WHEREAS, The year 2007 marks the 100th anniversary of the
renowned Texas company, Blue Bell Creameries of Brenham; and
       WHEREAS, Founded as a Washington County dairy cooperative
called the Brenham Creamery Company, the firm took over an
abandoned cotton gin and began making butter from excess cream
in 1907; and
       WHEREAS, The creamery made its first ice cream four years
later, at the rate of two gallons a day; packed in wooden tubs
filled with ice and salt, the ice cream was delivered to local
residents by a horse-drawn wagon; and
       WHEREAS, The popularity of the product spread quickly by
word of mouth, and the creamery increased production; renamed
Blue Bell Creameries in 1930, after the beloved Texas wildflower,
the company began distributing its ice cream in refrigerated
trucks to grocery stores in 1936; and
       WHEREAS, Under the leadership of E. F. Kruse, who served
as general manager from 1919 to 1951, and thereafter, under
the leadership of his sons, Ed and Howard, Blue Bell Creameries
has expanded throughout the south-central and southeastern
United States; now distributed in 16 states, Blue Bell Creameries
ice cream is one of the top three best-selling ice cream brands
in the United States; and
       WHEREAS, Still purchasing its raw materials from local
farmers' cooperatives, Blue Bell Creameries manufactures more
than 20 flavors year-round and 20 seasonal flavors, and the
Blue Bell Creameries factory in Brenham draws 117,000 visitors
each year; and
       WHEREAS, Blue Bell Creameries is celebrating its
centennial throughout 2007 with a traveling ice cream caravan,
a flavor-naming contest, and a three-day birthday party in July
in Brenham; the summer will also bring the unveiling of two new
bronze sculptures in Brenham, one depicting the company's famous
logo of a girl leading a cow, and the other portraying original
company manager E. F. Kruse; and
       WHEREAS, Living up to its motto of "We eat all we can and
sell the rest," Blue Bell Creameries has brought sweetness and
joy to generations of Texans and other lovers of ice cream across
the South with its century-long commitment to quality and to
innovative marketing; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
80th Legislature, hereby congratulate Blue Bell Creameries
on its 100th anniversary and extend best wishes to the company
and its employees for continued success; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared
for Blue Bell Creameries as an expression of high regard by
the Texas Senate.
    President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on April 24, 2007.
    Secretary of the Senate
     Member, Texas Senate