WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the
  residents of the City of Killeen in celebrating the
  125th anniversary of the founding of their city; and
         WHEREAS, Killeen came into existence when the Gulf,
  Colorado, and Santa Fe Railway bought 360 acres of land located
  in the rolling Grand Prairie country of western Bell County and
  platted a seventy-block town on the site; the town was named
  after the assistant general manager of the railway,
  Frank P. Killeen, and the first train arrived on May 15, 1882;
         WHEREAS, With cotton as its principal crop, Killeen
  prospered as an agricultural center for the next 60 years; by
  1940, the city had grown from 300 residents to more than 1,200;
         WHEREAS, The demographics of Killeen were changed forever
  when the United States Army established Camp Hood on the town's
  borders as a military training base at the onset of World War II;
  the population of Killeen grew rapidly in the next few years, and
  housing was so scarce that some newcomers paid to sleep in
  henhouses, and nearly 1,000 workers lived in a tent city; and
         WHEREAS, Camp Hood was established as a permanent base in
  1950 and its name was changed to Fort Hood; the prosperity and
  culture of the city became closely linked to the military; and
         WHEREAS, Killeen continued to grow, and by 1955, the
  infrastructure of Killeen was strained by growing demands on its
  limited facilities; the city drew up a master plan to meet a
  multiplicity of needs, including street additions and improvements,
  parks and recreation centers, new schools and hospitals, and more
  water and sewage facilities; and
         WHEREAS, Killeen today has a diverse population of
  approximately 100,000 residents; the city is a center for
  commerce and tourism and is home to the Mayborn Planetarium and
  the Space Theater on the campus of Central Texas College;
  Fort Hood also attracts visitors to its two museums, the 1st
  Cavalry Division Museum and the 4th Infantry Division Museum,
  which showcase such items as cavalry sabers, assault helicopters,
  and tanks; and
         WHEREAS, Killeen's anniversary is an appropriate time to
  recognize the city's rich history and the many contributions its
  citizens have made to our state and to the military families of
  Fort Hood; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
  80th Legislature, hereby congratulate the City of Killeen on the
  125th anniversary of its founding and extend best wishes for the
  future to its residents; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the residents of Killeen as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 15, 2007.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate