WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
recognize February 14, 2007, as Mission Day at the Capitol and to
welcome the citizens of Mission who have traveled to Austin for
this occasion; and
       WHEREAS, The earliest settlers of the Mission area were
the Native American Coahuiltecans, a name that refers to the
indigenous people of 200 tribes who lived on both sides of
the Rio Grande from the mouth of the Pecos River to the
Gulf of Mexico; and
       WHEREAS, Over 200 years ago, the Spanish settled the vast
area stretching from the Panuco River in Tampico, Mexico, to
present-day Corpus Christi, Texas; in 1762, King Carlos III of
Spain ordered a just and equal division of the territory, and
in this process, porciones of land along the Rio Grande were
established; Porciones 55 and 57 were the location of
Rancho La Lomita, which became the site of the historic
La Lomita Chapel; and
       WHEREAS, Written records indicate that the site known as
La Lomita was granted to Captain Cantu of Reynosa by a Spanish
grant in 1767, and the land was eventually sold to Rene Guyard,
who left the land to the Missionary Oblates of Mary; the priests
of the Oblate order established the La Lomita Mission in 1824,
and La Lomita Chapel was built in 1865; and
       WHEREAS, In 1908, the Missouri Pacific Railroad
established a railway station near the mission, and that same
year, the City of Mission was founded; Mrs. Ann Voltz, who lived
in the Madero area, suggested that the new town be named Mission
after the La Lomita Mission; since 1908, the City of Mission has
grown from a railroad stop to a thriving city with a population
approaching 50,000; and
       WHEREAS, An orange grove had been planted by the Oblate
priests, and thus the Mission area became the locale of the first
citrus trees to be planted in the Rio Grande Valley; Mission was
designated the Lone Star State's Home of the Grapefruit by the
75th Texas Legislature; the citrus industry is a multimillion-dollar
business that is celebrated annually during the Texas Citrus
Fiesta; and
       WHEREAS, Mission was immortalized in Larry McMurtry's novel
and miniseries, Lonesome Dove, and its notable residents have
included the late United States Senator and Treasury Secretary
Lloyd Bentsen and former United States Congressman and Agriculture
Secretary Kika de la Garza; Mission was the childhood home of
Coach Tom Landry and a second home to Governor Allan Shivers and
the illustrious William Jennings Bryan; and
       WHEREAS, The Mission area is now known for its birding
and nature study opportunities provided by the city's nearby
Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, site of the headquarters
of the World Birding Center; and
       WHEREAS, Mission Day at the Capitol provides an opportunity
to honor the city's heritage and its charm and many amenities,
which are enjoyed by residents and vacationers of all ages; now,
therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby join the citizens of Mission in paying
tribute to their unique city and extend to them best wishes for
an enjoyable Mission Day at the Capitol; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
the residents of the City of Mission as an expression of esteem
from the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on February 14, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate