WHEREAS, On May 13, 1915, Richard Louis Randolph first
  entered this world, and the members of this chamber would like to
  congratulate him on the anniversary of this occasion, since it
  was through no fault of his own that this significant event
  occurred in Kingsburg, California; and
         WHEREAS, Although a native Californian, Richard Randolph
  retains considerable ties to the Lone Star State; one of his
  maternal relatives was among the defenders of the Alamo, and
  after the War Between the States, his maternal grandparents
  migrated from a plantation in the Deep South to a cattle ranch in
  Fannin County, where the community of Randolph, Texas, stands
  today as testament to the family's deep roots in the
  Blackland Prairie; and
         WHEREAS, Fannin County was where the marriage of his
  maternal grandparents, Lewis W. Lindley and Adelaide Corzine,
  took place in 1879, and was the birthplace of his mother,
  Lucy Ann Lindley; and
         WHEREAS, Richard Randolph began an illustrious 27-year
  military career by joining the Army Air Corps Flying Cadet
  program in 1939; he was stationed at Randolph Field and
  Kelly Field in San Antonio, during which time, with an avid love
  of flying, he spent weekends with like-minded officers
  practicing aerobatics and dog-fighting and acquainting himself
  with most Texas towns where a plane could land; he also developed
  a deep appreciation for the beauty and character of the state;
         WHEREAS, His military career included action in the
  Pacific Theater with the 462nd Bomb Group as a B-29 pilot; he flew
  well over 100 missions against the enemy, finishing his tour as
  deputy commander of his group and having attained the rank of
  lieutenant colonel at the earliest age in Army Air Corps history;
  he was highly decorated for his service and received three
  Distinguished Flying Cross medals, the Award of the Air Medal
  with Seven Oak-Leaf Clusters, and the Bronze Star; and
         WHEREAS, After World War II, Mr. Randolph served in Korea,
  where he received the Legion of Merit; he later earned a
  Bachelor's degree in physics, established the Radiological
  Defense School in Sandia Base, New Mexico, served as assistant
  for atomic energy in the Pentagon, earned a master's degree in
  personnel management, served as executive assistant to the chief
  of staff of the United States Air Force, and as director of air
  training of NATO forces for the supreme commander of Allied
  Forces in Europe; he retired with the rank of colonel at
  Lowrey Air Force Base in Colorado; and
         WHEREAS, Since his retirement from the Air Force,
  Richard Randolph has distinguished himself as an international
  businessman by serving as president of the World Security Fund
  and as founder and president of Microgravity Research
  Associates, Incorporated, a high-technology company organized to
  produce crystal materials in space; he is a scientist with two
  patents and a third pending and has authored scientific articles
  and presented papers at national science and space seminars; he
  has participated with major aerospace firms in developing plans
  for the United States Space Station, and since 1989, he has
  served as a member of NASA's Commercial Space Station Planning
  Team; and
         WHEREAS, Richard has been an avid fisherman and hunter
  throughout Texas, and he has provided significant economic
  development in Texas, as well as providing a unilateral wildlife
  management program through conservationist shooting techniques
  to ensure that an abundance of game is left to survive and
  multiply in its natural habitat; and
         WHEREAS, Richard Randolph has served with distinction in
  the defense of our nation, has furthered the interests of
  commerce and science, is a devoted husband and father, and is an
  outdoorsman with a love and respect for nature's bounty, thus
  embodying the highest principles that Texans hold near and dear;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
  80th Legislature, hereby congratulate Richard L. Randolph on his
  birthday and pay tribute to him for his lifetime of distinguished
  service and achievement and to his family--his late wife, Miriam;
  his son, Ian Michael, a Texas resident; his daughter-in-law,
  Jane Randolph; his granddaughter, Grace Adrienne Randolph; and
  the other members of his family; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That he be declared an Honorary Texan and that a
  copy of this Resolution be prepared for him and the members of his
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 27, 2007.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate