80R11776 CLE-F
  By: Uresti S.C.R. No. 48
       WHEREAS, In 1962, Pub. L. No. 87-525 authorized the
construction of an international bridge across the Rio Grande to
join Heath Canyon in Texas with the village of La Linda, Coahuila,
Mexico, for the purpose of transporting refined ore into the United
States from nearby mills in Mexico and to one day facilitate the
movement of tourists interested in visiting the Sierra del Carmen
mountain areas across from Big Bend National Park; and
       WHEREAS, Since the bridge was constructed, the Texas
Department of Transportation has, without interruption, maintained
Farm-to-Market Road 2627 as a paved two-lane highway for a 28-mile
stretch connecting the bridge to United States Highway 385, which
leads from that junction southward to Big Bend National Park and
northward 40 miles to Marathon and United States Highway 90; and
       WHEREAS, La Linda Bridge, also known as the Hallie Stillwell
Memorial Bridge, is still in place and is in good repair but cannot
be crossed by vehicles or pedestrians because of barriers and the
placement of "no trespassing" signs at the bridge since 1997
pursuant to orders issued by the governments of the United States of
America and the Republic of Mexico; and
       WHEREAS, The La Linda international crossing is the only
bridge structure in place and the only point of entry authorized by
public law between the United States ports of entry at Presidio and
Del Rio, a distance of 385 miles; and
       WHEREAS, The principal owner of the United States section of
the international bridge at La Linda, the National Parks
Conservation Association, is prepared to donate its interest in the
bridge and associated properties to the State of Texas through the
General Land Office so that the bridge may be reopened and operated
as a legal border crossing; and
       WHEREAS, The tourism industries serving scenic and
recreational areas joined by this bridge, including the Big Bend
mountains of Texas and the Sierra del Carmen mountains of Northwest
Coahuila, wish to promote, accommodate, and economically benefit
from cross-border tourism but are unable to implement those
objectives if the La Linda crossing is not functioning; and
       WHEREAS, The safety of tourists wishing to enjoy the area,
the binational scientific cooperation called for under existing
international agreements, and the security and public safety of
communities and citizens on both sides of the international border
would be enhanced by a functioning border crossing at La Linda; and
       WHEREAS, The State of Coahuila and the commissioners court of
Brewster County, respectively represented by the Instituto de
Turismo and the Big Bend Border Council and joined by a coalition of
local residents and the Big Bend National Park Superintendent, have
twice requested that the Binational Bridges and Border Crossings
working group, which is convened semiannually by the United States
Department of State and the Mexican Secretaria de Relaciones
Exteriores, take the necessary actions to have the bridge and
border crossing at La Linda reopened by the United States and
Mexican federal governments; and
       WHEREAS, The working group, composed of United States and
Mexican federal authorities responsible for authorizing
international ports of entry and required inspections along the
international boundary, will convene again in the coming months to
consider action on either reopening the bridge at La Linda or
ordering its removal; and
       WHEREAS, It is in the economic, cultural, and security
interests of the State of Texas and the homeland security interest
of the United States of America to have a functioning
border-crossing station under the management and control of trained
and equipped law enforcement and public safety officials in the
extensive area known as the Big Bend; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby express its support and encouragement for the reopening of
the bridge and border crossing at La Linda to accommodate trade and
tourism between Texas and Coahuila, Mexico, and to better protect
residents of both countries and secure the protection of our nation
from threats that might be associated with the illegal crossing of
individuals or materials with a lethal intent; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That the legislature hereby urge the General Land
Office to proceed expeditiously with the due diligence needed to
make a determination regarding acceptance of an ownership interest
in La Linda Bridge by the State of Texas; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That the legislature hereby urge that the governor,
the Texas Department of Transportation, the secretary of state, the
Department of Public Safety, the Parks and Wildlife Department, the
Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office, the Texas Historical
Commission, and other appropriate state agencies render
encouragement and assistance to the General Land Office as it
proceeds in this matter and render encouragement and assistance as
well to Brewster County and to private and public advocates for
tourism in the Big Bend in their efforts to develop a regional
tourism economy in conjunction with a reopened bridge at La Linda;
and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That the legislature hereby call upon the United
States Department of State to communicate the interest of the State
of Texas in this matter to the government of the Republic of Mexico
and to all other parties participating in decisions relating to
either reopening or removing the bridge at La Linda; and, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward an
official copy of this resolution to the United States secretary of