Thursday, February 28, 2008

1:00 p.m.

Capitol Extension, Room E1.028






Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Intergovernmental Relations was held on Thursday, February 28, 2008, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.028, at Austin, Texas.







Senator Royce West

Senator Robert Nichols

Senator Dan Patrick


Senator Mario Gallegos, Jr.

Senator Jeff Wentworth




The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.  The following business was transacted: 


The Chair made opening remarks, introduced new committee director, Julie Frank and recognized Senator Nichols to make opening remarks.


The Chair laid out the interim committee charge to study and make recommendations on Texas' housing programs, with particular focus upon relating to increasing the effectiveness of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs' (TDHCA) Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program and examining potential rule changes to the HTC Program's Qualified Allocation Plan to give owners of mixed-income projects seeking low-income housing credits the same opportunity to receive credits that low-income projects have, thus helping cities address the problem of a lack of adequate quality affordable housing while enhancing central city revitalization.


The Chair called the following persons to provide invited and public testimony on this interim charge.  See attached witness list.


A quorum was established at 2:25 p.m.


There being no further business, at 2:45 p.m. Senator West moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair.  Without objection, it was so ordered. 





Senator Royce West, Chair




Tiffany White, Clerk