WHEREAS, Early Childhood Caries is the most common chronic
disease among children, affecting more than half of elementary
school students; and
       WHEREAS, The effects of Early Childhood Caries are felt
especially among children in low-income families, with 80 percent
of the cases occurring in children at or below the poverty
line, and with those children having nearly 12 times more
restricted-activity days because of dental-related illnesses
than children from higher-income families; in addition, fewer
than one in five Medicaid-covered children receives even one
preventive dental service per year; and
       WHEREAS, The disease is detrimental to the health, life,
and education of the thousands of children affected by it, and it
is damaging to the education and health systems of the state,
causing a tremendous drain on public funds; and
       WHEREAS, Prevention is the key to combating Early
Childhood Caries; by fostering dental-health awareness in the
classroom, communities can help students understand how to avoid
the disease, thereby improving their overall health and
education; a reduction in the incidence of the disease will also
lighten the burden on the state health care system, saving vast
amounts of state funds and resources; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby recognize the first week of February 2007
as Operation Stop Decay Week in the public school systems of the
Lone Star State.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on February 5, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate