WHEREAS, On February 21, 2007, proud residents,
businesspeople, and friends of the Richardson community are
meeting at the State Capitol for Richardson's Telecom Corridor
Legislative Day; and
       WHEREAS, Located just north of Dallas in both Collin and
Dallas Counties, Richardson is home to almost 100,000 people and
a high concentration of technology and telecommunications firms,
as well as financial services firms and corporate headquarters;
       WHEREAS, The collaboration between business and government
that characterizes the region is due in large part to the
committed efforts of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce and the
City of Richardson; assistance from the state's Texas Enterprise
Fund and Emerging Technology Fund has also greatly contributed
to local economic development initiatives; and
       WHEREAS, Richardson has been among the most successful
cities for economic development in the nation, with its
City-Chamber economic development partnership receiving the
prestigious "Technology-Led Development Award" from the
International Economic Development Council in 2006; after
capturing the largest capital investment in the United States
in 2004 made by a single company, Texas Instruments, Richardson
followed up by winning the Countrywide Financial 5,000-job
campus project in 2005 and the Blue Cross Blue Shield
1.1 million-square-foot headquarters in 2006; no city of its
size in the state has ever attracted so many nationally
significant projects of such size in such a short span of years;
       WHEREAS, Richardson's high quality of life makes it an
ideal home to modern business; in addition to some of the state's
best schools and colleges, the city boasts more than 1,000 acres
of park space, and the nationally known Wildflower Arts and Music
Festival and Cottonwood Arts Festival are apt reflections of the
area's rich cultural opportunities; and
       WHEREAS, Richardson is also home to The University of Texas
at Dallas, a dynamic public research institution on the cutting
edge of science, technology, and medicine; the site of the new
$85 million Natural Science and Engineering Research Building,
the university is known for its outstanding school of engineering
and computer science as well as for its exceptional faculty and
staff; and
       WHEREAS, The Richardson Chamber of Commerce and the area's
technology leadership have made Richardson's Telecom Corridor
area one of the showpieces of modern Texas, and they can take
great pride in their many accomplishments as they look forward to
the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead; now, therefore,
be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby recognize February 21, 2007, as
Richardson's Telecom Corridor Legislative Day and extend a warm
welcome to the area's business and civic leaders visiting the
State Capitol.
Carona, Shapiro
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on February 19, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate
     Member, Texas Senate