80R4561 AJA-F
  By: Gallegos S.B. No. 1219
relating to citizenship and residency requirements for alcoholic
beverage license and permit holders.
       SECTION 1.  Section 1.04(20), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
             (20)  "Citizen [of Texas]" means [and "citizen of this
state" mean] a person who is a citizen of [both] the United States
[and Texas].
       SECTION 2.  Section 1.07(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  For purposes of any provision of this code that requires
an applicant for a license or permit to be a United States citizen
[or Texas citizen], regardless of whether it applies to an
individual, a percentage of stockholders of a corporation, or
members of a partnership, firm, or association, an individual who
is not a United States citizen but who legally resides in the United
States [state] is treated as a United States citizen [and a citizen
of Texas].
       SECTION 3.  Section 6.03(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  It is the public policy of this state and a purpose of
this section to require that[, except as provided in Subsection (k)
of this section or otherwise in this code,] a permit or license may
not be issued under this code to a person who is [was] not a citizen
[of this state for a one-year period preceding the date of the
filing of the person's application for a license or permit. In that
regard, the legislature makes the findings in Subsections (b)
through (j) of this section]. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this code, Texas residency is not required to hold a permit or
license under this code.
       SECTION 4.  Section 11.46(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The commission or administrator may refuse to issue an
original or renewal permit with or without a hearing if it has
reasonable grounds to believe and finds that any of the following
circumstances exists:
             (1)  the applicant has been convicted in a court of
competent jurisdiction of the violation of any provision of this
code during the two years immediately preceding the filing of the
applicant's [his] application;
             (2)  five years have not elapsed since the termination,
by pardon or otherwise, of a sentence imposed on the applicant for
the conviction of a felony;
             (3)  within the six-month period immediately preceding
the [his] application the applicant violated or caused to be
violated a provision of this code or a rule or regulation of the
commission which involves moral turpitude, as distinguished from a
technical violation of this code or of the rule;
             (4)  the applicant failed to answer or falsely or
incorrectly answered a question in an original or renewal
             (5)  the applicant is indebted to the state for any
taxes, fees, or payment of penalty imposed by this code or by rule
of the commission;
             (6)  the applicant is not of good moral character or the
applicant's [his] reputation for being a peaceable, law-abiding
citizen in the community where the applicant [he] resides is bad;
             (7)  the applicant is a minor;
             (8)  the place or manner in which the applicant may
conduct the applicant's [his] business warrants the refusal of a
permit based on the general welfare, health, peace, morals, and
safety of the people and on the public sense of decency;
             (9)  the applicant is in the habit of using alcoholic
beverages to excess or is physically or mentally incapacitated;
             (10)  the applicant will sell liquor unlawfully in a
dry area or in a manner contrary to law or will knowingly permit an
agent, servant, or employee to do so;
             (11)  the applicant is not a [United States] citizen
[or has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year
immediately preceding the filing of his application], unless the
applicant [he] was issued a permit or renewal permit on or before
September 1, 1948, and has at some time been a [United States]
             (12)  the applicant does not provide an adequate
building available at the address for which the permit is sought
before conducting any activity authorized by the permit;
             (13)  the applicant is residentially domiciled with a
person whose permit or license has been cancelled for cause within
the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his present
             (14)  the applicant has failed or refused to furnish a
true copy of the applicant's [his] application to the commission's
district office in the district in which the premises for which the
permit is sought are located; or
             (15)  during the six months immediately preceding the
filing of the application the premises for which the permit is
sought have been operated, used, or frequented for a purpose or in a
manner that is lewd, immoral, or offensive to public decency.
       SECTION 5.  Section 11.61(b), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The commission or administrator may suspend for not more
than 60 days or cancel an original or renewal permit if it is found,
after notice and hearing, that any of the following is true:
             (1)  the permittee has been finally convicted of a
violation of this code;
             (2)  the permittee violated a provision of this code or
a rule of the commission;
             (3)  the permittee was finally convicted of a felony
while holding an original or renewal permit;
             (4)  the permittee made a false or misleading statement
in connection with the permittee's [his] original or renewal
application, either in the formal application itself or in any
other written instrument relating to the application submitted to
the commission, its officers, or employees;
             (5)  the permittee is indebted to the state for taxes,
fees, or payment of penalties imposed by this code, by a rule of the
commission, or by Chapter 183, Tax Code;
             (6)  the permittee is not of good moral character or the
permittee's [his] reputation for being a peaceable and law-abiding
citizen in the community where the permittee [he] resides is bad;
             (7)  the place or manner in which the permittee
conducts the permittee's [his] business warrants the cancellation
or suspension of the permit based on the general welfare, health,
peace, morals, and safety of the people and on the public sense of
             (8)  the permittee is not maintaining an acceptable
             (9)  the permittee maintains a noisy, lewd, disorderly,
or unsanitary establishment or has supplied impure or otherwise
deleterious beverages;
             (10)  the permittee is insolvent or mentally or
physically unable to carry on the management of the permittee's
[his] establishment;
             (11)  the permittee is in the habit of using alcoholic
beverages to excess;
             (12)  the permittee knowingly misrepresented to a
customer or the public any liquor sold by the permittee [him];
             (13)  the permittee was intoxicated on the licensed
             (14)  the permittee sold or delivered an alcoholic
beverage to an intoxicated person;
             (15)  the permittee possessed on the licensed premises
an alcoholic beverage that the permittee [he] was not authorized by
the permittee's [his] permit to purchase and sell;
             (16)  a package store or wine only package store
permittee transported or shipped liquor, or caused it to be
transported or shipped, into a dry state or a dry area within this
             (17)  the permittee is residentially domiciled with a
person who has a financial interest in an establishment engaged in
the business of selling beer at retail, other than a mixed beverage
establishment, except as authorized by Section 22.06, 24.05, or
102.05 [of this code];
             (18)  the permittee is residentially domiciled with a
person whose permit or license was cancelled for cause within the
12-month period preceding the permittee's [his] own application;
             (19)  the permittee is not a citizen [of the United
States or has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year
immediately preceding the filing of his application], unless the
permittee [he] was issued an original or renewal permit on or before
September 1, 1948, and has been a [United States] citizen at some
             (20)  the permittee permitted a person to open a
container of alcoholic beverage or possess an open container of
alcoholic beverage on the licensed premises unless a mixed beverage
permit has been issued for the premises;
             (21)  the permittee failed to promptly report to the
commission a breach of the peace occurring on the permittee's
licensed premises;
             (22)  the permittee consumed an alcoholic beverage or
permitted one to be consumed on the licensed premises at a time when
the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by this code;
             (23)  the permittee sold, served, or delivered an
alcoholic beverage at a time when its sale is prohibited.
       SECTION 6.  Section 24.01(c), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (c)  The qualifications for a wine only package store permit
whose premises is in a wet area permitting the legal sale of wine
for off-premises consumption only as determined by an election held
under Section 251.19 are the same as the qualifications for a permit
issued under Chapter 26 [of this code, including the citizenship
requirements prescribed by Section 6.03].
       SECTION 7.  Section 28.13(e), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (e)  The provisions of Section 109.53 that relate to
citizenship [residency] requirements and compliance with Texas
laws of incorporation or registration do not apply to the holders of
a mixed beverage permit under this section.
       SECTION 8.  Section 47.05, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 47.05.  PLANT PLAN REQUIREMENTS. Plant [If the plant]
plans submitted by the applicant must establish to the satisfaction
of the commission that the plant is not capable of producing alcohol
for beverage purposes.  A [and if no] change in the plant may not be
[is] made without commission approval[, the permit for which
application is made shall be considered to be an industrial permit
as that term is used in Section 109.53 of this code].
       SECTION 9.  Section 61.42(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The county judge shall refuse to approve an application
for a license as a distributor or retailer if the county judge [he]
has reasonable grounds to believe and finds that:
             (1)  the applicant is a minor;
             (2)  the applicant is indebted to the state for any
taxes, fees, or penalties imposed by this code or by rule of the
             (3)  the place or manner in which the applicant for a
retail dealer's license may conduct the applicant's [his] business
warrants a refusal of a license based on the general welfare,
health, peace, morals, safety, and sense of decency of the people;
             (4)  the applicant is in the habit of using alcoholic
beverages to excess or is mentally or physically incompetent;
             (5)  the applicant is not a [United States] citizen [or
has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year immediately
preceding the filing of his application], unless the applicant [he]
was issued an original or renewal license on or before September 1,
             (6)  the applicant was finally convicted of a felony
during the five years immediately preceding the filing of the
applicant's [his] application;
             (7)  the applicant is not of good moral character or the
applicant's [his] reputation for being a peaceable, law-abiding
citizen in the community where the applicant [he] resides is bad;
             (8)  as to a corporation, it is not incorporated under
the laws of this state or another state and properly registered with
the secretary of state, or at least 51 percent of the corporate
stock is not owned at all times by persons who individually are
qualified to obtain a license, except that this subdivision does
not apply to a holder of any renewal of a distributor's license
which was in effect on January 1, 1953, or to an applicant for a beer
retailer's on-premise license for a railway car.
       SECTION 10.  Section 109.53, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended to read as follows:
SUBTERFUGE OWNERSHIP; ETC. A [No] person who is [has] not [been] a
citizen may not [of Texas for a period of one year immediately
preceding the filing of his application therefor shall be eligible
to] receive a permit under this code. A [No] permit may not [except
a brewer's permit, and such other licenses and permits as are
necessary to the operation of a brewer's permit, shall] be issued to
a corporation unless the same be incorporated under the laws of the
state or another state and properly registered with the secretary
of state and unless at least 51 percent of the stock of the
corporation is owned at all times by citizens [who have resided
within the state for a period of one year and] who possess the
qualifications required of other applicants for permits; provided,
however, that the restrictions contained in the preceding clause do
[shall] not apply to domestic or foreign corporations that were
engaged in the legal alcoholic beverage business in this state
under charter or permit prior to August 24, 1935. Partnerships,
firms, and associations applying for permits must [shall] be formed
under the laws of this state or another state and properly
registered with the secretary of state and must be composed wholly
of citizens possessing the qualifications above enumerated. Any
corporation (except carrier) holding a permit under this code that
violates [which shall violate] any provisions hereof, or any rule
or regulation promulgated hereunder, is [shall be] subject to
forfeiture of its charter and it shall be the duty of the attorney
general, when any such violation is called to the attorney
general's [his] attention, to file a suit for such cancellation in a
district court of Travis County. A [Such provisions of this section
as require Texas citizenship or require incorporation in Texas
shall not apply to the holders of agent's, industrial, and carrier's
permits.  No] person may not [shall] sell, warehouse, store or
solicit orders for any liquor in any wet area without first having
procured a permit of the class required for such privilege, or
consent to the use of or allow the person's [his] permit to be
displayed by or used by any person other than the one to whom the
permit was issued. It is the intent of the legislature to prevent
subterfuge ownership of or unlawful use of a permit or the premises
covered by such permit; and all provisions of this code shall be
liberally construed to carry out this intent, and it shall be the
duty of the commission or the administrator to provide strict
adherence to the general policy of preventing subterfuge ownership
and related practices hereinafter declared to constitute unlawful
trade practices. An [No] applicant for a package store permit or a
renewal of a package store permit may not [thereof shall have
authority to] designate as "premise" and the commission or
administrator may [shall] not approve a lesser area than that
specifically defined as "premise" in Section 11.49(a) [of this
code]. Every permittee shall have and maintain exclusive occupancy
and control of the entire licensed premises in every phase of the
storage, distribution, possession, and transportation and sale of
all alcoholic beverages purchased, stored or sold on the licensed
premises. Any device, scheme or plan that [which] surrenders
control of the employees, premises or business of the permittee to
persons other than the permittee is [shall be] unlawful. A [No]
minor, unless accompanied by the minor's [his or her] parent,
guardian, adult husband or adult wife, or other adult person into
whose custody the minor [he or she] has been committed for the time
by some court, may not [shall] knowingly be allowed on the premises
of the holder of a package store permit. The prohibition against
the presence of a minor on the premises of the holder of a package
store permit does not apply to the presence on the premises of the
holder or a person lawfully employed by the holder. Any package
store permittee who is [shall be] injured in the permittee's [his]
business or property by another package store permittee by reason
of anything prohibited in this section may institute suit in any
district court in the county wherein the violation is alleged to
have occurred to require enforcement by injunctive procedures
and/or to recover threefold the damages [by him] sustained by the
permittee; plus costs of suit including a reasonable attorney's
fee. The provisions prohibiting the licensing of only a portion of
a building as premise for a package store permit does [shall] not
apply to hotels as already defined in this code.
       SECTION 11.  Sections 1.07(b), 6.03(b) through (l), 6.05,
and 109.531, Alcoholic Beverage Code, are repealed.
       SECTION 12.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.