80R20447 ATP-F
  By: Duncan S.B. No. 1646
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 1646:
  By:  BermanC.S.S.B. No. 1646C.S.S.B. No. 1646  Berman C.S.S.B. No. 1646
relating to certain election practices and procedures; providing
       SECTION 1.  Section 2.051(a), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Sections 2.055 and 2.056, this
subchapter applies only to an election for officers of a political
subdivision other than a county in which write-in votes may be
counted only for names appearing on a list of write-in candidates
and in which[:
             [(1)]  each candidate for an office that is to appear on
the ballot is unopposed, except as provided by Subsection (b)[; and
             [(2)no proposition is to appear on the ballot]. For
purposes of this section, a special election of a political
subdivision is considered to be a separate election with a separate
ballot from:
             (1)  a general election for officers of the political
subdivision held at the same time as the special election; or
             (2)  another special election of the political
subdivision held at the same time as the special election.
       SECTION 2.  Section 2.053, Election Code, is amended to read
as follows:
       Sec. 2.053.  ACTION ON CERTIFICATION. (a) On receipt of the
certification, the governing body of the political subdivision by
order or ordinance may declare each unopposed candidate elected to
the office. If no election is to be held on election day by the
political subdivision, a copy of the order or ordinance shall be
posted on election day at each polling place used or that would have
been used in the election.
       (b)  If a declaration is made under Subsection (a), the
election is not held.  [A copy of the order or ordinance shall be
posted on election day at each polling place that would have been
used in the election.]
       (c)  The ballots used at a separate election held at the same
time as an election that would have been held if the candidates were
not declared elected under this section shall include the offices
and names of the candidates declared elected under this section
listed separately after the measures or contested races in the
separate election under the heading "Unopposed Candidates Declared
Elected." The candidates shall be grouped in the same relative
order prescribed for the ballot generally. No votes are cast in
connection with the candidates.
       (d)  The secretary of state by rule may prescribe any
additional procedures necessary to accommodate a particular voting
system or ballot style and to facilitate the efficient and
cost-effective implementation of this section.
       (e)  A certificate of election shall be issued to each
candidate in the same manner and at the same time as provided for a
candidate elected at the election. The candidate must qualify for
the office in the same manner as provided for a candidate elected at
the election.
       SECTION 3.  Section 2.054(a), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  In an election that may be subject to this subchapter, a 
[A] person commits an offense if by intimidation or by means of
coercion the person influences or attempts to influence a person
             (1)  not file an application for a place on the ballot
or a declaration of write-in candidacy; or
             (2)  withdraw as a candidate [in an election that may be
subject to this subchapter].
       SECTION 4.  Chapter 2, Election Code, is amended by adding
Subchapter D to read as follows:
       Sec. 2.081.  CANCELLATION OF MOOT MEASURE. (a) If an
authority that orders an election on a measure determines that the
action to be authorized by the voters may not be taken, regardless
of the outcome of the election, the authority may declare the
measure moot and remove the measure from the ballot.
       (b)  If a measure is declared moot under this section and is
removed from the ballot, the authority holding the election shall
post notice of the declaration during early voting by personal
appearance and on election day, at each polling place that would
have been used for the election on the measure.
An authority that orders an election may cancel the election only if
the power to cancel the election is specifically provided by
       SECTION 5.  Section 4.004(a), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  The notice of a general or special election must state:
             (1)  the nature and date of the election;
             (2)  except as provided by Subsection (c), the location
of each polling place, including each early voting polling place;
             (3)  the hours that the polls will be open; and
             (4)  any other information required by other law.
       SECTION 6.  Section 16.031(a), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  The registrar shall cancel a voter's registration
immediately on receipt of:
             (1)  notice under Section 13.072(b) or 15.021 or a
response under Section 15.053 that the voter's residence is outside
the county;
             (2)  an abstract of the voter's death certificate under
Section 16.001(a) or an abstract of an application indicating that
the voter is deceased under Section 16.001(b);
             (3)  an abstract of a final judgment of the voter's
mental incompetence, conviction of a felony, or disqualification
under Section 16.002, 16.003, or 16.004;
             (4)  notice under Section 112.012 that the voter has
applied for a limited ballot in another county;
             (5)  notice from a voter registration official in
another state that the voter has registered to vote outside this
state; [or]
             (6)  notice from the early voting clerk under Section
101.0041 that a federal postcard application submitted by an
applicant states a voting residence address located outside the
registrar's county; or
             (7)  notice from the secretary of state that the voter
has registered to vote in another county, as determined by the
voter's driver's license number or personal identification card
number issued by the Department of Public Safety or social security
       SECTION 7.  The heading to Section 31.009, Election Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 8.  Section 31.009(a), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  If federal funds are made available to assist the state
in the administration of elections, including assistance for the
phasing out or prohibition of the use of punch-card ballot voting
systems in this state, or state funds are made available to
reimburse political subdivisions for expenses incurred in
conducting a special election that is held statewide, the secretary
of state shall administer and distribute the funds as appropriate
to most effectively facilitate the purposes for which the funds are
made available.
       SECTION 9.  Section 32.002, Election Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (g) to read as
       (c)  The presiding judge and alternate presiding judge must
be affiliated or aligned with different political parties, subject
to this subsection. Before July of each year, the county chair of a
political party whose candidate for governor received the highest
or second highest number of votes in the county cast for a candidate
nominated by a political party in the most recent gubernatorial
general election shall submit in writing to the commissioners court
a list of names of persons in order of preference for each precinct
who are eligible for appointment as an election judge. The county
chair may supplement the list of names of persons until the 20th day
before a general election or the 15th day before a special election
in case an appointed election judge becomes unable to serve. The
commissioners court shall appoint the first person meeting the
applicable eligibility requirements from the list submitted in
compliance with this subsection by the party with the highest
number of votes in the precinct as the presiding judge and the first
person meeting the applicable eligibility requirements from the
list submitted in compliance with this subsection by the party with
the second highest number of votes in the precinct as the alternate
presiding judge. The commissioners court may reject the list if the
persons whose names are submitted on the list are determined not to
meet the applicable eligibility requirements.
       (g)  If, since the most recent gubernatorial general
election, the boundaries of a precinct have been changed, the
number of votes received in the precinct by a political party's
gubernatorial candidate shall be estimated as provided by Section
141.070 for the purpose of determining which political party's
candidate for governor received the highest or second highest
number of votes in the county.
       SECTION 10.  Section 32.034, Election Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
       (b)  The county chair of a political party whose candidate
for governor received the highest or second highest number of votes
in the county cast for a candidate nominated by a political party in
the most recent gubernatorial general election may, not later than
the 25th day before a general election or the 10th day before a
special election to which Subsection (a) applies, submit to a
presiding judge a list containing the names of at least two persons
who are eligible for appointment as a clerk. If a timely list is
submitted, the presiding judge shall appoint at least one clerk
from the list, except as provided by Subsection (c).
       (f)  If, since the most recent gubernatorial general
election, the boundaries of a precinct have been changed, the
number of votes received in the precinct by a political party's
gubernatorial candidate shall be estimated as provided by Section
141.070 for the purpose of determining which political party's
candidate for governor received the highest or second highest
number of votes in the county.
       SECTION 11.  Section 85.001(e), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (e)  For an election held on the uniform election date in May
and any resulting runoff election, the period for early voting by
personal appearance begins on the 12th day before election day and
continues through the fourth day before election day.
       SECTION 12.  Chapter 101, Election Code, is amended by
adding Section 101.0041 to read as follows:
APPLICATIONS. The early voting clerk shall notify the voter
registrar of a federal postcard application submitted by an
applicant that states a voting residence address located outside
the registrar's county.
       SECTION 13.  Section 123.035, Election Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
       (a-1) A contract for the acquisition of direct recording
electronic voting machine equipment may not prohibit the
transportation of the equipment across county lines, and a contract
provision that violates this subsection is void.
       SECTION 14.  Subchapter A, Chapter 125, Election Code, is
amended by adding Section 125.010 to read as follows:
AUTHORIZED. (a) In this section, "voting system technician" means
a person who as a vocation repairs, assembles, maintains, or
operates voting system equipment.
       (b)  On the request of the authority holding the election, a
voting system technician may be present at a polling place, a
meeting of the early voting ballot board, or a central counting
station for the purpose of repairing, assembling, maintaining, or
operating voting system equipment.
       SECTION 15.  Subchapter B, Chapter 141, Election Code, is
amended by adding Section 141.040 to read as follows:
       Sec. 141.040.  NOTICE OF DEADLINES. Not later than the 30th
day before the first day on which a candidate may file an
application for a place on the ballot under this subchapter, the
authority with whom the application must be filed shall post notice
of the dates of the filing period in a public place in a building in
which the authority has an office.
       SECTION 16.  Section 146.0301(a), Election Code, as amended
by Chapters 1107 and 1109, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2005, is reenacted to read as follows:
       (a)  A write-in candidate may not withdraw from the election
after the 67th day before election day.
       SECTION 17.  Subchapter B, Chapter 192, Election Code, is
amended by adding Section 192.0311 to read as follows:
2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. (a) Notwithstanding Section
192.031(2)(A), a political party is entitled to have the names of
the party's nominees for president and vice president of the United
States placed on the ballot in the 2008 presidential election if the
party's state chair delivers to the secretary of state a written
certification of the names of the party's nominees for president
and vice president on or before noon of the 60th day before the
       (b)  This section expires December 31, 2008.
       SECTION 18.  Section 192.033, Election Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b), the secretary of state
shall deliver the certification to the authority responsible for
having the official ballot prepared in each county not later than
the 60th day before election day for the 2008 presidential
election. This subsection expires December 31, 2008.
       SECTION 19.  Section 201.054(a), Election Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (f), a candidate's
application for a place on a special election ballot must be filed
not later than:
             (1)  5 p.m. of the 62nd [67th] day before election day,
if election day is on or after the 70th day after the date the
election is ordered;
             (2)  5 p.m. of the 31st day before election day, if
election day is on or after the 36th day and before the 70th day
after the date the election is ordered; or
             (3)  5 p.m. of a day fixed by the authority ordering the
election, which day must be not earlier than the fifth day after the
date the election is ordered and not later than the 20th day before
election day, if election day is before the 36th day after the date
the election is ordered.
       SECTION 20.  Sections 213.013(b) through (i), Election Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (b)  In a recount of an election on an office, each candidate
for the office is entitled to be present at the recount and have
watchers [representatives] present in the number corresponding to
the number of counting teams designated for the recount. If only
one counting team is designated or the recount is conducted on
automatic tabulating equipment, each candidate is entitled to two
watchers [representatives].
       (c)  In a recount of an election on an office for which a
political party has a nominee or for which a candidate is aligned
with a political party, the party is entitled to have watchers
[representatives] present in the same number prescribed for
candidates under Subsection (b).
       (d)  In a recount of an election on a measure, watchers
[representatives] may be appointed by the campaign treasurer or
assistant campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose political
committee that supports or opposes the measure in the number
corresponding to the number of counting teams designated for the
recount. If only one counting team is designated or the recount is
conducted on automatic tabulating equipment, each eligible
specific-purpose political committee is entitled to two watchers
       (e)  A watcher [representative] appointed to serve at a
recount must deliver a certificate of appointment to the recount
committee chair at the time the watcher [representative] reports
for service. A watcher [representative] who presents himself or
herself for service at any time immediately before or during the
recount and submits a proper certificate of appointment must be
accepted for service unless the number of appointees to which the
appointing authority is entitled have already been accepted.
       (f)  The certificate must be in writing and must include:
             (1)  the printed name and the signature of the watcher
             (2)  the election subject to the recount;
             (3)  the time and place of the recount;
             (4)  the measure, candidate, or political party being
             (5)  the signature and the printed name of the person
making the appointment; and
             (6)  an indication of the capacity in which the
appointing authority is acting.
       (g)  If the watcher [representative] is accepted for
service, the recount committee chair shall keep the certificate and
deliver it to the recount coordinator after the recount for
preservation under Section 211.007. If the watcher
[representative] is not accepted for service, the recount committee
chair shall return the certificate to the watcher [representative]
with a signed statement of the reason for the rejection.
       (h)  Each person entitled to be present at a recount is
entitled to observe any activity conducted in connection with the
recount. The person is entitled to sit or stand conveniently near
the officers conducting the observed activity and near enough to an
officer who is announcing the votes or examining or processing the
ballots to verify that the ballots are counted or processed
correctly or to an officer who is tallying the votes to verify that
they are tallied correctly. Rules concerning a watcher's
[representative's] rights, duties, and privileges are otherwise
the same as those prescribed by this code for poll watchers to the
extent they can be made applicable.
       (i)  No mechanical or electronic means of recording images or
sound are allowed inside the room in which the recount is conducted,
or in any hallway or corridor in the building in which the recount
is conducted within 30 feet of the entrance to the room, while the
recount is in progress. However, on request of a person entitled to
appoint watchers [representatives] to serve at the recount, the
recount committee chair shall permit the person to photocopy under
the chair's supervision any ballot, including any supporting
materials, challenged by the person or person's watcher
[representative]. The person must pay a reasonable charge for
making the copies and, if no photocopying equipment is available,
may supply that equipment at the person's expense. The person shall
provide a copy on request to another person entitled to appoint
watchers [representatives] to serve at the recount.
       SECTION 21.  Sections 271.002(a), (b), and (c), Election
Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  If the elections ordered by the authorities of two or
more political subdivisions are to be held on the same day in all or
part of the same county [territory], the governing bodies of the
political subdivisions may enter into an agreement to hold the
elections jointly in the election precincts that can be served by
common polling places, subject to Section 271.003.
       (b)  If an election ordered by the governor and the elections
ordered by the authorities of one or more political subdivisions
are to be held on the same day in all or part of the same county
[territory], the commissioners court of a county in which the
election ordered by the governor is to be held and the governing
bodies of the other political subdivisions may enter into an
agreement to hold the elections jointly in the election precincts
that can be served by common polling places, subject to Section
       (c)  If another law requires two or more political
subdivisions to hold a joint election, the governing body of any
other political subdivision holding an election on the same day in
all or part of the same county [territory] in which the joint
election is to be held may enter into an agreement to participate in
the joint election with the governing bodies of the political
subdivisions holding the joint election.
       SECTION 22.  (a) The changes in law made by Sections 1-6,
9-12, and 14-21 of this Act apply only to an election ordered on or
after September 1, 2007.
       (b)  Section 123.035(a-1), Election Code, as added by this
Act, applies only to a contract executed on or after September 1,
2007. A contract executed before that date is governed by the law
in effect when the contract was executed, and the former law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 23.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
       (b)  Sections 7 and 8 of this Act take effect immediately if
this Act receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members of each
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
effect, Sections 7 and 8 of this Act take effect September 1, 2007.