WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
recognize the members of Class 16 of Leadership Rowlett, who
are visiting the State Capitol on March 21 and 22, 2007; and
       WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce,
Leadership Rowlett is part of a national leadership program in
which participants attend class sessions over a nine-month
period and meet with local civic and business leaders to learn
more about how local, county, and state government affects the
citizenry and business dealings of their community; the program
helps class members cultivate personal, organizational, and
community leadership skills; and
       WHEREAS, This year's Leadership Rowlett group operates
under the direction of Chairperson Nelda Lavendar of the Rowlett
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; David Watlington,
program chairman of Leadership Rowlett; and steering committee
members and facilitators Joan Leonard and Debbie Kneggs;
benefiting from their guidance and commitment are 11 individuals
who come from diverse backgrounds and disciplines:  Katie Corder,
Rob DeGroot, Steve Ferrie, and Jennifer Roberson of the
City of Rowlett; Vicki Devantier of the Garland Independent
School District; Brandon Frosch of Chase Bank; Paul Lott of
Lindy Lott Wreckers Service; Ellis Mayberry of Capital One Bank;
Greg Mitchell of The Mitchell Law Firm; Rob Parker of American
National Bank; and Joshua Whitaker of LakePointe Medical Center;
       WHEREAS, Endeavoring to build a more informed and involved
citizenry and to develop new civic leaders, all those associated
with this invaluable program are helping to ensure a bright future
for the citizens of Rowlett; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby recognize the members of Leadership
Rowlett Class 16 and extend to them best wishes for an educational
and enjoyable visit to the seat of Texas government; and, be it
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
the Leadership Rowlett participants as an expression of high
regard from the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on March 22, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate