WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
recognize Governor Bill Richardson, of the State of New Mexico,
for his many accomplishments and takes pleasure in welcoming him
to the capital of the Lone Star State; and
       WHEREAS, Recently reelected to a second term as governor of
his state by the largest margin of victory in New Mexico's history,
Governor Richardson has enjoyed an exceptionally productive and
fulfilling career in public service, in addition to his successful
work in former positions in academia and the private sector; and
       WHEREAS, Governor Richardson has led New Mexico to a position
of national leadership in job growth and economic momentum; under
his leadership, the state has attained a balanced budget and has
the highest budget reserves in the state's history; and
       WHEREAS, Prior to his election as governor, he served the
citizens of northern New Mexico for 15 years as a representative of
the 3rd Congressional District, one of the most ethnically diverse
in the nation; during his tenure in the United States Congress,
he served as a special envoy on numerous sensitive international
missions, including successfully winning the release of hostages
and American servicemen in North Korea, Iraq, and Cuba; and
       WHEREAS, In 1997, Governor Richardson was appointed
United States Ambassador to the United Nations; while serving
in that position, he addressed many difficult challenges around
the world; he served as an advocate for universal human rights,
fought to increase awareness of the status of women in places
such as Afghanistan, staunchly stood for international fair
labor standards, and addressed such issues as global warming;
in recognition of his concern for human rights abuses and his
diplomatic work, he has been nominated several times for the
Nobel Peace Prize; and
       WHEREAS, In 1998, Governor Richardson was unanimously
confirmed by the United States Senate as Secretary of Energy,
a position in which he championed environmental responsibility
and clean and renewable technologies that will reduce our reliance
on foreign resources; he also created a better working environment
and further accountability at the Department of Energy; now,
therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby commend Governor Bill Richardson
for his exceptional accomplishments on behalf of the citizens
of New Mexico and the United States and extend to him a heartfelt
welcome to Austin; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
him as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
Ellis, Shapleigh, Van de Putte
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on March 19, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate
     Member, Texas Senate
     Member, Texas Senate