WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas honors and
commemorates the life of Liviu Librescu, who died April 16, 2007,
at the age of 76 while courageously defending the lives of his
students at Virginia Tech University; and
       WHEREAS, An Israeli engineering and mathematics lecturer,
Dr. Librescu graduated from the Polytechnic University in Bucharest
in 1953 with a degree in mechanics and aviation construction; he
earned his doctorate in 1969 from the Bucharest-based Academy of
Sciences; and
       WHEREAS, Dr. Librescu was a survivor of the horrors of the
Holocaust; he was interned in a labor camp during World War II and
was then sent with his family and thousands of other Jews to a
central ghetto in the city of Focsani; hundreds of thousands of
Romanian Jews were killed during the war; and
       WHEREAS, After the war, Dr. Librescu worked at a government
aerospace company but found his career blocked when he refused to
swear allegiance to Romania's Communist regime; with the help of
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, he and his family received
an emigration permit and left for Israel in 1978; he and his family
moved to Virginia in 1985; and
       WHEREAS, Dr. Librescu was a highly respected and much beloved
professor at Virginia Tech University; on the day Jews around the
world honored "Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah," the Holocaust Memorial
Day, Liviu Librescu blocked the path of a gunman and heroically
sacrificed his own life so that his students could survive; and
       WHEREAS, A man of great courage, strength, and compassion,
he gave generously to others, and his wisdom, warmth, and valued
counsel will not be forgotten by those who knew him; and
       WHEREAS, He was a devoted husband and father, and he will
long be remembered with affection and admiration by all who were
privileged to share in his life; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved
family of Liviu Librescu; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the
members of his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from
the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day,
it do so in memory of Liviu Librescu.
Averitt Harris Seliger
Brimer Hegar Shapleigh
Carona Hinojosa Uresti
Deuell Jackson Van de Putte
Duncan Janek Watson
Ellis Lucio Wentworth
Eltife Nelson West
Estes Nichols Whitmire
Fraser Ogden Williams
Gallegos Patrick Zaffirini
Dewhurst, President of the Senate
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on April 23, 2007, by a
rising vote.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate