Monday, March 19, 2007

1:30 p.m. or upon adjournment

Capitol Extension, Room E1.028






Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Standing Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education was held on Monday, March 19, 2007, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.028, at Austin, Texas.







Senator Judith Zaffirini, Chair

Senator Kip Averitt

Senator Dan Patrick

Senator Royce West

Senator Tommy Williams






The chair called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m.  The following business was transacted: 


At 3:18 p.m. Senator Averitt assumed the chair. 


The chair laid out SB 469 and recognized Senator Zaffirini to explain the bill by Senator Brimer.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


SB 469 was left pending to await a quorum.


The chair laid out SB 1051 and recognized the author, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


Upon arrival of a quorum at 3:26 p.m., Senator Zaffirini moved that SB 1051 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 3 ayes and 0 nays, SB 1051 was reported favorably. 


Senator Zaffirini moved that the bill be reported to the full committee for its recommendation that the Administrative Committee certify it for placement on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.


Senator Zaffirini moved that SB 469 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 4 ayes and 0 nays,     SB 469 was reported favorably. 


Having been present during the hearing, Senator Williams requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on SB 469. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, and his vote was included in the total vote count.


Senator Zaffirini moved that the bill be reported to the full committee for its recommendation that the Administrative Committee certify it for placement on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.


At 3:30 p.m. Senator Zaffirini resumed the chair. 


The chair laid out SB 963 and recognized the author, Senator Shapleigh, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


Senator West moved that SB 963 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 4 ayes and 0 nays,     SB 963 was reported favorably. 


Having been present during the hearing, Senator Williams requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on SB 963. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, and his vote was included in the total vote count.


Senator West moved that the bill be reported to the full committee for its recommendation that the Administrative Committee certify it for placement on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.


At 3:33 p.m. Senator Averitt assumed the chair.


The chair laid out SB 1055 and recognized the author, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


Senator Zaffirini moved that SB 1055 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 5 ayes and 0 nays,     SB 1055 was reported favorably. 


At 3:47 p.m. Senator West assumed the chair.


The chair laid out SB 1053 and recognized the author, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


Senator Zaffirini moved that SB 1053 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 4 ayes and 0 nays,     SB 1053 was reported favorably. 


Having been present during the hearing, Senator Williams requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on SB 1053. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, and his vote was included in the total vote count.


Senator Zaffirini moved that the bill be reported to the full committee for its recommendation that the Administrative Committee certify it for placement on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.


The chair laid out SB 51 and recognized the author, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


Senator Zaffirini moved that SB 51 be reported favorably to the full committee for its recommendation to the Senate that it do pass and be printed. There being 4 ayes and 0 nays,     SB 51 was reported favorably. 


Having been present during the hearing, Senator Williams requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on SB 51. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent, and his vote was included in the total vote count.


Senator Zaffirini moved that the bill be reported to the full committee for its recommendation that the Administrative Committee certify it for placement on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.


At 3:59 p.m. Senator Zaffirini resumed the chair. 


Senator Patrick moved that the minutes of the March 12, 2007, hearing be approved. The motion was adopted by unanimous consent. 


SCR 3 was withdrawn at the request of the author.


There being no further business, at 4 p.m. Senator West moved that the committee stand recessed, subject to the call of the chair.  The motion was adopted by unanimous consent.







Senator Judith Zaffirini, Chair




Lauren Hendrix, Clerk