TO: | Honorable Jane Nelson, Chair, Senate Committee on Health & Human Services |
FROM: | John S. O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB1726 by Uresti (Relating to a study and report of the feasibility of providing a health passport to children receiving Medicaid or enrolled in the state child health plan program.), As Introduced |
The bill would require the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to conduct a feasibility study for providing a health passport to (1) Medicaid children under age 19 and who are not provided a health passport under another law of the state and (2) children in CHIP.
The bill requires HHSC to conduct a study of the feasibility of providing a health passport. The cost of the study could be absorbed within existing agency resources.
Source Agencies: | 529 Health and Human Services Commission
LBB Staff: | JOB, CL, PP, LR