contract who is not a resident, of a person
  described by Subdivision (1)].
         (b)  This chapter does not provide coverage to:
               (1)  a person who is a payee or the beneficiary of a
  payee with respect to a contract the owner of which is a resident of
  this state, if the payee or the payee's beneficiary is afforded any
  coverage by the association of another state; or
               (2)  a person otherwise described by Subsection (a)(3),
  if any coverage is provided by the association of another state to
  that person.
         (c)  This chapter is intended to provide coverage to persons
  who are residents of this state, and in those limited circumstances
  as described in this chapter, to nonresidents. In order to avoid
  duplicate coverage, if a person who would otherwise receive
  coverage under this chapter is provided coverage under the laws of
  any other state, the person may not be provided coverage under this
  chapter. In determining the application of the provisions of this
  subsection in situations in which a person could be covered by the
  association of more than one state, whether as an owner, payee,
  beneficiary, or assignee, this chapter shall be construed in
  conjunction with other state laws to result in coverage by only one
  association.  [Coverage under Subsection (a)(1) applies to a person
  who is not a resident, only if:
               [(1)     the insurer that issued the policy or contract is
  domiciled in this state;
               [(2)     the insurer never held a certificate of authority
  in the state in which the person resides;
               [(3)     the state in which the person resides has an
  association similar to the association; and
               [(4)     the person is not eligible for coverage by the
  association in the state in which the person resides.]
         (b)  Sections 463.202(a) and (c), Insurance Code, are
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as limited by this chapter, the coverage provided
  by this chapter to a person specified by Section 463.201, subject to
  Sections 463.201(b) and (c), applies with respect to the following
  policies and contracts issued by a member insurer:
               (1)  a direct, nongroup life, health, accident,
  annuity, or supplemental policy or contract;
               (2)  a certificate under a direct group policy or
               (3)  a group hospital service contract; and
               (4)  an unallocated annuity contract.
         (c)  For the purposes of this section, an annuity contract or
  a certificate under a group annuity contract includes:
               (1)  a guaranteed investment contract;
               (2)  a deposit administration contract;
               (3)  an allocated or unallocated funding agreement;
               (4)  a structured settlement annuity [agreement];
               (5)  an annuity issued to or in connection with a
  government lottery [a lottery contract]; and
               (6)  an immediate or deferred annuity contract.
         (c)  Section 463.203, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c)
  to read as follows:
         (b)  This chapter does not provide coverage for:
               (1)  any part of a policy or contract not guaranteed by
  the insurer or under which the risk is borne by the policy or
  contract owner [holder];
               (2)  a policy or contract of reinsurance, unless an
  assumption certificate has been issued;
               (3)  any part of a policy or contract to the extent that
  the rate of interest on which that part is based:
                     (A)  as averaged over the period of four years
  before the date the member insurer becomes impaired or insolvent
  under this chapter, whichever is earlier [association became
  obligated with respect to the policy or contract], exceeds a rate of
  interest determined by subtracting two percentage points from
  Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average averaged for the same
  four-year period or for a lesser period if the policy or contract
  was issued less than four years before the date the member insurer
  becomes impaired or insolvent under this chapter, whichever is
  earlier [association became obligated]; and
                     (B)  on and after the date the member insurer
  becomes impaired or insolvent under this chapter, whichever is
  earlier [association became obligated with respect to the policy or
  contract], exceeds the rate of interest determined by subtracting
  three percentage points from Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average
  as most recently available;
               (4)  a portion of a policy or contract issued to a plan
  or program of an employer, association, [or] similar entity, or
  other person to provide life, health, or annuity benefits to the
  entity's employees, [or] members, or others, to the extent that the
  plan or program is self-funded or uninsured, including benefits
  payable by an employer, association, or similar entity under:
                     (A)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement as
  defined by Section 3, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
  1974 (29 U.S.C. Section 1002);
                     (B)  a minimum premium group insurance plan;
                     (C)  a stop-loss group insurance plan; or
                     (D)  an administrative services-only contract;
               (5)  any part of a policy or contract to the extent that
  the part provides dividends, [or] experience rating credits, or
  voting rights, or provides that fees or allowances be paid to any
  person, including the policy or contract owner [holder], in
  connection with the service to or administration of the policy or
               (6)  a policy or contract issued in this state by a
  member insurer at a time the insurer was not authorized to issue the
  policy or contract in this state;
               (7)  an unallocated annuity contract issued to or in
  connection with a [an employee] benefit plan protected under the
  federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, regardless of
  whether the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has not yet become
  liable to make any payments with respect to the benefit plan;
               (8)  any part of an unallocated annuity contract that
  is not issued to or in connection with a specific employee, a
  benefit plan for a union or association of individuals, or a
  governmental lottery; [or]
               (9)  any part of a financial guarantee, funding
  agreement, or guaranteed investment contract that:
                     (A)  does not contain a mortality guarantee; and
                     (B)  is not issued to or in connection with a
  specific employee, a benefit plan, or a governmental lottery;
               (10)  a part of a policy or contract to the extent that
  the assessments required by Subchapter D with respect to the policy
  or contract are preempted by federal or state law;
               (11)  a contractual agreement that established the
  member insurer's obligations to provide a book value accounting
  guaranty for defined contribution benefit plan participants by
  reference to a portfolio of assets that is owned by the benefit plan
  or the plan's trustee in a case in which neither the benefit plan
  sponsor nor its trustee is an affiliate of the member insurer; or
               (12)  a part of a policy or contract to the extent the
  policy or contract provides for interest or other changes in value
  that are to be determined by the use of an index or external
  reference stated in the policy or contract, but that have not been
  credited to the policy or contract, or as to which the policy or
  contract owner's rights are subject to forfeiture, as of the date
  the member insurer becomes an impaired or insolvent insurer under
  this chapter, whichever date is earlier, subject to Subsection (c).
         (c)  For purposes of determining the values that have been
  credited and are not subject to forfeiture as described by
  Subsection (b)(12), if a policy's or contract's interest or changes
  in value are credited less frequently than annually, the interest
  or change in value determined by using the procedures defined in the
  policy or contract is credited as if the contractual date of
  crediting interest or changing values is the earlier of the date of
  impairment or the date of insolvency, and is not subject to
         (d)  Section 463.260(a), Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  The association is not liable for benefits that exceed
  the contractual obligations for which the insurer is liable or
  would have been liable if not impaired or insolvent.  The
  association has no obligation to provide benefits outside the
  express written terms of the policy or contract, including:
               (1)  claims based on marketing materials;
               (2)  claims based on side letters, riders, or other
  documents that were issued without meeting applicable policy form
  filing or approval requirements;
               (3)  claims based on misrepresentation of or regarding
  policy benefits;
               (4)  extracontractual claims; or
               (5)  claims for penalties or consequential or
  incidental damages.
         (e)  Subchapter F, Chapter 463, Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 463.262 to read as
  limitations set forth in this chapter are limitations on the
  benefits for which the association is obligated before taking into
  account either the association's subrogation and assignment rights
  or the extent to which those benefits could be provided out of the
  assets of the impaired or insolvent insurer attributable to covered
         (b)  The costs of the association's obligations under this
  chapter may be met by the use of assets attributable to covered
  policies or reimbursed to the association pursuant to the
  association's subrogation and assignment rights.
         (f)  Section 1, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 3, Article
  21.28-D, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.019.  (a)  Section 463.302(d), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 8, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (d)  The maximum amount recoverable under Subsections (b)
  and (c) is the amount needed in excess of all other available assets
  of the impaired or insolvent insurer to pay the insurer's
  contractual obligations.
         (b)  Section 463.304, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 8, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  OR INSOLVENT INSURER.  In making an equitable distribution of the
  ownership rights of an impaired or insolvent insurer before the
  termination of a receivership, the court:
               (1)  shall consider the welfare of the policyholders of
  the continuing or successor insurer; and
               (2)  may consider the contributions of the respective
  parties, including the association, the shareholders and
  policyholders of the impaired or insolvent insurer, and any other
  party with a bona fide interest.
         (c)  Section 8, Chapter 753, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsections (d) and
  (i), Section 14, Article 21.28-D, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.020.  (a) Article 21.79H, Insurance Code, is
  transferred to Chapter 542, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Subchapter G of that chapter, and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 542.301.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER [Art.   21.79H.
  [article] applies to any insurer that delivers, issues for
  delivery, or renews a private passenger automobile insurance policy
  in this state, including a county mutual, a reciprocal or
  interinsurance exchange, or a Lloyd's plan.
         Sec. 542.302.  RECOVERY IN SUIT OR OTHER ACTION. [(b)]  An
  insurer that brings suit or takes other action described by Section
  542.202 [of this code] against a responsible third party relating
  to a loss that is covered under a private passenger automobile
  insurance policy issued by the insurer and for which the
  responsible third party is uninsured is entitled to recover, in
  addition to payments made by the insurer or insured, the costs of
  bringing the suit or taking the action, including reasonable
  attorney's fees and court costs.
         (b)  For organizational purposes, the heading to Subchapter
  E, Chapter 542, Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3B.021.  (a)  Section 544.303, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 149, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  not make an underwriting decision regarding a residential property
  insurance policy based on previous mold damage or a claim for mold
  damage if:
               (1)  the applicant for insurance coverage has property
  eligible for coverage under a residential property policy;
               (2)  the property has had mold damage;
               (3)  mold remediation has been performed on the
  property; and
               (4)  the property was:
                     (A)  remediated, as evidenced by a certificate of
  mold remediation issued to the property owner under Section
  1958.154, Occupations Code, that establishes with reasonable
  certainty that the underlying cause of the mold at the property has
  been remediated; or
                     (B)  inspected by an independent assessor or
  adjustor who determined, based on the inspection, that the property
  does not contain evidence of mold damage.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 149, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 3, Article
  21.21-11, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.022.  (a)  Section 544.352, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 528, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, and further amended to read as
         Sec. 544.352.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Appliance" means a household device operated by
  gas or electric current, including hoses directly attached to the
  device. The term includes air conditioning units, heating units,
  refrigerators, dishwashers, icemakers, clothes washers, water
  heaters, and disposals.
               (2)  "Insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal
  or interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company, capital
  stock company, county mutual insurance company, farm mutual
  insurance company, association, Lloyd's plan, or other entity
  writing residential property insurance in this state. The term
  includes an affiliate, as described by Section 823.003(a), if that
  affiliate is authorized to write and is writing residential
  property insurance in this state. The term does not include:
                     (A)  the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
  created and operated under Chapter 2210 [Article 21.49]; or
                     (B)  the FAIR Plan created and operated under
  Chapter 2211 [Article 21.49A].
               (3) [(2)]  "Residential property insurance" means
  insurance against loss to residential real property at a fixed
  location or tangible personal property provided in a homeowners
  policy, which includes a tenant policy, a condominium owners
  policy, or a residential fire and allied lines policy.
               (4) [(3)]  "Underwriting guideline" means a rule,
  standard, guideline, or practice, whether written, oral, or
  electronic, that is used by an insurer or an agent of an insurer to:
                     (A)  decide whether to accept or reject an
  application for a residential property insurance policy; or
                     (B)  determine how to classify the risks that are
  accepted for the purpose of determining a rate.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 528, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Subdivision (4) to former
  Section 2, Article 5.35-4, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.023.  (a)  Chapter 544, Insurance Code, is
  amended to codify Article 21.53X, Insurance Code, as added by
  Section 8, Chapter 97, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, by adding Subchapter J and is further amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 544.451.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "health
  benefit plan" means a plan that provides benefits for medical,
  surgical, or other treatment expenses incurred as a result of a
  health condition, a mental health condition, an accident, sickness,
  or substance abuse, including an individual, group, blanket, or
  franchise insurance policy or insurance agreement, a group hospital
  service contract, or an individual or group evidence of coverage or
  similar coverage document. The term includes:
               (1)  a small employer health benefit plan or a health
  benefit plan written to provide coverage with a cooperative under
  Chapter 1501;
               (2)  a standard health benefit plan offered under
  Subchapter A or Subchapter B, Chapter 1507; and
               (3)  a health benefit plan offered under Chapter 1551,
  1575, 1579, or 1601.
         Sec. 544.452.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to any entity that offers a health benefit plan or an
  annuity or life insurance policy or contract in this state,
               (1)  a stock or mutual life, health, or accident
  insurance company;
               (2)  a group hospital service corporation operating
  under Chapter 842;
               (3)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
               (4)  a stipulated premium insurance company operating
  under Chapter 884;
               (5)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941;
               (6)  an exchange operating under Chapter 942;
               (7)  a health maintenance organization operating under
  Chapter 843;
               (8)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that holds
  a certificate of authority under Chapter 846;
               (9)  an approved nonprofit health corporation that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844;
               (10)  a statewide mutual assessment company operating
  under Chapter 881;
               (11)  a local mutual aid association operating under
  Chapter 886; and
               (12)  a local mutual burial association operating under
  Chapter 888.
         Sec. 544.453.  PROHIBITION. An entity that offers a health
  benefit plan or an annuity or life insurance policy or contract may
  not use the fact that a person has been exposed to asbestos fibers
  or silica or has filed a claim governed by Chapter 90, Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, to reject, deny, limit, cancel, refuse
  to renew, increase the premiums for, or otherwise adversely affect
  the person's eligibility for or coverage under the policy or
         (b)  Article 21.53X, Insurance Code, as added by Section 8,
  Chapter 97, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, is
         SECTION 3B.024.  Section 551.004, Insurance Code, is amended
  to correct references to read as follows:
  For purposes of this chapter and Subchapters C and D, Chapter 1952
  [Articles 5.06-1 and 5.06-3 of this code], the transfer of a
  policyholder between admitted companies within the same insurance
  group is not considered a refusal to renew.
         SECTION 3B.0245.  (a)  Subchapter A, Chapter 551, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to the enactment of Article 21.49-2V,
  Insurance Code, by Section 8.02, Chapter 206, Acts of the 78th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, by adding Section 551.005 to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 551.005.  MEMBERSHIP DUES. (a) In this section,
  "insurer" includes a county mutual insurance company, a Lloyd's
  plan, and a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange.
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by law, an insurer may
  require that membership dues in its sponsoring organization be paid
  as a condition for issuance or renewal of a policy.
         (b)  Article 21.49-2V, Insurance Code, as added by Section
  8.02, Chapter 206, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2003, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.025.  Section 843.318(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter and this code do not prohibit a physician
  or provider who is participating in a health maintenance
  organization delivery network, whether by contracting with a health
  maintenance organization under Section 843.101 or by
  subcontracting with a physician or provider in the health
  maintenance organization delivery network, from entering into a
  contractual arrangement [authorized by this section] within a
  health maintenance organization delivery network described by
  Subsections (b)-(e).
         SECTION 3B.026.   Section 941.003(b), Insurance Code, as
  amended by Chapters 631 and 1295, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, is reenacted and is amended to correct
  references to read as follows:
         (b)  A Lloyd's plan is subject to:
               (1)  Subchapter [Section 5, Article 1.10;
               [(2)  Article 1.15A;
               [(3)  Subchapters] A, [Q, T, and U,] Chapter 5, Chapter
  254, Subchapters A and B, Chapter 1806, and Subtitle C, Title 10;
               (2) [(4)] Articles [5.20,] 5.35, [5.38,] 5.39, and
               (3) [(5) Article 21.49-8;
               [(6)  Sections 822.203, 822.205, 822.210, and 822.212;
               [(7)] Article 5.13-2, as provided by that article,
  Subchapters A-D, Chapter 2251, as provided by that chapter, and
  Chapter 2301, as provided by that chapter;
               (4) [(8)] Chapters 251, 252, 402, [and] 541, and 2253;
               (5)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401;
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 404;
               (7)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1806; and
               (8)  Sections [(9)  Section] 38.001, 501.159, 822.203,
  822.205, 822.210, 822.212, 2002.005, 2002.051, and 2002.052.
         SECTION 3B.027.  Section 942.003(b), Insurance Code, as
  amended by Chapters 631 and 1295, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, is reenacted and is amended to correct
  references to read as follows:
         (b)  An exchange is subject to:
               (1)  Subchapter [Section 5, Article 1.10;
               [(2)  Articles 1.15, 1.15A, and 1.16;
               [(3)  Subchapters] A, [Q, T, and U,] Chapter 5, Chapter
  254, Subchapters A and B, Chapter 1806, and Subtitle C, Title 10;
               (2) [(4)] Articles [5.20,] 5.35, [5.37, 5.38,] 5.39,
  and 5.40;
               (3) [(5) Article 21.49-8;
               [(6)     Sections 822.203, 822.205, 822.210, 822.212,
  861.254(a)-(f), 861.255, 862.001(b), and 862.003;
               [(7)] Article 5.13-2, as provided by that article,
  Subchapters A-D, Chapter 2251, as provided by that chapter, and
  Chapter 2301, as provided by that chapter;
               (4)  Chapters 402, [(8)  Chapter] 541, and 2253;
               (5)  Subchapter A, Chapter 401, and Sections 401.051,
  401.052, 401.054, 401.055, 401.056, 401.057, 401.058, 401.059,
  401.060, 401.061, 401.062, 401.151, 401.152, 401.155, and 401.156;
               (6)  Subchapter B, Chapter 404;
               (7)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1806; and
               (8)  Sections [(9)  Section] 38.001, 501.159, 822.203,
  822.205, 822.210, 822.212, 861.254(a)-(f), 861.255, 862.001(b),
  862.003, 2002.002, 2002.005, 2002.051, and 2002.052.
         SECTION 3B.0271.  (a)  Section 1301.004, Insurance Code, to
  conform more closely to the source law from which it was derived, is
  transferred to Section 1301.061, Insurance Code, redesignated as
  Subsection (c) of that section, and amended to read as follows:
         (c)  [Sec.   1301.004. COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER
  REQUIRED.]  Each preferred provider benefit plan offered in this
  state must comply with this chapter.
         (b)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1301, Insurance Code, is amended
  to conform more closely to the source law from which Chapter 1301
  was derived by adding Section 1301.0041 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1301.0041.  APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies to any
  preferred provider benefit plan in which an insurer provides,
  through the insurer's health insurance policy, for the payment of a
  level of coverage that is different from the basic level of coverage
  provided by the health insurance policy if the insured uses a
  preferred provider.
         SECTION 3B.028.  Section 1365.004, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
  ALTERNATIVE BENEFITS [COVERAGE]. An offer of coverage required
  under Section 1365.003 is subject to the right of the group contract
  holder to reject the coverage or to select an alternative level of
  benefits [coverage] that is offered by or negotiated with the group
  health benefit plan issuer.
         SECTION 3B.0281.  Section 1367.053(c), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
         (c)  In addition to the immunizations required under
  Subsection (a), a health maintenance organization that issues a
  health benefit plan shall provide under the plan coverage for
  immunization against rotovirus and any other immunization required
  for a child by law.
         SECTION 3B.029.  (a)  Section 1507.003(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 577, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  For purposes of this subchapter, "state-mandated health
  benefits" does not include benefits that are mandated by federal
  law or standard provisions or rights required under this code or
  other laws of this state to be provided in an individual, blanket,
  or group policy for accident and health insurance that are
  unrelated to a specific health illness, injury, or condition of an
  insured, including provisions related to:
               (1)  continuation of coverage under:
                     (A)  Subchapters F and G, Chapter 1251;
                     (B)  Section 1201.059; and
                     (C)  Subchapter B, Chapter 1253;
               (2)  termination of coverage under Sections 1202.051
  and 1501.108;
               (3)  preexisting conditions under Subchapter D,
  Chapter 1201, and Sections 1501.102-1501.105;
               (4)  coverage of children, including newborn or adopted
  children, under:
                     (A)  Subchapter D, Chapter 1251;
                     (B)  Sections 1201.053, 1201.061,
  1201.063-1201.065, and Subchapter A, Chapter 1367;
                     (C)  Chapter 1504;
                     (D)  Chapter 1503;
                     (E)  Section 1501.157;
                     (F)  Section 1501.158; and
                     (G)  Sections 1501.607-1501.609;
               (5)  services of practitioners under:
                     (A)  Subchapters A, B, and C, Chapter 1451; or
                     (B)  Section 1301.052;
               (6)  supplies and services associated with the
  treatment of diabetes under Subchapter B, Chapter 1358;
               (7)  coverage for serious mental illness under
  Subchapter A, Chapter 1355[, if the standard health benefit plan is
  issued to a large employer as defined by Section 1501.002];
               (8)  coverage for childhood immunizations and hearing
  screening as required by Subchapters B and C, Chapter 1367, other
  than Section 1367.053(c) and Chapter 1353;
               (9)  coverage for reconstructive surgery for certain
  craniofacial abnormalities of children as required by Subchapter D,
  Chapter 1367;
               (10)  coverage for the dietary treatment of
  phenylketonuria as required by Chapter 1359;
               (11)  coverage for referral to a non-network physician
  or provider when medically necessary covered services are not
  available through network physicians or providers, as required by
  Section 1271.055; and
               (12)  coverage for cancer screenings under:
                     (A)  Chapter 1356;
                     (B)  Chapter 1362; [and]
                     (C)  Chapter 1363; and
                     (D)  Chapter 1370.
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 577, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (b), Section
  3, Article 3.80, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.030.  (a)  Section 1507.053(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 577, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  For purposes of this subchapter, "state-mandated health
  benefits" does not include coverage that is mandated by federal law
  or standard provisions or rights required under this code or other
  laws of this state to be provided in an evidence of coverage that
  are unrelated to a specific health illness, injury, or condition of
  an enrollee, including provisions related to:
               (1)  continuation of coverage under Subchapter G,
  Chapter 1251;
               (2)  termination of coverage under Sections 1202.051
  and 1501.108;
               (3)  preexisting conditions under Subchapter D,
  Chapter 1201, and Sections 1501.102-1501.105;
               (4)  coverage of children, including newborn or adopted
  children, under:
                     (A)  Chapter 1504;
                     (B)  Chapter 1503;
                     (C)  Section 1501.157;
                     (D)  Section 1501.158; and
                     (E)  Sections 1501.607-1501.609;
               (5)  services of providers under Section 843.304;
               (6)  coverage for serious mental health illness under
  Subchapter A, Chapter 1355[, if the standard health benefit plan is
  issued to a large employer as defined by Section 1501.002]; and
               (7)  coverage for cancer screenings under:
                     (A)  Chapter 1356;
                     (B)  Chapter 1362; [and]
                     (C)  Chapter 1363; and
                     (D)  Chapter 1370.
         (b)  Section 3, Chapter 577, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (d), Article
  20A.09N, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.031.  Section 1801.002, Insurance Code, is
  repealed to conform to Section 5.01(4), Chapter 1227, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005.
         SECTION 3B.032.  (a) Section 1806.101, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 631, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 1806.101.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Insurance" includes a suretyship.
               (2)  "Insurer" means an insurance company or other
  legal entity described by Sections 1806.102(a) and (b).
               (3)  "Policy" includes a bond.
         (b)  Sections 1806.104(a) and (b), Insurance Code, are
  amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 631, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, an
  insurer, an insurer's employee, or a broker or agent may not
               (1)  issue an insurance policy that is not in
  accordance with an applicable filing [that is filed and in effect
  under Chapter 2251 or 2301 or Article 5.13-2]; or
               (2)  charge, demand, or receive a premium on an
  insurance policy that is not in accordance with an applicable
  filing [that is filed and in effect under Chapter 2251 or 2301 or
  Article 5.13-2].
         (b)  Except as provided in an applicable filing [that is
  filed and in effect under Chapter 2251 or 2301 or Article 5.13-2],
  an insurer, an insurer's employee, or a broker or agent may not
  directly or indirectly pay, allow, or give, or offer to pay, allow,
  or give, as an inducement to insurance, or after insurance has been
  written, a rebate, discount, abatement, credit or reduction of the
  premium stated in an insurance policy, or a special favor or
  advantage in the dividends or other benefits to accrue on the
  policy, or any valuable consideration or inducement, not specified
  in the policy.
         (c)  Section 2, Chapter 631, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsections (a) and
  (d), Article 5.20, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.033.  Section 1806.102, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 631, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 1806.102.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER.  (a)  This 
  [Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), this] subchapter
  applies to an insurer, including a corporation, reciprocal or
  interinsurance exchange, mutual insurance company, association,
  Lloyd's plan, or other organization, writing casualty insurance or
  writing fidelity, surety, or guaranty bonds, on risks or operations
  in this state.
         (b)  This subchapter applies [does not apply] to:
               (1)  a farm mutual insurance company with respect to
  each line of insurance that a farm mutual insurance company is
  authorized to write under Section 911.151 [or association regulated
  under Chapter 911]; and [or]
               (2)  a county mutual insurance company with respect to
  each line of insurance that a county mutual insurance company is
  authorized to write under Section 912.151 [regulated under Chapter
         (c)  Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, this 
  [This] subchapter does not apply to the writing of:
               (1)  automobile insurance;
               (2)  life, health, or accident insurance;
               (3)  professional liability insurance;
               (4)  reinsurance;
               (5)  aircraft insurance;
               (6)  fraternal benefit insurance;
               (7)  fire insurance;
               (8)  workers' compensation insurance;
               (9)  marine insurance, including noncommercial inland
  marine insurance and ocean marine insurance;
               (10)  title insurance;
               (11)  explosion insurance, except insurance against
  loss from personal injury or property damage resulting accidentally
                     (A)  a steam boiler;
                     (B)  a heater or pressure vessel;
                     (C)  an electrical device;
                     (D)  an engine; or
                     (E)  all machinery and appliances used in
  connection with or in the operation of a boiler, heater, vessel,
  electrical device, or engine described by Paragraphs (A)-(D); or
               (12)  insurance coverage for any of the following
  conditions or risks:
                     (A)  weather or climatic conditions, including
  lightning, tornado, windstorm, hail, cyclone, rain, or frost and
                     (B)  earthquake or volcanic eruption;
                     (C)  smoke or smudge;
                     (D)  excess or deficiency of moisture;
                     (E)  flood;
                     (F)  the rising water of an ocean or an ocean's
                     (G)  bombardment, invasion, insurrection, riot,
  civil war or commotion, military or usurped power, or any order of a
  civil authority made to prevent the spread of a conflagration,
  epidemic or catastrophe;
                     (H)  vandalism or malicious mischief;
                     (I)  strike or lockout;
                     (J)  water or other fluid or substance resulting
                           (i)  the breakage or leakage of a sprinkler,
  pump, or other apparatus erected for extinguishing fire, or a water
  pipe or other conduit or container; or
                           (ii)  casual water entering a building
  through a leak or opening in the building or by seepage through
  building walls; or
                     (K)  accidental damage to a sprinkler, pump, fire
  apparatus, pipe, or other conduit or container described by
  Paragraph (J)(i).
         SECTION 3B.034.  (a) Section 1901.054(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 1135, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  A rate is not excessive unless[:
               [(1)]  the rate is unreasonably high for the insurance
  coverage provided[; and
               [(2)     a reasonable degree of competition does not exist
  in the area with respect to the classification to which the rate
         (b)  Section 1901.057, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 1, Chapter 1135, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  approving rates under this chapter, the department [commissioner]
  shall consider the impact of risk management courses taken by
  physicians and health care providers in this state.
         (c)  Section 1, Chapter 1135, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 3, Article
  5.15-1, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.035.  (a) Subchapter B, Chapter 1901, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Section 1901.0541 to conform to Section
  2, Chapter 1135, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2005, to read as follows:
  RELATED TO LAWSUITS; REFUND.  (a) Notwithstanding any other
  provision of this code, an insurer may not consider for the purpose
  of setting premiums or reducing a claims-free discount for a
  particular insured physician's professional liability insurance a
  lawsuit filed against the physician if:
               (1)  before trial, the lawsuit was dismissed by the
  claimant or nonsuited; and
               (2)  no payment was made to the claimant under a
  settlement agreement.
         (b)  An insurer that, in setting premiums or reducing a
  claims-free discount for a physician's professional liability
  insurance, considers a lawsuit filed against the physician shall
  refund to the physician any increase in premiums paid by the
  physician that is attributable to that lawsuit or reinstate the
  claims-free discount if the lawsuit is dismissed by the claimant or
  nonsuited without payment to the claimant under a settlement
  agreement. The insurer shall issue the refund or reinstate the
  discount on or before the 30th day after the date the insurer
  receives written evidence that the lawsuit was dismissed or
  nonsuited without payment to the claimant under a settlement
         (c)  This section does not prohibit an insurer from
  considering and using aggregate historical loss and expense
  experience applicable generally to a classification of physicians'  
  professional liability insurance to set rates for that
  classification to the extent authorized by Chapter 2251 and Article
  5.13-2.  Notwithstanding Section 2251.052(c), an insurer may not
  assign a physician to a particular classification based on a factor
  described by Subsection (a).
         (b)  Subchapter F, Chapter 1901, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Section 1901.254 to conform to Section 2, Chapter 1135,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
  writing professional liability insurance for physicians and health
  care providers, an insurer may not consider whether, or the extent
  to which, a physician or health care provider provides services in
  this state to individuals who are recipients of Medicaid or covered
  by the state child health plan program established by Chapter 62,
  Health and Safety Code, including any consideration resulting in:
               (1)  denial of coverage;
               (2)  refusal to renew coverage;
               (3)  cancellation of coverage;
               (4)  limitation of the amount, extent, or kind of
  coverage available; or
               (5)  a determination of the rate or premium to be paid.
         (b)  The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         (c)  Section 2, Chapter 1135, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Sections 12 and 13 to former
  Article 5.15-1, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.036.  (a)  Subchapter F, Chapter 1901, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Section 1901.255 to conform to Section 1,
  Chapter 184, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  to read as follows:
  PROVIDERS.  (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Charitable organization" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
               (2)  "Volunteer health care provider" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (b)  An insurer may make available professional liability
  insurance covering a volunteer health care provider for an act or
  omission resulting in death, damage, or injury to a patient while
  the person is acting in the course and scope of the person's duties
  as a volunteer health care provider as described by Chapter 84,
  Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (c)  This section does not affect the liability of a
  volunteer health care provider who is serving as a direct service
  volunteer of a charitable organization. Section 84.004(c), Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, applies to the volunteer health care
  provider without regard to whether the volunteer health care
  provider obtains liability insurance under this section.
         (d)  An insurer may make professional liability insurance
  available under this section to a volunteer health care provider
  without regard to whether the volunteer health care provider is a
  "health care provider" as defined by Section 1901.001.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 184, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 12 to former Article
  5.15-1, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.037.  (a) Section 1952.101(c), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 1159, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (c)  The coverage required by this subchapter does not apply
  if any insured named in the insurance policy rejects the coverage in
  writing. Unless the named insured requests in writing the coverage
  required by this subchapter, the insurer is not required to provide
  that coverage in or supplemental to a reinstated insurance policy
  or renewal insurance policy if the named insured rejected the
  coverage in connection with that insurance policy or an insurance
  policy previously issued to the insured by the same insurer or by an
  affiliated insurer.
         (b)  Section 3, Chapter 1159, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section (1), Article
  5.06-1, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.038.  (a) Section 1952.152(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 1159, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  The coverage required by this subchapter does not apply
  if any insured named in the insurance policy rejects the coverage in
  writing.  Unless the named insured requests in writing the coverage
  required by this subchapter, the insurer is not required to provide
  that coverage in or supplemental to a reinstated insurance policy
  or renewal insurance policy if the named insured rejected the
  coverage in connection with that insurance policy or an insurance
  policy previously issued to the insured by the same insurer or by an
  affiliated insurer.
         (b)  Section 4, Chapter 1159, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (a), Article
  5.06-3, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.039.  (a) Section 1952.155, Insurance Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to
  conform to Section 2, Chapter 1074, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), an [An] insurer
  paying benefits under coverage required by this subchapter does not
  have a right of subrogation or claim against any other person or
  insurer to recover any benefits by reason of the alleged fault of
  the other person in causing or contributing to the accident.
         (c)  An insurer paying benefits pursuant to this subchapter,
  including a county mutual insurance company, shall have a right of
  subrogation and a claim against a person causing or contributing to
  the accident if, on the date of loss, financial responsibility as
  required by Chapter 601, Transportation Code, has not been
  established for a motor vehicle involved in the accident and
  operated by that person.
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 1074, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Article 5.06-3,
  Insurance Code, by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection
  (i), is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.040.  (a) Section 2006.052, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Sections 4 and 6, Chapter 291, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by amending Subsection (b)
  and adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (b)  This section applies to an insurer that uses a tier
  classification or discount program that has a premium consequence
  based in whole or in part on claims experience, regardless of
  whether any of the policies that continuously covered the
  policyholder was a different kind of residential property insurance
  policy from the policy eligible for the premium discount.
         (c)  A residential property insurance claim under this
  section does not include a claim:
               (1)  resulting from a loss caused by natural causes;
               (2)  that is filed but is not paid or payable under the
  policy; or
               (3)  that an insurer is prohibited from using under
  Section 544.353.
         (b)  Subchapter B, Chapter 2006, Insurance Code, is amended
  to conform to Section 4, Chapter 291, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 2006.0521 to read as
         Sec. 2006.0521.  COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAW REQUIRED.  Any
  change in the amount of a premium discount provided under this
  subchapter must comply with the requirements of Section 551.107.
         (c)  Sections 4 and 6, Chapter 291, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Article
  5.43, Insurance Code, by amending Subsection (d) and adding
  Subsections (a-1) and (f), are repealed.
         SECTION 3B.041.  (a) Section 2051.151(a), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 6.062, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (b), an
  insurance company that writes workers' compensation insurance in
  this state shall notify a policyholder of a claim that is filed
  against the policyholder's policy and, after the initial notice,
  the company shall notify the policyholder of:
               (1)  any proposal to settle the claim; or
               (2)  on receipt of a written request from the
  policyholder, any administrative or judicial proceeding relating
  to the resolution of the claim[, including a benefit review
  conference conducted by the Texas Workers' Compensation
         (b)  Section 6.062, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section
  (a), Article 5.65A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.042.  (a) Section 2053.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 5.01, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by amending Subdivision (2) and
  adding Subdivision (2-a) to read as follows:
               (2)  "Insurance company" means a person authorized to
  engage in the business of workers' compensation insurance in this
  state.  The term includes:
                     (A)  the Texas Mutual Insurance Company;
                     (B)  a Lloyd's plan under Chapter 941; and
                     (C)  a reciprocal and interinsurance exchange
  under Chapter 942.
               (2-a)  "Premium" means the amount charged for a
  workers' compensation insurance policy, including any
  endorsements, after the application of individual risk variations
  based on loss or expense considerations.
         (b)  Section 5.01, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 1, Article
  5.55, Insurance Code, by amending Subdivision (2) and adding
  Subdivision (2-a), is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.043.  (a) Sections 2053.002(a) and (b),
  Insurance Code, are amended to conform to Section 5.02, Chapter
  265, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (a)  In setting rates, an insurance company shall consider:
               (1)  past and prospective loss cost experience;
               (2)  operation expenses;
               (3)  investment income;
               (4)  a reasonable margin for profit and contingencies;
               (5)  the effect on premiums of individual risk
  variations based on loss or expense considerations; and
               (6)  any other relevant factor.
         (b)  A rate or premium established under this subchapter may
  not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.
         (b)  Section 5.02, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsections (b) and
  (d), Section 2, Article 5.55, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.044.  Section 2053.007(c), Insurance Code, is
  repealed to conform to Section 5.04, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005.
         SECTION 3B.045.  (a) Section 2053.010, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 5.05, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2053.010.  PENALTIES [ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY].  If a
  workers' compensation insurance policy is issued and the
  commissioner subsequently disapproves the rate or filing on which
  the premium is based, the commissioner, after notice and the
  opportunity for a hearing, may:
               (1)  impose sanctions under Chapter 82;
               (2)  issue a cease and desist order under Chapter 83;
               (3)  impose administrative penalties under Chapter 84;
               (4)  take any combination of these actions.  [(a)   The
  commissioner may assess an administrative penalty against an
  insurance company if the commissioner determines, based on a
  pattern of charges for premiums, that the company is consistently
  overcharging or undercharging the company's policyholders for
  workers'   compensation insurance.
         [(b)  An administrative penalty under this section must be:
               [(1)     assessed in accordance with Section 415.021,
  Labor Code; and
               [(2)     set by the commissioner in an amount reasonable
  and necessary to deter overcharging or undercharging of
         (b)  Section 5.05, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 7, Article
  5.55, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.046.  (a) Subchapter A, Chapter 2053, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 5.055, Chapter 265, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section
  2053.011 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2053.011.  EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION.  The department has
  exclusive jurisdiction over all rates and premiums subject to this
         (b)  Section 5.055, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 8 to former
  Article 5.55, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.047.  (a) Subchapter A, Chapter 2053, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 5.03, Chapter 265, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Sections
  2053.012 and 2053.013 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2053.012.  REPORT ON LEGISLATIVE REFORMS REQUIRED.  (a)  
  Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the
  commissioner shall report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and
  speaker of the house of representatives regarding the impact that
  legislation enacted during the regular session of the 79th
  Legislature reforming the workers' compensation system of this
  state has had on the affordability and availability of workers'
  compensation insurance for the employers of this state. The report
  must include an analysis of:
               (1)  the projected workers' compensation premium
  savings realized by employers as a result of the reforms;
               (2)  the impact of the reforms on:
                     (A)  the percentage of employers who provide
  workers' compensation insurance coverage for their employees; and
                     (B)  to the extent possible, economic development
  and job creation;
               (3)  the effects of the reforms on market competition
  and carrier financial solvency, including an analysis of how
  carrier loss ratios, combined ratios, and use of individual risk
  variations have changed since implementation of the reforms; and
               (4)  the extent of participation in workers'
  compensation health care networks by small and medium-sized
         (b)  If the commissioner determines that workers'
  compensation rate filings or premium levels analyzed by the
  department do not appropriately reflect the savings associated with
  the reforms described by Subsection (a), the commissioner shall
  include in the report required under Subsection (a) any
  recommendations, including any recommended legislative changes,
  necessary to identify the tools needed by the department to more
  effectively regulate workers' compensation rates.
         (c)  At the request of the department, each insurance company
  shall submit to the department all data and other information
  considered necessary by the commissioner to generate the report
  required under Subsection (a). Failure by an insurance company to
  submit the data and information in a timely fashion, as determined
  by commissioner rule, constitutes grounds for sanctions under
  Chapter 82.
  In reviewing rates under this subchapter, the commissioner shall
  consider any state or federal legislation that has been enacted and
  that may impact rates and premiums for workers' compensation
  insurance coverage in this state.
         (b)  Section 5.03, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Subsections (e) through (h) to
  former Section 3, Article 5.55, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.048.  (a) Chapter 2053, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 5.06, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Subchapter A-1 to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 2053.031.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Insurance company" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 2053.001.
               (2)  "Underwriting guideline" means a rule, standard,
  guideline, or practice, whether written, oral, or electronic, that
  is used by an insurance company or its agent to decide whether to
  accept or reject an application for coverage under a workers' 
  compensation insurance policy or to determine how to classify those
  risks that are accepted for the purpose of determining a rate.
         Sec. 2053.032.  UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES.  Each underwriting
  guideline used by an insurance company in writing workers' 
  compensation insurance must be sound, actuarially justified, or
  otherwise substantially commensurate with the contemplated risk.  
  An underwriting guideline may not be unfairly discriminatory.
         Sec. 2053.033.  ENFORCEMENT.  This subchapter may be
  enforced in the manner provided by Section 38.003(g).
         Sec. 2053.034.  FILING REQUIREMENTS. Each insurance company
  shall file with the department a copy of the insurance company's
  underwriting guidelines. The insurance company shall update its
  filing each time the underwriting guidelines are changed. If a
  group of insurance companies files one set of underwriting
  guidelines for the group, the group shall identify which
  underwriting guidelines apply to each insurance company in the
         Sec. 2053.035.  APPLICABILITY OF SECTION 38.003. Section
  38.003 applies to this subchapter to the extent consistent with
  this subchapter.
         (b)  Section 5.06, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Article 5.55A to former
  Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.049.  (a) Subchapter B, Chapter 2053, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 5.08, Chapter 265, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section
  2053.056 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2053.056.  RATE HEARINGS. (a) The commissioner shall
  conduct a public hearing each biennium, beginning not later than
  December 1, 2008, to review rates to be charged for workers'
  compensation insurance written in this state.  A public hearing
  under this section is not a contested case as defined by Section
  2001.003, Government Code.
         (b)  Not later than the 30th day before the date of the public
  hearing required under Subsection (a), each insurance company
  subject to this subtitle and Article 5.66 shall file the insurance
  company's rates, supporting information, and supplementary rating
  information with the commissioner.
         (c)  The commissioner shall review the information submitted
  under Subsection (b) to determine the positive or negative impact
  of the enactment of workers' compensation reform legislation
  enacted by the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, on workers'
  compensation rates and premiums. The commissioner may consider
  other factors, including relativities under Section 2053.051, in
  determining whether a change in rates has impacted the premium
  charged to policyholders.
         (d)  The commissioner shall implement rules as necessary to
  mandate rate reductions or to modify the use of individual risk
  variations if the commissioner determines that the rates or
  premiums charged by insurance companies do not meet the rating
  standards as defined in this code.
         (e)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  mandate rate or premium reductions by insurance companies for the
  use of cost-containment strategies that result in savings to the
  workers' compensation system, including use of a workers'
  compensation health care network health care delivery system, as
  described by Chapter 1305.
         (b)  Section 5.08, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Article 5.60A,
  Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.050.  (a) Section 2053.151(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 5.07, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a), the commissioner shall
  establish standards and procedures for categorizing insurance and
  medical benefits required to be reported on each workers'
  compensation claim.  In establishing the standards, the
  commissioner shall consult with the commissioner of workers' 
  compensation [Texas Workers' Compensation Commission] to ensure
  that the data collection methodology will yield data necessary for
  research and medical cost containment efforts.
         (b)  Section 5.07, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (b), Article
  5.58, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.051.  (a) Section 2054.008(d), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 6.065, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), a company
  investigation file:
               (1)  is confidential and not subject to required
  disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code; and
               (2)  may be disclosed only:
                     (A)  in a criminal proceeding;
                     (B)  in a hearing conducted by the division of
  workers' compensation of the department [commission];
                     (C)  on a judicial determination of good cause; or
                     (D)  to a governmental agency, political
  subdivision, or regulatory body if the disclosure is necessary or
  proper for the enforcement of a law of this state, another state, or
  the United States.
         (b)  Section 6.065, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (a), Section 10, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3B.052.  (a) Section 2054.204(a), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 6.066, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  The company shall file annual statements with the
  department [and commission] in the same manner as is required of
  other workers' compensation insurance companies.
         (b)  Section 6.066, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (e), Section 12, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3B.053.  (a) Section 2054.206, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 6.067, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.206.  ADDITIONAL REPORTS. The company shall file
  with the department [and the commission] all reports required of
  other workers' compensation insurance companies.
         (b)  Section 6.067, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (b), Section 16, Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3B.0531.  Section 2054.253(b), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
         (b)  The systems may provide for a higher or lower premium
  payment by an insured based on[:
               [1]  the company's evaluation of the underwriting
  characteristics of the individual risk[;] and
               [2]  the appropriate premium to be charged for the
  policy coverages.
         SECTION 3B.054.  (a) Section 2054.451(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 6.064, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  The company shall cooperate with the division of
  workers' compensation of the department [commission] to compile and
  maintain information necessary to detect practices or patterns of
  conduct that violate this code relating to workers' compensation
  insurance or that violate Subtitle A, Title 5, Labor Code.
         (b)  Section 2054.452, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.064, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  COMMISSION].  (a)  The company may investigate cases of suspected
  fraud and violations of this code relating to workers' compensation
         (b)  The company may:
               (1)  coordinate the company's investigations with those
  conducted by the division of workers' compensation of the
  department [commission] to avoid duplication of efforts; and
               (2)  refer to the division of workers' compensation of
  the department [commission] a case that is not otherwise resolved
  by the company so that the division [commission] may:
                     (A)  perform any further investigation necessary
  under the circumstances;
                     (B)  conduct administrative violation
  proceedings; and
                     (C)  assess and collect penalties and
         (c)  Section 2054.454, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.064, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  DIVISION [COMMISSION].  A penalty collected under Section
               (1)  must be deposited in the Texas Department of
  Insurance operating account [general revenue fund to the credit of
  the commission]; and
               (2)  may be appropriated only to the division of
  workers' compensation of the department [commission] to offset the
  costs of the program under Section 2054.451.
         (d)  Section 6.064, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsections (a), (b), and (e), Section 9, Article 5.76-3, Insurance
  Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.055.  (a) Section 2054.501, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.501.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "division"
  means the [commission's] division of workers' compensation of the
  department [health and safety].
         (b)  Section 2054.502, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
  The company may make and enforce requirements for the prevention of
  injuries to an employee of a policyholder or applicant for
  insurance under this chapter. On reasonable notice, a policyholder
  or applicant shall grant representatives of the company[, the
  commission,] or the department free access to the premises of the
  policyholder or applicant during regular working hours for purposes
  of this section.
         (c)  Section 2054.506, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.506.  SAFETY CONSULTANT REPORT.  A safety
  consultant acting under this subchapter shall file a written report
  with the division [commission] and the policyholder specifying any
  hazardous condition or practice identified in the safety
         (d)  Section 2054.509, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.509.  FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION.  (a) Not earlier than
  the 90th day after or later than the sixth month after the date an
  accident prevention plan is developed under Section 2054.507, the
  division shall conduct a follow-up inspection of the policyholder's
  premises in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner of
  workers' compensation [commission].
         (b)  The division [commission] may require the participation
  of the safety consultant who performed the initial consultation and
  developed the accident prevention plan.
         (c)  If the commissioner of workers' compensation [division]
  determines that a policyholder has complied with the terms of the
  accident prevention plan or has implemented other accepted
  corrective measures, the commissioner of workers' compensation 
  [division] shall certify that determination.
         (d)  If the commissioner of workers' compensation [division]
  determines that a policyholder has failed or refuses to implement
  the accident prevention plan or other suitable hazard abatement
  measures, the policyholder may elect to cancel coverage not later
  than the 30th day after the date of the determination.
         (e)  Sections 2054.510(a), (c), and (d), Insurance Code, are
  amended to conform to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  If a policyholder described by Section 2054.509(d) does
  not elect to cancel coverage as provided by that section:
               (1)  the company may cancel the coverage; or
               (2)  the commissioner of workers' compensation 
  [commission] may impose an administrative penalty on the
         (c)  In imposing an administrative penalty, the commissioner
  of workers' compensation [commission] may consider any matter that
  justice may require and shall consider:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
  nature, circumstances, consequences, extent, and gravity of the
  prohibited act;
               (2)  the history and extent of previous administrative
               (3)  the demonstrated good faith of the violator,
  including actions taken to rectify the consequences of the
  prohibited act;
               (4)  any economic benefit resulting from the prohibited
  act; and
               (5)  the penalty necessary to deter future violations.
         (d)  A penalty collected under this section [must be]:
               (1)  must be deposited in the general revenue fund [to
  the credit of the commission]; and [or]
               (2)  may be appropriated [reappropriated] to the
  division [commission] to offset the costs of implementing and
  administering this subchapter.
         (f)  Section 2054.512, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.512.  FEES FOR SERVICES.  The division 
  [commission] shall:
               (1)  charge a policyholder for the reasonable cost of
  services provided to the policyholder under Sections 2054.505,
  2054.506, 2054.507, 2054.509, and 2054.510(a); and
               (2)  set the fees for the services at a
  cost-reimbursement level, including a reasonable allocation of the
  division's [commission's] administrative costs.
         (g)  Section 2054.513, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2054.513.  ENFORCEMENT OF SUBCHAPTER.  The [compliance
  and practices] division [of the commission] shall enforce
  compliance with this subchapter through the administrative
  violation proceedings under Chapter 415, Labor Code.
         (h)  Section 6.063, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsections (a), (e), (g), (h), (i), (k), and (l), Section 8,
  Article 5.76-3, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.056.  Section 2054.001(2), Insurance Code, is
  repealed to conform to Section 7.01, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005.
         SECTION 3B.057.  Section 6.068, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsections (a) and (c), Section 10, Article 5.76-5, Insurance
  Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.058.  Section 2151.154, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
         Sec. 2151.154.  ASSIGNMENT DISTRIBUTION PLAN.  (a)  The
  plan of operation must include a voluntary, competitive limited
  assignment distribution plan that allows an authorized insurer to
  contract directly with a servicing carrier [insurer] to accept
  assignments to the servicing carrier [insurer] by the association.
         (b)  A servicing carrier [insurer] must be authorized to
  write automobile insurance in this state and must:
               (1)  have written automobile liability insurance in
  this state for at least five years; or
               (2)  be currently engaged as a servicing carrier
  [insurer] for assigned risk automobile business in at least one
  other state.
         (c)  After notice and hearing, the commissioner may prohibit
  an insurer from acting as a servicing carrier [insurer].
         (d)  An authorized insurer and a servicing carrier [insurer]
  shall determine through negotiation the terms of a contract
  described by this section, including the buy-out fee.
         (e)  The governing committee may:
               (1)  adopt reasonable rules for the conduct of business
  under a contract described by this section; and
               (2)  establish reasonable standards of eligibility for
  servicing carriers [insurers].
         SECTION 3B.059.  (a) Section 2154.005(a), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 217, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (a)  The fund is an account in a depository selected by the
  board of regents of The Texas A&M University System in the manner
  provided by Section 51.003, Education Code, for funds subject to
  the control of institutions of higher education under Section
  51.002, Education Code [the general revenue fund].
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 217, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsections (a) and
  (c), Section 5, Article 21.61, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.0591.  (a) The following changes are made to
  Subtitle A, Title 5, Labor Code, and Subtitle E, Title 10, Insurance
  Code, for organizational purposes:
               (1)  Chapter 406A, Labor Code, is redesignated as
  Chapter 2055, Subtitle E, Title 10, Insurance Code; and
               (2)  Sections 406A.001, 406A.002, 406A.003, 406A.004,
  406A.005, 406A.006, 406A.007, and 406A.008 in the redesignated
  chapter are redesignated as Sections 2055.001, 2055.002, 2055.003,
  2055.004, 2055.005, 2055.006, 2055.007, and 2055.008, Insurance
  Code, respectively.
         (b)  Section 406A.001, Labor Code, redesignated as Section
  2055.001, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(2) of this section, is
  amended to conform to that redesignation to read as follows:
         Sec. 2055.001 [406A.001].  DEFINITION [DEFINITIONS].  In
  this chapter, "business[:
               [(1)  "Business] entity" means a business enterprise
  owned by a single person or a corporation, organization, business
  trust, trust, partnership, joint venture, association, or other
  business entity.
               [(2)     "Commissioner" means the commissioner of
               [(3)     "Department" means the Texas Department of
         (c)  Section 406A.008, Labor Code, redesignated as Section
  2055.008, Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(2) of this section, is
  amended to conform to that redesignation to read as follows:
         Sec. 2055.008 [406A.008].  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a)
  A group established under this chapter is entitled to any deviation
  applicable under Section 2052.004, 2053.051, or 2053.052(a) or
  (b)[, Insurance Code].
         (b)  A member of a group is not subject to the discounts and
  surcharges established under Subchapter F, Chapter 2053[,
  Insurance Code].
         (d)  Section 36.002, Insurance Code, is amended to conform to
  the redesignation of Chapter 406A, Labor Code, as Chapter 2055,
  Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as
  commissioner may adopt reasonable rules that are:
               (1)  necessary to effect the purposes of a provision
                     (A)  Subchapter B, Chapter 5;
                     (B)  Subchapter C, Chapter 1806;
                     (C)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301;
                     (D)  Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to
  casualty insurance and fidelity, guaranty, and surety bond
                     (E)  Chapter 253;
                     (F)  Chapter 2251 or 2252; or
                     (G)  Subtitle B, Title 10; or
               (2)  appropriate to accomplish the purposes of a
  provision of:
                     (A)  Section 37.051(a), 403.002, 492.051(b) or
  (c), 501.159, 941.003(b)(3) or (c), or 942.003(b)(3) or (c);
                     (B)  Subchapter H, Chapter 544;
                     (C)  Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to:
                           (i)  automobile insurance;
                           (ii)  casualty insurance and fidelity,
  guaranty, and surety bond insurance;
                           (iii)  fire insurance and allied lines;
                           (iv)  workers' compensation insurance; or
                           (v)  aircraft insurance;
                     (D)  Chapter 5, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 426, 493,
  494, 1804, 1805, 1806, or 2171;
                     (E)  Subtitle B, C, D, E, F, H, or I, Title 10;
                     (F)  Section 417.008, Government Code; or
                     (G)  [Chapter 406A, Labor Code; or
                     [(H)] Chapter 2154, Occupations Code.
         (e)  Section 1805.001, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to the redesignation of Chapter 406A, Labor Code, as Chapter 2055,
  Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as
         Sec. 1805.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter
  applies to the kinds of insurance and insurers subject to:
               (1)  Section 403.002;
               (2)  Section 941.003 with respect to the application of
  a law described by Section 941.003(b)(3) or (c);
               (3)  Section 942.003 with respect to the application of
  a law described by Section 942.003(b)(3) or (c);
               (4)  Subchapter A, B, C, or D, Chapter 5;
               (5)  Subchapter H, Chapter 544;
               (6)  Subchapter A, Chapter 2301;
               (7)  Chapter 252, 253, 254, 255, 426, 1806, 1807, 2001,
  2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2055, 2171, 2251, or
               (8)  Subtitle B or C, Title 10; or
               (9)  [Chapter 406A, Labor Code; or
               [(10)] Chapter 2154, Occupations Code.
         (f)  Section 2051.002, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to the redesignation of Chapter 406A, Labor Code, as Chapter 2055,
  Insurance Code, by Subsection (a)(1) of this section to read as
         Sec. 2051.002.  CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN LAWS. The following
  shall be construed and applied independently of any other law that
  relates to insurance rates and forms or prescribes the duties of the
  commissioner or the department:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  Subchapter D, Chapter 5;
               (3)  Chapter 251, as that chapter relates to workers'
  compensation insurance; and
               (4)  Chapters 255, 426, 2052, [and] 2053, and 2055[;
               [(5)  Chapter 406A, Labor Code].
         SECTION 3B.060.  (a) Subchapter C, Chapter 2203, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 246, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, and Section 2, Chapter
  1136, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by
  adding Section 2203.1021 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2203.1021.  VOLUNTEER HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS.  (a)  In
  this section:
               (1)  "Charitable organization" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
               (2)  "Volunteer health care provider" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (b)  The association shall make available medical liability
  insurance or appropriate health care liability insurance covering a
  volunteer health care provider for the legal liability of the
  person against any loss, damage, or expense incident to a claim
  arising out of the death or injury of any person as the result of
  negligence in rendering or the failure to render professional
  service while acting in the course and scope of the person's duties
  as a volunteer health care provider as described by Chapter 84,
  Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (c)  A volunteer health care provider who is serving as a
  direct service volunteer of a charitable organization is eligible
  to obtain from the association the liability insurance made
  available under this section.  A volunteer health care provider who
  obtains coverage under this section is subject to Section 2203.302
  and the other provisions of this chapter in the same manner as
  physicians who are eligible to obtain medical liability insurance
  from the association.
         (d)  This section does not affect the liability of a
  volunteer health care provider who is serving as a direct service
  volunteer of a charitable organization.  Section 84.004(c), Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, applies to the volunteer health care
  provider without regard to whether the volunteer health care
  provider obtains liability insurance under this section.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 246, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, and Section 2, Chapter 1136, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 3C to
  former Article 21.49-3, Insurance Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 3B.061.  (a) Sections 2210.004(a) and (g),
  Insurance Code, are amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 1153,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (a)  For purposes of this chapter and subject to this
  section, "insurable property" means immovable property at a fixed
  location in a catastrophe area or corporeal movable property
  located in that immovable property, as designated in the plan of
  operation, that is determined by the association according to the
  criteria specified in the plan of operation to be in an insurable
  condition against windstorm and hail or fire and explosion, as
  appropriate, as determined by normal underwriting standards.  The
  term includes property described by Section 2210.209.
         (g)  For purposes of this chapter, a residential structure is
  insurable property if:
               (1)  the residential structure is not:
                     (A)  a condominium, apartment, duplex, or other
  multifamily residence; or
                     (B)  a hotel or resort facility;
               (2)  the residential structure is located within an
  area designated as a unit under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act
  (Pub. L. No. 97-348); and
               (3)  a building permit or plat for the residential
  structure was filed with the municipality, the county, or the
  United States Army Corps of Engineers before June 11, 2003 [January
  1, 2004].
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 1153, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (f), Section
  3, Article 21.49, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.062.  (a) Subchapter E, Chapter 2210, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 1153, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 2210.209
  to read as follows:
  CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED OVER WATER. (a)  A windstorm and hail
  insurance policy issued by the association may include coverage
               (1)  a building or other structure located in the
  seacoast territory that is built wholly or partially over water;
               (2)  the corporeal movable property contained in a
  building or structure described by Subdivision (1).
         (b)  The association may impose appropriate limits of
  coverage and deductibles for coverage described by Subsection (a).
         (c)  The board of directors of the association shall submit
  any proposed changes to the plan of operation necessary to
  implement Subsections (a) and (b) to the commissioner in the manner
  provided by Section 2210.153.
         (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section, including any rules necessary to implement
  changes in the plan of operation proposed under Subsection (c).
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 1153, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 3A to former Article
  21.49, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.063.  (a) Section 2210.006(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 1251, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a farm mutual insurance company operating under
  Chapter 911;
               (2)  a nonaffiliated county mutual fire insurance
  company described by Section 912.310 that is writing exclusively
  industrial fire insurance policies as described by Section
  912.310(a)(2); or
               (3)  a mutual insurance company or a statewide mutual
  assessment company engaged in business under Chapter 12 or 13,
  Title 78, Revised Statutes, respectively, before those chapters'
  repeal by Section 18, Chapter 40, Acts of the 41st Legislature, 1st
  Called Session, 1929, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 60, General
  Laws, Acts of the 41st Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 1929, that
  retains the rights and privileges under the repealed law to the
  extent provided by those sections.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 1251, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Subsection (k), Section
  3, Article 21.49, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.0631.  Section 2210.359(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which it was
  derived to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a [A]
  rate approved by the commissioner under this subchapter may not
  reflect an average rate change that is more than 10 percent higher
  or lower than the rate for commercial windstorm and hail insurance
  or 10 percent higher or lower than the rate for noncommercial
  windstorm and hail insurance in effect on the date the filing is
  made.  The rate may not reflect a rate change for an individual
  rating class that is 15 percent higher or lower than the rate for
  that individual rating class in effect on the date the filing is
  made.  This subsection does not apply to a rate filed under Sections
         SECTION 3B.064.  Subchapter I, Chapter 2210, Insurance Code,
  is repealed to conform to Section 1, Chapter 222, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005.
         SECTION 3B.065.  (a) Section 2211.051, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2211.051.  ESTABLISHMENT OF FAIR PLAN.  The
  commissioner may establish a Fair Access to Insurance Requirements
  Plan to deliver residential property insurance to residents of this
  state in underserved areas if the commissioner determines, after a
  public hearing, that:
               (1)  in all or any part of the state, residential
  property insurance is not reasonably available in the voluntary
  market to a substantial number of insurable risks; or [and]
               (2)  at least 25 percent of the applicants to the
  residential property market assistance program who are qualified
  under that program's plan of operation have not been placed with an
  insurer in the preceding six months.
         (b)  Section 2211.052, Insurance Code, is amended to conform
  to Section 2, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2005, by amending Subsections (b) and (d) and adding
  Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (b)  The governing committee is composed of 11 members
  appointed by the commissioner as follows:
               (1)  five members who represent the interests of
               (2)  four public members who reside in this state; and
               (3)  two members who are general property and casualty
         (d)  Each member of the governing committee who represents
  the interests of insurers must be a full-time employee of an insurer
  that is a member of the association.
         (e)  The commissioner may remove a member of the governing
  committee without cause and may replace the member in accordance
  with Subsection (b).
         (c)  Subchapter B, Chapter 2211, Insurance Code, is amended
  to conform to Section 2, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 2211.0521 to read as
         Sec. 2211.0521.  MEETINGS OF GOVERNING BODY.  (a)  
  Notwithstanding Chapter 551, Government Code, or any other law,
  members of the governing committee may meet by telephone conference
  call, video conference, or other similar telecommunication method.  
  The governing committee may use telephone conference call, video
  conference, or other similar telecommunication method for purposes
  of establishing a quorum or voting or for any other meeting purpose
  in accordance with this subsection and Subsection (b).  This
  subsection applies without regard to the subject matter discussed
  or considered by the members of the governing committee at the
         (b)  A meeting held by telephone conference call, video
  conference, or other similar telecommunication method:
               (1)  is subject to the notice requirements applicable
  to other meetings of the governing committee;
               (2)  may not be held unless notice of the meeting
  specifies the location of the meeting at which at least one member
  of the governing committee is physically present;
               (3)  must be audible to the public at the location
  specified in the notice under Subdivision (2); and
               (4)  must provide two-way audio communication between
  all members of the governing committee attending the meeting during
  the entire meeting, and if the two-way audio communication link
  with members attending the meeting is disrupted so that a quorum of
  the governing committee is no longer participating in the meeting,
  the meeting may not continue until the two-way audio communication
  link is reestablished.
         (d)  Sections 2211.101(b) and (c), Insurance Code, are
  amended to conform to Sections 1, 2, and 3, Chapter 1082, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by this subsection, each [Each]
  insurer, as a condition of the insurer's authority to engage in the
  business of residential property insurance in this state, shall
  participate in the association in accordance with this chapter,
  including participating in the association's assessments 
  [writings, expenses, and losses] in the proportion that the
  insurer's net direct premiums written in this state during the
  preceding calendar year bear to the aggregate net direct premiums
  written in this state by all participating insurers.  The Texas
  Windstorm Insurance Association established by Chapter 2210 may not
  participate in the association for any purpose.
         (c)  An insurer's participation under Subsection (b) in the
  association's assessments [writings, expenses, and losses] must be
  determined in accordance with the residential property statistical
  plan adopted by the commissioner.
         (e)  The following are repealed:
               (1)  Section 1, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 1, Article 21.49A, Insurance Code;
               (2)  Section 2, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 3,
  Article 21.49A, Insurance Code, by amending Subsections (b), (d),
  and (e) and adding Subsections (f) and (g); and
               (3)  Section 3, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (d), Section 5, Article 21.49A, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 3B.066.  (a) Section 2211.104, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by amending Subsections (b),
  (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (b)  As reimbursement for assessments paid under this
  section or service fees paid under Section 2211.209, each [If the
  association assesses participating insurers under this section,
  each] insurer may charge a premium surcharge on every property
  insurance policy insuring property in this state that the insurer
  issues, the effective date of which is within the three-year period
  beginning on the 90th day after the date of the assessment or the
  90th day after the date the service fee under Section 2211.209 is
  paid, as applicable.
         (c)  The insurer shall compute the amount of the surcharge
  under Subsection (b) as a uniform percentage of the premium on each
  policy described by Subsection (b).  The percentage must be equal to
  one-third of the ratio of the amount of the participating insurer's
  assessment or service fee payment to the amount of the insurer's
  direct earned premiums, as reported to the department in the
  insurer's financial statement for the calendar year preceding the
  year in which the assessment or service fee payment is made so that,
  over the three-year period, the aggregate of all surcharges by the
  insurer under this section is at least equal to [equals] the amount
  of the assessment or service fee payment.
         (d)  The amount of any assessment paid and surcharged under
  this section may be carried by the insurer as an admitted asset of
  the insurer for all purposes, including exhibition in annual
  statements under Section 862.001, until collected [The minimum
  surcharge on a policy may be $1.   A surcharge may be rounded to the
  nearest dollar].
         (e)  The commissioner shall adopt rules and procedures as
  necessary to implement this section.
         (b)  Section 4, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Section 11, Article
  21.49A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.067.  (a) Subchapter B, Chapter 2211, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 5, Chapter 1082, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 2211.059
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 2211.059.  ASSETS OF ASSOCIATION.  On dissolution of
  the association, all assets of the association shall be deposited
  in the general revenue fund.
         (b)  Section 5, Chapter 1082, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 16 to former Article
  21.49A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.068.  (a) Subchapter D, Chapter 2211, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 1153, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, by adding Section 2211.157
  to read as follows:
  policy issued by the association may include coverage against loss
  or damage by windstorm or hail for:
               (1)  a building or other structure that is built wholly
  or partially over water; and
               (2)  the corporeal movable property contained in a
  building or structure described by Subdivision (1).
         (b)  The association may impose appropriate limits of
  coverage and deductibles for coverage described by Subsection (a).
         (c)  The governing committee of the association shall submit
  any proposed changes to the plan of operation necessary to
  implement Subsections (a) and (b) to the commissioner for the
  approval of the commissioner in the manner provided by Section
         (d)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section, including any rules necessary to implement
  changes in the plan of operation proposed under Subsections (a) and
         (b)  Section 3, Chapter 1153, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Section 5A to former Article
  21.49A, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.069.  (a) Section 2212.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 184, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; Section 2, Chapter 246, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 3, Chapter
  1136, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 2212.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Charitable organization" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
               (2)  "Dentist" means a person licensed to practice
  dentistry in this state.
               (3) [(2)]  "Health care liability claim" means a cause
  of action against a physician or dentist for treatment, lack of
  treatment, or other claimed departure from accepted standards of
  health care or safety that proximately results in injury to or death
  of the patient, whether the patient's claim or cause of action
  sounds in tort or contract.
               (4) [(3)]  "Physician" means a person licensed to
  practice medicine in this state.
               (5) [(4)]  "Trust" means a self-insurance trust
  organized and operated under this chapter.
               (6)  "Volunteer health care provider" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 84.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 184, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005; Section 2, Chapter 246, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 3, Chapter 1136,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, all of which
  added Subdivisions (4) and (5) to former Subsection (a), Article
  21.49-4, Insurance Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 3B.070.  (a) Subchapter C, Chapter 2212, Insurance
  Code, is amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 184, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; Section 3, Chapter 246,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 4,
  Chapter 1136, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  by adding Section 2212.102 to read as follows:
  PROVIDERS.  (a)  The trust, in accordance with Section 2212.054, may
  make available professional liability insurance covering a
  volunteer health care provider for an act or omission resulting in
  death, damage, or injury to a patient while the person is acting in
  the course and scope of the person's duties as a volunteer health
  care provider as described by Chapter 84, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code.
         (b)  This section does not affect the liability of a
  volunteer health care provider who is serving as a direct service
  volunteer of a charitable organization.  Section 84.004(c), Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, applies to the volunteer health care
  provider without regard to whether the volunteer health care
  provider obtains liability insurance under this section.
         (c)  The trust may make professional liability insurance
  available under this section to a volunteer health care provider
  without regard to whether the volunteer health care provider is a
  physician or dentist.
         (b)  Section 3, Chapter 184, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005; Section 3, Chapter 246, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 4, Chapter 1136,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, all of which
  added Subsection (c-1) to former Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code,
  are repealed.
         SECTION 3B.071.  (a) Section 2251.003(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 70, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; Section 1, Chapter 71, Acts of
  the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 4, Chapter
  102, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (b)  This subchapter and Subchapters B, C, D, and E apply to
  all lines of the following kinds of insurance written under an
  insurance policy or contract issued by an insurer authorized to
  engage in the business of insurance in this state:
               (1)  general liability insurance;
               (2)  residential and commercial property insurance,
  including farm and ranch insurance and farm and ranch owners
               (3)  personal and commercial casualty insurance,
  except as provided by Section 2251.004;
               (4)  medical professional liability insurance;
               (5)  fidelity, guaranty, and surety bonds other than
  criminal court appearance bonds;
               (6)  personal umbrella insurance;
               (7)  personal liability insurance;
               (8)  guaranteed auto protection (GAP) insurance;
               (9)  involuntary unemployment insurance;
               (10)  financial guaranty insurance;
               (11)  inland marine insurance;
               (12)  rain insurance;
               (13)  hail insurance on farm crops; [and]
               (14)  personal and commercial automobile insurance;
               (15)  multi-peril insurance; and
               (16)  identity theft insurance issued under Chapter
         (b)  Section 2301.003(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
  conform to Section 1, Chapter 70, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005; Section 1, Chapter 71, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 4, Chapter 102,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (b)  This subchapter applies to all lines of the following
  kinds of insurance written under an insurance policy or contract
  issued by an insurer authorized to engage in the business of
  insurance in this state:
               (1)  general liability insurance;
               (2)  residential and commercial property insurance,
  including farm and ranch insurance and farm and ranch owners
               (3)  personal and commercial casualty insurance,
  except as provided by Section 2301.005;
               (4)  medical professional liability insurance;
               (5)  fidelity, guaranty, and surety bonds other than
  criminal court appearance bonds;
               (6)  personal umbrella insurance;
               (7)  personal liability insurance;
               (8)  guaranteed auto protection (GAP) insurance;
               (9)  involuntary unemployment insurance;
               (10)  financial guaranty insurance;
               (11)  inland marine insurance;
               (12)  rain insurance;
               (13)  hail insurance on farm crops; [and]
               (14)  personal and commercial automobile insurance;
               (15)  multi-peril insurance; and
               (16)  identity theft insurance issued under Chapter
         (c)  Section 1, Chapter 70, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005; Section 1, Chapter 71, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005; and Section 4, Chapter 102,
  Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, all of which
  amended former Subsection (a), Section 2, Article 5.13-2, Insurance
  Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 3B.072.  (a) Subchapter E, Chapter 2251, Insurance
  Code, is amended by adding Section 2251.205 to conform to Section 1,
  Chapter 1118, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005,
  to read as follows:
  INSURERS.  An insurer is subject to the filing requirements
  determined by the commissioner by rule under Section 2251.204 if:
               (1)  the insurer, along with the insurer's affiliated
  companies or group, issues personal automobile liability insurance
  policies only below 101 percent of the minimum limits required by
  Chapter 601, Transportation Code; and
               (2)  the insurer, along with the insurer's affiliated
  companies or group, has a market share of less than 3.5 percent of
  the personal automobile insurance market in this state.
         (b)  Section 1, Chapter 1118, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which added Subsection (h) to former Section
  13, Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.073.  (a) Section 2253.001, Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 291, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         Sec. 2253.001.  RATING TERRITORIES.  (a)  Notwithstanding
  any other provision of this code, an insurer, in writing
  residential property or personal automobile insurance, may use
  rating territories that subdivide a county only if:
               (1)  the county is subdivided; and
               (2)  the rate for any subdivision in the county is not
  greater than 15 percent higher than the rate used in any other
  subdivision in the county by that insurer.
         (b)  The [For residential property insurance or personal
  automobile insurance, the] commissioner by rule may allow a greater
  rate difference than the rate difference specified by Subsection
         (b)  Section 2, Chapter 291, Acts of the 79th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2005, which amended former Article 5.171,
  Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3B.074.  Section 4151.206(a), Insurance Code, is
  amended to conform more closely to the source law from which the
  section was derived to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner shall collect and an applicant or
  administrator shall pay to the commissioner fees in an amount to be
  determined by the commissioner as follows:
               (1)  a filing fee not to exceed $1,000 for processing an
  original application for a certificate of authority for an
               (2)  a fee not to exceed $500 for an examination under
  Section 4151.201 [4201.201]; and
               (3)  a filing fee not to exceed $200 for an annual
         SECTION 3B.075.  (a) Sections 4201.054(a) and (d),
  Insurance Code, are amended to conform to Section 6.072, Chapter
  265, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as
         (a)  Except as provided by this section, this chapter applies
  to utilization review of a health care service provided to a person
  eligible for workers' compensation medical benefits under Title 5,
  Labor Code. The commissioner of workers' compensation shall
  regulate as provided by this chapter a person who performs
  utilization review of a medical benefit provided under Title 5 
  [Chapter 408], Labor Code.
         (d)  The commissioner of workers' compensation [and the
  Texas Workers' Compensation Commission] may adopt rules [and enter
  into memoranda of understanding] as necessary to implement this
         (b)  Section 4201.054(b), Insurance Code, is repealed to
  conform to Section 6.072, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005.
         (c)  Section 6.072, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (c), Section 14, Article 21.58A, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3B.076.  (a) Section 4201.207(b), Insurance Code,
  is amended to conform to Section 6.071, Chapter 265, Acts of the
  79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, to read as follows:
         (b)  A health care provider's charges for providing medical
  information to a utilization review agent may not:
               (1)  exceed the cost of copying records regarding a
  workers' compensation claim as set by rules adopted by the
  commissioner of workers' compensation [Texas Workers' Compensation
  Commission]; or
               (2)  include any costs otherwise recouped as part of
  the charges for health care.
         (b)  Section 6.071, Chapter 265, Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, which amended former
  Subsection (l), Section 4, Article 21.58A, Insurance Code, is
         SECTION 3B.077.  This article takes effect September 1, 2007.