WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
recognize Robert Villarreal, who recently received a Citizen
Hero Award from the San Antonio Police Department; and
       WHEREAS, The Citizen Hero Award is the police department's
highest award for a civilian; and
       WHEREAS, Robert is a 21-year veteran of the United States
Air Force and is a United States Customs and Border Protection
officer; while driving down Jones Maltsberger Road on January 23,
he saw a 10-year-old boy covered in blood calling for help after
scrambling through a fence; and
       WHEREAS, Robert did not hesitate to act and placed himself
in danger by running into the boy's house and wrestling a knife
away from the child's mother, who was attacking her other son;
       WHEREAS, Robert's actions were truly heroic, and he most
likely saved one or both boys' lives while facing a grave danger
to his own personal safety; and
       WHEREAS, Mr. Villarreal exhibited uncommon courage and
perseverance in handling a life-threatening event, and he is most
deserving of legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby commend Robert Villarreal for his
heroism, his exemplary courage, and his service to his community;
and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
him as an expression of highest regard from the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on March 27, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate