80R2134 KLA-D
  By: Williams S.J.R. No. 55
proposing a constitutional amendment dedicating certain amounts of
state franchise tax revenue to reducing school district maintenance
and operations tax rates.
       SECTION 1.  Section 3, Article VII, Texas Constitution, is
amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
       (f)  The amount of revenue collected from the state franchise
tax in a state fiscal year that exceeds the amount the comptroller
of public accounts estimates would have been collected in that
state fiscal year from the state franchise tax as it existed on
August 31, 2007, if the tax in existence on that date had been in
effect for that state fiscal year, may be used in the manner
provided by the legislature only to reduce the rates of ad valorem
maintenance and operations taxes levied for the support of primary
and secondary public education.
       SECTION 2.  The following temporary provision is added to
the Texas Constitution:
       TEMPORARY PROVISION. (a) This temporary provision applies
to the constitutional amendment proposed by the 80th Legislature,
Regular Session, 2007, dedicating certain amounts of state
franchise tax revenue to reducing the rates of ad valorem
maintenance and operations taxes levied for the support of primary
and secondary education.
       (b)  The amendment to Section 3, Article VII, of this
Constitution takes effect January 1, 2008, and applies only to
state franchise tax revenue collected on or after that date.
       SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 6, 2007.  
The ballot for the election shall be printed to permit voting for or
against the proposition: "The constitutional amendment dedicating
certain amounts of revenue from state franchise taxes to reducing
school district maintenance and operations tax rates."