80R8879 AJA-F
  By: Williams S.B. No. 1366
relating to storage of certain imported alcoholic beverages.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle A, Title 3, Alcoholic Beverage Code, is
amended by adding Chapter 55 to read as follows:
       Sec. 55.01.  AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. (a) The holder of a
manufacturer's agent's warehousing permit may:
             (1)  receive beer, ale, or malt liquor from the holder
of a nonresident brewer's permit or nonresident manufacturer's
license and store the alcoholic beverages on the permitted
             (2)  ship, cause to be shipped, sell, and otherwise
transfer the beer, ale, or malt liquor to licensed or permitted
distributors and wholesalers in this state and to persons outside
this state who are qualified to receive the beer, ale, or malt
liquor under the regulatory laws of the state or other jurisdiction
in which the beer, ale, or malt liquor is received; and
             (3)  return beer, ale, or malt liquor to the
manufacturer or brewer from which it was originally received.
       (b)  The holder of a manufacturer's agent's warehousing
permit may ship only to wholesalers and distributors in this state
who have been issued a territorial designation by the actual
manufacturer or brewer of the brand or brands to be shipped. This
territorial designation for the sale of beer must be under and a
part of the agreement entered into between the actual manufacturer
of the brand and the distributor under Subchapters C and D, Chapter
102. This chapter does not affect the requirement that the actual
manufacturer, and the agreement between the actual manufacturer and
the distributor, comply with Subchapters C and D, Chapter 102.
       (c)  Beer, ale, or malt liquor received at premises permitted
under this chapter that is not labeled and approved for sale in this
state may be held and stored at the premises and may be shipped from
the premises if it is consigned and transported to qualified
persons in other states or jurisdictions where its sale is legal.
       (d)  The provisions of this code related to the residency of
an applicant for a permit do not apply to a permit under this
       Sec. 55.02.  FEE. The commission by rule shall set the
amount of the annual state fee for a manufacturer's agent's
warehousing permit.
       Sec. 55.03.  ELIGIBILITY FOR PERMIT. A manufacturer's
agent's warehousing permit may be issued to an entity:
             (1)  of which at least 50 percent of the ownership
interests are owned by another entity that:
                   (A)  is located and chartered in the United
Mexican States;
                   (B)  has held a nonresident manufacturer's
license, nonresident brewer's permit, and a nonresident seller's
permit for the two years preceding the date of the application; and
                   (C)  during each of those two years has shipped or
caused to be shipped into this state for ultimate sale to qualified
distributors and wholesalers in this state at least one-half
million barrels of beer, ale, or malt liquor of the various brands
manufactured or brewed by the entity; and
             (2)  whose employees, located in this state or
elsewhere, hold permits and licenses issued under Chapters 36 and
73 to perform the activities authorized under those chapters on
behalf of the entity.
       Sec. 55.04.  LOCATION OF PREMISES. The premises of a permit
holder under this chapter must be located in an area that is wet for
the sale of beer, ale, and malt liquor.
       Sec. 55.05.  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. The commission shall
require monthly reports from a permit holder under this chapter
showing the brands, types, sizes of containers, and quantities of
beer, ale, or malt liquor received at and shipped from the premises
to persons authorized to receive them. The reports must conform in
all respects to the requirements and forms prescribed by the
commission and contain any other information required by the
       SECTION 2.  If any part of Chapter 55, Alcoholic Beverage
Code, as added by this Act, is invalidated by a final, unappealable
order of a court, the entire chapter is invalid and any permit
issued under the chapter is void.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.