TO: | Honorable David Dewhurst , Lieutenant Governor, Senate Honorable Tom Craddick, Speaker of the House, House of Representatives |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB1031 by Shapiro (Relating to public school accountability and the administration of certain assessment instruments in public schools; providing a criminal penalty. ), Conference Committee Report |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2008 | ($3,024,838) |
2009 | ($19,945,366) |
2010 | ($23,678,315) |
2011 | ($47,900,083) |
2012 | ($48,700,083) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Savings/(Cost) from FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND 193 |
Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2007 |
2008 | ($3,024,838) | 5.5 |
2009 | ($19,945,366) | 10.0 |
2010 | ($23,678,315) | 15.0 |
2011 | ($47,900,083) | 23.0 |
2012 | ($48,700,083) | 23.0 |
The following sections of the bill are expected to have a fiscal impact to the state:
Section 7, with Section 9, would end the current high school assessments, including those at the exit level, and would require in their place the development of 12 end-of-course (EOC) assessments for secondary-level courses in Algebra I, Algebra II, geometry, biology, chemistry, physics, English I, English II, English III, world geography, world history, and United States history.
The section also would provide for the development of alternative EOC tests for special education students. Finally, the section would change the release schedule for questions and answer keys from every other year to every third year.
Section 8 would require that the EOC assessments include a series of special-purpose questions based on college readiness standards. The section would also require that state assessments be designed to be administered by computer.
The commissioner would be required to adopt a transition plan to move from the current assessments to the new EOC assessments, contemplating an implementation for the EOC assessments in the 2011-2012 school year. Students who are in grades 10 and above in 2011-2012 would be subject to the graduation requirements found in current law.
Section 10 would require annual administrations of nationally norm-referenced preliminary college preparation assessments to 8th grade students, to require annual administrations of the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) to 10th grade students, and to permit 11th and 12th grade students to select a nationally norm-referenced assessment used by colleges as part of the admissions process. The state would fund the costs associated with these assessments.
The bill would limit field testing separate from assessment administration to not more frequently than every other year, excluding new assessments required under state or federal law, and require that TEA complete a field testing study.
The bill would require a review of the state accountability system, and a report on public education accountability mandates.
Under current law, assessment costs are paid for through reductions to districts' Tier 1 compensatory education allotments, and the bill would direct the college preparation exam costs to be funded similarly. However, due to the changes in school finance made by House Bill 1, 79th Legislature, 3rd Called, a reduction in a district's Tier 1 state aid would result in a corresponding increase in hold harmless state aid in order to reach the district's total revenue target. Therefore, increases in appropriations for set-aside programs result in increased state cost. In the event Education Code 42.2516 were changed to restore set-aside funding to its pre-House Bill 1 (79-3) functionality, the bill would have no net state fiscal impact.
While the new assessment requirements will first affect students in the 2011-2012 school year, the development of new assessments could be phased in over a number of years beginning in FY2008 in order to complete the implementation timeline prescribed by the bill. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) estimates the total cost for development of all EOC assessments is $168 million. However, TEA currently has a contract with an assessment development contractor that includes development of some of these tests through 2009-2010 at a cost of $45 million. It is estimated that of the additional $123 million in development costs, $77.4 million would be expended starting in FY2008 and over the following four years, with the remaining amounts expended after FY2012. TEA estimates the distribution of this $77.4 million cost to be $4.7 million in FY2008, $8.8 million in FY2009, $9.6 million in FY2010, and $25.3 million in FY2011 and $29 million in FY2012.
TEA estimates that the development of alternative EOC assessments for certain special education students would be $500,000 in FY2010, and $2 million in each of FY2011 and FY2012. Additionally, the cost of developing optional college readiness and advanced course questions is estimated at $4 million in FY2011 and $2 million in FY2012. Finally, the cost of revising existing study guides to the new assessments is estimated to cost $1 million in FY2010, $2.5 million in FY2011 and $500,000 in FY2012.
TEA estimates the cost of revising the question and answer key release schedule from every other year to every third year would save approximately $3.2 million in each year.
TEA's cost estimates for state-provided EXPLORE, PSAT, ACT, and SAT exams are based on pupil projections for student growth in years FY2008 through FY2012. In FY2009 it is estimated that 318,236 8th grade students would take the EXPLORE from ACT at $7.62 per exam and 307,829 10th grade students would complete the PSAT at $12 per student. It is estimated that in FY2009, 193,207 12th grade students would attempt either the ACT or the SAT. It was assumed that half of the students would attempt the ACT at $29 per test, and the other half would attempt the SAT at $41.50 per test. The estimated total state cost for the EXPLORE, PSAT, ACT, and SAT in FY2009 is $12.9 million, increasing by approximately $600,000 each year thereafter.
The agency estimates the cost to conduct training on administration of the new assessment instruments would be approximately $1.1 million in FY2008, and $800,000 in subsequent years.
Additional staff resources would be necessary to develop multiple EOC assessments. Other staff resources would be needed to redesign quality control processes, reporting, and analysis systems; and for managing the production of increased amounts of administrative materials. At full implementation, the increase in full-time equivalent positions needed by the agency to implement the provisions of the bill is estimated to be 23, with an associated salary and other administrative costs of approximately $1.5 million annually. The positions would be needed in the following areas:
Analysis and Reporting – 1 Manager and 3 Systems Analysts
Alternative Assessments – 2 Manager and 2 Program Specialists
English language limited Assessments - 2 Managers and 2 Program Specialists
English Language Arts and Social Studies EOC – 1 Manager and 2 Program Specialists
Mathematics and Science EOC – 2 Managers and 1 Program Specialist
Test Administration – 3 Managers and 1 Program Specialist
In addition, 1 Research Specialist II would be required to be added to the administrative staff.
The change to EOC assessments would affect selected students beginning in the 2011-2012 fiscal year. In order to have in place the staff necessary to ensure the successful development of the EOC exams, it is estimated that the agency would require some additional staff starting in FY2008 and increasing to full staffing in FY2011. Therefore, it is assumed that the agency would require 5 positions and $354,838 in related costs in FY2008, 10 positions and $645,366 in related costs in FY2009, 15 positions and $978,315 in related costs in FY2010, and reaching a maximum of 23 positions in FY2011 and beyond.
After the transition from exit-level to end-of-course exams is completed in FY2015, it is expected that staffing and administrative costs at TEA could be reduced.
TEA assumes for the purpose of this estimate that the select committee on public school accountability would hold seven meetings prior to issuing a report of recommendations to the legislature. The Agency estimates that reimbursable expenses for committee members would total less than $35,000 for FY2008. The report on accountability mandates, due not later than December 1, 2008, is expected to require 0.5 additional FTEs and approximately $35,000 in supporting administrative costs for FY2008.
In the event Education Code 42.2516 were changed to restore set-aside funding to its pre-House Bill 1 (79-3) functionality, the bill would reduce school districts' compensatory allotment state aid in a statewide amount estimated above as the cost of the bill's provisions.
The bill would require a school district to offer courses or tutoring to students who fail to achieve standards as established by the bill, which could entail additional costs for districts. Additionally, tracking student progress toward graduation will be a more involved process for school districts. The bill may have other fiscal impact in terms of possible additional remediation due to increased number of graduation exams and the potential impact on elective course offerings; these potential costs cannot be estimated and would vary from district to district.
Source Agencies: |
LBB Staff: | JOB, JSp, UP, JGM