WHEREAS, On this day, students involved in the Urban Youth
Development Program of Texas Cooperative Extension have come to
the Capitol to meet state leaders and experience the legislative
process firsthand; and
       WHEREAS, The Empowering Teen Leaders program seeks to
create a learning experience that is stimulating and satisfying
to all aspects of the student's nature and also helps young urban
Texans gain knowledge, develop life skills, and form attitudes
that will enable them to be self-directed and accomplished
adults; and
       WHEREAS, The teen leader program helps to instill in youth
the knowledge and skills essential for success and a commitment
to the betterment of their community through volunteerism; teens
are expected to complete a leadership course, as well as attend
Government in Action, an interactive learning experience of the
legislative process with state representatives and other elected
officials; and
       WHEREAS, Through their involvement, the high school
juniors and seniors present today have demonstrated great
initiative and maturity; becoming role models for their peers,
these student leaders join a select group of students who have
previously received this worthwhile training; now, therefore, be
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby commend the Empowering Teen Leaders
program for its work in developing future Texas leaders and
extend a warm welcome to the visiting members of this fine
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on April 18, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate