By: Watson, Harris S.B. No. 1800
relating to air contaminant emissions permits for coal-fired or
lignite-fired electric generating facilities.
       SECTION 1.  Section 382.0518, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
       (b-1)  This subsection applies only to an application for a
permit for a proposed coal-fired or lignite-fired electric
generating facility that is or was subject to an order to expedite
the permit hearings process that is applicable to applications for
more than one such facility by the same applicant.  In making its
finding under Subsection (b)(2) as to whether emissions from the
facility will contravene the intent of this chapter, the commission
shall consider:
             (1)  the cumulative effects on the public's health and
physical property of the expected emissions from the proposed
facility together with the expected emissions from the other
proposed facilities subject to the order; and
             (2)  the expected positive and negative effects issuing
the permit for the facility and for the other proposed facilities
subject to the order may have on natural resources in this state,
including effects on:
                   (A)  game, fish, and forests;
                   (B)  water, in terms of availability and quality;
                   (C)  land from emissions and discharges; and
                   (D)  the use of Texas natural gas.
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 382, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Section 382.067 to read as follows:
FACILITIES.  (a)  The commission may consider as an appropriate
permit condition for a permit to be issued under this chapter for a
coal- or lignite-fired electric generating facility any
representation made to the public, the commission, or a hearings
officer regarding:
             (1)  emissions reductions from the proposed facility or
other facilities; or
             (2)  improvements in ambient air quality.
       (b)  In evaluating representations described by Subsection
(a), the commission shall assess any emissions associated with the
transportation of the fuel proposed for the facility.
       (c)  If the representations regarding reducing emissions
involve emissions reductions that may be eligible for an emissions
credits trading program, the commission as a permit condition shall
prohibit the owner or operator of the facility from earning or
trading credits earned for the emissions reductions or impose
reasonable conditions regarding the earning and trading of such
credits, including a condition that ensures that related emissions
reductions occur inside this state.
       (d)  If the permit is issued with the agreed reductions as a
permit condition, the commission shall include in the permit
reporting and monitoring requirements as necessary to enforce the
       (e)  The commission shall consider a failure of a permit
holder to achieve an emissions reduction on which the permit is
conditioned as provided by this section to be a violation of the
permit and shall initiate an appropriate enforcement action.
       (f)  In addition to the authority provided under Subsection
(a), if the commission notes that an applicant for a permit under
this subchapter publicly represents that the applicant will reduce
emissions from other sources owned or operated by the applicant in
this state, the commission may offer to enter corresponding
conditions into the permit and require the applicant to respond to
the offer.
       SECTION 3.  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as
soon as is practicable shall adopt rules to implement Section
382.0518(b-1) and Section 382.067, Health and Safety Code, as added
by this Act.  The rules must be adopted not later than December 1,
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.