By: Duncan S.B. No. 1846
relating to funding for, and benefits provided under, the Teacher
Retirement System of Texas.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 824, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 824.009 to read as follows:
       Sec. 824.009.  BENEFIT INCREASE.  (a)  The amount of a
service retirement benefit, disability retirement benefit, or
death benefit paid under this chapter may be increased only to the
extent authorized by the General Appropriations Act applicable to
the fiscal biennium in which the increase is initially paid.
       (b)  An increase made as provided by this section is subject
to Section 821.006.
       SECTION 2.  Section 824.2031, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
       (c)  An improvement in the plan of benefits is subject to
Section 824.009.
       SECTION 3.  Section 825.308, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 825.308.  STATE CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT.  The retirement
system shall deposit in the state contribution account:
             (1)  all state contributions to the retirement system
required by Section 825.404;
             (2)  amounts from the interest account as provided by
Section 825.313(b)(2);
             (3)  retirement annuities waived or forfeited in
accordance with Section 824.601 or 824.004;
             (4)  fees collected under Section 825.403(h);
             (5)  fees and interest for reinstatement of service
credit or establishment of membership service credit as provided by
Section 823.501;
             (6)  the portion of a deposit required by Section
823.302 to establish military service credit that represents a fee;
             (7)  contributions collected by employers from federal
or private sources under Section 825.406;
             (8)  contributions collected by a general academic
teaching institution or a medical and dental unit under Section
825.407; and
             (9)  employer contributions required under Sections
825.4042 and [Section] 825.4092.
       SECTION 4.  Section 825.402, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 825.402.  RATE OF MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS.  (a)  The rate
of contributions for each member of the retirement system is:
             (1)  five percent of the member's annual compensation
or $180, whichever is less, for service rendered after August 31,
1937, and before September 1, 1957;
             (2)  six percent of the first $8,400 of the member's
annual compensation for service rendered after August 31, 1957, and
before September 1, 1969;
             (3)  six percent of the member's annual compensation
for service rendered after August 31, 1969, and before the first day
of the 1977-78 school year;
             (4)  6.65 percent of the member's annual compensation
for service rendered after the last day of the period described by
Subdivision (3) and before September 1, 1985; and
             (5)  6.4 percent of the member's annual compensation
for service rendered after August 31, 1985, subject to Subsection
       (b)  The rate of contributions for each member of the
retirement system may, as directed by the General Appropriations
Act consistent with the actuarial soundness of the retirement
system, be decreased to not less than 6 percent, or increased to not
more than 6.6 percent, of the member's annual compensation.  A
decrease or increase made under this subsection applies to annual
compensation received for service rendered during the school years
that correspond to the fiscal biennium to which the General
Appropriations Act requiring the decrease or increase applies or a
shorter period specified by that Act.  An increase may not be
required under this subsection to fund a benefit increase described
by Section 824.009.
       SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Section 825.404, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  During each fiscal year, the state shall contribute to
the retirement system an amount equal to at least six and not more
than 10 percent of the aggregate annual compensation of all members
of the retirement system during that fiscal year.  The amount of the
state contribution made under this section may not be less than the
amount contributed by members during that fiscal year in accordance
with Section 825.402.
       SECTION 6.  The heading to Section 825.4041, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 7.  Subchapter E, Chapter 825, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 825.4042 to read as follows:
       Sec. 825.4042.  EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.  (a)  During each
fiscal year, an employer shall contribute to the retirement system
an amount specified in the General Appropriations Act, which may
not be less than .25 percent or greater than .75 percent of the
aggregate annual compensation of contributing members of the
retirement system employed by that employer during that fiscal
year.  The total of an employer's contributions to the retirement
system under this section and the employer's contributions under
Subchapter E, Chapter 1575, Insurance Code, to the retired school
employees group insurance fund may not exceed one percent of the
aggregate annual compensation of the contributing members of the
retirement system employed by that employer during a fiscal year.
       (b)  An employer shall make the contributions required by
this section in 12 monthly payments and as required by the board of
       (c)  A contribution made under this section is in addition to
other employer contributions required by this subchapter.
       (d)  An employer may deduct from the amount of the
contribution required under this section the amount of matching
contributions that are:
             (1)  made for contributing employees by the employer
under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (26 U.S.C. Chapter
21); and
             (2)  paid by the employer from money other than money
appropriated by the state.
       (e)  Contributions made by employers under this section do
not affect the minimum state contribution required by Section
       (f)  Contributions under this section are subject to the
requirements of Section 825.408.
       (g)  An employer that is a state agency is required to make
contributions under this section only if the employer is subject to
Subchapter F, Chapter 404.
       SECTION 8.  Subsection (b), Section 825.406, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (b)  When an employer receives money for state contributions
from an application made in accordance with Subsection (a), the
employer shall immediately send the money to the retirement system
for deposit in the state contribution account [general revenue fund
of the state treasury].
       SECTION 9.  Subsection (g), Section 825.407, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (g)  The retirement system shall deposit [submit] all money
it receives under this section in the state contribution account
[to the comptroller of public accounts for deposit in the general
revenue fund].
       SECTION 10.  Subsection (e), Section 825.4092, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (e)  The amounts required to be paid under Subsections (b)
and (c) are not required to be paid by a reporting employer for a
retiree who retired from [was reported under] the retirement system
[rules in effect for the report month of January 2005 by:
             [(1)that reporting employer; or
             [(2)  another employer, if both employers are school
districts that consolidated into a consolidated school district on
or] before September 1, 2005.
       SECTION 11.  Subsection (b), Section 1575.204, Insurance
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (b)  Each state fiscal year, each employer who reports to the
retirement system under Section 824.6022, Government Code, the
employment of a retiree who is enrolled in the group program shall
contribute to the fund the difference, if any, between the
contribution amount that the reported retiree is required to pay
for the retiree and any enrolled dependents to participate in the
group program and the full cost of the retiree's and enrolled
dependents' participation in the group program, as determined by
the trustee. The amounts required to be paid under this subsection
are not required to be paid by a reporting employer for a retiree
who retired from the [was reported by that employer under]
retirement system before September 1, [rules in effect for the
report month of January] 2005.
       SECTION 12.  Section 1575.252, Insurance Code, is amended to
read as follows:
STATE CONTRIBUTIONS.  An employer who applies for money provided by
the United States or a privately sponsored source shall:
             (1)  if any of the money will pay part or all of an
active employee's salary, also apply for any legally available
money to pay state contributions required by Subchapter E; and
             (2)  immediately send any money received for state
contributions as a result of the application to the trustee for
deposit in the [general revenue] fund.
       SECTION 13.  (a)  The Teacher Retirement System of Texas
shall make a one-time supplemental payment of a retirement or death
benefit, as provided by this section.
       (b)  The supplemental payment is payable not later than
September 2007 and, to the extent practicable, on a date or dates
that coincide with the regular annuity payment payable to each
eligible annuitant.
       (c)  To the extent authorized by the General Appropriations
Act, the amount of the supplemental payment shall be no more than
the gross amount of the regular annuity payment to which the
eligible annuitant is otherwise entitled for the month of August
       (d)  The supplemental payment is payable without regard to
any forfeiture of benefits under Section 824.601, Government Code.
The Teacher Retirement System of Texas shall make applicable tax
withholding and other legally required deductions before
disbursing the supplemental payment. A supplemental payment under
this section is in addition to and not in lieu of the regular
monthly annuity payment to which the eligible annuitant is
otherwise entitled.
       (e)  Subject to Subsection (f) of this section, to be
eligible for the supplemental payment, a person must be, for the
month of August 2007, and disregarding any forfeiture of benefits
under Section 824.601, Government Code, an annuitant eligible to
             (1)  a standard retirement annuity payment;
             (2)  an optional retirement annuity payment as either a
retiree or beneficiary;
             (3)  a life annuity payment under Subdivision (4),
Subsection (a), Section 824.402, Government Code;
             (4)  an annuity for a guaranteed period of 60 months
under Subdivision (3), Subsection (a), Section 824.402, Government
Code; or
             (5)  an alternate payee annuity payment under Section
804.005, Government Code.
       (f)  If the annuitant is a retiree or a beneficiary under an
optional retirement payment plan, to be eligible for the
supplemental payment, the effective date of the retirement of the
member of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas must have been on
or before December 31, 2006. If the annuitant is a beneficiary
under Subdivision (3) or (4), Subsection (a), Section 824.402,
Government Code, to be eligible for the supplemental payment, the
date of death of the member of the retirement system must have been
on or before December 31, 2006. The supplemental payment shall be
made to an alternate payee who is an annuitant under Section
804.005, Government Code, only if the annuity payment to the
alternate payee commenced on or before December 31, 2006.  The
supplemental payment is in addition to the guaranteed number of
payments under Subdivision (3), Subsection (a), Section 824.402,
Government Code, or Subdivision (3) or (4), Subsection (c), Section
824.204, Government Code, and may not be counted as one of the
guaranteed monthly payments.
       (g)  The supplemental payment does not apply to payments
             (1)  Subsection (a), Section 824.304, Government Code,
relating to disability retirees with less than 10 years of service
             (2)  Subsection (b), Section 824.804, Government Code,
relating to participants in the deferred retirement option plan
with regard to payments from their deferred retirement option plan
             (3)  Subsection (a), Section 824.501, Government Code,
relating to retiree survivor beneficiaries who receive a survivor
annuity in an amount fixed by statute; or
             (4)  Subsection (a), Section 824.404, Government Code,
relating to active member survivor beneficiaries who receive a
survivor annuity in an amount fixed by statute.
       (h)  Except as provided by this section, the board of
trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas shall determine
the eligibility for and the amount and timing of a supplemental
payment and the manner in which the payment is made.
       SECTION 14.  Section 825.4092, Government Code, as amended
by this Act, applies only to an employer contribution required to be
made under that section on or after September 1, 2007.  An employer
contribution required to be made before September 1, 2007, is
governed by the law as it existed at the time the contribution was
required to be made, and that law is continued in effect for that
       SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.