By: Ellis S.B. No. 1756
relating to a kindergarten-plus pilot project for certain children.
       Article I. Definitions.
             (1)  The "commissioner" means the Texas Education
             (2)  The "agency" means the Texas Education Agency.
             (3)  "Economically disadvantaged" means:
                   (A)  Students from a family with an annual income
at or below the official poverty line; or,
                   (B)  Students eligible for Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families or other public assistance; or,
                   (C)  Students who received a Pell Grant or
comparable state program of need-based financial assistance; or,
                   (D)  Students eligible for programs assisted
under Title II of the Job Training Partnership Act; or,
                   (E)  Students eligible for Benefits under the Food
Stamp Act of 1977.
       Article II. Kindergarten-Plus Program Pilot Project.
Subchapter E, Chapter 29, Education Code, is amended by adding
Section 29.162 to read as follows:
       SECTION 1.  Duties of the Commissioner of Education.
       (a)  The commissioner shall:
             (1)  Establish a three-year study that extends approved
full-day kindergarten programs by 40 instructional days for certain
students in eligible school districts;
             (2)  Award grants to eligible school districts from
funds appropriated for the purpose;
             (3)  Adopt rules necessary to administer this section,
including campus application requirements, procedures for
evaluating applications for grants;
             (4)  Provide standards and a curriculum for the
Kindergarten-Plus program;
             (5)  Establish district reporting and evaluation
       SECTION II. Eligible Districts.
       (a)  This act applies to districts which reported to the
agency more than 56,000 students enrolled in 2005-2006, and,
       (b)  Who reported more than 81 percent of the student
population as economically disadvantaged or eligible for free or
reduced lunch in 2005-2006.
       (c)  A district may use funds received under this subsection
only for the purpose of the district's Kindergarten-Plus program.
       (d)  A school district Kindergarten-Plus program must, at a
minimum, consist of:
             (1)  twenty additional instruction days for an eligible
child during the summer before the child will begin kindergarten;
             (2)  twenty additional instruction days for an eligible
child during the summer after the child completes kindergarten.
             (3)  a curriculum based on improving numeracy, literacy
and social skills in students.
       (e)  A school district receiving funds under this section
             (1)  Demonstrate that its Kindergarten-Plus program
will meet all state standards and employ only qualified teachers
and other staff.
             (2)  Compensate teachers at the same rate and under the
same terms for Kindergarten-Plus as teachers are paid for regular
full-day kindergarten programs.
             (3)  A teacher who teaches a Kindergarten-Plus program
is entitled to two additional professional development days each
school year.
             (4)  Employ a sufficient number of teachers as provided
by Section 25.112 of this section.
             (5)  Notify the population in the district whose
children are eligible for enrollment in Kindergarten-Plus of the
availability of the class. The system must include public notices
issued in English and Spanish.
       SECTION III. Student eligibility.
       (a)  A child is eligible to participate in a school
district's Kindergarten-Plus program if the:
             (1)  Child's parent or guardian has applied for the
child to participate in the kindergarten-plus program in the time
and manner required by the district and the district has accepted
the child's application;
             (2)  Child qualified for a pre-kindergarten program
under Section 29.153 of this section prior to reaching school
eligibility under Section 25.001 of this section; or,
             (3)  Child is entitled to attend school in the district
under Section 25.001 of the Education Code; and the child is:
                   (A)  Unable to speak and comprehend the English
language; or,
                   (B)  Educationally disadvantaged as established
under 42 U.S.C.S. Section 1751 et seq.; or,
                   (C)  Homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C Section
11302 regardless of the residence of the child, of either parent of
the child, or of the child's guardian or other person having lawful
control of the child.
       (b)  A child enrolled in Kindergarten-Plus remains eligible
for the duration of the program, regardless of financial status.
       SECTION 2.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
of this Act, the commissioner shall adopt rules relating to the
kindergarten-plus program provided for by Section 29.1511,
Education Code, as added by this Act.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.