80R7124 YDB-D
  By: Deuell S.B. No. 1142
relating to an audit of health and human services information
technology systems.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter M to read as follows:
       Sec. 531.451.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "system"
means an information technology and data processing system used in
the delivery of health and human services benefit programs,
             (1)  the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System
(TIERS); and
             (2)  the System of Application, Verification,
Eligibility, Referral, and Reporting (SAVERR).
       Sec. 531.452.  AUDIT BY STATE AUDITOR.  The state auditor
shall conduct an audit of the information technology and data
processing systems, including the Texas Integrated Eligibility
Redesign System (TIERS) and the System of Application,
Verification, Eligibility, Referral, and Reporting (SAVERR), used
to support eligibility and program delivery of health and human
services benefit programs.
       Sec. 531.453.  PERSONNEL; CONSULTING SERVICES. The state
auditor may:
             (1)  use personnel from the state auditor's office; or
             (2)  contract for consulting services as necessary to
accomplish the purposes of this subchapter.
       Sec. 531.454.  CONDUCT OF AUDITS. In conducting an audit of a
system under this subchapter, the state auditor shall:
             (1)  seek and accept comments from users of the system,
including individuals who receive eligibility and other
information from applicants for and participants in the health and
human services benefit programs, and other interested parties; and
             (2)  consider the comments received in making
recommendations under this subchapter.
For each system audited, the state auditor shall:
             (1)  determine the current functionality of the system
relative to the needs of the users of the system;
             (2)  if the system is not fully functional, determine
whether the system can be made fully functional with reasonable
efforts; and
             (3)  if the system can be made fully functional,
recommend a course of action to achieve full functionality.
       Sec. 531.456.  INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS. (a) Not later than
December 31, 2007, the state auditor shall make interim
recommendations on whether new health and human services benefit
program cases should be entered or converted into the Texas
Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) to:
             (1)  the presiding officer of the Senate Health and
Human Services Committee;
             (2)  the presiding officer of the House Human Services
             (3)  the governor; and
             (4)  the executive commissioner.
       (b)  The state auditor shall base any recommendation to
resume entering or converting new health and human services benefit
program cases into the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System
(TIERS), except as provided by Section 531.459(c), on:
             (1)  a determination that the system's functionality is
at or above January 2004 performance levels for health and human
services benefit program cases in the system; and
             (2)  a reasonable expectation that the Texas Integrated
Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) will be considered the best
system for health and human services benefit program information
Not later than July 1, 2008, the state auditor shall issue a final
report on the audit of each system to:
             (1)  the presiding officer of the Senate Health and
Human Services Committee;
             (2)  the presiding officer of the House Human Services
             (3)  the governor; and
             (4)  the executive commissioner.
       (b)  The report must:
             (1)  determine whether each system audited is fully
functional in its current state;
             (2)  if neither system audited is fully functional but
may be made fully functional with reasonable efforts, determine
which system can be made fully functional in the shortest amount of
time and in the most cost-effective manner;
             (3)  if both systems audited can be made fully
functional with reasonable efforts, recommend a course of action
for bringing each system to its full functionality in the shortest
amount of time and in the most cost-effective manner; and
             (4)  if neither of the systems audited can be made fully
functional with reasonable efforts, recommend actions this state
should pursue to install a fully functional system.
       Sec. 531.458.  PUBLIC HEARINGS. (a) The presiding officers
of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and the House
Human Services Committee shall arrange not less than five public
hearings to present the findings of the state auditor and accept
testimony from all interested parties.
       (b)  The state auditor shall release to the public the
findings of the audit conducted under this subchapter not later
than the 30th day before the date of the first hearing.
       (c)  The commission shall publicize the hearings and make
information on the hearings available to individuals who receive
eligibility and other information from applicants and participants
in the health and human services benefit programs.
       (d)  Not more than one of the public hearings may be held in
Austin. At least four hearings must be held in locations
geographically distributed throughout this state.
       Sec. 531.459.  EXPANSION OF SYSTEM SUSPENDED. (a) Except as
provided by Subsection (b), the commission may not expand the Texas
Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) by adding new health
and human services benefit program cases until the commission:
             (1)  reviews the state auditor's report on the audit of
the system under this subchapter; and
             (2)  complies with any recommendations in the report.
       (b)  The executive commissioner shall suspend all entry of
new health and human services benefit program cases or conversion
of existing cases into the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign
System (TIERS) for cases occurring in any county, other than a
county using that system to enter cases before September 1, 2007,
until the system meets the performance levels demonstrated by the
statewide system in January 2004.
       (c)  Counties that before September 1, 2007, used the Texas
Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) to enter health and
human services benefit program cases shall continue to use that
       (d)  Cases currently in the Texas Integrated Eligibility
Redesign System (TIERS) shall remain in the system.
       (e)  Entry or conversion of health and human services benefit
program cases into the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System
(TIERS) may be resumed by counties not included under Subsection
(c) on acceptance by the presiding officers of the Senate Health and
Human Services Committee and the House Human Services Committee of
determinations by the state auditor that the system's functionality
is at January 2004 performance levels for cases in the system and
that there is a reasonable expectation that the Texas Integrated
Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) will be adopted as the final
health and human services information system.
       Sec. 531.460.  EXPIRATION.  This subchapter expires January
1, 2009.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.