By: Van de Putte S.B. No. 1898
relating to the participation of certain retired employees of
juvenile probation departments in the group benefits plan for state
       SECTION 1.  Section 1551.002, Insurance Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 1551.002.  PURPOSES.  The purposes of this chapter are
             (1)  provide uniformity in life, accident, and health
benefit coverages for all state officers and employees and their
             (2)  enable the state to attract and retain competent
and able employees by providing employees and their dependents with
life, accident, and health benefit coverages at least equal to
those commonly provided in private industry;
             (3)  foster, promote, and encourage employment by and
service to the state as a career profession for individuals of high
standards of competence and ability;
             (4)  recognize and protect the state's investment in
each permanent employee by promoting and preserving economic
security and good health among employees and their dependents;
             (5)  foster and develop high standards of
employer-employee relationships between the state and its
             (6)  recognize the long and faithful service and
dedication of state officers and employees and encourage them to
remain in state service until eligible for retirement by providing
health benefits for them and their dependents; [and]
             (7)  recognize the service to the state by employees
and retired employees of community supervision and corrections
departments by extending to them and their dependents the same
life, accident, and health benefit coverages as those provided
under this chapter to state employees, retired state employees, and
their dependents; and
             (8)  recognize the service to the state by retired
employees of juvenile probation departments, who retire from
departments located in a county with a population of less than
500,000, by extending to them the same life, accident, and health
benefit coverages as those provided under this chapter to retired
state employees.
       SECTION 2.  Section 1551.111(c), Insurance Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (c)  Except as provided by Section 1551.114 and 1551.115,
participation in the group benefits program does not extend to:
             (1)  the governing body of either system;
             (2)  a municipality or subdivision participating in
either system; or
             (3)  a trustee, officer, or employee, or a dependent of
a trustee, officer, or employee, of a participating municipality or
       SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, is
amended by adding Section 1551.115 to read as follows:
retired employee of juvenile probation department" means an
employee of a department established under Chapter 142, Human
Resources Code, that retires from that department.
       (b)  A retired employee of a juvenile probation department
shall be treated as an annuitant for purposes of this chapter only
as provided by this section.
       (c)  A retired employee of a juvenile probation department
may participate in the group benefits program administered by the
board of trustees under this chapter.  Participation under this
section is limited to retired employees of juvenile probation
departments who are described by Subsections (d) and (e).
       (d)  For a retired employee of a juvenile probation
department who is, on August 31, 2007, employed by a juvenile
probation department, the retired employee may participate in the
group benefits program if:
             (1)  the retired employee:
                   (A)  retires from the juvenile probation
department on or after September 1, 2007;
                   (B)  has at least 10 years of creditable service
earned for service at a juvenile probation department; and
                   (C)  meets all the requirements for retirement
benefits prescribed by the Texas County and District Retirement
System; and
             (2)  the juvenile probation department from which the
retired employee of a juvenile probation department retires:
                   (A)  does not provide retired employees access to
a health benefit plan on or after the effective date of the
employee's retirement; or
                   (B)  provides retired employees access to a health
benefit plan on or after the effective date of the employee's
retirement that provides coverage that is less comprehensive than
the coverage provided to annuitants under the basic coverage for
       (e)  For a retired employee of a juvenile probation
department who is not described by Subsection (d) and who is
employed by the department on or after September 1, 2007, the
retired employee may participate in the group benefits program if:
             (1)  the retired employee:
                   (A)  retires from the juvenile probation
department on or after September 1, 2017;
                   (B)  has at least 10 years of creditable service
earned for service at a juvenile probation department on or after
September 1, 2007; and
                   (C)  meets all the requirements for retirement
benefits prescribed by the Texas County and District Retirement
System; and
             (2)  the juvenile probation department from which the
retired employee of a juvenile probation department retires:
                   (A)  does not provide retired employees access to
a health benefit plan on or after the effective date of the
employee's retirement; or
                   (B)  provides retired employees access to a health
benefit plan on or after the effective date of the employee's
retirement that provides coverage that is less comprehensive than
the coverage provided to annuitants under the basic coverage for
       (f)  A retired employee of a juvenile probation department is
eligible to participate in the group benefits program on
application to the board of trustees.  On application, a retired
employee is automatically covered by the basic coverage for
annuitants unless the retired employee is expelled from the
       (g)  A retired employee is eligible to receive a state
contribution under Subchapter G for premiums to the same extent as
an individual eligible to participate as an annuitant under Section
       (h)  Each participating retired employee of a juvenile
probation department shall pay that portion of the cost of group
coverage selected by the retired employee that exceeds the amount
of the state contribution.  The retired employee shall pay
contributions required from the retired employee in the manner
prescribed by the board of trustees.
       SECTION 4.  Subchapter G, Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, is
amended by adding Section 1551.325 to read as follows:
DEPARTMENTS.  Not later than June 1 of each year, a juvenile
probation department shall submit to the board of trustees a good
faith estimate of the number of retired employees and active
employees employed on June 1 but expected to retire before the next
June 1 that may elect to enroll in the group benefits program for
the following fiscal year.
       SECTION 5.  (a)  The Employees Retirement System of Texas
shall develop a plan for the extension of benefits under the group
benefits program to retired employees of juvenile probation
departments eligible to participate in the group benefits program
under Section 1551.115, Insurance Code, as added by this Act.  The
Employees Retirement System of Texas shall adopt rules necessary to
implement this subsection not later than September 1, 2008.
       (b)  Coverage under Section 1551.115, Insurance Code, as
added by this Act, shall become effective September 1, 2008.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.