80R8697 ATP-F
  By: Williams S.B. No. 1397
relating to damages available to a consumer under the Deceptive
Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act.
       SECTION 1.  Section 17.50, Business & Commerce Code, is
amended by adding Subsection (a-1) and amending Subsection (b) to
read as follows:
       (a-1)  A consumer seeking to recover damages under this
section in an individual action, class action, or other type of
action shall prove on an individual basis that the deceptive act or
practice for which damages are sought caused the consumer to enter
into a transaction that resulted in the damages.
       (b)  In a suit filed under this section, each consumer who
prevails may obtain:
             (1)  the amount of economic damages found by the trier
of fact, limited to an amount equal to the difference between the
amount paid by the consumer for the good or service and the actual
market value of the good or service that the consumer received. The
consumer has the burden of proving this amount of economic damages.
If the trier of fact finds that the conduct of the defendant was
committed knowingly, the consumer may also recover damages for
mental anguish, as found by the trier of fact, and the trier of fact
may award not more than three times the amount of economic damages;
or if the trier of fact finds the conduct was committed
intentionally, the consumer may recover damages for mental anguish,
as found by the trier of fact, and the trier of fact may award not
more than three times the amount of damages for mental anguish and
economic damages;
             (2)  an order enjoining such acts or failure to act;
             (3)  orders necessary to restore to any party to the
suit any money or property, real or personal, which may have been
acquired in violation of this subchapter; and
             (4)  any other relief which the court deems proper,
including the appointment of a receiver or the revocation of a
license or certificate authorizing a person to engage in business
in this state if the judgment has not been satisfied within three
months of the date of the final judgment. The court may not revoke
or suspend a license to do business in this state or appoint a
receiver to take over the affairs of a person who has failed to
satisfy a judgment if the person is a licensee of or regulated by a
state agency which has statutory authority to revoke or suspend a
license or to appoint a receiver or trustee. Costs and fees of such
receivership or other relief shall be assessed against the
       SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
a cause of action filed on or after the effective date of this Act.
A cause of action filed before the effective date of this Act is
governed by the law in effect on the date the cause of action was
filed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.