WHEREAS, Thousands of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts,
Venturers, and Sea Scouts from all over Texas will march down
Congress Avenue to the State Capitol on February 3 to deliver
the 2007 Report to State and to celebrate the 100th anniversary
of the World Scouting Movement; and
       WHEREAS, The Report to State gives Scouts an
opportunity to inform state leaders, who are represented by
Attorney General Greg Abbott, about the achievements of Scouts
and the ways in which Scouting has improved communities during
the past year; and
       WHEREAS, In 2006, Scouts provided a quarter of a million
hours of community service in Texas, and the number of youth
members of Scout troops in the state has now risen to more than
340,000; members of the Texas Legislature take a sincere interest
in Scouting and many are involved with local Scout troops and
have sons or daughters who are Scouts; and
       WHEREAS, Many Texas leaders, famous Texans, and people
with close Texas ties have been Scouts, including
President George W. Bush, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst,
Attorney General Greg Abbott, Walter Cronkite, Don Meredith,
David Robinson, Nolan Ryan, Roger Staubach, George Strait, and
Herschel Walker; in addition, 17 members of Congress currently
representing the State of Texas have been Scouts; and
       WHEREAS, Texans who have earned the highest Scouting rank,
Eagle Scout, include Governor Rick Perry, House Speaker Tom Craddick,
Representative Mike O'Day, the late United States
Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Defense Secretary Robert Gates,
Congressman Louis Gohmert, Congressman Jeb Hensarling, and
Congressman Pete Sessions; and
       WHEREAS, Scouting helps build character and increases the
likelihood that young people will take leadership roles in clubs
or school organizations, place the needs of others before their
own, have self-confidence, be active in a variety of after-school
activities, and resist peer pressure to take part in delinquent
or dishonest activities; and
       WHEREAS, Scouting produces young people who believe in
strong families, community service, and active citizenship,
which makes for stronger and more successful communities and
states; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby welcome delegates from our state's
Scouting troops on their arrival to Austin for the 2007 Report to
State and extend congratulations to them on the occasion of the
100th anniversary of the World Scouting Movement; and, be it
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
each of the 19 council delegations reporting to state as an
expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on January 31, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate