In Memory
  Dr. David Adolph Berchelmann
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the citizens of
  San Antonio in mourning the loss of Dr. David Adolph Berchelmann,
  who died January 17, 2007, at the age of 87; and
         WHEREAS, Born September 1, 1919, David Berchelmann was a
  lifelong resident of San Antonio and a graduate of Jefferson High
  School; he attended The University of Texas at Austin and Saint Mary's
  University and graduated from Saint Louis University School of
  Medicine in Saint Louis, Missouri; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Berchelmann served as a naval physician
  during World War II; after his military service he joined his
  father in the practice of medicine at the Berchelmann Clinic; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Berchelmann also joined the staff of
  Santa Rosa Hospital, where he taught obstetrics and gynecology to
  interns and residents; he joined the staff of Grace Lutheran
  General Hospital as well, where he organized the obstetrics and
  gynecology department, was appointed director of Medical
  Education, and organized a family practice residency training
  program; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Berchelmann's devotion to medicine and
  civic-mindedness was manifested by his appointments as a
  physician to the Buckner Baptist Benevolence-Baptist Maternity
  Home, the Texas Cradle Society, and the Edgewood Independent
  School District; he was recruited for the Civil Air Patrol and
  served as the flight surgeon for Group 19; he was a fellow of the
  International College of Surgeons and a member of the Southern
  Medical Association, the Bexar County Medical Society, and the
  Texas Medical Association; and
         WHEREAS, A man of courage, strength, and compassion, he
  gave generously to others, and his wisdom, warmth, and valued
  counsel will not be forgotten by those who knew him; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Berchelmann was a devoted husband, father,
  and grandfather, and he will long be remembered for his generous
  spirit and his many accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
  80th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved
  family of Dr. David Adolph Berchelmann:  his loving wife, Connie;
  his daughters and sons-in-law, Constance Joy and John Allovio,
  Nancye and Jerald Flasch, Mary Ellen and Dr. Daniel Tallerico,
  and Penny and Mick Muller; his sons and daughter-in-law,
  Adolph George Berchelmann III and Judge David A. Berchelmann, Jr.,
  and his wife, Dona; his brother, Dr. John Berchelmann, Sr.; and his
  10 grandchildren; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the members of his family as an expression of deepest sympathy
  from the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this
  day, it do so in memory of Dr. David Adolph Berchelmann.
      President of the Senate
      I hereby certify that the
  above Resolution was adopted by
  the Senate on February 14, 2007,
  by a rising vote.
      Secretary of the Senate
       Member, Texas Senate