By: Duncan, Carona, Watson S.B. No. 1812
relating to electronic publication of legal notice.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle G, Title 10, Government Code, is
amended by adding Chapter 2311 to read as follows:
       Sec. 2311.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
             (1)  "Legal notice" or "notice" means any matter that,
pursuant to law or rule, is required to be officially advertised.
             (2)  "Public notice website" means an Internet website
that is maintained by a third party under contract with the state,
which electronically publishes legal notices.
Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System shall enter into
an agreement with a website service provider to maintain a public
notice website.
       (b)  Any legal notice that is required to be published may be
published on the public notice website.
NOTICE.  (a)  Notwithstanding any other law and in addition to
publishing notice in a newspaper or posting notice at a courthouse
as required by statute or rule, a person may post on a public notice
website a notice that is in substantially the same form as required
by the statute or rule and that meets the requirements of this
       (b)  The submission of the public or legal notice may be made
at the courthouse, if possible, or may be made from a private or
public access computer terminal.  A reasonable fee, not to exceed
$10, may be charged for the provision of this service and the
maintenance of the public notice website to compensate the provider
of the public notice website.  The state is not responsible for
funding the operation or maintenance of a public notice website.
       (c)  A public notice website provider shall submit a status
report twice yearly to the director of the Office of Court
Administration of the Texas Judicial System indicating compliance
with statutory requirements governing the posting of public or
legal notices as applicable to an Internet-based website.  In
addition, a public notice website shall submit to a quality review
by the director of the Office of Court Administration if, in his or
her discretion, he or she finds a quality review necessary.  If a
quality review is requested, full access to the technical and
informational operations of the public notice website provider must
be provided.
WEBSITE PROVIDER.  In addition to other requirements contained in
this chapter, a public notice website provider also shall do all of
the following:
             (1)  Establish and operate the public notice website at
no cost to the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial
System or other governmental entity.
             (2)  Maintain the public notice website without
interruption 24 hours per day, seven days a week, each day of the
year; and the public notice website, including all its features,
must be fully publicly accessible at all times.
             (3)  Maintain adequate systematic protection, back-up,
and contingency planning in the event of power outages, systemic
failures, or other unforeseen difficulties.
             (4)  Have the right to hold and use a domain name which
is easily recognizable and understandable by the citizens of the
state.  The domain name should indicate both functionality and
geography.  The right to use the domain name and Internet location
must be maintained at the expense of the public notice website
             (5)  Not infringe on a legally protected right such as a
federal provisional patent application, registered patent, or
prior invention to operate a website of this nature, and its right
to operate without infringement must be clear and without the
possibility of causing subsequent interruption to the site by
virtue of legal process.
             (6)  Possess appropriate hardware infrastructure and
intellectual property for feasible processes to deploy a state and
national website with proper methodology for communication with the
court systems of the state.
             (7)  Have sufficient minimal capital requirements to
ensure its smooth and uninterrupted ongoing operation and shall
certify this to the director of the Office of Court Administration
of the Texas Judicial System upon request.
             (8)  Provide a reasonable plan for the implementation
of the public notice website where public or legal notices may be
posted with reasonable ease onto the public notice website directly
from the courts of this state and must be ready to reasonably
demonstrate and implement the technology necessary at no cost to
the state.  The public notice website provider shall provide the
necessary personnel to ensure ongoing communication with the
various courts of the state concerning the smooth flow of data
transmission and posting at no cost to the state.
             (9)  Not raise the cost for providing the website
without prior reasonable consultation with the director of the
Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System and not
seek, in any event, to raise the cost of posting a notice for the
first two years of operation.
             (10)  Ensure that individual notices shall include at
least the same information and are displayed on the public notice
website using similar display and print standards as are
established for newspaper postings made pursuant to other
applicable public notice statutory requirements.
             (11)  Ensure that individual notices are displayed for
not less than the length of time requested by the posting entity.  
At the end of the posting time, the public notice website provider,
with prior approval of the person or entity that arranged for the
posting and for a reasonable fee, may send a reminder to the entity
that the notice is due to expire.
             (12)  Include an archives feature, accessible, free of
charge, as a public service at all times and also shall include a
function which allows the public to determine which notices have
been posted in a given county.
             (13)  Provide that legal notices, both current and
archived, are publicly searchable by keyword, by either party to a
lawsuit, by courthouse file number, and by publication area.
             (14)  Not charge a fee to a person accessing,
searching, or using a public notice website function, except for
the posting of a notice as allowed by this chapter.
             (15)  Post a bond of reasonable amount sufficient to
insure the public interest as may be required by the Office of Court
Administration of the Texas Judicial System.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.