S.C.R. No. 90
  WHEREAS, Senate Bill No. 11 has been adopted by the house of
  representatives and the senate and is being prepared for
  enrollment; and
         WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be
  corrected; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED by the 80th Legislature of the State of Texas, That
  the enrolling clerk of the senate be instructed to make the
  following corrections:
         (1)  In Article 15 of the bill, in amended Subdivision (1),
  Subsection (b), Section 51.212, Education Code (conference
  committee report, page 58, line 15), between "institution" and the
  semicolon, insert ", but provided these duties are consistent with
  the educational mission of the institution and are being performed
  within a county in which the institution has land".
         (2)  Strike Article 16 of the bill (conference committee
  report, page 64, line 24 through page 67, line 10) and substitute
  the following:
         SECTION 16.01.  Section 20A.01, Penal Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 20A.01.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Forced labor or services" means labor or
  services, including conduct that constitutes an offense under
  Section 43.02, that are performed or provided by another person and
  obtained through an actor's:
                     (A)  causing or threatening to cause bodily injury
  to the person or another person or otherwise causing the person
  performing or providing labor or services to believe that the
  person or another person will suffer bodily injury;
                     (B)  restraining or threatening to restrain the
  person or another person in a manner described by Section 20.01(1)
  or causing the person performing or providing labor or services to
  believe that the person or another person will be restrained; [or]
                     (C)  knowingly destroying, concealing, removing,
  confiscating, or withholding from the person or another person, or
  threatening to destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate, or withhold
  from the person or another person, the person's actual or
                           (i)  government records;
                           (ii)  identifying information; or
                           (iii)  personal property;
                     (D)  threatening the person with abuse of the law
  or the legal process in relation to the person or another person;
                     (E)  threatening to report the person or another
  person to immigration officials or other law enforcement officials
  or otherwise blackmailing or extorting the person or another
                     (F)  exerting financial control over the person or
  another person by placing the person or another person under the
  actor's control as security for a debt to the extent that:
                           (i)  the value of the services provided by
  the person or another person as reasonably assessed is not applied
  toward the liquidation of the debt;
                           (ii)  the duration of the services provided
  by the person or another person is not limited and the nature of the
  services provided by the person or another person is not defined; or
                           (iii)  the principal amount of the debt does
  not reasonably reflect the value of the items or services for which
  the debt was incurred; or
                     (G)  using any scheme, plan, or pattern intended
  to cause the person to believe that the person or another person
  will be subjected to serious harm or restraint if the person does
  not perform or provide the labor or services.
               (2)  "Traffic" means to transport, [another person or
  to] entice, recruit, harbor, provide, or otherwise obtain another
  person by any means [for transport by deception, coercion, or
         SECTION 16.02.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 20A.02,
  Penal Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  knowingly traffics another person with the intent
  or knowledge that the trafficked person will engage in[:
               [(1)]  forced labor or services; or
               (2)  intentionally or knowingly benefits from
  participating in a venture that involves an activity described by
  Subdivision (1), including by receiving labor or services the
  person knows are forced labor or services [conduct that constitutes
  an offense under Chapter 43].
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, an
  offense under this section is a felony of the second degree. An
  offense under this section is a felony of the first degree if:
               (1)  the applicable conduct constitutes an offense
  under Section 43.02 [offense is committed under Subsection (a)(2)]
  and the person who is trafficked is younger than 18 [14] years of
  age at the time of the offense; or
               (2)  the commission of the offense results in the death
  of the person who is trafficked.
         SECTION 16.03.  Section 125.002, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, is amended by adding Subsection (f-1) to read as follows:
         (f-1)  If the defendant required to execute the bond is a
  hotel, motel, or similar establishment that rents overnight lodging
  to the public and the alleged common nuisance is under Section
  125.0015(a)(6) or (7), the bond must also be conditioned that the
  defendant will, in each of the defendant's lodging units on the
  premises that are the subject of the suit, post in a conspicuous
  place near the room rate information required to be posted under
  Section 2155.001, Occupations Code, an operating toll-free
  telephone number of a nationally recognized information and
  referral hotline for victims of human trafficking.
         SECTION 16.04.  Section 125.045, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, is amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  If the defendant required to execute the bond is a
  hotel, motel, or similar establishment that rents overnight lodging
  to the public and the alleged common nuisance is under Section
  125.0015(a)(6) or (7), the bond must also be conditioned that the
  defendant will, in each of the defendant's lodging units on the
  premises that are the subject of the suit, post in a conspicuous
  place near the room rate information required to be posted under
  Section 2155.001, Occupations Code, an operating toll-free
  telephone number of a nationally recognized information and
  referral hotline for victims of human trafficking.
         SECTION 16.05.  (a)  Not later than September 1, 2008, the
  attorney general, in consultation with the Health and Human
  Services Commission, shall prepare and issue a report:
               (1)  outlining how existing laws and rules concerning
  victims and witnesses address or fail to address the needs of
  victims of human trafficking; and
               (2)  recommending areas of improvement and
  modifications in existing laws and rules.
         (b)  Not later than September 1, 2008, the Health and Human
  Services Commission, in consultation with the attorney general,
  shall prepare and issue a report:
               (1)  outlining how existing social service programs
  address or fail to address the needs of victims of human
               (2)  with respect to those needs, outlining the
  interplay of existing social service programs with federally funded
  victim service programs; and
               (3)  recommending areas of improvement and
  modifications in existing social service programs.
         SECTION 16.06.  Sections 20A.01 and 20A.02, Penal Code, as
  amended by this article apply only to an offense committed on or
  after the effective date of this article. An offense committed
  before the effective date of this article is governed by the law in
  effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section,
  an offense is committed before the effective date of this article if
  any element of the offense occurs before the effective date.
         SECTION 16.07.  Subsection (f-1), Section 125.002, and
  Subsection (a-1), Section 125.045, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, as added by this article, apply only to a suit filed on or
  after the effective date of this article. A suit filed before the
  effective date of this article is governed by the law in effect
  immediately before that date, and that law is continued in effect
  for that purpose.
         (3)  In Article 17 of the bill, strike added Subsection (i),
  Section 418.108, Government Code (conference committee report,
  page 69, lines 2-4), and substitute the following:
         (i)  A declaration under this section may include a
  restriction that exceeds a restriction authorized by Section
  352.051, Local Government Code.  A restriction that exceeds a
  restriction authorized by Section 352.051, Local Government Code,
  is effective only:
               (1)  for 60 hours unless extended by the governor; and
               (2)  if the county judge requests the governor to grant
  an extension of the restriction.
         (4)  In the Article 19 entitled "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
  TRAINING," strike added Subsection (a), Section 418.005,
  Government Code, and substitute the following:
         (a)  This section applies only to an appointed public
               (1)  whose position description, job duties, or
  assignment includes emergency management responsibilities; or
               (2)  who plays a role in emergency preparedness,
  response, or recovery.
         (5)  In the Article 19 entitled "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
  TRAINING," in added Subdivision (1), Subsection (b), Section
  418.005, Government Code, strike "elected or".
         (6)  In the Article 19 entitled "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
  TRAINING," in added Subdivision (2), Subsection (b), Section
  418.005, Government Code, strike "elected or".
         (7)  Add the following new article and section, to be
  numbered appropriately, to the conference committee report:
         SECTION ___.01.  Subchapter B, Chapter 521, Transportation
  Code, is amended by adding Section 521.032 to read as follows:
  IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE. (a)  The department may issue an
  enhanced driver's license or personal identification certificate
  for the purposes of crossing the border between this state and
  Mexico to an applicant who provides the department with proof of
  United States citizenship, identity, and state residency. If the
  department issues an enhanced driver's license or personal
  identification certificate, the department shall continue to issue
  a standard driver's license and personal identification
  certificate and offer each applicant the option of receiving the
  standard or enhanced driver's license or personal identification
         (b)  The department shall implement a one-to-many biometric
  matching system for the enhanced driver's license or personal
  identification certificate. An applicant for an enhanced driver's
  license or personal identification certificate must submit a
  biometric identifier as designated by the department, which,
  notwithstanding any other law, may be used only to verify the
  identity of the applicant for purposes relating to implementation
  of the border crossing initiative established by this section. An
  applicant must sign a declaration acknowledging the applicant's
  understanding of the one-to-many biometric match.
         (c)  The enhanced driver's license or personal
  identification certificate must include reasonable security
  measures to protect the privacy of the license or certificate
  holders, including reasonable safeguards to protect against the
  unauthorized disclosure of information about the holders. If the
  enhanced driver's license or personal identification certificate
  includes a radio frequency identification chip or similar
  technology, the department shall ensure that the technology is
  encrypted or otherwise secure from unauthorized information
         (d)  The requirements of this section are in addition to any
  other requirements imposed on applicants for a driver's license or
  personal identification certificate.  The department shall adopt
  rules necessary to implement this section. The department shall
  periodically review technological innovations related to the
  security of driver's licenses and personal identification
  certificates and amend the rules as appropriate, consistent with
  this section, to protect the privacy of driver's license and
  personal identification certificate holders.
         (e)  The department may set a fee for issuance of an enhanced
  driver's license or personal identification certificate in a
  reasonable amount necessary to implement and administer this
         (f)  The department may enter into a memorandum of
  understanding with any federal agency for the purposes of
  facilitating the crossing of the border between this state and
  Mexico. The department may enter into an agreement with Mexico, to
  the extent permitted by federal law, to implement a border crossing
  initiative authorized by this section.  The department shall
  implement a statewide education campaign to educate residents of
  this state about the border crossing initiative.  The campaign must
  include information on:
               (1)  the forms of travel for which the existing and
  enhanced driver's license and personal identification certificate
  can be used; and
               (2)  relevant dates for implementation of laws that
  affect identification requirements at the border with Mexico.
         (g)  A person may not sell or otherwise disclose biometric
  information accessed from an enhanced driver's license or any
  information from an enhanced driver's license radio frequency
  identification chip or similar technology to another person or an
  affiliate of the person.  This subsection does not apply to a
  financial institution described by Section 521.126(e).
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 90 was adopted by the Senate
  on May 28, 2007.
  Secretary of the Senate    
         I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 90 was adopted by the House
  on May 28, 2007.
  Chief Clerk of the House   