2007S1426-2 05/02/07
  By: Uresti S.C.R. No. 71
       WHEREAS, Farmers operating over the Edwards Aquifer have
conserved more water than any other aquifer user group in the
Edwards region and stand ready to make this water available to help
meet current and projected water needs within their local
communities; and
       WHEREAS, Farmers that use the Edwards Aquifer for irrigation
used less than 88,000 acre-feet per year on the average over a
seven-year period ending in 2005, and this represents more than a 60
percent savings in water use compared to the maximum historical
use; and
       WHEREAS, It should be noted that 127,000 acre-feet of
conserved irrigation water has been permitted and, by recognizing
the need to conserve for current and projected water supply needs,
is available through water transfers from farmers to municipalities
and industry; and
       WHEREAS, One acre-foot of water is capable of supporting
three families of four for one year, and the water that the farmers
conserved would support 380,000 families over the Edwards Aquifer;
       WHEREAS, These farmers have conserved this water without
reducing the number of acres under irrigation or decreasing levels
of agribusiness production, and this level of conservation is only
possible through the farmers' substantial investment of time and
money in efficient equipment and agricultural processes; and
       WHEREAS, According to a recent Edwards Aquifer Authority
survey, farmers utilize more than 535 center pivot or linear
irrigation systems to irrigate more than 62,000 acres of farmland
over the Edwards Aquifer, and when you consider that the average
cost of a system is $600 per acre, it is estimated that farmers have
invested more than $37 million to conserve water; and
       WHEREAS, The farmers of Medina and Uvalde Counties deserve
the utmost commendation and praise for their water conservation
efforts and their respect for this treasured water resource; now,
therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby express appreciation for the efforts of the farmers of
Medina and Uvalde Counties in the Edwards Aquifer region for their
tremendous efforts in water conservation to the benefit of the
citizens of this region and the state; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be prepared in honor
of the farmers of Medina and Uvalde Counties.
Expressing appreciation to the farmers of Medina and Uvalde
Counties in the Edwards Aquifer region for their water conservation