By: Carona S.R. No. 1204
         BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 80th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
  suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the
  conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on
  Senate Bill No. 11 (relating to homeland security; providing
  penalties) to consider and take action on the following matter:
         Senate Rules 12.03(3) and (4) are suspended to permit the
  conference committee to add the following new ARTICLE:
         SECTION 18.01.  Subchapter A, Chapter 421, Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 421.0025 to read as follows:
         Sec. 421.0025.  BORDER SECURITY COUNCIL. (a)  The Border
  Security Council consists of members appointed by the governor.
         (a-1)  At least one-third of the members appointed under
  Subsection (a) must be residents of the Texas-Mexico border
  region, as defined by Section 2056.002.
         (b)  The Border Security Council shall develop and
  recommend to the office of the governor performance standards,
  reporting requirements, audit methods, and other procedures to
  ensure that funds allocated by the office of the governor for
  purposes related to security at or near this state's
  international border are used properly and that the recipients of
  the funds are accountable for the proper use of the funds.
         (c)  The Border Security Council shall advise the office
  of the governor regarding the allocation of funds by the office
  for purposes related to security at or near this state's
  international border. Recommendations relating to the
  allocation of those funds must be made by a majority of the
  members of the council.
         (d)  The governor shall designate one member of the Border
  Security Council as the chair.  The chair shall arrange meetings
  of the Border Security Council at times determined by the members
  of the council.
         (e)  The meetings of the Border Security Council are
  subject to the requirements of Chapter 551 to the same extent as
  similar meetings of the Public Safety Commission. The plans and
  recommendations of the Border Security Council are subject to the
  requirements of Chapter 552 to the same extent as similar plans
  and recommendations of the Department of Public Safety of the
  State of Texas.
         (f)  Service on the Border Security Council by a state
  officer or employee or by an officer or employee of a local
  government is an additional duty of the member's office or
         SECTION 18.02.  The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 421,
  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 18.03.  Section 421.081, Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  The Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas shall
  provide facilities and administrative support for the Texas
  Fusion [Infrastructure Protection Communications] Center.
         SECTION 18.04.  Subchapter H, Chapter 2155, Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 2155.452 to read as follows:
  OR LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY. A state governmental entity that
  issues a request for proposals for technological products or
  services for homeland security or law enforcement purposes must
  allow a business entity to substitute the qualifications of its
  executive officers or managers for the qualifications required
  of the business entity in the request for proposals.
         SECTION 18.05.  Subsection (c), Article 61.02, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Criminal information collected under this chapter
  relating to a criminal street gang must:
               (1)  be relevant to the identification of an
  organization that is reasonably suspected of involvement in
  criminal activity; and
               (2)  consist of:
                     (A)  a judgment under any law that includes, as
  a finding or as an element of a criminal offense, participation
  in a criminal street gang;
                     (B)  a self-admission by the individual of
  criminal street gang membership that is made during a judicial
  proceeding; or
                     (C)  any two of the following:
                           (i) [(A)]  a self-admission by the
  individual of criminal street gang membership that is not made
  during a judicial proceeding;
                           (ii) [(B)]  an identification of the
  individual as a criminal street gang member by a reliable
  informant or other individual;
                           (iii) [(C)]  a corroborated
  identification of the individual as a criminal street gang member
  by an informant or other individual of unknown reliability;
                           (iv) [(D)]  evidence that the individual
  frequents a documented area of a criminal street gang and[,]
  associates with known criminal street gang members;
                           (v)  evidence that the individual[, and]
  uses, in more than an incidental manner, criminal street gang
  dress, hand signals, tattoos, or symbols, including expressions
  of letters, numbers, words, or marks, regardless of the format or
  medium in which the symbols are displayed, that are associated
  with a criminal street gang that operates in an area frequented
  by the individual and described by Subparagraph (iv); or
                           (vi) [(E)]  evidence that the individual
  has been arrested or taken into custody with known criminal
  street gang members for an offense or conduct consistent with
  criminal street gang activity.
         SECTION 18.06.  Subsection (c), Article 61.06, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  In determining whether information is required to be
  removed from an intelligence database under Subsection (b), the
  three-year period does not include any period during which the
  individual who is the subject of the information is:
               (1)  confined in a correctional facility operated by
  or under contract with the [institutional division or the state
  jail division of the] Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
               (2)  committed to a secure correctional facility
  operated by or under contract with the Texas Youth Commission, as
  defined by Section 51.02, Family Code; or
               (3)  confined in a county jail or a facility operated
  by a juvenile board in lieu of being confined in a correctional
  facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Department
  of Criminal Justice or being committed to a secure correctional
  facility operated by or under contract with the Texas Youth
         SECTION 18.07.  Chapter 61, Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is amended by adding Article 61.075 to read as follows:
  INFORMATION. (a)  A person or the parent or guardian of a child
  may request a law enforcement agency to determine whether the
  agency has collected or is maintaining, under criteria
  established under Article 61.02(c), criminal information
  relating solely to the person or child. The law enforcement
  agency shall respond to the request not later than the 10th
  business day after the date the agency receives the request.
         (b)  Before responding to a request under Subsection (a),
  a law enforcement agency may require reasonable written
  verification of the identity of the person making the request and
  the relationship between the parent or guardian and the child, if
  applicable, including written verification of an address, date
  of birth, driver's license number, state identification card
  number, or social security number.
         Explanation: This addition is necessary to add an ARTICLE
  to the bill related to miscellaneous homeland security and border
  security provisions concerning the Border Security Council, the
  Texas Fusion Center, certain contracts for homeland security or
  law enforcement technology, and criminal information.
        President of the Senate
         I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 27, 2007.
        Secretary of the Senate