By: Whitmire S.R. No. 1219
         SECTION 1.  CAUCUS REPORT.  At a caucus held on May 28,
  2007, and attended by 30 members of the senate, the caucus made
  the recommendations for the operation of the senate contained in
  this resolution.
         SECTION 2.  EMPLOYEES.  (a)  The lieutenant governor may
  employ the employees necessary for the operation of the office of
  the lieutenant governor from the closing of this session and
  until the convening of the next session. The lieutenant governor
  and the secretary of the senate shall be furnished postage,
  telegraph, telephone, express, and all other expenses incident
  to their respective offices.
         (b)  The secretary of the senate is the chief executive
  administrator and shall be retained during the interval between
  adjournment of this session and the convening of the next session
  of the legislature. The secretary of the senate may employ the
  employees necessary for the operation of the senate and to
  perform duties as may be required in connection with the business
  of the state from the closing of this session and until the
  convening of the next session.
         (c)  Each senator may employ secretarial and other office
  staff for the senator's office.
         (d)  The chairman of the administration committee is
  authorized to retain a sufficient number of staff employees to
  conclude the work of the enrolling clerk, calendar clerk, journal
  clerk, and sergeant-at-arms. The administration committee shall
  establish the salaries for the senate staff.
         SECTION 3.  SENATE OFFICERS.  (a)  The following elected
  officers of the 80th Legislature shall serve for the interval
  between adjournment of this session and the convening of the next
  session of the legislature:
               (1)  Secretary of the Senate--Patsy Spaw;
               (2)  Calendar Clerk--Linda Tubbs;
               (3)  Doorkeeper--Austin Osborn;
               (4)  Enrolling Clerk--Mardi Alexander;
               (5)  Journal Clerk--Dianne Arrington; and
               (6)  Sergeant-at-Arms--Rick DeLeon.
         (b)  All employees and elected officers of the senate
  shall operate under the direct supervision of the secretary of
  the senate during the interim.
         (c)  Officers named in this section serve at the will of
  the senate.
  COMMITTEE.  (a)  The chairman of the administration committee
  shall place the senate chamber in order and purchase supplies and
  make all necessary repairs and improvements between the
  adjournment of this session and the convening of the next session
  of the legislature.
         (b)  The chairman shall make an inventory of all furniture
  and fixtures in the senate chamber and in the private offices of
  the members, as well as of the supplies and equipment on hand in
  the purchasing and supply department and shall close the books
  for the Regular Session of the 80th Legislature.
         (c)  The chairman shall not acquire any equipment on a
  rental/purchase plan unless the equipment is placed on the senate
  inventory at the termination of the plan.
         (d)  The chairman shall examine records and accounts
  payable out of the contingent expense fund as necessary to
  approve all claims and accounts against the senate, and no claim
  or account shall be paid without the consent and approval of the
         (e)  The chairman and any member of the administration
  committee shall be entitled to receive actual and necessary
  expenses incurred during the interim.
         (f)  In addition to the duties of the administration
  committee expressly imposed by this resolution, the committee
  shall take actions necessary to ensure that the administrative
  operations of the senate comply with applicable law and are
  conducted effectively and efficiently.
         SECTION 5.  JOURNAL.  (a)  The secretary of the senate
  shall have 325 volumes of the Senate Journal of the Regular
  Session of the 80th Legislature printed. Two hundred and fifty
  copies shall be bound in buckram and delivered to the secretary
  of the senate who shall forward one volume to each member of the
  senate, the lieutenant governor, and each member of the house of
  representatives on request.
         (b)  The printing of the journals shall be done in
  accordance with the provisions of this resolution under the
  supervision of the chairman of the administration committee. The
  chairman shall refuse to receive or receipt for the journals
  until corrected and published in accordance with the preexisting
  law as finally approved by the chairman of the administration
  committee. When the accounts have been certified by the chairman
  of the administration committee, the accounts shall be paid out
  of the contingent expense fund of the 80th Legislature.
  (a)  Salaries and expenses authorized by this resolution shall
  be paid out of the per diem and contingent expense fund of the
  80th Legislature as provided by this section.
         (b)  The senate shall request the comptroller of public
  accounts to issue general revenue warrants for:
               (1)  payment of the employees of the lieutenant
  governor's office, the lieutenant governor, members of the
  senate, employees of the senate committees, and employees of the
  senate, except as provided by Subchapter H, Chapter 660,
  Government Code, upon presentation of the payroll account signed
  by the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary
  of the senate; and
               (2)  the payment of materials, supplies, and
  expenses of the senate, including travel expenses for members and
  employees, upon vouchers signed by the chairman of the
  administration committee and the secretary of the senate.
  furtherance of the legislative duties and responsibilities of
  the senate, the administration committee shall charge to the
  individual member's office budget:
               (1)  the reimbursement of all actual expenses
  incurred by the members when traveling in performance of
  legislative duties and responsibilities or incident to those
  duties; and
               (2)  the payment of all other reasonable and
  necessary expenses for the operation of the office of the
  individual senator during any period the legislature is not in
  session. Expenditures for these services by the administration
  committee are authorized as an expense of the senate and shall
  not be restricted to Austin but may be incurred in individual
  senatorial districts. Such expenses shall be paid from funds
  appropriated for the use of the senate on vouchers approved by
  the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary of
  the senate in accordance with regulations governing such
         (b)  Each senator shall be permitted a payroll of $37,000
  per month June 1 through August 31, 2007, and $37,500 per month
  beginning September 1, 2007, to employ secretarial and other
  office staff and for intrastate travel expenses for staff
  employees. This payroll amount accrues on the first day of the
  month and may not be expended prior to the month in which it
  accrues, but any unexpended portion for a month may be carried
  forward from month to month until the end of the fiscal year.
  Other expenses, including travel expenses or other reasonable
  and necessary expenses incurred in the furtherance and
  performance of legislative duties or in operation of the member's
  office or incident thereto, shall be provided in addition to the
  maximum salary authorized.
         (c)  The secretary of the senate may order reimbursement
  for legislative expenses consistent with this resolution and the
  establishment by the Texas Ethics Commission of per diem rates.
         (d)  Any member of the senate and the lieutenant governor
  are eligible to receive such reimbursement on application of the
  member or the lieutenant governor to the secretary of the senate.
         (e)  On the application of a member of the senate or the
  lieutenant governor, the applicant shall be entitled to
  reimbursement for legislative expenses for each legislative day.
         (f)  For purposes of this section, a legislative day
  includes each day of a regular or special session of the
  legislature, including any day the legislature is not in session
  for a period of four consecutive days or less, and all days the
  legislature is not in session if the senator or lieutenant
  governor attends a meeting of a joint, special, or legislative
  committee as evidenced by the official record of the body, and
  each day, limited to 12 days per month for non-chairs or 16 days
  per month for chairs and the lieutenant governor, the senator or
  the lieutenant governor, including those living within a 50-mile
  radius, is otherwise engaged in legislative business as
  evidenced by claims submitted to the chairman of the
  administration committee.
  employee of a senator accrues vacation leave, compensatory
  leave, or sick leave in accordance with policies adopted by the
  senator consistent with the requirements of this section.
         (b)  An employee may accrue vacation leave, compensatory
  leave, or sick leave only if the employee files a monthly time
  record with the senate human resources office. Time records are
  due not later than the 10th day of the following month.
         (c)  Compensatory time must be used not later than the
  last day of the 12th month following the month in which the time
  was accrued.
         (d)  An employee is not entitled to compensation for
  accrued but unused compensatory time.
  FUNCTIONS.  (a)  The lieutenant governor may appoint any member
  of the senate, the secretary of the senate, or any other senate
  employee to attend meetings of the National Conference of State
  Legislatures and other similar meetings. Necessary and actual
  expenses are authorized upon the approval of the chairman of the
  administration committee and the secretary of the senate.
         (b)  The lieutenant governor may designate a member of the
  senate to represent the senate at ceremonies and ceremonial
  functions. The necessary expenses of the senator and necessary
  staff for this purpose shall be paid pursuant to a budget
  approved by the administration committee.
         SECTION 10.  MEETINGS DURING INTERIM.  (a)   Each of the
  standing committees and subcommittees of the senate of the 80th
  Legislature may continue to meet at such times and places during
  the interim as determined by such committees and subcommittees
  and to hold hearings, recommend legislation, and perform
  research on matters directed either by resolution, the
  lieutenant governor, or as determined by majority vote of each
         (b)  Each continuing committee and subcommittee shall
  continue to function under the rules adopted during the
  legislative session where applicable.
         (c)  Expenses for the operation of these committees and
  subcommittees shall be paid pursuant to a budget prepared by each
  committee and approved by the administration committee.
         (d)  The operating expenses of these committees shall be
  paid from the contingent expense fund of the senate, and
  committee members shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses
  incurred in carrying out the duties of the committees.
         SECTION 11.  SENATE OFFICES.  Members not returning for
  the 81st Legislature shall vacate their senate offices by
  December 15, 2008.
  EMPLOYEE.  An employee of the senate may not furnish any
  information to any person, firm, or corporation other than
  general information pertaining to the senate and routinely
  furnished to the public.
         SECTION 13.  OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT.  An employee of the
  senate may not be employed by and receive compensation from any
  other person, firm, or corporation during the employee's senate
  employment without the permission of the employee's senate
         SECTION 14.  REMOVAL OF SENATE PROPERTY.  The secretary of
  the senate is specifically directed not to permit the removal of
  any of the property of the senate from the senate chamber or the
  rooms of the senate except as authorized by the chairman of the
  administration committee.
        President of the Senate
         I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 28, 2007.
        Secretary of the Senate