WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
recognize Lee Couch for his many years of outstanding service
to our state; and
       WHEREAS, Mr. Couch began his distinguished service to the
state as a staff member to State Senator Jack Ogg; he was later
instrumental in the development of the Texas Code of Ethics
while working on the staff of the secretary of state; and
       WHEREAS, A dedicated advocate for Bell Helicopter Textron
for two decades, Mr. Couch played an important role in the
development of the Texas aerospace industry; and
       WHEREAS, His work for Bell Helicopter Textron included
spearheading the planning and coordination of the Texas Task
Force for Tiltrotor Technology, a nonprofit organization of
Texas leaders whose support proved vital to making our state
the world center for this innovative industry; and
       WHEREAS, Mr. Couch represented CGI Read-Poland in
legislative affairs at the Capitol for 28 years, and he has
recently been named the first legislative affairs manager in
the history of Bell Helicopter Textron; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby commend Lee Couch for his long and
dedicated service to the people of Texas and extend to him best
wishes on his new position and in all his future endeavors; and,
be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
him as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on April 4, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate